
Best of 2016 (osu!)

With 2016 finally over, it is time to look back at the year in rewind and find out just who left the greatest impression upon the community with their work.

You have 10 votes to cast for your favourite ranked osu! maps of 2016. Only maps that you've played at least once are eligible for your votes.

The highest voted map for each gamemode will be officially declared the "Community Favourite of 2016", and the mapper will receive 6 months of osu! supporter for their efforts. The top 10 maps of each mode will also have their mappers receive 1 month of osu!supporter as well.

Choose wisely, and good luck!

PLEASE NOTE: There may be a very large number of entries for each contest depending on your play habits. Please use your browser's Find (Ctrl/Command+F) functionality to locate the maps you wish to vote for, and make sure that you're voting for the correct mapper!

Voting for other game-modes:

Voting for this contest has ended