
eyelis - CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU (TV EDIT) [OsuMania]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 9:32:54 AM

Artist: eyelis
Source: ハヤテのごとく! CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU
Tags: Opening Hayate the Combat Butler no Gotoku GNCA-0251 short ver
BPM: 139
Filesize: 2776kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Aria - 9Key (1.98 stars, 405 notes)
  2. Euphoria - 9Key (2.62 stars, 552 notes)
  3. Nocturne - 9Key (1.61 stars, 359 notes)
  4. Prelude - 9Key (0.97 stars, 135 notes)
Download: eyelis - CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU (TV EDIT)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
special thanks to these kind souls
Eternalie for having to suffer testing the map at alpha stage lol
Mage also for suffering the same fate as the person above and irc modding + offset
hannanos helps in tweaking the long notes patterning + offset
inteliser convinced me my map is human friendly + final offset changes
maskeara finalizing comfort-ability check, tweaking ln patterning even further

metadata by shurelia

thank you kawaii and handsome koneko-chan
Cra Dow
another lie x2 helps
Soul Evans

uhh maybe i'll rearrange the credits in more polite way idk later on


ezpz - completed (3 revisions)
nmhm - completed (2 revisions)
hdgd - completed (3 revisions)
final - completed (9 revisions)
aheaheaheahea xD sorry couldn't resist
Topic Starter
Another Lie
Requested from queue
00:03:967 - add note
00:04:021 - ^
00:04:129 - ^
00:04:723 - ^ (low pitch)
00:31:915 - add LN from redline to white line for guitar cover
00:39:396 - add note
00:39:468 - add note
00:39:684 - ^
00:39:720 - ^
00:39:900 - ^
00:40:547 - ^
00:40:979 - ^
00:41:411 - ^
00:41:626 - ^
00:41:842 - ^
maybe only that i can mod, sorry if it is not help you that much
Topic Starter

Another Lie wrote:

Requested from queue
00:03:967 - add note fixed, used long note to coat the piano notes
00:04:021 - ^ fixed
00:04:129 - ^ fixed

00:04:723 - ^ (low pitch) omg very nice found, thank you! fixed c:
00:31:915 - add LN from redline to white line for guitar cover i left it blank intentionally, will use the ln on hd
00:39:396 - add note intentional, i ended the stream when the guitar instrument stopped
00:39:468 - add note
00:39:684 - ^
00:39:720 - ^
00:39:900 - ^
00:40:547 - ^
00:40:979 - ^
00:41:411 - ^
00:41:626 - ^
00:41:842 - ^
maybe only that i can mod, sorry if it is not help you that much im glad you opened your queue because i am familiar with you and liked your modding. you are definitely helping me a lot
thank you very much another, i really appreciate your help :)
Another Lie

Kruzon wrote:

Another Lie wrote:

Requested from queue
00:03:967 - add note fixed, used long note to coat the piano notes
00:04:021 - ^ fixed
00:04:129 - ^ fixed

00:04:723 - ^ (low pitch) omg very nice found, thank you! fixed c:
00:31:915 - add LN from redline to white line for guitar cover i left it blank intentionally, will use the ln on hd
00:39:396 - add note intentional, i ended the stream when the guitar instrument stopped
00:39:468 - add note
00:39:684 - ^
00:39:720 - ^
00:39:900 - ^
00:40:547 - ^
00:40:979 - ^
00:41:411 - ^
00:41:626 - ^
00:41:842 - ^
maybe only that i can mod, sorry if it is not help you that much im glad you opened your queue because i am familiar with you and liked your modding. you are definitely helping me a lot
thank you very much another, i really appreciate your help :)
Thanks for your compliment, i only mod what i think is "wrong". That's it
Metadata thing as requested

Artist : eyelis
Romanised Artist : eyelis
Source : ハヤテのごとく! CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU
Tags : Opening Hayate the Combat Butler no Gotoku GNCA-0251 short ver
Reference links :
- ... es_Off_You

Don't forget to put your GD maker's names on the tag, If you do.
From Jukka's Mania M4M Modding Queue [ALWAYS OPEN]

Is nmhm mean Normal and hdgd mean Hard? If yes, why Normal harder than Hard? I suggest that switching their difficult names.
Tell me before that their difficult names are right. And I'll mod your map again :)
Posting this here.......

