Well, as a 60k scrub that never did any mapping, I can't really give you something constructive. I just felt like the map doesn't flow well with the song once the chorus starts, like you get lost figuring out if you're following the music or vocals, which combined with small CS and AR that is too low (fixing last one helps the map a lot imo) makes it almost painful to play. I have nothing against maps that go outside triangle-burst-triangle blueprint, but this was just way too... quirky, I guess. If we're talking Tsuki ga Kirei songs, Ima Koko by Kibbleru is a good example of how map can feel original and be fun to play at once, maybe you can draw some inspiration from that.
Hope that helps some way or another, good luck with your future maps owo
Sorry i was just frustrated back then. It's not one of the worst maps I've ever played its just this map requires a lot more accuracy when you press the note then a lot of other maps. I'm not a mapper so i don't know if your able to fix this but its just a though.