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Contest Results

These are the results for official beatmapping contests. Click on the score to view each judges' comments about the beatmap sets.
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[CSGA]Ar3sgice's entry for Beatmapping Contest #4 Song 1: Rooftop Run (Classic)

you no let me name it rooftop angel

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Judges' Comments

happy30 : 40

  • Technical skill: 8
  • Creativity: 6
  • Difficulty curve: 8
  • Flow and structure: 10
  • Judge's impression: 8

Good job. The rhythm was pretty good, although at some places there was some 1/1 spam where notes on red would fit nicely. but heh it's the easiest diff so this might play better for the newbies. I only felt it lacked a bit in hitsounds. I only heart claps throughout the map. You could've placed some whistles or finishes. Also AR-1 perhaps?

Nice hard. The rhythm and spacing were great. Watch out for parallel sliders though. make sure to make them perfectly parellel if you use them :P such as 00:22:232 (1,2) -
It's a shame for the hitsounds though, again I only heard claps :(

I liked the slider velocity change. It brought a bit of variation to this monotous song. heh
While it is mapped well, sometimes you went a bit overboard with the rhythm. It was good at most parts though! But a few streams or sliderends couldn't be justified by the song :/. Such as the end of 00:15:916 (1) - and the end of 00:20:455 (1) - .. etc Avoid using 1/8 sliders please. I saw the intention of them but even then they didn't feel right.

-- Verdict --
Techinal Skill: 8
You are a good mapper, but don't go too much freestyle on harder diffs. It's a bit too much. Don't map more than the song has to offer.

Creativity: 6
You could've worked more on the hitsounds. There's also too much copy-paste, but the spacing and rhythm in general was well done.

Difficulty Curve: 8
Normal -> Hard was perfect, but Hard -> Insane was a bit too steep. Insane felt more like an extra.

Flow and Structure: 10
The flow was really good. The spacing and the rhythm were well structured. Normal diff had the same structure as Hard and Insane. No complaints here!

Judge's Impression: 8

Shiro : 11

  • Technical skill: 4
  • Creativity: 2
  • Difficulty curve: 1
  • Flow and structure: 2
  • Judge's impression: 2

Technical Skill: Nothing outstanding. Slider shapes are quite simple and vary little. Patterns seem to be placed randomly at times, and some blankets are messed up, and there are unwanted overlaps.

Creativity: Little to none. Hitsounding is kept at the bare minimum, and isn't even consistent. Slider shapes are basic, patterns are random at best, and the few patterns I could notice in Hard and Normal were squares and simple overlaps.

Difficulty Curve: Horrible spread. Normal is close to being an Easy, then Hard is an Insane without jumps, and Insane is overmapped.

Flow and Structure: Normal had little flow, Hard had a good flow, Insane was absolutely random with no flow whatsoever. Half of the map is mapped, the second half is copy-pasted and flipped. There is consistency within each difficulty, but the comboing doesn't follow.

Judge's Impression: Normal and Hard feel rushed. Insane is horribly overmapped and absolutely not fun to play (mainly because if the ridiculous spacing and small circles). It would have been better to map only half the song, instead of trying to act like it was entirely mapped by copy-pasting the first half into the second one.

Garven : 37

  • Technical skill: 8
  • Creativity: 8
  • Difficulty curve: 5
  • Flow and structure: 9
  • Judge's impression: 7

Normal: Low OD compared to AR is deceiving. Flow is really nice, though the rhythm work gets really bland really fast. Hitsounding is very minimalistic and leaves me wanting for more, but at least it's consistent. Should learn how to use delayed breaks as well. New combos get a little weird after the first break. Occasional overlaps kind of take away from the general pattern presentation. Really repetitive song, so the copy/paste is understandable. It would have been nice if you mixed things up a little for the end though.

Hard: You continue with the good flow, which is nice, along with the minimalist hitsounding. Some of the sliders are off-rhythm like at 01:32:298 (2) - which sounds really weird. There were occasional overlaps due to stacking that didn't look intentional as well. Otherwise this was pretty nice.

Insane: Holy wow, gigantic leap in difficulty. You definitely went all out here, but I think you might have gone a bit too far. The map really doesn't capture the light-hearted feel of the song, and instead kind of goes balls-to-the-wall difficulty. Overmapping all over with little hitsounding to back it up really leaves me not happy with this particular map. The Hard is by far the star of this set.

Giant spinner at the end feels a bit much too. q:

Nyquill : 38

  • Technical skill: 8
  • Creativity: 7
  • Difficulty curve: 9
  • Flow and structure: 7
  • Judge's impression: 7

I applaud you for being able to keep such consistent quality throughout the three different diffuculties (copy and pasting/reusing patterns aside).

Hard and normal were very good and pretty much fit perfectly for what I would want for a normal and hard. Insane had some moments that were a bit over the top.

At any rate, not bad at all despite all the copy paste hahahaha.