
Vietnamese Beatmapping Contest #1 [Results out!]

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Vietnamese Beatmapping Contest #1*

(Xem bản dịch tiếng Việt dưới đây!)

Hi everyone!

With the recent growth of potential content creators in the Vietnamese beatmapping community in this game, I feel it’s time that we should start our own small-scale mapping contest! Big thanks to both Kocari and Nathan who are going to help out as judges in this contest as well as LMT and Kuo for the vietnamese translation and general support!

What exactly is the Vietnamese Beatmapping Contest (VBC)?
The VBC is a contest for the osu!Standard mode where Vietnamese beatmappers may challenge themselves with other mappers of the same ethnicity by mapping a high-end difficulty for a specific track. The idea is to see for yourself where you stand in comparison to other mappers, help you to get into the competitive mapping scene and overall improve your skills in the process.

General Rules

  1. One entry per person only.
  2. Collaborations are allowed, but limited to 2 people for a map.
  3. You are of vietnamese ethnicity. Whether you are a native Vietnamese or living in another country is irrelevant to participate. You do NOT have to be able to speak/comprehend vietnamese in order to participate (although we'd appreciate it if you can).
  4. You are NOT allowed to submit your entry via BSS or have it modded by others.
  5. You have to submit an entry of the difficulty level Insane or Extra, NO custom names
  6. Your name must be clearly included in the metadata of the map, in particular in the difficulty name of the map:
  7. Custom hitsounds are prohibited.
  8. Do NOT change the MP3 or timing of the map.
  9. The osu!Standard Ranking Criteria and General Ranking Criteria are in effect for this contest.

Violating any of the above rules leads to exclusion/disqualification from the contest.

When you have finished your map, send the entry (only the .osu-File, not the whole .osz.-File!) via forum PM with Message subject: ‘VBC #1’ to the Map Master (Kuo Kyoka)!


Aside from the feedback and knowledge you get by participating, we offer the following prices for the first 3 places (courtesy of Pho, LMT and Watfords):

1st place: 2 months of OS (osu! support)*
2nd place: 1 month of OS
3rd place: 1 month of OS

(*) Depending on the quality of the entries, we may also reward the 1st place with a profile badge for their efforts.


/ - Pho
/ - Kocari
/ - sukiNathan
- Kuo Kyoka [Map Master]

Song for this contest
void - Dedication (short ver.)
Song preview
Link to the .osz-File

Start: 08.03.2017, as of now.
Deadline: 15.04.2017, 23:59 (UTC + 7)

With all being said, good luck to everyone!

Dank vietnamese translation:

Cuộc thi mapping Việt Nam #1*

Xin chào mọi người!

Với sự phát triển gần đây của nền mapping trong cộng đồng osu! Việt Nam, để nâng cao trình độ và phổ biến mapping hơn nữa trong cộng đồng, đây là lúc tôi muốn đứng ra tổ chức một cuộc thi mapping nhỏ. Xin cảm ơn cả Kocari và Nathan giúp đỡ giám khảo cuộc thi này với LMT và Kuo về bản dịch tiếng Việt!

Cuộc thi mapping Việt Nam (VBC) là gì?

VBC là cuộc thi mapping cho osu!Standard mà mapper Việt có thể thử thách chính mình với các mapper Việt khác (không nhất thiết là phải ở Việt Nam). Cuộc thi nhằm phản ánh năng lực bản thân cũng như so sánh chính mình với các mapper khác, giúp bạn tham gia vào cộng đồng mapping cạnh tranh và cải thiện kỹ năng mapping trong quá trình này.
Quy tắc chung

  1. Một người / Một map (không clone hay upload quá 1 map trở đi).
  2. Được cho phép hợp tác với mapper khác nhưng chỉ giới hạn 2 người trong một map,
  3. Bạn phải là người Việt. Việc bạn đang sinh sống ở Việt Nam hay nước ngoài không liên quan đến việc dự thi. Bạn không cần phải hiểu hay đọc được tiếng Việt để tham gia cuộc thi này.
  4. Bạn KHÔNG được phép đăng map của bạn lên BSS (Beatmap Submission System) (đăng map lên server của osu!) hoặc yêu cầu người khác hỗ trợ giúp bạn.
  5. Bạn chỉ được nộp một độ khó duy nhất, Insane hoặc Extra. Bạn không được đặt tên khác ngoài Insane hoặc Extra. Bạn KHÔNG được nộp file nào khác ngoài file .osu, các tập tin khác sẽ không được chấp nhận. File .osu nằm trong folder “osu!\Songs\(Bài nhạc)\ “.
  6. Bài dự thi của bạn phải bao gồm username của bạn và tên độ khó (Insane/Extra) mà bạn đã lựa chọn trong phần “Song Setup”
  7. Bạn chỉ được dùng hitsound có sẵn trong editor, bạn KHÔNG được sử dụng hitsound tự chọn.
  8. Bạn KHÔNG được phép thay đổi tên mp3 và timing của map.
  9. Tiêu chí mapping của osu!standard và các tiêu chí mapping chung đều có hiệu lực cho cuộc thi này

Vi phạm bất kỳ một trong các quy tắc trên dẫn đến loại trừ / truất quyền thi đấu từ cuộc thi.

