
osu!sdk (client SDK)

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While this is still very incomplete, I thought I'd point out the existence of this project to see how much interest it gathers. The beginning of an SDK framework to allow external components to interact with the osu! client. Initial focus is on AiMod extensibility, hopefully bringing AiBat functionality into osu! and allowing much more as well.

For all those devs out there that want to help out or just show interest, watch/fork on github and post issues over there as to what you want to see in the SDK. Keep in mind osu! doesn't yet support loading external libraries, but I plan on adding this support (in the test build) this week.

Update: Added a guide which should get even a newbie setup and ready to make some awesomeness. View it on the github wiki.
good to see this :)
Stuff I'd like to see regarding SDK:
1. Obviously mouse/keyboard actions (movement & clicks). Will it be possible to output movement data like time<->kbd/mouse action? Current CtB auto-mod completely disregards velocity constraints and it makes it harder to debug created maps (it looked like auto motion is a set of time<->position elements not time<->kbd/mouse action items).
2. Support for other game modes (Taiko/CtB). Few examples:
- slider in standard is a pretty straightforward object (begin/end/loops/tick rate or something like that), but in CtB it's divided into beginning-ending fruit, small droplets and big droplets
- horizontal jumps create hyperdashes - the hyperdash speed must be somehow readable/determinable by SDK user
- spinners in CtB generate randomly placed fruit
Pretty nice idea here,this could be really usefull for modders. And the minimum for ctb modding should be getting quickly the horizontal spacing of two objects without modifying the map as we have to do actually.
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Krzysiek wrote:

Stuff I'd like to see regarding SDK
None of this falls under the scope of this SDK.
I'd love to see being able to easily read the currently playing song title for stuff like mIRC/kvIRC integration (Just like AMIP with Winamp and stuff). And i love that this is C# :D the only language besides php and python that i really understand :D
Ohmy didn't see that, going to try it out tonight :D

I guess it's already in the scope but will there be something like a new tab in the menu bar like "add-ons" where we could add commands?
ohgod... not gonna sleep until Ive done something cool with this ._.
So what exactly are we limited to with this SDK? Are there any specific rules to using this?
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At the moment you can implement AiMod modules, so it's editor-only for now. You can request more functionality/exposed APIs by filing issues on github. May I suggest that you start with AiMod just to get a feel for how things will work, and because it is a nice contained environment, before requesting more advanced stuff.
Man I wanna look into this, but I don't even know what I want to implement.. guess I'm just gonna start by reading through your code then and translate my java knowledge into C# syntax. Thanks for the opportunity peppy!
No one care github issues anymore?
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I don't think you understand the art of waiting. I will get to it when I have the time.
Didn't you mean le art of waiting?
So let me try to get this clear. Right now you are giving us access to a limited amount of code and let us play around with the AiMod. When we feel like we have a nice idea and are able to implement this through proper coding we can request more access where necessary? I'm not entirely sure what out possibilities are with this SDK. Could you clarify a little on this peppy?
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Yes, at the moment it lets you have access to beatmap content via AiMod. It is intended to eventually allow AIBat (amongst other potential projects) to enhance the editing and modding process.

At the moment the possibilities are:
* Reporting new information about a beatmap via AiMod.
* Editing basic elements of HitObjects.
Awesome! It makes me want to learn C#.
Maybe you can make a list of function, which we can use ? (I don't have supporter so I don't know how it works.)
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You can view the source on github. You don't need supporter status to view it.
BTW: Could you make writing addons in more friendly-user language (Lua, python, perl?), i've never started learning c++/c# because of it being really complicated. (or maybe I should learn, and make addon to sdk which would allow making addons in other languages... addonception)
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I do not see the need for a different language for this. c# is not much more complicated (if at all) than any of the languages you list, and allows for the tightest integration.
Am I wrong or something?
Second is used at GMod (aka GLua language - edited Lua), now see how much they made with usage of this language which is in your opinion, less functionally
(There is even CPU in game)
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You are calling brackets and extra commenting more complicated? I never said "less functional".

Please do not start a language war in this thread; the osu!sdk will only be made available in c#.

peppy wrote:

You are calling brackets and extra commenting more complicated? I never said "less functional".

