
MomoKuro-tei Ichimon - Nippon Egao Hyakkei (TV Size) [Taiko|

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Kawayi Rika
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013년 2월 11일 월요일 at 오후 11:15:59

Artist: MomoKuro-tei Ichimon
Title: Nippon Egao Hyakkei (TV Size)
Source: Joshiraku
Tags: tutuhaha Melophobia Saten Saten-san climbb65588 climbb ending
BPM: 160
Filesize: 15580kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Climbb's Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 461 notes)
  2. Melo's Normal (4.2 stars, 116 notes)
  3. Rika (5 stars, 321 notes)
  4. Saten's Easy (2.41 stars, 94 notes)
  5. TuHard (4.99 stars, 274 notes)
Download: MomoKuro-tei Ichimon - Nippon Egao Hyakkei (TV Size)
Download: MomoKuro-tei Ichimon - Nippon Egao Hyakkei (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 39th Ranked beat map.

Joshiraku ending,hope you like enjoy <3

Rika(Insane) by me.

TuHard by tutuhaha.

Normal by Melophobia.

Easy by Saten.

Taiko by climbb65588.
hitsound help~

00:16 Kawayi Rika: : yesterdays sleep
00:16 Kawayi Rika: : hitsound not show me ;w;
00:16 Melophobia: : what you mean..?
00:17 *Kawayi Rika is listening to (MomoKuro-tei Ichimon - Nippon Egao Hyakkei (TV Size))[]
00:18 Kawayi Rika: : this map hitsound still no ;w;
00:18 Melophobia: : it was bad? ;w;
00:18 Kawayi Rika: : you added hitsound?
00:19 Melophobia: : did you try my hitsound pattern?
00:19 Kawayi Rika: : ok
00:19 Kawayi Rika: : give osu file ;w; let me try
00:19 Melophobia: : wait~
00:20 Kawayi Rika: : yep
00:24 Melophobia: :
00:25 Melophobia: : and try this clap =3=
00:25 Kawayi Rika: : OK DLING
00:28 Kawayi Rika: : oh sound better
00:28 Melophobia: : <3
00:28 Kawayi Rika: : but all 1/1?
00:28 Kawayi Rika: : clap?
00:28 Melophobia: : yes
00:28 Kawayi Rika: : oh
00:28 Kawayi Rika: : let me try haha
00:28 Melophobia: : if you think it's too loud, you can reduce the volume
00:29 Kawayi Rika: : yep ><
00:30 Kawayi Rika: : Arigato melo chan <3 let me try finish hitsoudn ><
00:44 Melophobia: : yes><
01:29 Melophobia: : rika~
01:29 Melophobia: : i have some suggestion
01:30 Kawayi Rika: : yep ><
01:30 Kawayi Rika: : hitsound done
01:31 Melophobia: : yea checking now
01:31 Kawayi Rika: : yep ><
01:31 Melophobia: : 00:34:489 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) -
01:31 Melophobia: : no need to add claps in this section~
01:32 Kawayi Rika: : no hitsound here?
01:32 Melophobia: : yes
01:32 Melophobia: : soft-hitnomal only is enough
01:33 Kawayi Rika: : ok
01:34 Melophobia: : 00:48:551 - move this green line to 00:49:489 - ?
01:34 Melophobia: : no instrumental from there :3
01:35 Kawayi Rika: : 30% volume is fine
01:35 Kawayi Rika: : that
01:36 Melophobia: : okay o.o
01:38 Melophobia: : 01:01:864 (3,4,5) - wrong rhythm here~ try this rhythm
01:40 Kawayi Rika: : yes
01:40 Kawayi Rika: : fixed
01:40 Melophobia: : 01:10:114 - finish here?
01:40 Kawayi Rika: : ok ><
01:41 Melophobia: : 01:15:739 (1,2,3) - remove claps here
01:41 Melophobia: : because no drum here><
01:41 Kawayi Rika: : 01:17:239 (1,2) -
01:41 Kawayi Rika: : same?
01:41 Melophobia: : yes
01:41 Kawayi Rika: : yep
01:41 Melophobia: : 01:21:739 (1,2,3) - and 01:23:239 (1,2) - too
01:42 Kawayi Rika: : ok
01:42 Melophobia: : 01:18:739 (5) - this one too
01:42 Kawayi Rika: : done
01:43 Melophobia: : 01:24:739 (3) - same here><
01:44 Kawayi Rika: : done
01:45 Melophobia: : that's all i guess :3
01:45 Melophobia: : everything else looks good~
01:45 Kawayi Rika: : >< arigato post and i kd ><
01:45 Melophobia: : sure~
have this hard+ - jumpy map~ if you don't believe what the newbie can pass the map V
if you don't accept my diff, add this in creator's words as bonus, please >w<

and what about add Momoiro Clover Z to the tags?
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika

Black_Cherry_Ita wrote:

have this hard+ - jumpy map~ if you don't believe what the newbie can pass the map V
if you don't accept my diff, add this in creator's words as bonus, please >w<

and what about add Momoiro Clover Z to the tags?
Guest diff already full ~ sorry ~ :(
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika

tutuhaha wrote:
谢了 那我再找找别人吧 :)
(๑╹ω╹๑ )
(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
mod req via PM o~o☆

[Saten's Easy]

  1. 00:04:676 (1) - i think there should be a finish but not a mute o-o
  2. 01:13:114 (5) - didn't stack with 01:10:864 (2) - o.o
[Melo's Normal]

  1. fine

  1. 01:07:864 (3,4) - 换位置
  2. 01:08:239 (1,2) - 换位置
  3. 01:26:614 (6) - 最后一个note+NC怎么样

  1. 01:13:114 (5,6) - 换位置
Rika, can you fix that stack for me? o.o
Hi~ random check...and sorry poor mod >.>


00:03:176 (2) - delete this note, dont fit the music well
00:25:301 (6) - remove clap
00:26:051 (3) - move to x:132 y:296
00:32:801 (6) - delete this note?
01:26:614 (2) - maybe change to soft finish? o.o sounds nice for me~ or just remove clap


00:27:176 (2) - move to 00:27:364 - ? and replace then
00:33:176 (2) - ^
00:25:489 (1) - finish
00:28:489 - ^
00:31:489 (1) - ^
00:35:989 - maybe add whistle?
00:36:364 - ^ 00:36:739 - ^ 00:37:114 - ^

good luck~ >w</ Others diffs fine for me~



00:08:614 (7) - 间距
00:12:739 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - 这大长slider接跳感觉没flow 至少把slider动一动
00:16:489 (1,2) - 这种别完全放水平 有点角度会好
00:11:989 (1,2) - ^
00:15:739 (3,3,4,5,6,7) - 这种都是加点弧度
00:21:739 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - 这里跟vocal更好
00:26:051 (3) - 可以clap?
00:30:364 (2) - 这种spacing有点蛋碎


Hi, Rika-chan

My mod from your request

Red = Unrankable
Biue = You should modified
Black = My suggestion


  1. Fine

Saten's Easy

  1. 01:10:114 (1) - Add whistle in slider end? The rhythm of slider begin may not be the same as it.

Melo's Normal

  1. Good diff


  1. 01:26:426 (4,5) - I try to compared to the rhythm of the music. I try to listen to the rhythm of song here. I don't hear any sound in rhythm of song here. And when I played it, I feel the uncomfortable here. I think that remove them be better.


  1. 00:26:051 (3) - Move to right 1 grid.
  2. 00:27:551 - Add circle in accordance with rhythm melody of the song?
  3. 01:20:239 (3) - Use clap instead of using finish be better.

That's all that I can find them. If my mod is worthless, don't kd for me.
Nice map, give a star ;)

Good luck~
Well i try to mod it :D


- Consider adding "Melo" to all of your tags

Melo normal:

00:02:989 (4,5) – I think this part should be like 00:01:489 (1,2,3) –
00:46:114 move it too x:256 y:188 look better imo and be in line with 00:44:989 (3)


00:56:989 I think slider follow better flow imo like this:

00:42:739 I think slider should be better

I really try but map is almost perfec so have my sexy start :D
Hi, from your modding queue m4m request, hope I can help enough so you mod my map!

[Saten's Easy]

01:20:239 (1,3,5) - maybe avoid stacking as it is easy diff?

[Melo's Normal]

No comment, good map


00:11:989 (3,4,5) - The whole combo would look better if 00:11:989 (3) was not curved imo. Maybe try this placement? (or other fix):
00:16:114 (4,1) - The flow of this could be better if 00:16:489 (1) was more lined up with the curve of 00:16:114 (4). I would move the center point of slider 00:16:114 (4) at 156,96 but many possible ways to fix this
00:28:489 (1) - curve this a bit with center point at 126,284?

I think you should change the combo pattern during kiai time to follow the music more:
00:52:489 (1) - remove NC
00:53:426 (3) - NC
00:53:989 (1) - remove NC
00:54:364 (1) - NC (or not, but I would)
00:56:614 (7) - NC
00:56:989 (1) - remove NC
00:58:114 (4) - NC
00:58:489 (1) - remove NC
00:59:614 (4) - NC
00:59:989 (1) - remove NC
01:02:614 (7) - NC
01:02:989 (1) - remove NC
01:04:114 (1) - ok, not here, this you should keep for aesthetic purposes ^^
01:05:614 (1) - NC
01:05:989 (1) - remove NC
01:07:114 (5) - NC
01:07:489 (1) - remove NC
... etc. It feels weird that the combos dont follow the voice more but it's only opinion
01:22:489 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I would change the placement of these, as they are too near respectively from 01:20:989 (1,2,3,4,5,6) to not be stacked, so I would either stack or place further away.


