
Melone (Ryoko Shintani) - Kira Kira Serenade

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016年8月26日 at 23:01:49

Artist: Melone (Ryoko Shintani)
Title: Kira Kira Serenade
Source: クロスワールド -見知らぬ空のエターティア-
Tags: moonlightleaf sahuang narcissu Cross World -Mishiranu Sora no Etatia- visual novel BROCCOLI ブロッコリー
BPM: 76
Filesize: 11124kb
Play Time: 04:12
Difficulties Available:
  1. ErMei's Hard (3.01 stars, 571 notes)
  2. Kira (4.38 stars, 796 notes)
  3. Narcissu's Normal (1.82 stars, 308 notes)
  4. sahuang's Easy (1.01 stars, 156 notes)
Download: Melone (Ryoko Shintani) - Kira Kira Serenade
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
ErMei's Hard by moonlightleaf
Narcissu's Normal by Narcissu
sahuang's Easy by sahuang
SB by moonlightleaf
Athena Tennos
  1. 删掉所有蓝线书签【←看到蓝线不删会死星人
  2. 很多地方note和slider尾没对齐 绝对不止我提出来这么多 硬伤 建议自己事后再检查一遍
  1. 00:31:322 (2) - +clap
  2. 00:36:059 (2) - ^
  3. 00:38:428 (1) - finish
  4. 01:19:086 (4) - 这种stack读图对新手相对困难 不要遮起来比较好
  5. 01:41:586 (1) - 开头finish
  6. 02:59:743 (4,5,6,7) - 这种单点节奏对新手绝对困难 绝对不要出现
  7. 03:02:901 (3,4,5,6) - ^
  8. 03:10:007 (1) - 开头finish
  9. 03:35:270 (1) - 转盘接note太快了 easy的话起码要隔一条白线 建议把转盘换掉
  1. 00:26:586 (2) - 和00:25:007 (7,8) - 没有重叠好
  2. 00:38:428 (5) - 偶数折返不推荐;和后边00:39:217 (1) - 没有重叠好;开头+finish
  3. 00:51:059 - +note +finish +NC
  4. 01:03:691 (1) - 开头finish
  5. 01:25:007 (5) - 去掉 把4改成折返
  6. 01:29:546 (6) - 不要叠 放到外面来
  7. 01:30:336 (8) - ^
  8. 01:40:599 (4) - 删掉
  9. 01:41:586 (1) - 开头finish
  10. 02:06:849 (1) - ^
  11. 02:19:086 (7,8) - 建议放X轴 左右一边一个
  12. 02:32:112 (1) - 开头finish
  13. 02:44:349 (6) - 和5没有重叠好
  14. 02:51:651 - +note 和1重叠起来
  15. 02:57:967 (6) - 拿出来
  16. 02:58:757 (8) - ^
  17. 03:09:020 (4) - 删掉【复制粘贴迹象严重
  18. 03:10:007 (1) - 开头finish
  19. 03:32:112 (6) - NC
  20. 03:35:270 (1) - 开头finish
  21. 03:47:507 (7) - 拿到外面去
    *主要是这种stack排列不太好看 打起来也比较放不开 不如把stack单独拿出来做跳啊或者别的什么
  22. 04:00:533 (1) - 开头finish
  23. 04:02:112 (3) - NC
  1. 00:19:086 (5) - 没有对齐
  2. 00:28:855 - 这里试着加个note
  3. 00:49:480 (7) - NC
  4. 00:51:059 (12) - 有兴趣这里也可以NC
  5. 01:08:822 (7,8,9) - 8到9跳的有点突然 试着把8放到7和9的垂直平分线上
  6. 01:13:559 (8) - 拿出来不遮在7下面比较好
  7. 01:23:033 (1) - 和后面234保持等距
  8. 01:24:809 (1) - 试下这样的节奏和排列 会方便些读图
  9. 01:27:375 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 读图坑爆了 可以试试欣欣的那种1324-3546直线梗也许会好一点?
  10. 01:37:638 (8) - NC
  11. 01:41:586 (1) - 开头finish
  12. 02:19:480 - +note +finish +NC
  13. 02:32:112 (1) - +finish
  14. 02:38:033 (9) - 没有对齐
  15. 02:47:901 (6,7,8) - 打起来有一定难度 建议把8改成一个单向滑条
  16. 02:48:691 (1) - 也不要遮在8下面
  17. 02:59:743 (6,7,8,9) - 个人不推荐这样的跳 方形对角不是那么美观 把89和67重合做成往返跳试试?
  18. 03:10:007 (1) - 开头finish
  19. 03:19:480 (3,4,5) - 强烈建议把4摆到slider外面 而且5和slider尾也没有对齐。底下678同
  20. 03:25:007 (9) - 摆到y轴上
  21. 03:37:638 (10) - 和⑨的末尾重叠起来好了 放中间有点难看
  22. 03:41:980 (2) - 不要和1重叠 放到3上吧
  23. 03:52:441 (7) - 去掉7 把6改成折返slider
  24. 04:00:533 (1) - +finish
累死我了好歌 kirakira☆

sherrie__fay wrote:

  1. 00:31:322 (2) - +clap
  2. 00:36:059 (2) - ^
  3. 00:38:428 (1) - finish
  4. 01:19:086 (4) - 这种stack读图对新手相对困难 不要遮起来比较好
  5. 01:41:586 (1) - 开头finish
  6. 02:59:743 (4,5,6,7) - 这种单点节奏对新手绝对困难 绝对不要出现
  7. 03:02:901 (3,4,5,6) - ^
  8. 03:10:007 (1) - 开头finish
  9. 03:35:270 (1) - 转盘接note太快了 easy的话起码要隔一条白线 建议把转盘换掉
all fixed

Snowy Dream
Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
  1. Red - Important or Issue
  2. Blue - You'd better fix them
  3. Black - Normal Suggestions
Offset: 13171

[Purist's Normal]
HP-3(at least 2) OD-2

00:38:428 (1) - Use finish instead of whistle
01:16:322 (1) - Finish
03:33:697 (1) - Extend to 03:35:276. Then remove 03:35:276 (1,2) . (Yours is a bit difficult for beginners to read the map.)
04:06:855 (1) - Add whistle to these notes which are on the longest white ticks in this part.
04:14:355 - lower the volume to 5%

00:13:165 (1) - Add whistle to the start of the slider
00:28:954 (5) - Newcombo
00:39:217 (1) - Put this to other place ,ppl maybe hard read this :<
01:28:954 (5) - Add finish to the start of the slider and newcombo it.
01:40:599 (4,5) - Change the place
03:09:020 (4,5) - ^
02:17:901 (3,4,5) - Use a 1/6 slider with 3 returns instead of them
03:32:112 (6) - Newcombo
03:50:664 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - If you want to follow the vocal, try this

