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Ekaru wrote:

Ex. That song's girly, but it demonstrates my point nicely. Look for songs like that one and just practice.
that map only has 3s, i dont concider 3s to be real streams, otherwise i could stream 240 BPM.(oh i wish i actually could)
Stacks of 3, 5 and 7 and even 9 can be done to perfection without you being able to stream imo

silmarilen wrote:

that map only has 3s, i dont concider 3s to be real streams, otherwise i could stream 240 BPM.(oh i wish i actually could)
The goal is just to get a feel for the speed and to show the kinds of songs to look for - ones where you can easily sync your taps with the music. If I was thinking of length then I'd be an asshole and link this:

Actually, if you upped the AR and OD to 8 via the Editor then it's probably pretty decent training. That map has aged pretty well compared to most maps from its time.

Tom94 wrote:

"ITT: couldn't stream a song legitly so used some cheap and terrible tactic that gives even better accuracy instead of actually trying to improve.

And by terrible tactic I mean using a keyboard in addition to your mouse / tablet. i lose a ton of respect for people who give up and resort to such means."

Do you see just how much sense you are making? Also: If you get a lower accuracy by doing it, isn't it already a penalty?
WTF? How is a legit playstyle a terrible tactic? I am the one losing respect to people who blame others for playing the game in a smart way.
Ohh, and for the 1000th time. If done correctly doubletapping actually is HARD, and it doesn't necessarily yield 100s. I'd like to see one single hater who is actually able to properly pull it off.
10/10 for not understanding a single word I said lol... I clearly said that using a keyboard is a terrible tactic!

How is double tapping even trying to follow the rhythm of a song? It isn't it's a cheap way to slip past streams and not even have to worry about the rhythm of a song.

Playing a rhythm game by not following the rhythm is totally smart.

you have to follow the rythm of a song to be able to double tap, you still have to tap in the same BPM as when there is a single tap pattern.
I give up trying to argue it because clearly some people are just too reliant on it.

I still stand on my advice for the OP to just practice and don't try to use some "Special Technique" to improve your streaming.

F m L wrote:

Frizz925 wrote:

I can't stream ;-;
I can't stream either :(
me neither

thelewa wrote:

me neither
fuck you


silmarilen wrote:

thelewa wrote:

me neither
fuck you

I concur with silmarilen's sentiment.

I can stream, but not accurately. Also, my finger stamina sucks. :(
I can... sort of... stream... kinda...
Serea can stream. Can't think of anyone else.
Kanye West
goooooooold streaaaaaams what can i doooooooooo
random other off topic thing, but is it just me or is playing consistent triplet streams harder than actually streaming wtf

also i just randomly seem to get better at streaming. One I just suddenly feel like I can stream faster and with more accuracy. it's kinda weird. tho i guess i do do a lot of doubletiming/play fast songs.

kriers wrote:

Serea can stream. Can't think of anyone else.
mugio3 (G59 SS etc.)

winber1 wrote:

random other off topic thing, but is it just me or is playing consistent triplet streams harder than actually streaming wtf

also i just randomly seem to get better at streaming. One I just suddenly feel like I can stream faster and with more accuracy. it's kinda weird. tho i guess i do do a lot of doubletiming/play fast songs.
Streams are more consistent when constant triplets are a little more to register therefore it ends up being harder to stream consistent triples than a stream of the same magnitude. Also, some people usually start every stream with the same finger they single tap with (I do this) so you end up putting more strain on that 1 finger to start each triple right after ending the previous one with it, but this only applies to those that play in that certain way.

The bottom is more of just a conditioning effect :P Not every time you improve it's going to come over time. Pretty much every time I have improved at streams it has been some randomly large improvement (Like 140 max to 180 and then 180 to 200 and so on) it just depends on the person. Some people will improve slowly over time and then others won't improve for a while and then all of a sudden they get a big jump in speed or endurance.

Once again it all depends on the player.
For finally contributing something to the topic here are some awesome practice maps for long streams:

Various Artists - Stream Practice Maps
Unlucky Morpheus - BPM210 Shanghai Alice @ Extra Stage
ISHTAR - AgraiA @ Extra
Various Artists - osu! ~ Deathstream Compilation
Various Artists - 1412 training map (this one is really crazy)

Tom94 wrote:

For finally contributing something to the topic here are some awesome practice maps for long streams:

Various Artists - Stream Practice Maps
Unlucky Morpheus - BPM210 Shanghai Alice @ Extra Stage
ISHTAR - AgraiA @ Extra
Various Artists - osu! ~ Deathstream Compilation
Various Artists - 1412 training map (this one is really crazy)
my training map can't be downloaded due to file size, here is a working link: terrible copy paste jobs but I don't care.

