
Having Problems With Sliders

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[deleted user]
Okay, here I am. First post, first beatmap, first problem, first request for help.

I've got most of my beatmap set up and working, the timing's brill' and the everything else is working fine. However. There are three sliders which show up as sliders when I'm editing, but as soon as I test the beatmap, they've been changed to buttons, and I can't seem to hit them at all. Even more, the computer can't hit them on Auto mode. Does anyone have any ideas what might be going on?

All help would be appreciated, even though I think I just spelled it wrong. ._.
Hey, welcome to osu!. Nice spelling! xD

Hmm... Why don't you try uploading the beatmap via BSS (Beatmap Submission System) in the Editor, and post a link here? We can come check your map to see what's wrong.
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[deleted user]
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Check your thread. :)
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