04:14:355 - lower the volume to 5%

00:38:526 (2) - Delete it
00:44:941 - Should be empty here, then you could do a jump on 00:45:138 (2)
01:48:099 - ^
03:29:151 - ^
00:49:480 (7) - Newcombo
01:28:954 (1) - This spinner makes no sense ,plz use circles and sliders map here.
01:44:447 (2) - Delete it
02:19:480 - Add a note with finish here
02:19:086 (10) - If you fix the previous, plz use whistle instead of finish.
02:43:165 (4,5,6,7,8) - maybe not staight?
02:57:375 (9) - Newcombo here instead of the next.And add finish to the start of the slider
03:35:270 (1) - Finish!
03:47:901 (1) - ^
Great Mapset :3
GL ;)
20:39 *Strawberry is editing [ Shintani Ryoko - Kira Kira Serenade [Hard]]
20:39 __Ag: 好
20:41 Strawberry: 开头的部分我觉得用这个clap来2,4有点不合适诶
20:41 __Ag: 2.4不行?那应该?
20:41 __Ag: clap不行?
20:41 Strawberry: 不是说2,4不行啦
20:41 Strawberry: :333
20:42 __Ag: 瞎了,那默认whistle怎么样
20:42 Strawberry: 听起来感觉这种clap放到第三拍更好一点
20:42 Strawberry: 你试试看呢
20:43 __Ag: 那....诶?..哎....那2.4怎么办、
20:43 Strawberry: 用弱一点的whistle?
20:44 __Ag: 默认的不是很弱?
20:44 Strawberry: 反正感觉现在的24有点破坏气氛的感觉xD
20:44 Strawberry: hmm..
20:44 __Ag: 瞎了,还得re呢orzzz
20:44 Strawberry: 我试了下默认的感觉也有点吵。。
20:44 Strawberry: 可能没个人感觉不一样啦
20:45 __Ag: 啊拉啦...
20:45 Strawberry: 你要是觉得现在还好的话可以不改<3
20:45 __Ag: 嗯..
20:48 Strawberry: 02:50:664 (1) - nc?
20:48 __Ag: 好
20:49 Strawberry: 02:53:428 (6) - 这个伸出去? x:96 y:64
20:49 Strawberry: 或者直接02:53:033 (5) - 加个repeat也比stack好(个人觉得
20:49 __Ag: 好
20:50 Strawberry: 02:54:217 (8) - NC?
20:50 __Ag: 嗯
20:52 Strawberry: 02:55:007 -
20:52 Strawberry: ...突然想到这个节奏》。try try?
20:52 Strawberry: :p
20:52 Strawberry: 02:59:743 (1,2) - 感觉应该ctrl+g
20:53 __Ag: 会不会接的有点紧?
20:54 Strawberry: 感觉还好..
20:54 Strawberry: 有后面的02:55:796 (1,2,3,4) - 就不会感觉会太紧
20:56 __Ag: 这不会
20:56 __Ag: 挺好的:D
20:57 Strawberry: 03:48:296 (2) - 这个也是觉得错开好点
20:58 Strawberry: :3
20:58 Strawberry: 03:55:007 (3) - ^
20:58 Strawberry: 挺好的图我star去
dazzling map! i will help to modding ~
IRCmod. fight~ >_<
nice map :)
麋鹿的第一张“rank”图 顶起啊!!
前排留名 快rank吧!
Please only give kudosu to people who mod your map.
Topic Starter

NoHitter wrote:

Please only give kudosu to people who mod your map.

sorry,I`m Begingger of edit map
mc姥爷 后排支持0.0
Hi _Ag ~


The sizes of the BGS are unranked , resize to 1024x768 or 800x600
In my opinion the first BG is hentai I recommend you use another BG in diff Purist's Normal.
Use the same kiai times in your diffs , i recommend in the guest diff same.Use these:
  • •Kiai #1: Starts on 01:41:586, ends on 02:06:849
    •Kiai #2: Starts on 03:10:007, ends on 03:47:901
[Purist's Normal]

•00:38:428 (1) - Move to x:32 y:248 , Leaving the circle work area (unrankable)
•00:49:480 (1) - Add circle here , to follow the vocal
•01:08:428 (3) - CTRL+G and move to x:256 y:192 , is more beatiful.
If you do the above, fix the spacing of the following notes.
•01:12:375 (4) - Move to x:384 y:352 , If you do the above, fix the spacing of the following notes.
•01:18:691 (3) - Fix the spacing please
•01:27:375 (1) - Move to x:176 y:120 to align with this note 01:25:796 (2)
•01:37:638 (3) - Move to x:256 y:64 or move two grids left
•01:41:586 (1) - This slider is very distant from the center of the spinner, this can be very difficult
for beginners at completion of rotating the spinner. Move to x:256 y:152 and fix the spacing of the following notes.
•02:30:533 (4) - 1 Grid up for align whit (2)


•00:45:336 - Add a circle here to follow the vocal
•00:47:704 (11) - Same add circle
•01:14:743 (8) - Make so , looks better:
•01:23:033 - Add a circle here to follow the vocal
•01:27:375 (1) - Whistle in the head slider , sounds better
•01:27:375 (3) - Same whistle in head of the slider
•01:31:322 (1) - Whistle in the head of the slider
•01:42:178 - Add circle here to follow the vocal and more fun
(This is a hard so no problems putting notes in red ticks)
•01:56:586 (5) - 1 Grid right
•02:15:532 (5) - Whistle
•02:44:743 (1) - Spacing too closed , move to x:192 y:352
•03:32:112 (1,3) - Whistle in the head of the slider , sounds better
•03:38:230 - Consider adding a note here, to keep pace and vocal
•03:44:546 - Same - Consider adding a note here, to keep pace and vocal
•03:46:421 (4) - Sounds Bad and delete this circle , not follow the rhythm of music or vocal
•03:54:217 (1) - Whistle because sounds better


•00:19:086 (5) - Spacing too closed
•00:51:059 (1) - Move to x:256 y:208 . looks better

I don't have time for modding this diff. , Well not so bad, ask me in game any questions
you have, if I am unemployed and will gladly help you make a IRCmod this diff (Kira).
I really liked the song.