IRC with Kruzon >.<
23:57 Kruzon: sup kaito, can help me testplay 9k map?
23:57 Kruzon: anytime when you're free
00:00 Kaito-kun: sure, I'm free
00:00 Kruzon: yeee
00:00 *Kruzon is listening to [ eyelis - CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU]
00:01 Kruzon: check out the final diff
00:01 Kruzon: i'll be stalking ya
00:03 Kruzon: hmm.. seems not balance
00:03 Kruzon: made a revamped on the ln earlier
00:03 Kruzon: oo rip
00:03 Kruzon: what do you think though?
00:04 Kaito-kun: ignore my performance, I forgot I haven't changed the 9k for my skin lmao
00:04 Kaito-kun: notes were 1 pixel long lol
00:04 Kruzon: lol
00:04 Kaito-kun: actually, I liked it a lot
00:05 Kruzon: is there some part that you felt rather..
00:05 Kruzon: weird?
00:05 Kaito-kun: 00:16:880 (16880|6,16952|5,17024|6,17096|7,17168|8,17240|7,17312|6,17384|5) - Would be best to remove this tbh
00:05 Kruzon: i agree
00:06 Kruzon: this counterpart
00:06 Kruzon: 00:47:237 (47237|6,47309|5,47381|6,47453|7,47525|8,47597|7,47669|6,47741|5) -
00:06 Kaito-kun: I barely know what it represents, also, one handed trill isn't a very good pattern unless it's backed up by the song correctly
00:06 Kruzon: true
00:06 Kaito-kun: that felt more comfortable, as it's not precisely one handed, but I still feels it's off
00:06 Kruzon: hmm guess i'll use the usual 1/4 stream
00:07 Kruzon: yes
00:07 Kaito-kun: 01:04:934 (64934|1,64934|7) - also, this sound would rather be a triple imo
00:07 Kaito-kun: sound is strong enough, I think a triple would fit better
00:08 Kruzon: oo me put on space note then
00:08 Kaito-kun: yup
00:08 Kruzon: i know this is as weird as ppap
00:08 Kruzon: but
00:08 Kruzon: 01:12:703 (72703|6,72811|3,72919|2,73027|5,73135|7,73243|6,73351|1,73459|2) -
00:08 Kruzon: is this burst execute well?
00:09 Kaito-kun: actually, I felt it was ok
00:09 Kruzon: that's great
00:09 Kaito-kun: doesn't play as uncomfortable as it looks
00:09 Kaito-kun: maybe because of the low BPM
00:09 Kruzon: haha
00:09 Kruzon: probably
00:10 Kaito-kun: btw, 01:22:415 (82415|2) - a double would fit the drum a bit more in this case
00:10 Kaito-kun: so maybe add a note on the 6th column there
00:10 Kaito-kun: 01:24:573 (84573|1) - same here, adding a note on the 5th column
00:10 Kruzon: wouldnt doubling it underwhelm this? 01:23:062 (83062|5) -
00:11 Kruzon: 01:23:062 (83062|5) - i gotta add 1
00:11 Kruzon: 01:23:925 (83925|4) - this as well
00:11 Kruzon: o boi
00:11 Kaito-kun: true
00:12 Kaito-kun: well, you can leave it like this for now, or maybe make that section a bit denser
00:12 Kaito-kun: it wouldn't make a difficulty spike if you choose the latter tho
00:12 Kruzon: agreed
00:13 Kruzon: man thanks a lot for testplay and your valuable opinion, i realized the trill buff is not necesary and its crazy
00:13 Kaito-kun: also, you have kiai missing :p
00:13 Kruzon: you may want to post our conversation in post thread
00:13 Kruzon: yaaa
00:13 Kaito-kun: 01:05:366 - starting here
00:13 Kaito-kun: and maybe ending here 01:19:609 -
00:14 Kruzon: noted, i will add your kiai later,, before that need to finish hard.. and.. hitsound
00:14 Kaito-kun: lol
00:14 Kaito-kun: wait, another kiai from here 01:22:631 - to here 01:27:594 -
00:14 Kaito-kun: and maybe as someone to help you with hitsounding
00:15 Kaito-kun: I remember Kivicat was good with HS
00:15 Kruzon: he's bz with college
00:15 Kaito-kun: RIP
00:15 Kruzon: i had asked him testplay this song several times
00:15 Kruzon: dont wanna kill him internally
00:15 Kruzon: so
00:15 Kaito-kun: ask Protastic then, he likes helping with that sort of things
00:16 Kaito-kun: he's a bit busy with irl stuff atm tho, so maybe ask him next week or sometime like that
00:17 Kruzon: i will keep in mind.. thanks again pal
00:17 Kruzon: ohhh also post at thread
00:17 Kruzon: raise map priority
00:17 Kruzon: lul
00:17 Kruzon: >savelog<
00:17 Kruzon: gogo
00:17 Kaito-kun: lmao, sure
Call me anytime, I'm finally free from university until November, so I practically have time to lazy around as much as I want :^)
Hi! Thanks for asking me to mod your map!
I hope this mod helps!
Well... here goes!