Please do not start a language war in this thread; the osu!sdk will only be made available in c#.

I meant some senseless (for me not knowing this language) things like public override AiModType Type or protected override void RunAllRules(List<HitObjectBase> hitObjects) or even namespace AiModTestProject
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namespace keeps things organised.
the override is setting the type of your module.
the runallrules definition is providing you with every hitobject in the song (with r/w access).
i'm pretty sure putting a few hours into learning the language would teach you these things, though.

peppy wrote:

namespace keeps things organised.
the override is setting the type of your module.
the runallrules definition is providing you with every hitobject in the song (with r/w access).
i'm pretty sure putting a few hours into learning the language would teach you these things, though.
Then, find me some books/ e-books with GOOD explained things, (not just mentioned, like almost 70 % of internet tutorials)
Btw: i meant those prefixes like protected, etc. not the functions names.
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As much as I'd like to, I'm not here to educate you, sorry. Maybe start a thread in General Discussion asking for help if you are interesting in learning a language. (personally i have never read a book and just learn from doing, so can't help here)
if you're using the Visual Studio IDE to write stuff, some of their error code explanations provide some insight. Otherwise, scour stackexchange, it's a pretty good site for finding help
It's really good to see this!
I'm implementing a OSU! on Windows Phone 7 using original resource package . I have finished main game logic.
But I have some problem with the storyboard....
Maybe you can write a document for the .OSU file format...

Might try some other stuff with this. Don't have any really good ideas though...
Yey don't hate me but c# was pretty easy... /me runs FAR FAR FAR FAR away
And one thing bother me: it's limited only to AiMod, why don't you add functions for:
- Custom menus in editor mode <i mean those line with File, Edit, View etc., to be able to add one>
- Generating SB script <functions for adding SB _F, _S etc.>
- Adding custom panels <like osu!direct panel which appear on right>
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Custom editor modes may be supported.
Generating SB script can be added.
Custom panels will not be supported.

If you are looking for specific API additions, please file issues on github with examples of how they will be used.

peppy wrote:

Custom editor modes may be supported.
Generating SB script can be added.
Custom panels will not be supported.

If you are looking for specific API additions, please file issues on github with examples of how they will be used.
Done, Issued on github.
Why don't we just make OSU! an open source project?
GNU is always the best!~ 8-)
Even it's under Windows OS..
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Added a new method to get arbitrary slider (ball) position. After a short discussion about people working on their own star rating systems, I checked the SDK and this was basically the only thing missing to allow for most calculations.
I got a strange error:
Ошибка	3	"osu.GameModes.Edit.AiMod.AiModType" не содержит определение для "Errors"	e:\prg\peppy-osu-sdk-5be32ec\AiModTestProject\AiModTest.cs	17	36	AiModTestProject
Meaning there is no definition for "Errors"

UPD: Used Meta as a workaround instead of Errors which doesn't exist.
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Fixed this, thanks. Let me know how you go with it, and if you need anything else added.
While fiddling around with it I just realised.. are there no methods for returning beatmap difficulty settings?
Can they be added too? This information is quite important for star difficulty calculation
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They can, yes.

Author: Dean Herbert <>
Date: 28 seconds ago (Wed May 08 04:41:27 2013)
Commit hash: 323e250acce7d7726d90ddc3cc8887bfa98a912d

Added OsuHelper static class used to talk directly to osu! outside of provided AiMod endpoints. Initially allows retrieval of the active Beatmap.

BeatmapBase b = OsuHelper.GetCurrentBeatmap();
Console.WriteLine("AR: {0} CS: {1} HP: {2} OD: {3}",
I guess these should be added to AiModTest.cs
using osu.GameplayElements.Beatmaps;
using osu.Interfacing;

But even after adding them osu! tells that there was some internal error and AIMod isn't even opened
I only have one line of code that does something with new class
BeatmapBase b =  OsuHelper.GetCurrentBeatmap();
If I comment it out AIMod opens normally