Good Luck~ and Take my STAR .
Topic Starter

XinCrin wrote:

Hi _Ag ~


The sizes of the BGS are unranked , resize to 1024x768 or 800x600
In my opinion the first BG is hentai I recommend you use another BG in diff Purist's Normal.
Use the same kiai times in your diffs , i recommend in the guest diff same.Use these:
  • •Kiai #1: Starts on 01:41:586, ends on 02:06:849
    •Kiai #2: Starts on 03:10:007, ends on 03:47:901
[Purist's Normal]

•00:38:428 (1) - Move to x:32 y:248 , Leaving the circle work area (unrankable)
•00:49:480 (1) - Add circle here , to follow the vocal
•01:08:428 (3) - CTRL+G and move to x:256 y:192 , is more beatiful.
If you do the above, fix the spacing of the following notes.
•01:12:375 (4) - Move to x:384 y:352 , If you do the above, fix the spacing of the following notes.
•01:18:691 (3) - Fix the spacing please
•01:27:375 (1) - Move to x:176 y:120 to align with this note 01:25:796 (2)
•01:37:638 (3) - Move to x:256 y:64 or move two grids left
•01:41:586 (1) - This slider is very distant from the center of the spinner, this can be very difficult
for beginners at completion of rotating the spinner. Move to x:256 y:152 and fix the spacing of the following notes.
•02:30:533 (4) - 1 Grid up for align whit (2)


•00:45:336 - Add a circle here to follow the vocal
•00:47:704 (11) - Same add circle
•01:14:743 (8) - Make so , looks better:
•01:23:033 - Add a circle here to follow the vocal
•01:27:375 (1) - Whistle in the head slider , sounds better
•01:27:375 (3) - Same whistle in head of the slider
•01:31:322 (1) - Whistle in the head of the slider
•01:42:178 - Add circle here to follow the vocal and more fun
(This is a hard so no problems putting notes in red ticks)
•01:56:586 (5) - 1 Grid right
•02:15:532 (5) - Whistle
•02:44:743 (1) - Spacing too closed , move to x:192 y:352
•03:32:112 (1,3) - Whistle in the head of the slider , sounds better
•03:38:230 - Consider adding a note here, to keep pace and vocal
•03:44:546 - Same - Consider adding a note here, to keep pace and vocal
•03:46:421 (4) - Sounds Bad and delete this circle , not follow the rhythm of music or vocal
•03:54:217 (1) - Whistle because sounds better


•00:19:086 (5) - Spacing too closed
•00:51:059 (1) - Move to x:256 y:208 . looks better

I don't have time for modding this diff. , Well not so bad, ask me in game any questions
you have, if I am unemployed and will gladly help you make a IRCmod this diff (Kira).
I really liked the song.

Good Luck~ and Take my STAR .

thx for you modded :)
Topic Starter

XinCrin wrote:

Hi _Ag ~


The sizes of the BGS are unranked , resize to 1024x768 or 800x600
In my opinion the first BG is hentai I recommend you use another BG in diff Purist's Normal.
Use the same kiai times in your diffs , i recommend in the guest diff same.Use these:
  • •Kiai #1: Starts on 01:41:586, ends on 02:06:849
    •Kiai #2: Starts on 03:10:007, ends on 03:47:901
[Purist's Normal]

•00:38:428 (1) - Move to x:32 y:248 , Leaving the circle work area (unrankable) √
•00:49:480 (1) - Add circle here , to follow the vocal √
•01:08:428 (3) - CTRL+G and move to x:256 y:192 , is more beatiful.√
If you do the above, fix the spacing of the following notes.
•01:12:375 (4) - Move to x:384 y:352 , If you do the above, fix the spacing of the following notes.√
•01:18:691 (3) - Fix the spacing please
•01:27:375 (1) - Move to x:176 y:120 to align with this note 01:25:796 (2)√
•01:37:638 (3) - Move to x:256 y:64 or move two grids left√
•01:41:586 (1) - This slider is very distant from the center of the spinner, this can be very difficult
for beginners at completion of rotating the spinner. Move to x:256 y:152 and fix the spacing of the following notes.
•02:30:533 (4) - 1 Grid up for align whit (2)√


•00:45:336 - Add a circle here to follow the vocal√
•00:47:704 (11) - Same add circle√
•01:14:743 (8) - Make so , looks better:√
•01:23:033 - Add a circle here to follow the vocal√
•01:27:375 (1) - Whistle in the head slider , sounds better√
•01:27:375 (3) - Same whistle in head of the slider√
•01:31:322 (1) - Whistle in the head of the slider√
•01:42:178 - Add circle here to follow the vocal and more fun√
(This is a hard so no problems putting notes in red ticks)
•01:56:586 (5) - 1 Grid right√
•02:15:532 (5) - Whistle√
•02:44:743 (1) - Spacing too closed , move to x:192 y:352√
•03:32:112 (1,3) - Whistle in the head of the slider , sounds better√
•03:38:230 - Consider adding a note here, to keep pace and vocal√
•03:44:546 - Same - Consider adding a note here, to keep pace and vocal√
•03:46:421 (4) - Sounds Bad and delete this circle , not follow the rhythm of music or vocal√
•03:54:217 (1) - Whistle because sounds better√


•00:19:086 (5) - Spacing too closed√
•00:51:059 (1) - Move to x:256 y:208 . looks better√

I don't have time for modding this diff. , Well not so bad, ask me in game any questions
you have, if I am unemployed and will gladly help you make a IRCmod this diff (Kira).
I really liked the song.

Good Luck~ and Take my STAR .
I fixed it,thank you:D
Topic Starter

sherrie__fay wrote:

