
Grand Thaw - Alt Mirror Bell

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Topic Starter
Himekaido Hatate
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011년 10월 16일 일요일 at 오전 1:18:18

Artist: Grand Thaw
Title: Alt Mirror Bell
Source: BMS
Tags: BMS Festival 09'winter NOCTURNE Roman Video Production Club
BPM: 100
Filesize: 21105kb
Play Time: 02:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.5 stars, 228 notes)
  2. MirrorBell (4.84 stars, 502 notes)
Download: Grand Thaw - Alt Mirror Bell
Download: Grand Thaw - Alt Mirror Bell (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Thaks Nyan! XD

11/08/18 [4:28] Pattern upload (MirrorBell)
11/08/19 [AM 11:12] Pattern upload (MirrorBell) & BPM fixing now :D
11/08/19 [4:34] Pattern upload (MirrorBell) - done! but need lot of fix & BPM D:
11/08/20 [9:26] Pattern upload (Hard)
11/09/03 [11:50] Pattern fixed (Hard,MirrorBell) thanks to pieguy1372! >w<)
11/09/10 [1:10] hitsound fixed (MirrorBell)
11/09/12 [9:52] custom hitsound added, Pattern fixed(plz RDL) (Hard,Mirrorbell) thanks to C R E A M! >w<)b
11/10/07 [12:02] hitsound fixed (MirrorBell)
11/10/08 [12:18] Pattern fixed (MirrorBell) Thanks what >w<)
11/10/09 [10:28] Pattern upload & fixed (Normal, MirrorBell)
타이밍 노가다 제대로 해놨습니다.......................................................

Download: Grand Thaw - Alt Mirror Bell (Himekaido Hatate) [skvktkrk13's Timing].osu
This timing needs some work if you're going to seriously map the song
if you really want to ask the timing, PM me in-game
Topic Starter
Himekaido Hatate

Selee wrote:

This timing needs some work if you're going to seriously map the song
if you really want to ask the timing, PM me in-game
i'm serious! i hope this map will rank:D
허커커커앜어ㅜ어어억 나에게 태고를ㅜㅜ
아니 하타테님 태고맵 만드시겠구나
BMS Festival 09'winter : 참여대회
Roman Video Production Club : BGA
to tag

to source

BPM 참고는 여기서
BPM - 100 - 90 - 76 - 104 - 116 - 118 - 122 - 120 - 118 - 116 - 112 - 108 - 104 - 102 - 100 - 96 - 90 - 88 - 86 - 84 - 82 - 80 - 76 - 74 - 72 - 70
Topic Starter
Himekaido Hatate

Nyan wrote:

허커커커앜어ㅜ어어억 나에게 태고를ㅜㅜ
아니 하타테님 태고맵 만드시겠구나
냥님의 태고라면 물론 환영이에요!...라기보다 이거 태고맵만들 생각도못했었...
일단 맵 제작하고 계셔요
중간부분은 좀있다 해드림

no kudosu for this

Download: Grand Thaw - Alt Mirror Bell (Himekaido Hatate) [BPM (not finished)].osu

00:13:998 (1,1) - Remove NCs
00:16:044 (2,1) - Switch NCs?
00:21:839 (5) - Too close to (4)
00:23:203 (2) - Too close to (1)
00:29:339 (2) - Remove NC
00:35:135 (3) - Too close to (2)
00:37:521 (1,1,1) - remove these NCs please :? seems like too much IMO
00:43:657 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 1/3 stream in a hard? :cry: I think you should change this
00:45:703 (1) - Remove NC
00:46:726 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same
00:47:748 (1) - Remove NC
00:49:794 (1) - Remove NC
01:17:504 (1) - ^
01:22:120 (1) - ^
01:40:581 (1) - ^
01:44:619 (2) - Too close to (1)
01:47:119 (4,5,6,7,8) - a stream in a hard? :o I think it might be too hard, perhaps change it? (If you think it's fine, just keep it as is)
01:52:120 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:56:735 (1) - remove NC
02:10:581 (2) - Too close to (1)
02:12:504 (2) - Too close to (1)
02:13:658 (4) - Too close to (3) :cry:
02:17:889 (5,6) - (nazi) 1 level 3 grid down?
02:18:658 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - same thing about the streams :cry:


-AR 8? I don't think 9 fits well :?

