
Changin' My Life - Eternal Snow

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, April 12, 2009 at 6:34:18 PM

Artist: Changin' My Life
Title: Eternal Snow
Source: Fullmoon wo Sagashite
Tags: Kouyama Mitsuki
BPM: 107
Filesize: 5698kb
Play Time: 03:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.6 stars, 377 notes)
  2. Normal (2.82 stars, 210 notes)
Download: Changin' My Life - Eternal Snow
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Much thanks to the people who helped me with this map, especially peppy and Takuma. Hopefully its a pretty good map by now~

CW edits

added kiai time and random edits

Mogsy edits

Added a different bg to Normal and revamped kiai sections a la mattyu

new timing and stuff + Kouyama Mitsuki
breaks 01:06:02, 02:33:78 - necessary?
03:38:38 (1) - necessary?
01:22:28 (1) - 1/4 longer?

i don't like normal - too many spinners. Breaks could be cut back slightly too
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00:56:496(3,4,5) - The hitcirlces need to touch if they're at 1/2 beats apart by your spacing, fix please.
01:08:269(2) - Slider two should touch the end of slider 1.
01:09:391(3,1,2,1) - They aren't spaced correctly.
01:09:391(3) - not touching slider 2, fix plox.
02:21:714(1,2,3) - Spacing issue, fix please
02:23:957(4,5,6) - Spacing. ^
02:30:685(1,2,3) - Spacing. ^
02:32:647(4,5,6) - Spacing. ^
02:34:889(1,2,3) - Spacing. ^
02:38:445(2,3,4,5,6) - Spacing. ^
02:44:140(2) - Spacing. ^
02:46:663(1) Spacing. ^
I'm gonna stop here with the spacing stuff, just note that evil issue of rounding off DS.


02:46:663(2) - Slightly too far. move down a little.
01:36:302(5) - It's too close. also that pattern looks a little too hard to read but you ARE SFG.
02:00:550(1) - Shorten the slider to start at the red tick.
02:33:488(4) - It's slightly too close.
02:50:011 - Make the upcoming slider start here. NOTE: You will have to remove that mini break.
03:20:582 - OPTIONAL: I personally think that pattern is too hard.
03:25:208(1) - Shorten the slider so it stars on the red tick.
03:39:925(1) - No need for this to be a new combo.
04:07:677(2) - Slightly too far. move it up a little.

Nice map, Here's a star from the cleric who plays Osu!.
01:10:23 (1) - Why new Combo?
01:16:11 (1) - You can let it as it is, but you can end this slider 1/4 beat earlier if you're on the lyrics
02:44:14 (2) - Same thing here, it can be placed 1/4 beat earlier but it's optionnal

Nothing to say

Very nice song, and very nice map

*Hands star*
01:30:695 (x) - the break shouldn't be here on account that there weren't some earlier, or just add breaks earlier but they
made you take those away ?
03:10:49 (1) - I'm not sure is this a problem, but it's quite hidden
03:11:61 (5) - New Combo?
03:12:45 (1) - Take away new combo?
>.< I think I sux at modding, but these are suggestions(?)
oh, and I like it, *starred*
01:12:19 (1) - Nice star. :P
(same goes to the other stars)

No real problems here.

I just realized all you change in terms of difficulty is the HP Drain rate up one. Perhaps knock [Normal]'s Overall Difficulty down a few notches and keep [Hard]'s where it is? I won't complain too much about the Circle Size though. Could help though...

01:59:00 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - improperly stacked.
02:36:85 (8) - Doesn't feel like it should be in the stack
02:44:981 - This break doesnt feel like it belongs, imo
04:09:91 (3) - B'AWWWWW (*ahem* moving on)

Bug me when you fix, i'll stamp it then.

But here's a star for the time being.

EDIT: Been fix'd.

~Remington Seal of Approval~
Mod time.