  1. 删掉所有蓝线书签【←看到蓝线不删会死星人
  2. 很多地方note和slider尾没对齐 绝对不止我提出来这么多 硬伤 建议自己事后再检查一遍
  1. 00:31:322 (2) - +clap
  2. 00:36:059 (2) - ^
  3. 00:38:428 (1) - finish
  4. 01:19:086 (4) - 这种stack读图对新手相对困难 不要遮起来比较好
  5. 01:41:586 (1) - 开头finish
  6. 02:59:743 (4,5,6,7) - 这种单点节奏对新手绝对困难 绝对不要出现
  7. 03:02:901 (3,4,5,6) - ^
  8. 03:10:007 (1) - 开头finish
  9. 03:35:270 (1) - 转盘接note太快了 easy的话起码要隔一条白线 建议把转盘换掉
  1. 00:26:586 (2) - 和00:25:007 (7,8) - 没有重叠好
  2. 00:38:428 (5) - 偶数折返不推荐;和后边00:39:217 (1) - 没有重叠好;开头+finish
  3. 00:51:059 - +note +finish +NC
  4. 01:03:691 (1) - 开头finish
  5. 01:25:007 (5) - 去掉 把4改成折返
  6. 01:29:546 (6) - 不要叠 放到外面来
  7. 01:30:336 (8) - ^
  8. 01:40:599 (4) - 删掉
  9. 01:41:586 (1) - 开头finish
  10. 02:06:849 (1) - ^
  11. 02:19:086 (7,8) - 建议放X轴 左右一边一个
  12. 02:32:112 (1) - 开头finish
  13. 02:44:349 (6) - 和5没有重叠好
  14. 02:51:651 - +note 和1重叠起来
  15. 02:57:967 (6) - 拿出来
  16. 02:58:757 (8) - ^
  17. 03:09:020 (4) - 删掉【复制粘贴迹象严重
  18. 03:10:007 (1) - 开头finish
  19. 03:32:112 (6) - NC
  20. 03:35:270 (1) - 开头finish
  21. 03:47:507 (7) - 拿到外面去
    *主要是这种stack排列不太好看 打起来也比较放不开 不如把stack单独拿出来做跳啊或者别的什么
  22. 04:00:533 (1) - 开头finish
  23. 04:02:112 (3) - NC
  1. 00:19:086 (5) - 没有对齐
  2. 00:28:855 - 这里试着加个note
  3. 00:49:480 (7) - NC
  4. 00:51:059 (12) - 有兴趣这里也可以NC
  5. 01:08:822 (7,8,9) - 8到9跳的有点突然 试着把8放到7和9的垂直平分线上
  6. 01:13:559 (8) - 拿出来不遮在7下面比较好
  7. 01:23:033 (1) - 和后面234保持等距
  8. 01:24:809 (1) - 试下这样的节奏和排列 会方便些读图
  9. 01:27:375 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 读图坑爆了 可以试试欣欣的那种1324-3546直线梗也许会好一点?
  10. 01:37:638 (8) - NC
  11. 01:41:586 (1) - 开头finish
  12. 02:19:480 - +note +finish +NC
  13. 02:32:112 (1) - +finish
  14. 02:38:033 (9) - 没有对齐
  15. 02:47:901 (6,7,8) - 打起来有一定难度 建议把8改成一个单向滑条
  16. 02:48:691 (1) - 也不要遮在8下面
  17. 02:59:743 (6,7,8,9) - 个人不推荐这样的跳 方形对角不是那么美观 把89和67重合做成往返跳试试?
  18. 03:10:007 (1) - 开头finish
  19. 03:19:480 (3,4,5) - 强烈建议把4摆到slider外面 而且5和slider尾也没有对齐。底下678同
  20. 03:25:007 (9) - 摆到y轴上
  21. 03:37:638 (10) - 和⑨的末尾重叠起来好了 放中间有点难看
  22. 03:41:980 (2) - 不要和1重叠 放到3上吧
  23. 03:52:441 (7) - 去掉7 把6改成折返slider
  24. 04:00:533 (1) - +finish
累死我了好歌 kirakira☆
Topic Starter

Snowy Dream wrote:

Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
  1. Red - Important or Issue
  2. Blue - You'd better fix them
  3. Black - Normal Suggestions
Offset: 13171

[Purist's Normal]
HP-3(at least 2) OD-2

00:38:428 (1) - Use finish instead of whistle
01:16:322 (1) - Finish
03:33:697 (1) - Extend to 03:35:276. Then remove 03:35:276 (1,2) . (Yours is a bit difficult for beginners to read the map.)
04:06:855 (1) - Add whistle to these notes which are on the longest white ticks in this part.
04:14:355 - lower the volume to 5%

00:13:165 (1) - Add whistle to the start of the slider
00:28:954 (5) - Newcombo
00:39:217 (1) - Put this to other place ,ppl maybe hard read this :<
01:28:954 (5) - Add finish to the start of the slider and newcombo it.
01:40:599 (4,5) - Change the place
03:09:020 (4,5) - ^
02:17:901 (3,4,5) - Use a 1/6 slider with 3 returns instead of them
03:32:112 (6) - Newcombo
03:50:664 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - If you want to follow the vocal, try this

04:14:355 - lower the volume to 5%

00:38:526 (2) - Delete it
00:44:941 - Should be empty here, then you could do a jump on 00:45:138 (2)
01:48:099 - ^
03:29:151 - ^
00:49:480 (7) - Newcombo
01:28:954 (1) - This spinner makes no sense ,plz use circles and sliders map here.
01:44:447 (2) - Delete it
02:19:480 - Add a note with finish here
02:19:086 (10) - If you fix the previous, plz use whistle instead of finish.
02:43:165 (4,5,6,7,8) - maybe not staight?
02:57:375 (9) - Newcombo here instead of the next.And add finish to the start of the slider
03:35:270 (1) - Finish!
03:47:901 (1) - ^
Great Mapset :3
GL ;)

抱歉,现在才知道要回这个,all fixed,谢谢

  1. bg都更换成1024*768的吧
  2. 始终觉得01:03:691的时候有奇怪的声音,mp3的问题?
  3. 因为没有sb所以.osb删掉
[Purist's normal]
  1. OD-1
  2. 02:22:243(1,2)没叠好
  3. 02:59:743(4,3)whistle
  1. 因为和normal难度跨度较大所以可以考虑OD,AR-1
  2. slider velocity和kira难度同为1.4不科学,建议在1.0~1.2之间
  3. clap感觉用的过于频繁,尝试少用一些或者添加其他不太明显的clap音效
  4. 00:22:638(3,4)没叠好
  5. 00:25:401(8)remove finish或者再减点音量
  6. 01:11:586(3)remove whistle
  7. 01:17:901(3,4)没叠好:3
  8. 01:19:875(1,2)^
  9. 01:25:796(6,7,8)^
  10. 01:40:007(3)试试这样的节奏 后面一段同理
  11. 02:00:533(1,3)没叠好 后面有一处相似的
  12. 02:54:217(1,2,3)建议这样摆放
  13. 03:14:743(3,4)没叠好
  1. 同样是clap的问题
  2. 00:44:349(4,5)间距很奇怪
  3. 01:28:954(1,2)没叠好
  4. 01:46:816(5)remove note
  5. 01:48:296(2)nc
  6. 01:53:230(3,4)没叠好
  7. 02:52:243(6,7)^
  8. 02:52:638(7)nc
  9. 02:53:230(9,10)没叠好
  10. 03:00:138(5,6)^
  11. 03:05:763(7,8)remove note
大概就这么多 加油:3
Topic Starter

Melt wrote:


  1. bg都更换成1024*768的吧
  2. 始终觉得01:03:691的时候有奇怪的声音,mp3的问题?
  3. 因为没有sb所以.osb删掉
[Purist's normal]
  1. OD-1
  2. 02:22:243(1,2)没叠好
  3. 02:59:743(4,3)whistle
  1. 因为和normal难度跨度较大所以可以考虑OD,AR-1
  2. slider velocity和kira难度同为1.4不科学,建议在1.0~1.2之间
  3. clap感觉用的过于频繁,尝试少用一些或者添加其他不太明显的clap音效
  4. 00:22:638(3,4)没叠好
  5. 00:25:401(8)remove finish或者再减点音量
  6. 01:11:586(3)remove whistle
  7. 01:17:901(3,4)没叠好:3
  8. 01:19:875(1,2)^
  9. 01:25:796(6,7,8)^
  10. 01:40:007(3)试试这样的节奏 后面一段同理
  11. 02:00:533(1,3)没叠好 后面有一处相似的
  12. 02:54:217(1,2,3)建议这样摆放
  13. 03:14:743(3,4)没叠好
  1. 同样是clap的问题
  2. 00:44:349(4,5)间距很奇怪
  3. 01:28:954(1,2)没叠好
  4. 01:46:816(5)remove note
  5. 01:48:296(2)nc
  6. 01:53:230(3,4)没叠好
  7. 02:52:243(6,7)^
  8. 02:52:638(7)nc
  9. 02:53:230(9,10)没叠好
  10. 03:00:138(5,6)^
  11. 03:05:763(7,8)remove note
大概就这么多 加油:3
*我这里看到的BG尺寸是1000*651 1083*767 1056*768 这是unrankable的 不知道你改了没有 没改的话就改一下吧~

*soft-hitwhistle的大小有点不科学啊 难道是我的幻觉

01:26:586 (7) - 叠失误

*整体上NC整理一下吧 有点乱

00:40:401 (7,1) - 感觉不是很合节奏啊 不过好像也没啥问题

00:45:928 (1) - 在这里NC 不然太难读图了lol 而且最好前面的23换下位置0.0

01:22:243 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这段音乐节奏略奇葩...感觉用滑条会比较好吧!

01:24:809 (1) - ..略坑啊

01:48:888 (4) - NC?

01:51:059 (3,4,5,6) - 可能蓝线结束会比较合节奏吧~

03:10:007 (1,2) - 形状改成一样的?

03:46:914 (6,7,8) - 我觉得这里也改成串打起来舒服0.0

呜啊 好长 懒了 就这样吧 加油 star~
quote的时候注明哪里改了和哪里没改并且附上原因之类的会给modder跟大帮助:3 (只是提醒下,不要仅仅为了quote而quote
Topic Starter

Strawberry wrote:

quote的时候注明哪里改了和哪里没改并且附上原因之类的会给modder跟大帮助:3 (只是提醒下,不要仅仅为了quote而quote
[Purist's normal]


00:21:509(2) 感觉有点太下面 OWO 移到x:328 y:352如何?当然后面的note也要记得调整一下间距唷-w-
00:28:954(1) ^ x:304 y:240
00:39:217(2) 间距有点小问题0w0 估计是没有移好?
01:13:164(1) 感觉在normal里还是不要用这种比较好-w-有点误导意味?
01:28:954(3) nc
01:30:533(1) 取消nc
03:24:217(2) 个人感觉也有点太下面了-w-?建议改个地方


00:35:270(6) 间距问题 顺便加个nc?
00:38:428(5) nc
00:39:217(1) 取消nc
00:41:586(6) nc
00:43:164(1) 取消nc
00:44:743(4) nc
00:47:507(9) nc
00:47:901(1) 间距嘛...还是建议改一下 然后顺便取消nc
01:13:164(6) nc
01:23:033(3) 间距问题..嘛
01:40:796(4) ^
01:41:586到01:42:770 间距什么的o.o
01:57:375(7) nc
02:03:691(6) 可n可不n
02:07:638(2) 感觉是可以要用这种间距,但是我还是不建议/.\
02:10:007(1) 间距问题
02:40:401(6) @神奇的间距君
02:55:795(1) ^
02:57:375(5) nc
03:09:217(4) 一样的间距问题
03:10:796(2) ^
03:16:322(6) nc
03:16:717(1) 取消nc
03:17:901(1) ^
03:25:796(7) nc
03:36:059(2) 一样的间距问题
03:44:743(1) ^
03:56:919(6) ^



00:35:270(6) 建议nc
01:23:625(4)到01:24:217(7) 感觉这个间距有点突然,可以省去
01:50:664(1)和01:50:862(2) ^

懒得看完了_(:з」∠)_剩下的就交给其他人吧! 学长只能帮你到这里了(正色
感觉mapper间距的使用还不是很熟练,嘛这东西也就自己意会吧;w; 只可意会不可言传?加油!!

我就是喜欢帮助可爱的新人:3 我是好人才不会乱喷呢 8-)
Go !__Ag you can rank this :)
Topic Starter

Twice wrote:

[Purist's normal]


00:21:509(2) 感觉有点太下面 OWO 移到x:328 y:352如何?当然后面的note也要记得调整一下间距唷-w-
00:28:954(1) ^ x:304 y:240
00:39:217(2) 间距有点小问题0w0 估计是没有移好?*
01:13:164(1) 感觉在normal里还是不要用这种比较好-w-有点误导意味?
01:28:954(3) nc*
01:30:533(1) 取消nc*
03:24:217(2) 个人感觉也有点太下面了-w-?建议改个地方*


00:35:270(6) 间距问题 顺便加个nc?*
00:38:428(5) nc*
00:39:217(1) 取消nc*
00:41:586(6) nc*
00:43:164(1) 取消nc*
00:44:743(4) nc*
00:47:507(9) nc*
00:47:901(1) 间距嘛...还是建议改一下 然后顺便取消nc*
01:13:164(6) nc*
01:23:033(3) 间距问题..嘛
01:40:796(4) ^
01:41:586到01:42:770 间距什么的o.o
01:57:375(7) nc*
02:03:691(6) 可n可不n
02:07:638(2) 感觉是可以要用这种间距,但是我还是不建议/.\
02:10:007(1) 间距问题*
02:40:401(6) @神奇的间距君
02:55:795(1) ^
02:57:375(5) nc*
03:09:217(4) 一样的间距问题
03:10:796(2) ^
03:16:322(6) nc*
03:16:717(1) 取消nc*
03:17:901(1) ^
03:25:796(7) nc*
03:36:059(2) 一样的间距问题
03:44:743(1) ^
03:56:919(6) ^



00:35:270(6) 建议nc*
01:23:625(4)到01:24:217(7) 感觉这个间距有点突然,可以省去
01:50:664(1)和01:50:862(2) ^

懒得看完了_(:з」∠)_剩下的就交给其他人吧! 学长只能帮你到这里了(正色
感觉mapper间距的使用还不是很熟练,嘛这东西也就自己意会吧;w; 只可意会不可言传?加油!!

