
[resolved] [Editor] Redundant tip message?

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This tip message is also kinda misleading because it can imply the usage of red sections which is obviously wrong. Since we already have a new hitsounding system, I don't think there is a real need for this message to still exist.

Pardon the nitpicks.
There is another message that should be checked, the "to make a new diff, try using the same difficulty you mapped before and adding/removing some notes". That is not recommended since, like, 2008.
That message is only useful when changing volume. Which isn't very often for everyone.
It must also mention that you must use inherited sections instead, so people don't start using red timing sections.

Blue Dragon wrote:

There is another message that should be checked, the "to make a new diff, try using the same difficulty you mapped before and adding/removing some notes". That is not recommended since, like, 2008.
I've never understood the Who stole my cake? tip. What is this inside joke?

TheVileOne wrote:

I've never understood the Who stole my cake? tip. What is this inside joke?
No one stole your cake, because the cake is a lie.

TheVileOne wrote:

I've never understood the Who stole my cake? tip. What is this inside joke?
afaik this is an old chat filter for ^
I always thought this was a bug
Updated the tips mentioned here and added a few more
Would it be possible to see a list of the available tips? or just let us translate them: t/104342
"Press 'H' to bring up the quick-reference shortcuts list!",
"Press 'V' to quickly jump to the last hit-circle. Press it again to jump to the end of the audio",
"Timing is very important; a wrongly timed beatmap makes it very difficult to place beats correctly and is frustrating to play. If you need timing assistance, submit your beatmap to the Beatmap Help forum.",
"Distance Snapping can help you determine beat spacing, i.e. the correct distance between beats based on how far apart they are on the timeline.",
"Use spinners sparingly! Autoplay must be able to obtain at least 1000 bonus score for the spinner to be considered playable.",
"If you need additional help, don't shout HEEEAAALP! or OUENDAAAN! Try reading the site's FAQ, asking a question on #modhelp or posting at the Beatmap Help forum.",
"Generally speaking, the harder the beatmap, the longer combos tend to be, but don't make them too long! Up to 15-18 beats are acceptable.",
"Beats placed on top of each will be stacked in play mode. You will not see these stack in edit mode, so hit F5 to enter test mode and check them out!",
"If you place a beat after a spinner, try to put it far enough in the timeline so that the player has enough time to readjust their aim.",
"Using AiMod (Ctrl-Shift-A) is a fantastic way to identify potential issues with your map long before the first modder ever checks it out.",
"You can use Copy (Ctrl+C) and Paste (Ctrl+V) to repeat beat patterns in your beatmap. Try to mix things up by flipping them horizontally (Ctrl+H), vertically (Ctrl+J), or rotating them (Ctrl+> and Ctrl+<).",
"Spice your beatmap up by using Whistle and Finish sounds to punctuate certain points! However, overusing these sounds may have the opposite effect.",
"Try to put some breaks in your beatmap to allow players a moment's rest! Ideally, breaks should be between 5-15 seconds and occur every 40 seconds-1 minute of play time, but this can vary depending on the song.",
"If you want to make a more difficult version of a beatmap, try adding more beats where possible, use less or faster sliders, make combos longer, and change the difficulty settings at the Song Setup screen.",
"If you want to make an easier version of a beatmap, try adapting the core rhythm and flow of your original beatmap whilst tweaking your beatmap's difficulty settings through Song Setup.",
"Try arranging beats and sliders in patterns of lines, curves or angles to make your beatmap more intuitive to play and nice to watch. Grid Snapping may help you with this.",
"Test your beatmap often to identify potential problems and improvements.",
"Use the speed buttons at the lower right-hand corner of the Editor (or press the (Ctrl+) Up and Down arrow keys) to slow the song down and determine the offset, timing, and make beat placement easier.",
"If you have placed some beats and then change the timing settings, don't forget to resnap the beats and recalc the sliders from the Options menu, then snap manually any beats that are still misplaced.",
"In some songs, the tempo can change in certain places. In this case, you should use the Timing screen to make additional timing sections with the offset being the point where the song's tempo changes.",
"Bookmarks can help you and others move quickly to important points in your beatmap. Hover your mouse over the seek bar at the bottom of the Editor screen to display the Bookmark buttons.",
"When placing a slider, click often along its path to create waypoints that you can adjust to make it smoother. You can add a waypoint after placing a slider by holding Ctrl and clicking on the line between two waypoints. Right clicking on a waypoint will remove it.",
"Extra-lengthy spinners are tiring, while short spinners are disorienting. Try to keep your spinners a few seconds long, and avoid placing a lot of spinners one after the other.",
"Right-clicking on objects on the beatmap or the timeline will remove them. Right clicking on an empty spot will make the next beat or any selected beats the start of a new combo.",
"Place bookmarks at important points in your beatmap, such as at the start of a change in timing, after a break, or at the start of song's verse, chorus or bridge. But don't go overboard!",
"Use the J/K keys to shift selected beats backward/forward by one timing division",
"Who stole my cake D:",
"Press F5 or click the \"test\" button at the bottom of the screen to test a beatmap from the section you are at. This can help identify problems with health drain and placement of beats. It can also help you practice a particular section of a song.",
"Zoom in on the timeline by hovering your mouse over the timeline and holding alt using the mousewheel. You can also press the +/- buttons to the left of the timeline. This can help clarify the timing of beats in the timeline.",
"If double/triple checking your timings or beat placements, use the audio speed (.25x, .50x) in the lower-right corner in the editor. Shortcut keys are up/down arrows or ctrl + up/down arrows",
"If you decide to abandon a beatmap, please make a notification in that beatmap's thread if it has been submitted already. Abandoned beatmaps are automatically graveyarded after a period of inactivity - if you wish to revive your map, simply ask a BAT!",
"Any element of gameplay can be skinned on a per-beatmap level. Just use the same naming structure used by skins.",
"When copying notes (Ctrl+C or editor menu), the clipboard will contain the current time location and combo numbers of selected notes. This is very handy for writing up forum posts (especially for mods!)",
"Using live-mapping (Ctrl-Tab) allows you to place hitcircles with your Taiko keybinds, enabling you to map rhythms very quickly. This also works exceptionally well when creating osu!mania maps as well.",
"Make sure sliders don't overlap other sliders or especially themselves."
these probably need to be localised, yeah
You no longer have to ask a BAT to unrevive a map. I would update that one.
if you wish to revive your map, simply ask a BAT!
Probably ought to change this part, too. Should be golden afterwards.

edit: argle blargle TVO don't ninja me D:
Please localise these before resolving. That was redundant ones can be removed in a central location.
Saten and I are translating all the tips into Swedish in this copy of the official localisation spreadsheet. We're just translating it to Swedish, but we've kept the other Scandinavian languages just in case.
Me and theo finished translating the tips (links above)
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