01:10:545 (70545|8,70977|7,71193|6) - Pinky LN transitioning to 4th finger LN is quite difficult for new players. Since this is the ezpz difficulty, consider shifting these 3 notes to the left a bit.
And if you do that, consider moving this 01:08:819 (68819|8) - so you can keep the pitch relevance in there (unless they aren't following the string instruments, then ignore)
01:20:904 (80904|2) - Move to column 2. In my opinion, it keeps the drum feel better since the previous drum note is on the lane 2. But if you don't get that feel like I do, then just leave it as is. It still works :)
00:48:101 (48101|2) - Could use another note, since it sounds pretty much the same as 00:49:827 (49827|8,49827|7) - and that has 2 notes
00:33:426 (33426|2) - Another note could be alongside this one since I hear a drum beat.
00:34:289 (34289|6) - same^^
00:35:152 (35152|6) - ^^
00:36:879 (36879|2) - ^^

HOWEVER I see 00:36:015 (36015|6,36015|2) - and 00:37:742 (37742|1,37742|5) - has two notes and there happens to be a bell sound there. If the 2nd note is there for the triangle/bell ding sound, then ignore what I said above and add a note with 00:34:289 (34289|6) - since there's a ding sound over there.

If I made any errors, I apologise in advance.
Thanks again kruzon! :)
OP 9k mapper
Topic Starter

kaythen wrote:

Hi! Thanks for asking me to mod your map!
I hope this mod helps!
Well... here goes!

01:10:545 (70545|8,70977|7,71193|6) - Pinky LN transitioning to 4th finger LN is quite difficult for new players. Since this is the ezpz difficulty, consider shifting these 3 notes to the left a bit. oki
And if you do that, consider moving this 01:08:819 (68819|8) - so you can keep the pitch relevance in there (unless they aren't following the string instruments, then ignore) das right
01:20:904 (80904|2) - Move to column 2. In my opinion, it keeps the drum feel better since the previous drum note is on the lane 2. But if you don't get that feel like I do, then just leave it as is. It still works :) yiss
00:48:101 (48101|2) - Could use another note, since it sounds pretty much the same as 00:49:827 (49827|8,49827|7) - and that has 2 notes
the latter ones hab 2 notes because one if the note represents electric guitar, whereas the first one does not- adding 1 more note would underwhelm this particular drum sound as well 00:48:964 (48964|2,48964|7) -
00:33:426 (33426|2) - Another note could be alongside this one since I hear a drum beat.
00:34:289 (34289|6) - same^^
00:35:152 (35152|6) - ^^
00:36:879 (36879|2) - ^^

HOWEVER I see 00:36:015 (36015|6,36015|2) - and 00:37:742 (37742|1,37742|5) - has two notes and there happens to be a bell sound there. If the 2nd note is there for the triangle/bell ding sound, then ignore what I said above and add a note with 00:34:289 (34289|6) - since there's a ding sound over there.
das right i love bell sound they make me goes hauuuu~ thank's to you, i've fixed the missing bell notes! nice :)

If I made any errors, I apologise in advance. and here you are fixing the errors in my map
Thanks again kruzon! :) likewise, also let me know if you need my help. I'll call my goons to back you up
OP 9k mapper i am just a normal 9k mapper, and thanks for the compliments, but im bad at csgo and i hate snipers
thanks again kaythen, your mod worth a lovely kawaii desune maido chan's egao and an army of loli waifus. really grateful :)
Soul Evans
Soul's Modding
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5/ 6 / 7 / 8 / 9