我就是喜欢帮助可爱的新人:3 我是好人才不会乱喷呢 8-)

Topic Starter

XinCrin wrote:

Go !__Ag you can rank this :)

its so difficult:(,thanks
好图~~go :)
I'm here asking for m4m if you don't mind
Remove countdown?

HDR is what you want in such a slow map like this ? :o

00:29:349 (2,4) - why there are no clpas on these two notes ?
00:34:875 (2) - weid finish sound, change back to clap
00:39:217 (2) - ^
00:39:612 (3) - and etc. if you changed the hitsound above, you may have to change a series of claps' timing
00:48:296 (2,3) - claps too close
why are there no whistles on short reverses like this01:19:086 (1,2) - and 01:34:480 (1,2) - etc.
02:17:901 (3) - add whistles ?
02:41:980 (1,2,3) - maybe move to (304,168) or so ,just let them be seperate with the latter slider (you may also change the slider a bit)
03:12:770 (5) - move the new combo from next slider to this note in order follw the vocal
03:14:743 (3) - adjust this slider's velocity to 0.75x(don't change anything else), I thought it would be nice
03:50:664 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - three notes before a sider, I think it's weird, players may easily tap only three times(not four) maybe consider to change the pattern here? maybe like this 3+1 ?
04:07:638 (2,3) - CTRL+G ? just a suggestion

Nice diff, for the rhythm is not always the same speed. Faster parts and slower parts combined together makes people feel good
01:14:743 (4,5,6,7,8) - may whistle to them ? if you did, then also lower the volume of the whistles
02:05:270 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
03:33:691 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
03:46:322 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:19:085 (1,2) - whistles, as I already suggested in hard diff
01:31:322 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - and etc. ^
01:28:164 (5) - maybe add new combo here, too counfusing :? up to you
01:57:375 (4,5,1,2) - maybe to let these jumping slders completely the same place? maybe make 01:58:164 (1,2) - both a bit downleft or upright? It's not because of confusing, just change to feel good I think
03:56:980 (1,2,3,4) - ^ (if you did not change the placement here, then hope you neccessarily add new combo to 03:57:375 (3) - )

Ok that's all I can find
good luck, really looking forward to the Kira diff ^_^
and this is my map waiting for modding hope you like the song
Topic Starter

Zero__wind wrote:

I'm here asking for m4m if you don't mind
Remove countdown?

HDR is what you want in such a slow map like this ? :o

00:29:349 (2,4) - why there are no clpas on these two notes ?
00:34:875 (2) - weid finish sound, change back to clap
00:39:217 (2) - ^
00:39:612 (3) - and etc. if you changed the hitsound above, you may have to change a series of claps' timing*
00:48:296 (2,3) - claps too close
why are there no whistles on short reverses like this01:19:086 (1,2) - and 01:34:480 (1,2) - etc.
02:17:901 (3) - add whistles ?
02:41:980 (1,2,3) - maybe move to (304,168) or so ,just let them be seperate with the latter slider (you may also change the slider a bit)
03:12:770 (5) - move the new combo from next slider to this note in order follw the vocal
03:14:743 (3) - adjust this slider's velocity to 0.75x(don't change anything else), I thought it would be nice
03:50:664 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - three notes before a sider, I think it's weird, players may easily tap only three times(not four) maybe consider to change the pattern here? maybe like this 3+1 ?*
04:07:638 (2,3) - CTRL+G ? just a suggestion

Nice diff, for the rhythm is not always the same speed. Faster parts and slower parts combined together makes people feel good
01:14:743 (4,5,6,7,8) - may whistle to them ? if you did, then also lower the volume of the whistles
02:05:270 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
03:33:691 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
03:46:322 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:19:085 (1,2) - whistles, as I already suggested in hard diff
01:31:322 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - and etc. ^
01:28:164 (5) - maybe add new combo here, too counfusing :? up to you
01:57:375 (4,5,1,2) - maybe to let these jumping slders completely the same place? maybe make 01:58:164 (1,2) - both a bit downleft or upright? It's not because of confusing, just change to feel good I think
03:56:980 (1,2,3,4) - ^ (if you did not change the placement here, then hope you neccessarily add new combo to 03:57:375 (3) - )

Ok that's all I can find
good luck, really looking forward to the Kira diff ^_^
and this is my map waiting for modding hope you like the song
Hi~ request from PM


话说Source没有么0 0

00:48:691(1)- slider尾add clap
00:49:480(2)- slider头add whistle尾add clap,感觉整首歌都可以1whistle3clap这样加,有些地方只有whistle没有clap可以补上.
01:13:164(1)- 跟前一个note距离太近了,normal还是最好按着DS排
01:17:112(2,3,4)- 这里也是间距问题
01:18:691(3)- 去掉note在 01:18:296- add一个1/2slider
01:35:664- 折返去掉clap
01:54:217(1)- add finish(可以考虑降音量)
03:22:638(1)- ^
03:35:270(1)- ^
03:58:954(1)- ^
04:06:849(1,2,1,2,1,2)- 补上音效...

00:25:796(1)- add finish(降低音量)
00:31:717(7)- 去掉finish?
00:36:849(1,2,3,4)- 可以做个音量渐变加大
00:38:428(1)- slider头add finish(降低音量)
01:27:375(1,2,3,4)- 可以做个音量渐变加大
01:32:112(1)- 去掉finish?
01:40:007(3,4,5)- 可以做个音量渐变加大
01:41:191(5)- finish换到下一个slider的头
01:54:217(1)- slider头add finish
01:55:007(3,4,5,6)- 左右对称比较好
02:17:901(3)- 减少1个折返
02:55:796(1,2,3,4)- 可以做个音量渐变加大
03:00:533(1)- 去掉finish?
03:08:428(3,4,5)- 同 01:40:007(3,4,5)-
03:09:612(5)- 同 01:41:191(5)-
03:22:638(1)- 同 01:54:217(1)-
03:24:217(3,4,5,6)- 同 01:55:007(3,4,5,6)-
03:51:059(3)- 去掉note,把后一个slider拉到这时间然后加多一个折返

