January 23, 2021: Bought a new laptop, but it's a low-end one. So no crazy map plays or some sort (maybe), but I can occasionally hang around for chat and play easy maps.
Cookiezi (Welcome back, best player ever) WubWoofWolf (a.k.a White Wolf. Sightread god, as he's mostly able to FC (and even SS) Insane maps with Hidden+DoubleTime mod in single try) LemonWater ("Old school mouse boss" - NixXSkate) SiLviA (Also one of best mouse players) ShaggoN, Rucker (Superb accuracy) loli_milk (Dat speed... lol) Remilia-Scarlet (Can I have your fast fingers, pls? ) Lybydose, BinJip, Mesita (Flashlight gods~ <3) lncognito (Beastly spin, never gets tired spinning 470+ for hours. Is he even a human??)
Amagnator (big bully... ;_;) brainslugs (just as "brain-sluggish" as me when it comes to Flashlight \:D/) Doyak (random stalker *hides*) Frans Niko (well, he's one big bully to me as well xP) HandHeldPillow (*throws around* >:D) Kert (Cute "Kertwaii" guy who played the same other online game~) L y Z e (a.k.a zKy_riNs. Potential Hidden+Flashlight player) MillhioreF (low AR god! xD) Niva (nicest player+mapper I ever met =D) NixXSkate (wish I could even play as good as him...) Onozuka-Komachi, Renegate (best players from Singapore~) OvO (hentai!! xD *runs*) Raiku (simply an enjoyable player =3) Sumatran (closest countrymate~)