  1. These diff names are a little bit weird, maybe you can use the formal diff names or just have a custom one that indicates difficulty
  2. Disable widescreen support
  3. 00:09:470 (9470|7) - Move to 8
  4. 00:09:686 (9686|5) - Move to 6 for better feels
  5. 00:10:549 (10549|2,10765|3,10981|2) - Maybe you should swap notes, don't think this pattern is suitable
  6. 00:11:844 (11844|2) - Move to 8
  7. 00:12:276 (12276|6) - Move to 4, so that instead of a chord as intro why not reverse for better consistency for for following sounds
  8. 00:13:139 (13139|0) - Move to 6 maybe?
  9. 00:13:571 (13571|5) - Move to 2?
  10. 00:15:729 (15729|5,15945|7,16161|5,16376|6,16376|7) - I think this is a little too hard, consider moving this around
  11. 00:16:592 - Perhaps change it like this?
  12. 00:23:930 (23930|7,24361|8,24577|6) - My opinion is that it's a difficult place to put the notes in zzz, maybe move the first note to col 2 or something
  13. 00:25:440 (25440|3,25656|3) - I'm not sure this kinda don't have any meaning to me even pitch related, i recommend moving the first note to col 1
  14. 00:27:383 (27383|6,27599|6,27814|6) - Hmm maybe not?
  15. 00:35:368 (35368|3) - Move to 5 maybe?
  16. 00:39:252 (39252|5) - Just maybe it would be better for this to be on col 9
  17. 00:42:490 - Doing this is kinda hard, i suggest
Hi Requested from my queue
Hope my mod helps :D


Diff names are a wee bit confusing, especially the last diff. I would prefer changing it to something like insane/mx or stuff like those
00:01:485 (1485|8,2133|7,2564|7,2996|6) - i think these notes should be positioned at [4][5][6] considering that 9k is an anti-meta keymode, many players would find it hard to press the notes starting with their pinky.
00:35:584 (35584|2) - should be in [5] for pattern consistency
00:38:605 (38605|7) - should be either in [3] or [4] (your pick) to equally distribute the amount of notes pressed per hand
00:27:599 (27599|6) - should be put anywhere between [1][2][3][4] to reduce right hand tension
01:20:688 (80688|1) - consider doing this as a double note, as 01:20:904 (80904|2,80904|7) is a double, also the drums in those two places seem so similar
00:12:276 (12276|5) - should be anywhere betweel [1][2][3][4] for consistency of usage of both hands
00:27:922 (27922|5) - i think there shouldn't be a note here, tested it at 25% playback and i haven't heard a piano sound (assuming that you're mapping the piano sounds)
00:39:252 (39252|3) - should be a double to emphasize the drum sound, anywhere between [5][7][8]
00:53:928 (53928|5,54036|6,54143|7,54251|6,54359|5,54467|6,54575|7) - either make this a long note or make this 00:55:438 (55438|2) like the trill previously mentioned, for consistency.
final- testing
00:38:389 (38389|2,38497|0,38605|2) - should be like this to reduce tension in [3]
00:38:821 (38821|8) - should be a double

Other than those, I pretty much enjoyed the map even though i'm a newbie at 9k :D Goodluck on ranking this!!
Topic Starter
Soul's Modding

Soul Evans wrote:

Soul's Modding
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5/ 6 / 7 / 8 / 9