Also I'd say I can stream relatively well, on a really good day I can keep 300bpm for 20-40 notes and keep 220 for 300 or so. My suggestions:

Relax - this is the most important thing for long stream at 220 bpm or less.
Raise your ring and pinky fingers - fairly certain this is common knowledge.
Try to keep your wrist at the same height as your fingers - this helps with long streams
Completely ignore steps 2 and 3 if you are trying to do over 270 bpm

Not quite remilia-scarlet but I'd say I'm pretty damn fast still.

oh bonus tip for weird people like me: pull your shoulder out it's socket when you stream.. It hurts so much AFTER streams for me and I can't help it.

Knickerus wrote:

kriers wrote:

Stacks of 3, 5 and 7 and even 9 can be done to perfection without you being able to stream imo
I thought I could stream 230 when I was doing 5 and 7 stacks comfortably.

Heh heh, same. If that were the case I could stream 250 bpm no problem.

Alas, my top is probably 140 on long streams (200-300+)
F m L_old

kriers wrote:

Serea can stream. Can't think of anyone else.

jesse1412 wrote:

My suggestions:

Says the guy that dislocates his shoulder when he streams.
Anyone got tips for improving endurance? My fingers get tired sooo fast its pathetic.

Sonez wrote:

Anyone got tips for improving endurance? My fingers get tired sooo fast its pathetic.
Stream more and long without stop for as much as possible.

See that post by Tom94? It's very good. Play those again and again and again (take breaks if the carpal tunnel starts kicking in). It helps a lot, for both speed and stamina.
If your fingers start getting sore and not just tired, break is recommended! I made my fingers stiff for a week. Couldn't do any streaming :(

jesse1412 wrote:

Tom94 wrote:

For finally contributing something to the topic here are some awesome practice maps for long streams:

Various Artists - Stream Practice Maps
Unlucky Morpheus - BPM210 Shanghai Alice @ Extra Stage
ISHTAR - AgraiA @ Extra
Various Artists - osu! ~ Deathstream Compilation
Various Artists - 1412 training map (this one is really crazy)
my training map can't be downloaded due to file size, here is a working link: terrible copy paste jobs but I don't care.

Also I'd say I can stream relatively well, on a really good dayI can keep 300bpm for 20-40 notes and keep 220 for 300 or so. My suggestions:

Relax - this is the most important thing for long stream at 220 bpm or less.
Raise your ring and pinky fingers - fairly certain this is common knowledge.
Try to keep your wrist at the same height as your fingers - this helps with long streams
Completely ignore steps 2 and 3 if you are trying to do over 270 bpm

Not quite remilia-scarlet but I'd say I'm pretty damn fast still.

oh bonus tip for weird people like me: pull your shoulder out it's socket when you stream.. It hurts so much AFTER streams for me and I can't help it.
300 bpm? uh
Tsukimi Luna
my fingers are retarded....for some reason
Everytime i just got on osu... i wont be able to stream 180bpm
But after some warming up i can even do very fast songs sometimes....
But theres one thing... My fingers is not designed for long streams

Eg.) i can stream mad machine on the quintiple notes and quadruple notes.... but i cant even stream most deathstreams that are like 192bpm > Usatei 2011 (Extra)

I can even stream 290 to 300 cpm triplets and quintiples at my peak
But never deathstreams...
Always and will be my weakness alawys orz

Idk maybe i just need more practice i guess......

Yuu-Chii wrote:

my fingers are retarded....for some reason
Everytime i just got on osu... i wont be able to stream 180bpm
But after some warming up i can even do very fast songs sometimes....
But theres one thing... My fingers is not designed for long streams

Eg.) i can stream mad machine on the quintiple notes and quadruple notes.... but i cant even stream most deathstreams that are like 192bpm > Usatei 2011 (Extra)

I can even stream 290 to 300 cpm triplets and quintiples at my peak
But never deathstreams...
Always and will be my weakness alawys orz

Idk maybe i just need more practice i guess......

kriers wrote:

Stacks of 3, 5 and 7 and even 9 can be done to perfection without you being able to stream imo
I can stream 500 bpm with triplets... but that doesn't mean shit because that isn't streaming >_>. I'm not much of a streamer anyways

like kriers said, streaming does not mean triplets, 5's, or even 7's or 9's. Streaming is maintaining a constant and accurate speed for a relatively long time (at least 20 notes or so? idk, maybe more)

Jordan wrote:

300 bpm? uh
There is this little thing people always mention in stream discussions/questions about not listening to people like this because they like to inflate their own egos.
so where is everyone's chipscape FC's.

All these so called fast streamers.
I can stream 270bpm for about 5 notes, that means that I can stream 270bpm, right?
Hi, I'm a person with reason and I cannot stream for shit.

Thank you for your time.