00:28:489 (1,2) - look a bit odd, I would curve 00:28:489 (1) to homogenize
00:41:989 (1,2) - ^
00:34:489 (1) - maybe use same shape as 00:35:614 (6) or something close?
00:54:739 (3) - change the curve for best flow with 00:53:989 (1) :
00:56:989 (1,6) - I would change one of these to homogenize with the other

I hope it will help and that you will take my map in your queue. GL with this, maps look great!
M4M Mod Hi Hi :)!


00:13:489 (1,3) - you're not doing a perfect blanket I recommend doing so

00:53:989 (2,2) - ^

00:44:989 (3,1) - While these are not stacked notes recommend moving the end of this slider 00:46:489 (1) - X:238 Y: 188
01:10:864 (2) - ^ move this note 01:13:114 (5) - a X: 136 Y: 248
00:46:489 (1) - I personally think that this is inconsistent slider you should do a little more for beautifull
00:51:364 (1) - This circle is covered by 00:46:489 (1) - this slider
01:01:489 (4) - You could make a nice slider more than just a circle that is a suggestion
01:05:989 (2) - This slider is a little ugly,could do it more beautiful


Good Diff :)

00:16:864 (2) - distance snap check please
00:18:739 (3) - This jump could be a little unexpected recommend playing here respect the snap distance
01:03:739 (3) - This slider is being covered by this 01:02:989 (1) - check please
01:06:364 (2,4) - ^
01:20:989 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - I wonder why you did not use the same distance snap to maintain consistency in these patterns

00:03:176 (2) - deleted note, not necessary here, listen the song please
00:14:239 (1) - NC here
00:34:114 (5,1) - While these are not stacked notes recommend moving the end of this slider X:357 Y: 247
00:41:989 (1,2) - ^
01:25:114 (5) - NC
01:26:239 (1) - Remove NC no Spam please :<

I'm not sure but I think the red color is unranked check please nwn
Good Song Nice Map *·*! :)


  1. 將Title和Source改成日文, Source的Joshiraku移到Tags
    Artist: 桃黒亭一門
    Title: ニッポン笑顔百景
    Soure: じょしらく

 Saten's Easy

  1. Pretty nice for an Easy difficulty, just got two hitsound suggestion from my own opinion.
    01:18:739 (2) - (slider's head)
    01:23:239 (5) - (slider's tail)
    As drums are way stronger then previous parts, so keep these two notes with clap hitsounds?

 Melo's Ero

  1. めろめろえろえろえろえろだ!
    00:23:614 (2) - この4つ 00:23:989 (3,4,5,6) と比べるとなんか(2)をスライダーに変えようよーと思って

    00:37:864 (2) - ここにNew combo入れた方がいいじゃないか
    01:17:989 (1) - こんなとこにスピンナーだと・・やり直して来い!


  1. 鬼畜AR7有點神奇
    00:29:801 (1,3) - 感覺既然打算全下白線clap, 這兩個位置漏了就十分獵奇…當然你可以加個sliderslide音效解決
    00:52:864 (2) - 碰到HP Bar了, 求下移


  1. 唔, 感覺開AR8完全足夠…不如說開AR9反而太難打了 xD
    00:13:864 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 有點過度偷懶了… 比起排列更像是用來下節奏的note, 建議remap一下這個地方!
    00:26:051 (3,4,5) - 這spacing不能吐槽更多, 建議把(3,4)改回1.00
    00:42:364 (2) - 既然前面下過類似的梗, 但節奏又不同的話…建議不要重複使用 (指00:28:489 (1,2) - 的1/4和這裡的1/2)

差不多就這樣子...? m4m的話似乎已經晚了, 那麼加油吧 XDD

Saten's Easy
00:53:989 (2,3,4) - 슬라이더의 리버스를 한번 제거 하고 그 후에 노트를 두면 좋을 것 같아요.
예시 :
00:59:989 (2,3) - 이 슬라이더를 통합시키는것도 좋은 방법일 것 같아요..

Melo's Normal
01:12:364 (2) - 노트로 하는게 더 좋아보여요.
01:20:989 (1,3) - 노트로 하는게 좋아보여요
예시 :
01:23:989 (1) - whistle 사운드 추가

00:54:926 (4) - 1/4 박자로 하는게 왠지 좋아보여요..
01:01:489 (1,2,3) - 디스턴스 1.5로 노트들을 다 떨어뜨리는게 좋아보여요
예시 :

00:23:426 (5,6) - 이 사이에 노트 하나를 추가하면 비트가 더 좋아질 것 같아요.
01:12:739 (3,4,5,6) - 배치를 조금 다르게 하면 좋을 것 같아요.
01:22:489 (1,2,1,2) - 이것도 조금 전에 나오는 것처럼 전부 노트로 하는게 좋아 보여요.
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