  1. These diff names are a little bit weird, maybe you can use the formal diff names or just have a custom one that indicates difficulty haha yeah, ima change em later
  2. Disable widescreen support okii, fixed across all diffs
  3. 00:09:470 (9470|7) - Move to 8 fixed
  4. 00:09:686 (9686|5) - Move to 6 for better feels im flying~
  5. 00:10:549 (10549|2,10765|3,10981|2) - Maybe you should swap notes, don't think this pattern is suitable alrighty
  6. 00:11:844 (11844|2) - Move to 8 dass right
  7. 00:12:276 (12276|6) - Move to 4, so that instead of a chord as intro why not reverse for better consistency for for following sounds you got a point
  8. 00:13:139 (13139|0) - Move to 6 maybe? i'll keep this one
  9. 00:13:571 (13571|5) - Move to 2? i'd like to keep the ascending flow simple to follow, hence preserving the stairs closely apart 00:13:139 (13139|4,13571|5,14002|6) -
  10. 00:15:729 (15729|5,15945|7,16161|5,16376|6,16376|7) - I think this is a little too hard, consider moving this around agreed, restructuring the pattern
  11. 00:16:592 - Perhaps change it like this? technically understandable and i see your point, however following pitch seems more reasonable at this point
  12. 00:23:930 (23930|7,24361|8,24577|6) - My opinion is that it's a difficult place to put the notes in zzz, maybe move the first note to col 2 or something alright, i ended up restructuring the pattern, hopefully more newbie-friendly and predictable
  13. 00:25:440 (25440|3,25656|3) - I'm not sure this kinda don't have any meaning to me even pitch related, i recommend moving the first note to col 1 rather than pitch, i'm mapping according to the pitch flow itself, hence making use of most column along the way. the point is, i'd like players to get use to the mapping spread, so they can at least be prepared for upcoming difficulty with harsher notes placement and density
  14. 00:27:383 (27383|6,27599|6,27814|6) - Hmm maybe not? the bpm is relatively slow and i don't see the problem for newbies to execute these slow mini-jacks. moreover, it is fitting with current pitch
  15. 00:35:368 (35368|3) - Move to 5 maybe? agreed, looks better now
  16. 00:39:252 (39252|5) - Just maybe it would be better for this to be on col 9 the jump is out of ordinary considering the ongoing rhythm mood
  17. 00:42:490 - Doing this is kinda hard, i suggest simply beautiful, i like it :) fixed*

thank you for your mod! I really appreciate your kind thoughts and helps :)
Topic Starter

JztCallMeRon wrote:

Hi Requested from my queue
Hope my mod helps :D


Diff names are a wee bit confusing, especially the last diff. I would prefer changing it to something like insane/mx or stuff like those yee haha
00:01:485 (1485|8,2133|7,2564|7,2996|6) - i think these notes should be positioned at [4][5][6] considering that 9k is an anti-meta keymode, many players would find it hard to press the notes starting with their pinky. good information, i see your point. fixed
00:35:584 (35584|2) - should be in [5] for pattern consistency the pattern should have ended on previous note
00:38:605 (38605|7) - should be either in [3] or [4] (your pick) to equally distribute the amount of notes pressed per hand agreed, fixed
00:27:599 (27599|6) - should be put anywhere between [1][2][3][4] to reduce right hand tension hmm.. i get your point, guess i'll have to ask newbie to test play and see for myself how fare they handle the jack. I still think it's manageable, to be honest
01:20:688 (80688|1) - consider doing this as a double note, as 01:20:904 (80904|2,80904|7) is a double, also the drums in those two places seem so similar okay, fixed

00:12:276 (12276|5) - should be anywhere between [1][2][3][4] for consistency of usage of both hands agreed
00:27:922 (27922|5) - i think there shouldn't be a note here, tested it at 25% playback and i haven't heard a piano sound (assuming that you're mapping the piano sounds) eh? i still heard it
00:39:252 (39252|3) - should be a double to emphasize the drum sound, anywhere between [5][7][8] doing so would underwhelm 00:39:037 (39037|5,39037|1) - , which is far more dominantly loud
00:53:928 (53928|5,54036|6,54143|7,54251|6,54359|5,54467|6,54575|7) - either make this a long note or make this 00:55:438 (55438|2) like the trill previously mentioned, for consistency. 00:55:870 (55870|3,56086|5,56302|7) - the trill was already represented by these notes 00:55:870 (55870|3,56086|5,56302|7) -

final- testing
00:38:389 (38389|2,38497|0,38605|2) - should be like this to reduce tension in [3] good point! fixed :)
00:38:821 (38821|8) - should be a double during this particular stanza i am ignoring the piano sound, but bell and kick sound- moreover i do not want it to overshadow 00:39:037 (39037|2,39037|6) -

Other than those, I pretty much enjoyed the map even though i'm a newbie at 9k :D Goodluck on ranking this!! god bless
edit finish replying!

