
Score ranking system [CTB only]

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I have found new formula of finding maximal score of beatmap (but on CTB only because of sliders) but it is not very accurate (spinners) but it is very useful.
Step 1. Main formula
At school you have learnt arifmetical progrecy. We will use here a formula of total score:
S=((4a1+k(n-2))/2)*(n-1), where:
a1 - first combo, a1=300, a2=600, despite the k
k - factor of difficulty, k=(a1+a2+a3)-900
n - maximum combo

I'll bring, for example, beatmap Hatsune Miku & Megpoid Gumi - MATRYOSHKA [Insane]
Maximum combo 820
k = 960-900=60
According to formula:
S=((1200+60*818)/2)*819=(50 280/2)*819=20 589 660
Step 2. Big droplets
We are lucky, this beatmap has only 2 big droplets (not fruits but if you miss them your combo will 0 again).
Now we find their location (combo)
So, 1st is in 344 combo and 2nd is in 610 combo.
And how much points would they bring? It is easy according to this formula:
Step 3. Small droplets
It's much easier to count the score which small droplets bring.
There are 390 droplets here. They bring 390*10=3900 points
Step 4. Almost final.
And now, let's count the points!
20 289 660 - (21 120+37 080) + (100*2) + 3900 = 20 235 560
Step 5. Spinners
If the map has a lot of spinners, add 370 500 (this map) to total score.
N O T I F I C A T O N: that points should divide on 1100


Close enough.
If the difference between counted and auto scores divides 1100, we counted correctly
How about comparing your method to this one using real FCs instead of perfect auto combos?
I don't see how this is "very useful"
please, do explain
Kanye West

laport wrote:

I don't see how this is "very useful"
please, do explain
This. If you want to know the max score, turn on auto and/or watch actual player replays.
This one is very helpful at CtB maps discussion.

Max score of ranked CtB maps are important, nice job.

laport wrote:

I don't see how this is "very useful"
please, do explain
It's VERY useful. I always wanted to see this. <3
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kanye west wrote:

laport wrote:

I don't see how this is "very useful"
please, do explain
This. If you want to know the max score, turn on auto and/or watch actual player replays.

That awkward moment when auto misses but other players haven't missed.
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