
Why, hello there.

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Now before anyone says anything, I have signed up on Arrived: Jan 5, 2010 and like never touched it till late 2011. Just saying.

Not really GREAT with introductions, except I like food so I believe we share common grounds. Anyways, decided to drop on to the Community and say "HAAAAAAAAAAY." That isn't only the reason either. It's too hard to find a Multiplayer room who has or willing to play the Maps I have. Perhaps, the amount of stars on that map scares the player that they'll fail and feel helpless while they try to catch on. I dunno. Oh, and nobody wants to speak English too :cry: .

Uhm, yeah. What's up?

I'm a slave for Kuroyukihime kthxbai

Oh ; and HAI KTGSTER, wherever you are.
Welcome to the forums, xEvo! Well, in mp just compromise and share the host privilege around. Everybody wins that way - you get to keep the room going + get introduced to new songs to boot. 8-)

Oh, and I feel you about that English part as well. Though obviously if you gate-crashed into a foreign language lobby don't expect the conversation to be turned intelligible for you...

Well in any case do enjoy your stay~
Welcome to the forums! Hope to play with you sometime (if you want) ^^
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Hopefully the timezone isn't a big difference around here.
You seem like an interesting fellow. Welcome to Osu forums, and hope we meet in the multi room one day. I wanna see if you'll quit if I pick a challenging map :p
Welcome to the forums!
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sCam wrote:

You seem like an interesting fellow. Welcome to Osu forums, and hope we meet in the multi room one day. I wanna see if you'll quit if I pick a challenging map :p
I have quite played the challenging maps.. or rather quite impossible for me. I can't really click 50 times in a second like WW or Cookiez.

xEvolution wrote:

I like food so I believe we share common grounds.
You are as right as anyone could possibly be.

Topic Starter

Static Noise Bird wrote:

xEvolution wrote:

I like food so I believe we share common grounds.
You are as right as anyone could possibly be.

Well, people can dislike food too!
f e a r
Hi, I like you.
Welcome \o
Kanye West
>sees thread title
>hopes for dyrus
>disappointed :(

anyways welcome to the forums!
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f e a r wrote:

Hi, I like you.
Welcome \o
Well, I like you too. Cake please.

@ Kanye West ; Sorry for the disappointment, but you still love me right? :D
Welcome to the forums there, person.
welcome to OSU :)
K a Y e

f e a r wrote:

Hi, I like you.
Welcome \o
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