thank you very much kind sir, i really appreciate your help! :)
Cra Dow
02:29 Cra Dow: Kruzon remember when you asked me  to test something
02:29 Cra Dow: =
02:29 Cra Dow: ? I can now
02:32 Kruzon: cool
02:32 Kruzon: sec
02:32 Kruzon: in 5 minutes i'll come to ya
02:32 Cra Dow: ok
02:35 Kruzon: okii
02:35 Kruzon: later on help test the aria difficulty
02:35 *Kruzon is listening to [ eyelis - CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU (TV EDIT)]
02:39 Kruzon: omg
02:39 Kruzon: almost there
02:39 Kruzon: also, anything felt weird?
02:39 Cra Dow: sdffds
02:39 Cra Dow: sdfds
02:39 Cra Dow: idk
02:40 Cra Dow: on the left hand
02:40 Cra Dow: thou I liked it
02:40 Kruzon: the long note
02:40 Cra Dow: nono
02:40 Cra Dow: let me send you a scren shot
02:41 Kruzon: sure
02:42 Cra Dow: well idk
02:42 Cra Dow: I can't find it
02:42 Kruzon: eh?
02:43 Kruzon: 00:47:237 (47237|7,47669|4,47885|8,48101|6,48101|1,48532|2,48748|0,48964|7,48964|5,49180|3,49396|1) -
02:43 Kruzon: do you think its not suitable for this difficulty?
02:44 Cra Dow: well I'm not sure
02:45 Kruzon: then 00:53:928 (53928|5,54036|6,54143|7,54251|6,54359|5,54467|6,54575|7) -
02:45 Kruzon: is this readable?
02:45 Cra Dow: let me try again
02:48 Cra Dow: that sencond pattern you linked me from the editor I tryed 3 times and missed
02:50 Kruzon: hmm
02:50 Kruzon: i think it pressures right hand too much
02:50 Cra Dow: no
02:50 Cra Dow: I tried at 4th time and nailedit
02:51 Kruzon: for some reason i think this particular part is harder than insane ones
02:51 Kruzon: lol
02:51 Kruzon: gonna revamped them
02:51 Cra Dow: I think there is a part where you mix ln with short notes
02:52 Cra Dow: near the end that I just get confused at first
02:53 Kruzon: ya, i think its because of the reoccurence long note
02:53 Kruzon: so i think it should go no insane and the ones on insane move to hard
02:54 Kruzon: shift pattern
02:54 Kruzon: man thanks a lot for many testplay and reconfirmation
02:54 Kruzon: you can savelog our conversation and post at map thread, i wanna kudosu you
02:54 Cra Dow: before that aah aaaaaaaaaaah aaaah
02:54 Cra Dow: part
02:54 Cra Dow: do you know what I mean?
02:55 Cra Dow: let me link from the editor
02:55 Kruzon: yes
02:55 Kruzon: this part
02:55 Kruzon: 01:01:157 (61157|1,61265|3,61481|7,61589|0,61697|2,61805|6) -
02:55 Kruzon: right?
02:55 Cra Dow: wait I just Ad your map
02:55 Cra Dow: didn't notice
02:55 Cra Dow: XDE
02:55 Cra Dow: XD
02:56 Kruzon: what do you mean?
02:56 Cra Dow: yeah
02:56 Cra Dow: its that section
02:56 Kruzon: oh i see
I wish this map the best of luck! 8-) :) :D

From my NM/M4M queue.

Columns 9K 0|1|2|3| 4 |5|6|7|8

  1. I don't think that 1228x767 will be a good BG Size. Try searching 1024x768,1280x720 or 1366x768.
Video: MISS
  1. Well, is your choice... i think was an Opening right?
BPM & Offset: FAIL
  1. ..... This take more than i imagine... BPM is 139. (not 139.01) and Offset is 1493.
Diff.Spread: MISS
  1. I don't know if you need a second NM diff to be honest: If you need a Second NM diff, get a Guest Difficulty on it. There isn't another option. (Possible Spread: E|N|H|U . U = Needs to be the last and the most hardest.)
Diff.Name: PASS?
  1. Is original, I don't know the exact terms... but for me pass.
  1. Prelude: HP=5 -> HP=6
  2. Nocturne: OD=8 -> OD= 7.5 | HP=5 -> HP=7
  3. Aria: OD=7 -> OD=7.5 | HP=6 -> HP->7.5
  4. Euphoria: HP=7 -> HP->8
Hitsound: FAIL
  1. Try to find...but is a trouble to find those! lol.
Hitsound Volume: FAIL
  1. Suggestion: Try to increase to 35% and use Soft->Whistle... a lot. lol.
Kiai Time: MISS
  1. Euphoria is the only difficulty with the kiai time. Try to do the same with Prelude, Nocturne and Aria... and if you change the BPM/Offset, this need to be changed too...
Metadata: PASS
  1. Perfect :3
Widescreen Support: PASS
Preview Point: MISS
  1. I think is more fitting 01:04:298 tbh.
AiMod Things: PASS?
  1. Try to re-check again after if shows some issue.