00:34:63 - I suggest a break.
00:36:31 (1,2) - Whistle hitsound.
00:43:60 - Break.
00:52:29 (5,1) - Instead of this, I suggest making a slider that lasts from 5 to 1 (thus removing the new combo).
00:58:73 (6) - New combo (argh I've said this so many times to Skyripper earlier orz)
01:06:02 - Break.
01:12:19 (1) - Not a mod post, but NICE BOAT... I mean NICE WORK.
01:22:56 (1) - End point remains, but the start point should be 1/2 a beat after the last note of the combo.
01:30:69 - Add one more note, then add a break after.
02:17:22 (5) - New combo.
02:19:75 (1) - I suggest finish
02:26:19 (7,1) - Add new combo at 7 and remove from 1.
02:39:65 (1) - Again, nice work.
02:50:02 (1) - Basically, it's the same issue as 01:22:56 (1)
03:09:36 (1) - Remove the new combo.


00:33:22 (4,5,6) - between 4-5 and 5-6 the gap is slightly different. Please adjust.
00:36:31 (1,2,3) - Do an INIS-style here lol. Place this so it's symmetrical with the slider below.
00:42:19 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:52:01 (6,1) - Remove new combo from 1 and add to 6.
01:22:28 (1) - Up to this point I realised why you wanted that spinner to start from this spot, but... if you would pick up on my suggestion, may I suggest starting 1/2 a beat from the last note and end at the same spot? Yea, it's something like the modding as above.
01:33:21 (3,4,5,6) - For this one, I suggest a "whistle finish whistle finish" streak. Smacking finish 3 times in a row seems a bit jarring, but again this is a suggestion...
01:41:06 (3) - Be daring here. Place it so it's equally distance from 2 and 4 yet creates a small jump of its own (which means moving this more towards the right and lower)
01:46:11 (1) - Remove new combo.
01:52:00 (1) - ^
01:57:60 (1,5) - Remove new combo from 1 and add to 5.
01:59:56 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:50:02 (1) - Spinner issue same as 01:22:28 (1)
02:57:03 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest a bit more boldness here. A square-shape series of jumps, perhaps?
03:10:49 (1) - Remove new combo.
03:15:81 (9,1) - Add new combo to 9, remove from 1
03:19:46 (1,3) - Remove new combo from 1 and add to 3
03:25:06 (8) - I admit, this is very minor, but if you're aiming for a square, I think you'll need to adjust this slightly orz
03:42:72 (6,8,1) - Remove new combo, add to 6, and make it such that there's a slider from 8 to where the old 1 is.
03:48:33 (1,1) - Remove both new combos and make a slider from the new 7 to the new 8 (after you removed the new combo)
03:54:50 (1,4) - - Remove new combo from 1, new combo at 4
03:56:18 (8,1,1) - Remove both new combos and add one at 8.
03:58:70 (5,1) - Remove new combo from 1 and add to 5
04:00:38 (5,1) - Remove new combo from 1 and add to 5. Uhh, or ^. Damned.
04:08:51 (1) - Remove new combo.
04:13:56 (3,1) - Nasty move. Sure, this DID hit the auto 300 + 2000 bonus criteria, but this is horrible because the last note was 1/4 away and it lasts so short. Very likely to throw people off bad. I suggest shortening 3 by 1/4 at the very least.
04:16:36 (2,3) - Yawning gap. Make a slider and cover this gap.
04:09:91 (3) - No overlapping. Re-design so the start/end doesn't overlap, if possible.

P.S.: This song was one a friend and I used to sing over MSN. It's pretty sweet if you ask me.

Maybe set the Overall Difficulty 2 ticks lower.
Maybe set the Circle Size 1 bigger.



Couldn't find anything real serious.
Not really my type of song but very nice map :]
Hope it's ranked soon :D
Starred *
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01:17:52 - If you want to keep with your short breaks, add one here
03:05:30 - ^
I believe it's time for a mogging.