start ~ 00:10:083 - This part plays really bad, I suggest starting the map at 00:10:782 (1)
00:35:305 (3) - This should end 1/8 earlier, and also I suggest just making it a 1/4 slider
00:36:498 ~ 00:44:339 - :? these streams are spaced too far would play better if you spaced them closer like the next streams. Also, I think the whistles would sound better on 1/1 ticks :?
01:10:966 (1,1) - Remove NCs
01:14:043 ~ 01:16:398 - please space this stream closer :cry: also, I'd recommend curving all of it instead of making that one part a straight line~
01:20:196 (2,3,4) - really far apart :?
01:26:158 (1) - Remove NC
01:27:504 (1) - ^
01:32:504 (1,2,3) - very far apart :? please move it closer together
01:52:696 (1,1) - Remove NCs
01:59:043 (11,1) - switch NCs
02:02:504 ~ 02:11:639 - This part is extremely hard to read and it doesn't play nicely. Please remap this part and follow a more consistent pattern :? perhaps you could try doing 8 beats, then a 1/4 slider with 2 repeats, and repeat this. Also, please disable grid snap when creating long streams such as this :?
02:12:504 (1,2,1,2) - jumps seem too big IMO

You're off to a good start but a couple of things need to be fixed. Good luck~ :)
Topic Starter
Himekaido Hatate

pieguy1372 wrote:


00:13:998 (1,1) - Remove NCs
00:16:044 (2,1) - Switch NCs?
00:21:839 (5) - Too close to (4)
00:23:203 (2) - Too close to (1)
00:29:339 (2) - Remove NC
00:35:135 (3) - Too close to (2)
00:37:521 (1,1,1) - remove these NCs please :? seems like too much IMO
00:43:657 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 1/3 stream in a hard? :cry: I think you should change this
00:45:703 (1) - Remove NC
00:46:726 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Same
00:47:748 (1) - Remove NC
00:49:794 (1) - Remove NC
01:17:504 (1) - ^
01:22:120 (1) - ^
01:40:581 (1) - ^
01:44:619 (2) - Too close to (1)
01:47:119 (4,5,6,7,8) - a stream in a hard? :o I think it might be too hard, perhaps change it? (If you think it's fine, just keep it as is)
01:52:120 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:56:735 (1) - remove NC
02:10:581 (2) - Too close to (1)
02:12:504 (2) - Too close to (1)
02:13:658 (4) - Too close to (3) :cry:
02:17:889 (5,6) - (nazi) 1 level 3 grid down?
02:18:658 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - same thing about the streams :cry:


-AR 8? I don't think 9 fits well :?

start ~ 00:10:083 - This part plays really bad, I suggest starting the map at 00:10:782 (1)
00:35:305 (3) - This should end 1/8 earlier, and also I suggest just making it a 1/4 slider
00:36:498 ~ 00:44:339 - :? these streams are spaced too far would play better if you spaced them closer like the next streams. Also, I think the whistles would sound better on 1/1 ticks :?
01:10:966 (1,1) - Remove NCs
01:14:043 ~ 01:16:398 - please space this stream closer :cry: also, I'd recommend curving all of it instead of making that one part a straight line~
01:20:196 (2,3,4) - really far apart :?
01:26:158 (1) - Remove NC
01:27:504 (1) - ^
01:32:504 (1,2,3) - very far apart :? please move it closer together
01:52:696 (1,1) - Remove NCs
01:59:043 (11,1) - switch NCs
02:02:504 ~ 02:11:639 - This part is extremely hard to read and it doesn't play nicely. Please remap this part and follow a more consistent pattern :? perhaps you could try doing 8 beats, then a 1/4 slider with 2 repeats, and repeat this. Also, please disable grid snap when creating long streams such as this :?
02:12:504 (1,2,1,2) - jumps seem too big IMO

You're off to a good start but a couple of things need to be fixed. Good luck~ :)
Thanks to mod :D
와... 곡 짱 좋네. bpm변속이 곡 전체에 걸쳐서 있는건줄 알았는데 그건 아니구나. 한가지 문제가 되는건 연타를 사용할 때 1/3일때도 있고 1/4일때도 있는데 초견에 이걸 알아볼 방법이 전혀 존재하지 않는다는거지. 연타 스페이싱을 좀 일정하게 했으면 좋겠다. 박자가 어려우면 맵의 가독성을 올리기 위해서 그만큼 스페이싱을 하는데 제약이 생기지. 너무 자유롭게 스페이싱 하기 보다는 노트리딩측면을 염두에 두고 했으면 좋겠음.

00:05:160 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - 이부분 참 답이 안나오네. 그냥 건반 두들길때마다 타이밍을 새로 맞추는수준이구나. 그리고 타이밍도 완전히 맞지는 않네. 뒷부분은 미묘하게 어긋나 있어. 여기 그냥 전주로 빼버리면 어떨까 싶다. 어떻게 노트를 넣어도 좋게 나올 것 같지가 않아. 굳이 노트를 넣고 싶다면 00:05:160 (1,2,3,1) - 여기 스페이싱을 일정하게 맞춘후 그 스페이싱 그대로 끝까지 노트를 배치해야되. 박자가 계속 바뀌니까 스페이싱은 무조건 일정하게 유지를 해야지. 그게 플레이어를 위한 최소한의 배려다.
00:11:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - bpm자꾸 바뀌는 부분은 스페이싱 일정하게!
00:44:680 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 이 뒤로는 이런거 지적안할거야. 연타스페이싱은 알아서 조절해줘. 이렇게 갑자기 연타스페이싱 줄여버리면 1/4인지 1/3인지 헷갈리거든.
00:52:862 (1) - 타이밍 열심히 맞춰놓은거 아깝게 여기가 다 스피너라니. 상관없지만 뭔가 아쉽다 ㅋ
01:20:196 (2,3,4) - 매우 1/3같다.