00:50:906 (50906|7) - Move to |6|...I don't like that stack.

00:59:539 (59539|3) - I think this note goes on to |2|

tbh, This diff is so easy that i'm a bit confused about some stacks. I think |1|2|3| and |5|6|7| are the best places to put those stacks imo.

00:04:723 (4723|6) - Vocal? good. Because i don't hear anything more here.

I think there you need spread more the notes, i don't like something like this: 00:15:297 (15297|8,15513|6,15729|5,15945|7,16161|6,16376|7,16376|8,16592|6,16592|5).
All those notes are in the right hand....

00:27:383 (27383|6,27599|6,27814|6) - Two are good, try to move 00:27:814 (27814|6) - to |7|...

00:39:252 (39252|5) - Replace this with a LongNote to 00:39:900. Fit more i guess.

00:56:949 (56949|5) - Try to move to |7| i don't like that note there.

01:04:934 (64934|2) - Move to | 4 |

01:05:366 (65366|0) - Move to |6| right below that LongNote...

01:18:962 (78962|7,78962|8) - Move both two columns to left and 01:19:609 (79609|6) - to | 4 |

01:20:904 (80904|2,80904|7) - Move both one column to right.

01:22:415 (82415|1) - Move one column to right.

01:26:084 (86084|0,86084|1,86299|0,86299|1,86731|1,86731|2,87163|6,87163|5,87594|7,87594|8) -

00:27:599 (27599|2) - Ghost? I don't hear anything.

00:56:517 (56517|6) - Why this LongNote ends there? i think that ends in 00:58:028...

00:58:244 (58244|2) - ^

00:03:967 (3967|5,4075|8) - There are a extra piano sound between those notes:

00:41:842 (41842|1) - I think is |2| not |1|...

00:49:180 (49180|1,49288|2,49396|1,49503|2,49611|1) - I would like more this, if you move one column to right...

00:50:043 (50043|3) - to |1|

00:50:259 (50259|5) - to |7|

01:05:366 (65366|1,65366|2) - Move one column to right, and 01:05:366 (65366|6,65366|7) - one column to left.

01:28:619 - Same thing in the start about that 1/8 note. Add one note here in |5|.

I can understand why is a 9K mapset lol. Good job! :)

Good luck!
Topic Starter

No_sync wrote:


From my NM/M4M queue.

Columns 9K 0|1|2|3| 4 |5|6|7|8

BG: MISS too fast for me, will fix thanks
  1. I don't think that 1228x767 will be a good BG Size. Try searching 1024x768,1280x720 or 1366x768.
Video: MISS evaded it intentionally, saw it coming
  1. Well, is your choice... i think was an Opening right?
BPM & Offset: FAIL holy flummery dorito, this helps a lot, cool :)
  1. ..... This take more than i imagine... BPM is 139. (not 139.01) and Offset is 1493.
Diff.Spread: MISS eh? but i think i've spread them well enough
  1. I don't know if you need a second NM diff to be honest: If you need a Second NM diff, get a Guest Difficulty on it. There isn't another option. (Possible Spread: E|N|H|U . U = Needs to be the last and the most hardest.)
Diff.Name: PASS? it's mysterious
  1. Is original, I don't know the exact terms... but for me pass.
HP & OD: MISS considering prelude and nocturne are both easy and normal diff, i think they have reasonably lenient hp and od. for aria and euphoria, i will reconsider, since this noodle map is already harsh than it should be
  1. Prelude: HP=5 -> HP=6
  2. Nocturne: OD=8 -> OD= 7.5 | HP=5 -> HP=7
  3. Aria: OD=7 -> OD=7.5 | HP=6 -> HP->7.5
  4. Euphoria: HP=7 -> HP->8
Hitsound: FAIL ikr haha man i hate hitsounding :o
  1. Try to find...but is a trouble to find those! lol.
Hitsound Volume: FAIL i will manage hitsounding stuff when the map is properly modded, hs volume at 0% is intended for both the mapper and modder tweaking the map without extra sound disturbance
  1. Suggestion: Try to increase to 35% and use Soft->Whistle... a lot. lol.
Kiai Time: MISS you are right
  1. Euphoria is the only difficulty with the kiai time. Try to do the same with Prelude, Nocturne and Aria... and if you change the BPM/Offset, this need to be changed too...
Metadata: PASS heell yaeaaaah
  1. Perfect :3
Widescreen Support: PASS im too awesome
Preview Point: MISS i think i will keep this
  1. I think is more fitting 01:04:298 tbh.
AiMod Things: PASS? its mysterious.. it shows death note to me.. what should i do :o
  1. Try to re-check again after if shows some issue.