00:25:007(5,6)- 放到正中,前面的1,2,3,4可以适当调调位置
00:36:849(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)- 音量渐变加大,可以做个间距渐变加大的跳
00:38:428(1)- add finish
00:39:217(4)- 去掉finish
00:45:138(1)- 可以考虑跟前面的6重叠
01:09:612(1)- 对齐中线
01:27:375(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)- 音量渐变加大
01:40:007(6,7,8,9,10,1)- ^
01:41:191(1)- finish换到后一个slider头
01:48:296(1,2,3,1,2,3)- 可以做个渐变大的三角跳
01:54:217(1)- add finish(减低音量)
02:07:638(5)- NC
02:12:375- add note
02:13:954(4)- NC
02:45:536(4)- NC
02:48:296(8)- slider换成1个note
02:55:796(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)- 音量渐变加大
02:59:743(3)- NC
03:01:914(6)- NC
03:08:428(4,5,6,7,8,9)- 音量渐变加大,9去掉finish
03:22:638(1)- add finish
03:29:349(2)- NC
03:34:875(8)- 去掉finish?
03:54:612(2)- NC
04:03:691(8)- NC
04:04:678- add note?

感觉排列还可以整洁一些,这里就不具体mod了,射个星星 ;)
Topic Starter

Mei_coN wrote:

Hi~ request from PM


话说Source没有么0 0 因为不知道出处是哪里,就没填了

00:48:691(1)- slider尾add clap
00:49:480(2)- slider头add whistle尾add clap,感觉整首歌都可以1whistle3clap这样加,有些地方只有whistle没有clap可以补上.
01:13:164(1)- 跟前一个note距离太近了,normal还是最好按着DS排*
01:17:112(2,3,4)- 这里也是间距问题
01:18:691(3)- 去掉note在 01:18:296- add一个1/2slider
01:35:664- 折返去掉clap
01:54:217(1)- add finish(可以考虑降音量)
03:22:638(1)- ^
03:35:270(1)- ^
03:58:954(1)- ^
04:06:849(1,2,1,2,1,2)- 补上音效...

00:25:796(1)- add finish(降低音量)
00:31:717(7)- 去掉finish?*
00:36:849(1,2,3,4)- 可以做个音量渐变加大
00:38:428(1)- slider头add finish(降低音量)
01:27:375(1,2,3,4)- 可以做个音量渐变加大
01:32:112(1)- 去掉finish?*
01:40:007(3,4,5)- 可以做个音量渐变加大
01:41:191(5)- finish换到下一个slider的头
01:54:217(1)- slider头add finish
01:55:007(3,4,5,6)- 左右对称比较好*
02:17:901(3)- 减少1个折返
02:55:796(1,2,3,4)- 可以做个音量渐变加大
03:00:533(1)- 去掉finish?*
03:08:428(3,4,5)- 同 01:40:007(3,4,5)-
03:09:612(5)- 同 01:41:191(5)-
03:22:638(1)- 同 01:54:217(1)-
03:24:217(3,4,5,6)- 同 01:55:007(3,4,5,6)-*
03:51:059(3)- 去掉note,把后一个slider拉到这时间然后加多一个折返

00:25:007(5,6)- 放到正中,前面的1,2,3,4可以适当调调位置
00:36:849(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)- 音量渐变加大,可以做个间距渐变加大的跳*
00:38:428(1)- add finish
00:39:217(4)- 去掉finish
00:45:138(1)- 可以考虑跟前面的6重叠
01:09:612(1)- 对齐中线
01:27:375(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)- 音量渐变加大*
01:40:007(6,7,8,9,10,1)- ^*
01:41:191(1)- finish换到后一个slider头
01:48:296(1,2,3,1,2,3)- 可以做个渐变大的三角跳
01:54:217(1)- add finish(减低音量)
02:07:638(5)- NC
02:12:375- add note
02:13:954(4)- NC
02:45:536(4)- NC
02:48:296(8)- slider换成1个note*
02:55:796(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)- 音量渐变加大*
02:59:743(3)- NC
03:01:914(6)- NC
03:08:428(4,5,6,7,8,9)- 音量渐变加大*,9去掉finish
03:22:638(1)- add finish
03:29:349(2)- NC
03:34:875(8)- 去掉finish?
03:54:612(2)- NC
04:03:691(8)- NC
04:04:678- add note?*

感觉排列还可以整洁一些,这里就不具体mod了,射个星星 ;)

Request in-game

拖了好久真對不起~ >.<


Purist's normal
00:25:796 (1) - 考慮加一個30%的finish~很明顯的哦~
00:35:270 (1) - 不明白爲什麽要降低音量
00:39:217 (2) - 去NC吧~ 這裡沒有NC強調的必要哦~
00:51:059 (3) - 40% imo.
01:03:789 - (吐槽)這裡怎麼有個”哔“ 囧
01:12:375 (4,1) - 這裡spacing不怎麼好要不重疊起來~要不分開一點~新手遇到這裡可能會早按的
01:31:322 (3) - 再折返一次~長白縣上有個音的說
01:38:428 (1) - 再一次意義不明的降低了音效
01:41:586 (1) - 首先這裡跳躍好大~對於normal有點難呢~~其次就是遮擋問題了~新手會因為spinner最後出現的”押忍“擋住了slider的頭部而苦惱~這個在hard和insane里面可以無視~但是在最低難度就要注意了哦!02:19:480 - 02:51:454 這段的NC很混亂~沒有理由為折返單獨NC吧 總之最好改一下~ 下面是小米的NC列表~ 經供參考啦 >.<
02:22:243 (1) - 去NC
02:22:638 (2) - NC
02:28:559 (1) - 去NC
02:28:954 (2) - NC
02:34:875 (1) - 去NC
02:35:270 (2) - NC
02:41:191 (1) - 去NC
02:41:586 (2) - NC
02:47:507 (1) - 去NC
02:50:664 (1) - 去NC
02:57:375 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 你看你這裡就沒有把折返NC嘛~就應該如此的說
03:22:638 (1) - 尾巴被前面的slider尾部遮擋了~~前面的slider如果打出”激“這個slider會對新人有視覺障礙的吶~
04:11:586 (1) - 這個spinner最好開頭也靜音哦~
Normal就這些吧~~排列還不錯 音效似乎有待加強呢~總之不錯啦 :P

