
Hey, anyone remember me?

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Kanda Aoi
Wow! This place sure has gotten big XD
There's certainly more people here that DON'T know me than who do.
I was one of the first users here, but because my computer can't run Osu!, I never really got involved, though I helped submit some early ideas for the program :)
*Idly wonders how many people have tried to use this username XD*
Anyway, I'm curious, have you guys been able to get this to work on DS homebrew, or do you intend to do so in the future? I got a CycloDS recently, and I'd really like to be able to play Osu! on it, if possible.
If not, WHY not? Its PERFECT for DS homebrew!
Anyway, this place suuure changed since I last came here. Nice to see its all going smoothly.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
Kanda Aoi
Ah, sorry for putting this in the wrong place, haha.
I see... What if you took out all the bells and whistles and just made the game straight across with still backgrounds and no extra stuff like videos and combo flames, it'd not look as flashy, but it may work.

Download: Jun Ishikawa - Sky High (_LRJ_) [Dagonpater's Hard].osu
Yea, I remember you!! Welcome back!

Kanda Aoi wrote:

Ah, sorry for putting this in the wrong place, haha.
I see... What if you took out all the bells and whistles and just made the game straight across with still backgrounds and no extra stuff like videos and combo flames, it'd not look as flashy, but it may work.
Memory problems with sliders, specifically. The port has no bells and whistles to speak of yet. ;x
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