00:50:906 (50906|7) - Move to |6|...I don't like that stack. i follow electric guitar instrument

00:59:539 (59539|3) - I think this note goes on to |2| true, lemme fix that

tbh, This diff is so easy that i'm a bit confused about some stacks. I think |1|2|3| and |5|6|7| are the best places to put those stacks imo.

00:04:723 (4723|6) - Vocal? good. Because i don't hear anything more here. if you use earphone you will hear the magic

I think there you need spread more the notes, i don't like something like this: 00:15:297 (15297|8,15513|6,15729|5,15945|7,16161|6,16376|7,16376|8,16592|6,16592|5).
All those notes are in the right hand....
Well...Screenshot: omg this is very nice, thanks :)

00:27:383 (27383|6,27599|6,27814|6) - Two are good, try to move 00:27:814 (27814|6) - to |7|... ooo you're the third person to suggest changes on this pattern, so okay then, let's change it.

00:39:252 (39252|5) - Replace this with a LongNote to 00:39:900. Fit more i guess. that's like rko out of nowhere, single note is better. BUT, thanks to you i made changes and plot missing notes on the upcoming section!

00:56:949 (56949|5) - Try to move to |7| i don't like that note there. intentional, it inherits and mirror the 2 upcoming long notes 00:56:960 (56960|5,57176|1,57608|1,57823|5) -

01:04:934 (64934|2) - Move to | 4 | okay, fixed

01:05:366 (65366|0) - Move to |6| right below that LongNote... at this very moment, i realized something important.. your modding column format is 0 l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 lol (remember to include your numbering input before modding to avoid misunderstanding :)

01:18:962 (78962|7,78962|8) - Move both two columns to left and 01:19:609 (79609|6) - to | 4 | agreed, fixed

01:20:904 (80904|2,80904|7) - Move both one column to right. perhaps i will keep this, the pattern looks handsome already

01:22:415 (82415|1) - Move one column to right. nice thinking, moved

01:26:084 (86084|0,86084|1,86299|0,86299|1,86731|1,86731|2,87163|6,87163|5,87594|7,87594|8) - fixed + some arrangements

00:27:599 (27599|2) - Ghost? I don't hear anything. listen again

00:56:517 (56517|6) - Why this LongNote ends there? i think that ends in 00:58:028... echo

00:58:244 (58244|2) - ^ ^o^

00:03:967 (3967|5,4075|8) - There are a extra piano sound between those notes:

00:41:842 (41842|1) - I think is |2| not |1|...

00:49:180 (49180|1,49288|2,49396|1,49503|2,49611|1) - I would like more this, if you move one column to right...

00:50:043 (50043|3) - to |1|

00:50:259 (50259|5) - to |7|

01:05:366 (65366|1,65366|2) - Move one column to right, and 01:05:366 (65366|6,65366|7) - one column to left.

01:28:619 - Same thing in the start about that 1/8 note. Add one note here in |5|.

I can understand why is a 9K mapset lol. Good job! :)

Good luck!
not finish reply, w
Hey Kruzon o/

Here is some late stuff, but I need to say that I have trouble with modding when the map isn't hitsounded D:

Column 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8


  1. 00:02:572 (2572|2) - Move this to 3. I mean there is enough place. It isn't bad, but I think it can be better placed
  2. 00:03:867 (3867|6,3975|7,4082|8) - Move them up like this The notes aren't placed right
  3. 00:13:579 (13579|5,13795|2,14010|6,14226|3,14442|7) - How about moving them all 1 column to the right?
  4. 00:15:305 (15305|3,15521|6,15737|2,15953|5) - Here aswell


  1. 00:03:867 (3867|2,3975|5,4082|8) - Same problem here. Move them up like in Aria
  2. 00:27:931 (27931|4) - I don't see why there is a single note. There is no sound beside the piano. Delete it

Well this isn't really much, but maybe it helps you a bit
Good luck!
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