Jordan wrote:

300 bpm? uh
There is this little thing people always mention in stream discussions/questions about not listening to people like this because they like to inflate their own egos.
I don't see why it's hard to believe. Like I mentioned this isn't an everyday thing. I think that's important to mention as well - don't expect to be able to stream the same speed every single day; sometimes it's just not gonna happen.
Doesn't seem hard to believe to me. I agree that it's not something you do every time, but who is going to gauge their speed by what they do 100% of the time? Every one screws up sometimes.

thelewa wrote:

I can stream 270bpm for about 5 notes, that means that I can stream 270bpm, right?
of course

thelewa wrote:

I can stream 270bpm for about 5 notes, that means that I can stream 270bpm, right?
I can stream 400 BPM for two notes. That means I can stream 400 BPM, right?
hit two buttons at the same time

infinity streaming

Go for SS

winber1 wrote:

thelewa wrote:

I can stream 270bpm for about 5 notes, that means that I can stream 270bpm, right?
of course

277 and 292 bpm.. can survive half way without failing, nomod... So I can stream 277 and 292 bpm? = =
seriously.. no..
your sarcasm detector seems to be malfunctioning

winber1 wrote:

your sarcasm detector seems to be malfunctioning
I completely got that sarcasm :D
sorry for being Mr. Obvious for this time xd

Tom94 wrote:

Various Artists - Stream Practice Maps
This helped me pretty much
when i couldn't stream even 190bpm ,now i can 220 (when good day)


Only good advice on streaming is to literally practice because like Nyu said most people wil say they stream this fast because of this reason, but they really can't stream that fast and just want to show off.Not every time you improve it's going to The bottom is more of just a conditioning effect Not every time you improve it's going to come over time. Pretty much every time I have improved at streams it has been some randomly large improvement (Like 140 max to 180 and then 180 to 200 and so on) it just depends on the person. Some people will improve slowly over time and then others won't improve for a while and then all of a sudden they get a big jump in speed or endurance
what truth.

practice,again ang again when you can pass 220bpm go higher try to pass 230 and 240...nothing else


Once again it all depends on the player
Unfortunately ,true again..
for example Niko- can singletap 300bpm 1/2
I can 220 bpm 1/2
Or i know people who play less than I ( about 1year) but stream faster..and i cant do anything ,just accept it
sometimes i want to break my finger
Depends of my mood but most of the time I can't even keep 180 bpm long streams. It's like fingers getting "confused" (z x z x z x z x z x x z x z x z x x z x). Meh I just can't stream well.

Kanna wrote:

Depends of my mood but most of the time I can't even keep 180 bpm long streams. It's like fingers getting "confused" (z x z x z x z x z x x z x z x z x x z x). Meh I just can't stream well.

MMzz wrote:

so where is everyone's chipscape FC's.

All these so called fast streamers.
i love people who dont understand that being able to stream at a certain speed does not automaticly mean you can fc every map at the bpm with streams in it.

MMzz wrote:

so where is everyone's chipscape FC's.

All these so called fast streamers.
I'd certainly FC chipscape if I didn't get so nervous and if there weren't those fucking 1/8 sliders

silmarilen wrote:

MMzz wrote:

so where is everyone's chipscape FC's.

All these so called fast streamers.
i love people who dont understand that being able to stream at a certain speed does not automaticly mean you can fc every map at the bpm with streams in it.
Yeah, 'Chipscape' is kind of a horrible mess of a map, so one's ability to stream doesn't really come into it; more one's ability to anticipate rhythms which are all over the place.
if you wanna fc Chipscape ask Renard and learn Mind Control

higurush wrote:

277 and 292 bpm.. can survive half way without failing, nomod... So I can stream 277 and 292 bpm? = =
seriously.. no..
Yes! New stream practice maps! Glad I read through this. Nothing more enjoyable than streaming ten thousand notes a second.

That aside, when I feel like practicing my stream without playing osu! I open up this bpm tapper and go as fast as possible while keeping the sound consistent. My max average speed is around 1,000 bpm (on the tapper, not on osu!) on the keyboard, but I normally play mouse only so I'm faster on that.

The real problem is consistency. Getting fast is easy, getting not 50's and 100's is hard. I just train by going up in 2's at particular speeds. 3 clicks, 5 clicks, 7 clicks etc. at 240+ bpm until I can consistently get them.
Tsukimi Luna

Aqo wrote:

Streaming is annoying. Last week I practiced stream compilations and checked my speed on that program every run, and improved from 175 to 210 over 4 runs. This week I can't stream over 175 again.
It's like you have to warm yourself up every time until your fingers know how to move on their own
I know your pain and feel ur pain too~~ orz

jamujamu wrote:

higurush wrote:

277 and 292 bpm.. can survive half way without failing, nomod... So I can stream 277 and 292 bpm? = =
seriously.. no..
Yes! New stream practice maps! Glad I read through this. Nothing more enjoyable than streaming ten thousand notes a second.

That aside, when I feel like practicing my stream without playing osu! I open up this bpm tapper and go as fast as possible while keeping the sound consistent. My max average speed is around 1,000 bpm (on the tapper, not on osu!) on the keyboard, but I normally play mouse only so I'm faster on that.

The real problem is consistency. Getting fast is easy, getting not 50's and 100's is hard. I just train by going up in 2's at particular speeds. 3 clicks, 5 clicks, 7 clicks etc. at 240+ bpm until I can consistently get them.

use this one instead
i just woke up and im topping 110 on that one LOL
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