딱히 큰 문제는 안보이네. 엄청난 양의 타이밍 섹션이 낭비되는게 그저 아까울뿐.
BMS에선 극악패턴을 아주 재밌게만들다니 역시 하타테형 'ㅅ'b
Topic Starter
Himekaido Hatate

C R E A M wrote:

와... 곡 짱 좋네. bpm변속이 곡 전체에 걸쳐서 있는건줄 알았는데 그건 아니구나. 한가지 문제가 되는건 연타를 사용할 때 1/3일때도 있고 1/4일때도 있는데 초견에 이걸 알아볼 방법이 전혀 존재하지 않는다는거지. 연타 스페이싱을 좀 일정하게 했으면 좋겠다. 박자가 어려우면 맵의 가독성을 올리기 위해서 그만큼 스페이싱을 하는데 제약이 생기지. 너무 자유롭게 스페이싱 하기 보다는 노트리딩측면을 염두에 두고 했으면 좋겠음.

00:05:160 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - 이부분 참 답이 안나오네. 그냥 건반 두들길때마다 타이밍을 새로 맞추는수준이구나. 그리고 타이밍도 완전히 맞지는 않네. 뒷부분은 미묘하게 어긋나 있어. 여기 그냥 전주로 빼버리면 어떨까 싶다. 어떻게 노트를 넣어도 좋게 나올 것 같지가 않아. 굳이 노트를 넣고 싶다면 00:05:160 (1,2,3,1) - 여기 스페이싱을 일정하게 맞춘후 그 스페이싱 그대로 끝까지 노트를 배치해야되. 박자가 계속 바뀌니까 스페이싱은 무조건 일정하게 유지를 해야지. 그게 플레이어를 위한 최소한의 배려다.
00:11:804 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - bpm자꾸 바뀌는 부분은 스페이싱 일정하게!
00:44:680 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 이 뒤로는 이런거 지적안할거야. 연타스페이싱은 알아서 조절해줘. 이렇게 갑자기 연타스페이싱 줄여버리면 1/4인지 1/3인지 헷갈리거든.
00:52:862 (1) - 타이밍 열심히 맞춰놓은거 아깝게 여기가 다 스피너라니. 상관없지만 뭔가 아쉽다 ㅋ
01:20:196 (2,3,4) - 매우 1/3같다.

딱히 큰 문제는 안보이네. 엄청난 양의 타이밍 섹션이 낭비되는게 그저 아까울뿐.


*Mirrorbell의 중간스핀부분의 타이밍바는 잘못맞춘데다가 맞출수가없어서 땜빵한거(도주)
으앜ㅋㅋ 파워 변솤ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
힛사도 적절함 ㅇㅇ 매우좋음~


00:17:919 (10) - 이거 거리가 좀 먼데.. 일부러한거아니면 줄여주시길
00:40:248 (3) - ^
00:45:362 (7) - ^
01:14:716 (8,9,10) - 한칸씩 밑으로.
01:21:735 (1) - 뉴콤보어떰
01:22:504 (17) - ^
01:27:889 (1,2,3) -이부분은 헷갈림 1다음에 3을 쳐야할거같음. 살짝 변형 해주시길
01:44:620 (2,3,4,5) - 이거 아마도 패턴이 좀 삐뚤어진듯 . 잘못본걸수도잇지만 체크바람
02:18:658 (1) - 뉴콤보어떰
Topic Starter
Himekaido Hatate

What wrote:

으앜ㅋㅋ 파워 변솤ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
힛사도 적절함 ㅇㅇ 매우좋음~


00:17:919 (10) - 이거 거리가 좀 먼데.. 일부러한거아니면 줄여주시길
00:40:248 (3) - ^
00:45:362 (7) - ^
01:14:716 (8,9,10) - 한칸씩 밑으로.
01:21:735 (1) - 뉴콤보어떰
01:22:504 (17) - ^
01:27:889 (1,2,3) -이부분은 헷갈림 1다음에 3을 쳐야할거같음. 살짝 변형 해주시길
01:44:620 (2,3,4,5) - 이거 아마도 패턴이 좀 삐뚤어진듯 . 잘못본걸수도잇지만 체크바람
02:18:658 (1) - 뉴콤보어떰

L i a
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