
What´s shop online do you recomend for buy figures?

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Ok i just try to buy a figure but i need a shop clarify about shipping costs and of course one is enough dependable
Then what recomend me?
Check out this page!

My personal experience:
Hobby Link Japan - Very good service, doesn't have a very large selection though. Prices are fair.
Mandrake - Buying something from mandrake takes a bit more effort, but it's well worth it. It has a huge inventory and very cheap prices and shipping. Some of their stuff is secondhand, but look for the ones that say "not opened" if you want new figures.
Amazon - I used to use amazon, but honestly it's the last place you should use. The prices are expensive, but if you have Amazon Prime you can get it in 2 days. Not worth it imo.
Ebay - Beware of knockoffs, but sometimes ebay's the only place you can find rarer figures. Prices vary.

For Gundam Model Kits (exclusively):
GundamStoreAndMore - Fair prices and shipping if you live in the US, it has a pretty wide variety.
Hobbywave - Prices are a more expensive but has a $10 flat rate shipping no matter how many kits you buy.
Tsukimi Luna
Good Smile Company For retail price and updates of latest figures

Hobby Search Its cheaper here sometimes but shipping varies...

You dont have to worry about knock offs this way....
Hobby Search even extends to all kinds of stuff like dakimura, Weiss Schwarz booster packs, card sleeves, carc cases etc etc...

mathexpert9981 wrote:

My personal experience:
Amazon - I used to use amazon, but honestly it's the last place you should use. The prices are expensive, but if you have Amazon Prime you can get it in 2 days. Not worth it imo.
Ebay - Beware of knockoffs, but sometimes ebay's the only place you can find rarer figures. Prices vary.
To be honest i dont really recommend e-bay and amazon....
Unless u want to buy figures that are released before this and are not available for sale anymore....
For upcoming and current figures i recommend u to buy it from the original website or hobby search...
For old figures... that you can find thru ebay and amazon but i doubt that they might even be up for sale...
Just watch out for bootlegs and check the official website before purchasing..
Tenshi-nyan Good prices, decent service and lots of exclusives. Not very tolerant when it comes to cancelling orders.
XSCX -I normally buy from plamoya since i bought most of my stuff from them.
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ok thanks well now i must get enough money for buy but anyways :p
In addition to the above, I also will sometimes scour through because their interface is much easier to navigate than most other Japanese toy websites. They also have lots of other things as well. Their shipping is about as pricy as other import Japanese websites but they also have lots of coupons floating around of up to 10-15% off often. They're also pretty good about sending meaningful newsletters with a nice layout displaying some of their newest stock, especially toys and figurines.

The pricing is really good considering the model quality. I haven't used either of these sites myself but a buddy of mine was on a shopping spree a couple weeks back on both these sites.
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