Btw, so far I've made code for calculating difficulty of cursor movement and it tells quite nice and true numbers I should say
I am not sure how I'll scan all maps to check how it works after the system is completed though
Well, I'm going to make on my summer break, based on Arduino micro-controller LED lights, which I want to pulse in rhythm of osu!. What I'll need basically is:
- An API, with event, which would be called everytime, the player starts / stops map (Which would return "BeatmapInformation" class with BPM, Length, Timing points (with inherited timing points, for getting sampleset [soft / normal]?)
- Getting current time of mp3 (while playing, so I'll be able to sync up my lights, with osu! rhythm).
- Events about hitsounds - Clap, Whistle, Normal, and Finish - called everytime, when player hits those. (Additionally, information if it was circle, slider [at which case, would provide if it's slider start / end], and spinner [with length information])

Is there a way, that osu!sdk could provide it (everything up there, would be used for actual Gameplay)?

Marcin wrote:

Well, I'm going to make on my summer break, based on Arduino micro-controller LED lights, which I want to pulse in rhythm of osu!. What I'll need basically is:
- An API, with event, which would be called everytime, the player starts / stops map (Which would return "BeatmapInformation" class with BPM, Length, Timing points (with inherited timing points, for getting sampleset [soft / normal]?) This would be very nice for speed calculations. At least a way to get the base BPM and the BPM modified with slider velocity would be nice.
- Getting current time of mp3 (while playing, so I'll be able to sync up my lights, with osu! rhythm). Umm, why would this be needed? Use the current time of the hitobjects, or do it like Nightcore and follow the BPM (gotten with the point above)
- Events about hitsounds - Clap, Whistle, Normal, and Finish - called everytime, when player hits those. (Additionally, information if it was circle, slider [at which case, would provide if it's slider start / end], and spinner [with length information]) You can already get the hitsounds with the current API, as well as check for sliders and spinners.

Is there a way, that osu!sdk could provide it (everything up there, would be used for actual Gameplay)?
Just about everything you've requested is already there, it sounds like you just want to access it during gameplay. Doesn't seem too unreasonable.
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@Kert: will look into it.
@Marcin: i'm not yet sure about play-time access. focussing on aimod only for now. in the mean time, you could probably base lighting on polling screen colours and sound levels (i've done this before and it works great).
Millhioref, last point, is about play-time access, like events raised, WHILE PLAYING. That means for ex.:
I register an event with code:
osuClass.PlayerEvent += new PlayerHit(myFunctiontoDealwithIt);

Then my function, called "myFunctionDealwithIt" is called, EVERYTIME, when player hits some object, for ex.

private void myFunctionDealwithIt(PlayerHit ph)
//Some calls to my own Arduino-based API, creating fancy lights

Where PlayerHit has some properties like:
ph.CurrentTime (which returns current playtime)
ph.nextExists (returning true / false depending if there is next object, after currently called).
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All of which is already there, except for the current time. Which is what Millhiore was saying.
As you mentioned here, I would like to request exposure of methods to safely access data from the osu!/scores/collection database files.

Things which are probably unlikely below~

It may also be nice to have access to data related to:
  • The current map playing on the menu.
    The currently selected map on the map listing.
    The current map being played.
And a method to manipulate which map is playing on the menu and the ability to read the current position & length of the song. (To limit playing songs to ones of which found in specified collections)
This looks fun ^.^

Now I just need some Ideas for projects...
It would be helpful to have access to the following slider data so that I can calculate the positions and angles I need:
  1. The total length of the slider curve from Position to EndPosition (distance, not time).
    1. Currently doable, but it would have to be calculated manually for each slider by using PositionAtTime.
  2. The radius of the slider ball.
    1. Maybe I can calculate this using BeatmapBase.DifficultyCircleSize somehow?
Also, I noticed that AiReportTwoObject adds a line that connects the two related hitObjects. I would love to have that same capability in custom report classes. Being able to draw lines and curves would make it easier for the user to understand where the potential problem lies and how it might be fixed.
Dest Matter
PositionAtTime isn't actually implemented yet, all it does is return the starting position, so sadly getting the slider length isn't really doable.

Dest Matter wrote:

PositionAtTime isn't actually implemented yet, all it does is return the starting position, so sadly getting the slider length isn't really doable.
This got fixed, I guess?
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