-00:27:90 (3) - Make this exactly symmetrical; it's so close, but still, just raise the endpoint a bit more.
-00:39:11 (3) - ^
-00:49:76 (1,2) - Make both of these symmetrical.
-01:32:93 (2) - Line up with 1. The fact that it's off to the side like that seems only a smidgen sloppy to me.
-01:46:11 (3) - Make this symmetrical.
-02:16:38 (5) - ^
-04:09:91 (4) - Adjust the left side of this to make it look neater.
-04:13:56 (3) - Symmetry dealie again.

-00:39:11 (2) - Make this symmetrical.
-00:52:29 (5) - ^
-01:00:14 (6) - ^. As a result, you might have to adjust 7's position, sorry.
-01:35:18 (6) - Symmetry.
-03:02:64 (5) - ^
-03:07:12 (3) - The curve on the top looks awkward IMO.

Not popping, but yeah.
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I haven't taken another look at the map, but...

Were all these changes necessary? I mean, I played through Hard, and tbh I didn't see anything that really needed to be changed apart from the ones I mentioned.
*resists urge to nuke* okay let's try this...

00:34:07 (6) - this slider is very hidden. missed twice.
00:47:52 (1,2) - too far apart
02:24:51 (3,4,5) - sounds awkward
02:40:21 (3) - ...too much overlap and ambiguity to be ranked imho. also looks ugly
02:43:57 (1,2,3) - line these up?
02:46:94 (2,3,4,5) - congratulations on destroying this song.
02:57:03 (1,2,3,4) - WHAT? sure you can change spacing on a new combo, but this doesn't make sense, is suddend doesn't fit with anything else you've mapped throughout the song.
03:09:36 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - clutter central yuck
03:18:34 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - my ears
03:22:82 (2,3,4) - congratulations on "
03:56:46 (2) - ew
04:05:99 (2) - can't see this slider. move it into view please.
04:09:91 (4) - whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
04:23:37 (4,5,6) -
last sliders is long.

Remove countdown. It sounds horrible.

Reencode mp3 to 192kbit or less. The map is currently too large.

The bottom line is that I hate what you've done with sound additions.

I've already said this, but the map is too long. TV size or cutting at 2:03 would suffice nicely.

Max score is too high, but this will be fixed if you apply the last point.

Also my BAT star on this map can be ignored - it was just when I was testing something and I starred by accident.

peppy wrote:

*resists urge to nuke* okay let's try this...

00:34:07 (6) - this slider is very hidden. missed twice. - Ehm... You should probably put your glasses on peppy. *sorry* :D
00:47:52 (1,2) - too far apart
02:24:51 (3,4,5) - sounds awkward - Yepp, double note before slider seems weird.
02:40:21 (3) - ...too much overlap and ambiguity to be ranked imho. also looks ugly - This do kinda feel awkward to play the first couple of times.
02:43:57 (1,2,3) - line these up? Yepp.
02:46:94 (2,3,4,5) - congratulations on destroying this song. - I think replacing (3) with a hit circle instead would improve this section.
02:57:03 (1,2,3,4) - WHAT? sure you can change spacing on a new combo, but this doesn't make sense, is suddend doesn't fit with anything else you've mapped throughout the song. - A little sudden maybe, 1.2x or 1.3x and move it around a little perhaps.
03:09:36 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - clutter central yuck
03:18:34 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - my ears - 5 might be a little much.
03:22:82 (2,3,4) - congratulations on " - This one seems fine compared to the other one.
03:56:46 (2) - ew - Ya... This one is quite ugly.
04:05:99 (2) - can't see this slider. move it into view please.
04:09:91 (4) - whaa... - Nothing wrong with position but the shape is disturbing xD
04:23:37 (4,5,6) - last sliders is long. - A little weird to span it to the "ki" sound.

Remove countdown. It sounds horrible.

Reencode mp3 to 192kbit or less. The map is currently too large.

The bottom line is that I hate what you've done with sound additions.

I've already said this, but the map is too long. TV size or cutting at 2:03 would suffice nicely. - Meh, either way seems fine.

