terminally ill is a hilarious diff name
based snipe treyarch
wow i hit a thing
09's difficulty is absolutely fucked in every way.
hi iLLness LiLin
6 digit snipes mrekk with 98 acc yep
[insert joke about top diff basically explaining what the community is here]
I will put a 100$CAD bounty on TERMINALLY iLL if someone manages to SS this.
prepare your wallet -mrekk, probably
ok how the heck is this 9.46 stars now
ok if someone gets a S without half time i will give you the whole table of food 🍟🍞🥟🥩🥞🥡🥠🥐🍱🍤🍜🍛🍙🍚
If someone gets a S on this I'll give you ramen 🍜
someone stole this entire set https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1441126#osu/2964839
edit: they just steal sets in general for some reason
nice hp, awesome patterns(TERMiNALLY iLL)
whitecat #1 nomod incoming, calling it 1 month early
sliderbreaks wants to know your location
ah yes
agree that in the near future no one will even pass that in NM
me gusta saber que el segundo es de mi pais :D
Look the replay on the 4.46 stars difficulty the replay doesnt show the same amount of combo and he did 2 slider breaks during his game... is it normal ?
Last difficulty name checks out
the osu mod team is out of their god damn minds
ok what the fuck
like at least galaxy collapse gives you a lot of breaks this is just continuous rape for 1:57
Holy.. got buffed to 9* this is suprising.
9* pogger
9* pogchamp
from 8.54 to 9major oof
9* now btw
i wonder if the 2 players you are mapping to even enjoy this shit
Proves to be quite a challenge. Good map though
Edit: I'm just mad cause i can't beat it
HDHR 820pp
i dont know but having "its behind you" whispered into your ear when you click on the song scares me
Great,those jumps completely kick everyone ass in CtB lol
How does Basic have 365 combo?
How does Novice have 462 combo?
how did this get ranked, like for real tho.
Who am I suing for this?
The hardest difficulty is terminally ill. Both literally and in my opinion.
ez map)))))))
That realy good map