00:25:796 (1,2,3,4) - 是想做對稱麽~~ 如果是的話這裡往右邊歪了
00:29:349 (2) - 歪了~ 調到x:331,y:131
00:36:750 - 如果是小米的話~~這裡會用30%音量後面依次增加10%
00:48:296 (2) - 怎麽clap不見了~ 加在開頭?
00:49:086 (4) - ^
01:14:743 (3) - 這裡spacing不可取~~打破了一定跳躍的規律呢
01:27:276 - 和前面同理哦~
01:38:428 (1,2,3) - 這裡spacing又感覺不對了呢~~分開放置來點跳躍
01:49:480 (3) - 去掉NC
01:54:217 (1) - 結尾的finish太吵了
02:51:454 - 加個音
03:06:849 (1,2,3) - 和之前同理
03:52:441 - 加個音
03:59:349 (5) - 移到 03:59:546 如何?然後再同6曡在一起?
04:08:033 (3,4) - 都最後了~這個跳有點突然~也沒有跳的價值呢
04:12:178 (1) - spinner完全消音
(吐槽)clap音效沒錯~~不過機械的放置很破壞曲子的整體氛圍呢~ 要加強音效

00:14:743 (4,5,6,7) - 梗不錯~不過略感覺不適合往返呢 ~囧~
00:16:322 (3,4,5,6) - 太緊了~~這是Insane吧~應該要自由發揮了
00:23:822 (4) - flow感突然不見了~
00:36:849 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 不如來兩個星星~~還能做到營造夜空星星的氛圍感~ 做到”點題“的目的
00:40:796 (1,2,3,4) - 跳躍的不夠~
01:23:033 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 漸近變換比較好~~現在感覺好奇怪哦
01:29:743 (3) - 如果是我的話~會用一個變數slider填掉後面的空擋~~現在這裡突然頓住了
01:39:612 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 有星星的意圖~~好樣的~排的再好看一點吧
02:08:428 (1) - 去NC
02:08:822 (2) - NC
02:14:743 (1) - 去NC
02:15:138 (2) - NC
02:38:033 (9) - 這裡明顯要跳~
02:40:007 (1) - 這裡應該不要跳吧~ 囧
02:45:336 - 爲什麽停頓?
03:35:270 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 對稱了
04:12:178 (1) - 靜音

優點是能玩~~缺點是不好玩啦~ (亮點有點少呢)

Hi! Thnxs for asking me for modding, but I think that your map is perfect. (just take out the "3,2,1,go" thing)
Topic Starter

Midasmens wrote:

Request in-game

拖了好久真對不起~ >.<


Purist's normal
00:25:796 (1) - 考慮加一個30%的finish~很明顯的哦~*
00:35:270 (1) - 不明白爲什麽要降低音量不太明白
00:39:217 (2) - 去NC吧~ 這裡沒有NC強調的必要哦~*
00:51:059 (3) - 40% imo.
01:03:789 - (吐槽)這裡怎麼有個”哔“ 囧就当是槽点吧Orzzz
01:12:375 (4,1) - 這裡spacing不怎麼好要不重疊起來~要不分開一點~新手遇到這裡可能會早按的
01:31:322 (3) - 再折返一次~長白縣上有個音的說*
01:38:428 (1) - 再一次意義不明的降低了音效
01:41:586 (1) - 首先這裡跳躍好大~對於normal有點難呢~~其次就是遮擋問題了~新手會因為spinner最後出現的”押忍“擋住了slider的頭部而苦惱~這個在hard和insane里面可以無視~但是在最低難度就要注意了哦!02:19:480 - 02:51:454 這段的NC很混亂~沒有理由為折返單獨NC吧 總之最好改一下~ 下面是小米的NC列表~ 經供參考啦 >.<
02:22:243 (1) - 去NC
02:22:638 (2) - NC
02:28:559 (1) - 去NC
02:28:954 (2) - NC
02:34:875 (1) - 去NC
02:35:270 (2) - NC
02:41:191 (1) - 去NC
02:41:586 (2) - NC
02:47:507 (1) - 去NC
02:50:664 (1) - 去NC
02:57:375 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 你看你這裡就沒有把折返NC嘛~就應該如此的說
03:22:638 (1) - 尾巴被前面的slider尾部遮擋了~~前面的slider如果打出”激“這個slider會對新人有視覺障礙的吶~
04:11:586 (1) - 這個spinner最好開頭也靜音哦~
Normal就這些吧~~排列還不錯 音效似乎有待加強呢~總之不錯啦 :P

00:25:796 (1,2,3,4) - 是想做對稱麽~~ 如果是的話這裡往右邊歪了*
00:29:349 (2) - 歪了~ 調到x:331,y:131*
00:36:750 - 如果是小米的話~~這裡會用30%音量後面依次增加10%
00:48:296 (2) - 怎麽clap不見了~ 加在開頭?*
00:49:086 (4) - ^*
01:14:743 (3) - 這裡spacing不可取~~打破了一定跳躍的規律呢*
01:27:276 - 和前面同理哦~*
01:38:428 (1,2,3) - 這裡spacing又感覺不對了呢~~分開放置來點跳躍*
01:49:480 (3) - 去掉NC*
01:54:217 (1) - 結尾的finish太吵了*
02:51:454 - 加個音*
03:06:849 (1,2,3) - 和之前同理
03:52:441 - 加個音*
03:59:349 (5) - 移到 03:59:546 如何?然後再同6曡在一起?*
04:08:033 (3,4) - 都最後了~這個跳有點突然~也沒有跳的價值呢
04:12:178 (1) - spinner完全消音*
(吐槽)clap音效沒錯~~不過機械的放置很破壞曲子的整體氛圍呢~ 要加強音效

00:14:743 (4,5,6,7) - 梗不錯~不過略感覺不適合往返呢 ~囧~
00:16:322 (3,4,5,6) - 太緊了~~這是Insane吧~應該要自由發揮了我实在不敢发挥了,之前被喷成翔了
00:23:822 (4) - flow感突然不見了~
00:36:849 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 不如來兩個星星~~還能做到營造夜空星星的氛圍感~ 做到”點題“的目的*
00:40:796 (1,2,3,4) - 跳躍的不夠~
01:23:033 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 漸近變換比較好~~現在感覺好奇怪哦
01:29:743 (3) - 如果是我的話~會用一個變數slider填掉後面的空擋~~現在這裡突然頓住了*
01:39:612 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 有星星的意圖~~好樣的~排的再好看一點吧
02:08:428 (1) - 去NC*
02:08:822 (2) - NC*
02:14:743 (1) - 去NC*
02:15:138 (2) - NC*
02:38:033 (9) - 這裡明顯要跳~*
02:40:007 (1) - 這裡應該不要跳吧~ 囧
02:45:336 - 爲什麽停頓?别人mod了说的
03:35:270 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 對稱了*
04:12:178 (1) - 靜音*

優點是能玩~~缺點是不好玩啦~ (亮點有點少呢)

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