Max score is too high, but this will be fixed if you apply the last point. Barely above 10 mil, what are you trying to pull now?
Also my BAT star on this map can be ignored - it was just when I was testing something and I starred by accident. - That's what they all say.
Sloppy mod since I'm busy atm, feedback on feedback, call it what you will.

And don't take it personally peppy, you are great and all.

Download: Azumanga Daioh - Jan Wayne Vs. Raindropz - Numb (Nightcore Ver.) [Teke] (2011-06-23) Osu.osr
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02:43:57 (1,2,3) - This is the only 1/4 in the map. Sort of confusing.

Could use some more 1/4 non-stacks, but I'm not sure where you'd put them in so meh.
Stack leniency down one notch.
02:46:94 (2,3) - This jump is wtf compared to the rest of the song. More jumps, maybe? So it doesn't seem so out of place.

Have some unneeded priority.
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For both Normal and Hard, I feel that:

01:22:00 (1) - this spinner should start at the next white tick.
02:49:18 (1) - this too.

Otherwise, nicely done.


01:11:07 (7,8,9) - the circle here can be ignored easily. I'd suggest making the first slider hold out for only a quarter of a beat and have it repeat four times, that way it still ends forward and leads to the second slider.

<01:19:763> (1) : At the end of this slider, I'm not hearing any Clap, Hit, Finish, and also Whistle sound. That can bother player's concentration a little.


Right now i can't find any.
01:16:11 (1) - I'm having issues with this one being a bit too far from the previous slider. Reconsider.

01:56:76 (1,2,3,4) - With that kind of spacing, this is sped up without a warning.
02:45:26 (1,2,3) - ^

If you can, you should try to edit the mp3 so that it doesn't sound like the map stops abruptly from that point.
Have a star.
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Kiai Time:
01:23:96 - 02:03:21
02:51:42 - 03:30:67

Not popping the bubble or anything...Just a little suggestion :P
I already reencoded the mp3 for SFG a few weeks back - so it's a submission error.
Although I think that your snowflake sliders could use a bit of touching up, and that storyboarded lyrics, done right, would be a really nice touch on this, I'm not going to bother you over either. Really, this is a beautiful song and a wonderfully done map. :)

Only thing I have to really point out is that you have two similar combo colours after each other. Also the spacing of 02:43:57 (1,2,3,4,5), since your 3/4 beats are pretty close in spacing to the full beats in that combo. Just fix up those two little points and I'm seriously ready to rank this.

EDIT: Beautiful~ Raaaaanked~
The mp3 still isn't updated. Unranked. Please attempt to read posts and follow things up before ranking @ BATs.
mp3 fixed by peppy.

Nazi Remmy time.

Offset IS off, I can tell you that. Everyone thinks I time like shit, but I got 27,370 (short value = 1019). Advice has it that you shouldn't trust my timing.
As always, make sure all of the notes are resnapped correctly.

[Hard] does not have a background set, just [Normal]

Thats it me thinks.

Fix and i'll rerank it.
992 - original
997 - peppyguess? idk
1006 - foulcoon
1012 - Pasonia
1019 - Remmy
1020 - Kharl
avg = 1007.6

Needless to say, the offset doesn't take place after the song ends.
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107.00 is good with me too.
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peppy wrote:

107.00 is good with me too.

strike two on failing to notice id already changed something before commenting on it -_-;
take my Star...
I hope that the problems are solved D:
The latest .osu files aren't included with the map. Aside from that, everything looks fine.
You still haven't added Kouyama Mitsuki-chan to the tags yet, but other than that everything looks fine. :P
Everything should be finally alright. Bubbled.
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So did this set the new record for most stars ever?
S-F congrats again for your map :) ... finally ranked :D

K2J wrote:

So did this set the new record for most stars ever?
Taking a closer look, it may have set a record for the most *kudosu* stars ever. Way to be desperate SFG. :P

Anyway, the map is pretty good. Grats on finally getting ranked, and ranked again!
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