Đối với mapper là người Việt bản địa:
Vì đa số giám khảo không sõi tiếng Việt nên việc hiểu tiếng Anh là rất cần thiết.
Trong trường hợp bạn chỉ hiểu tiếng Việt, bạn có thể liên hệ với tôi (Pho). Tôi sẽ nhờ Kuo hay LMT dịch nhận xét từ ban giám khảo.

Khi bạn đã làm xong map của mình, hãy gửi bài dự thi của bạn (phải là .osu-File!) thoi qua PM (Private Message)
với Message subject: ‘VBC #1’ đến Map Master (Kuo Kyoka)!

Giải thưởng
(Ngoài ra thì bạn đã nhận được phản hồi từ ban giám khảo cho map của bạn và điều đó đáng giá hơn :3 ) Với lòng hảo tâm của Pho, LMT và Watfords:

Hạng 1: 2 tháng OS (osu! support)*
Hạng 2: 1 tháng OS
Hạng 3: 1 tháng OS

(*) Tuỳ theo chất lượng của map mà tất cả mọi người đã đăng tải lên, nếu nó thực sự tốt, chúng tôi cũng có thể trao giải thưởng người đạt giải nhất bằng huy chương được đặt trên profile cho sự cố gắng của họ.

Ban giám khảo
/ - Pho
/ - Kocari
/ - sukiNathan
- Kuo Kyoka [Map Master]

Bài nhạc cho cuộc thi này
void - Dedication (short ver.)
Song preview
Link download tệp .osz

Lúc đầu: 09.03.2017, bây giờ
Hạn chót: 15.04.2017, 23:59 (UTC + 7)

Với tất cả những gì đã được nói ở trên,
Chúc tất cả mọi người may mắn!
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Reserved for future updates.

Update 12/03/2017: Prices section and general rules updated. / Cập nhật giải thưởng và quy tắc chung.

Update 07/05/2017: Results are out ! Link to the mapset can be seen here !



các bạn đã "không thể tin được" như tôi chưa :O ?
It's comingg hhhnnnnggggggg
How about a badge or something? That's usually a nice incentive.
I can't take place into this contest, but I wish good stuff for this new contest ! :)

Good luck to all of you :3

Monstrata wrote:

How about a badge or something? That's usually a nice incentive.
Supporting this idea so much since it's a huge motivation to be rewarded with a badge (think off it's something like a medal, or trophy).

Sticking this thread because you guys know what you're doing.
i'll try :p
gonna be awesome
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Monstrata wrote:

How about a badge or something? That's usually a nice incentive.
A badge would be a great idea, but as I stated in the Prices section already, I currently have no "estimation of the current expertise of vietnamese mappers before organizing this contest on a professional level". There are quite some promising mappers among the community already, including those who know how to push sets forward. But their numbers seem to be scarce (or they hide pretty well since not every vn mapper has a vn flag as his profile). So I'm not sure how much competition there'll actually be and whether it'll be well-deserved for the winner or not. At least that's my current point of view, I'll ask around.

I'm considering supporter prizes, so that might actually become a thing.
if this goes well a badge as 1st prize in the next contest would be hnng

LMT wrote:

Not going to join the contest since I am rushing for end term exam + preparing for high school entrance exam (Nice timing Pho lol)
But... Chúc các bác may mắn

Lots of stuff has been happening around osu! Vietnam community this week jesus
Always glad to see a younger generation of mappers striving hard to make a name for themselves. As for me while I can't participate due to no mapping experience and rl stuff I'll happily testplay all submitted maps and give feedback whenever possible.

@Pho I would like to make a prize contribution if you're okay with it. Both OS and merchandise can work, we just had a grand community meeting last month and I still have lots of merch waiting to be given away :)
Merchandises would be really a great memento, OS is also useful in general and one of a few valuable currency in osu. But I believe our small community is more than happy to have a well organized contest like this one. And what makes contestants happy above all is recognition of their mapping talent or copypasta for a few :^)

We attempted to create a small contest like this one before but it was super small scaled and the judges were the participants themselves, you may want to include that in the original thread, Pho. Oyatsu would feel bad if he saw this, I will make him do x)

thanks for making this a big surprise!
Monstrata <3
Oh wow. The contest and the song are all awesome. OwO
Can you change slider velocity ???
Topic Starter

phamleduy8507 wrote:

Can you change slider velocity ???

Prices section are updated as well as few changes to general rules. Again, make sure you guys send only the .osu-File to Kuo Kyoka, NOT the whole .osz-File! Also don't forget to have your username included in the difficulty name of the map!
You are NOT allowed to submit your entry via BSS or have it modded by others.
Please clarify this :) Am I allowed to have the beatmap testplayed with general feedbacks (aka this part doesn't flow well, change the design of this part,... ect) without actually having it modded with detailed suggestions?

Thank you for doing this!

edit: see Pho's answer below
Topic Starter

Holorin wrote:

Am I allowed to have the beatmap testplayed with general feedbacks (aka this part doesn't flow well, change the design of this part,... ect) without actually having it modded with detailed suggestions?

Thank you for doing this!
The idea behind the No submission-rule is mostly to keep entries anonymous, as well as keep participants from getting an unfair advantage through modding - at least to a certain degree.

Yes, you are allowed to ask friends for testplays and feedback (since we have no way of checking that anyway), but be discreet about it. If we see any submission of the contest map of you on the forum - including modding activities on said map -, you will be excluded.
results when
Hail Streams
Stardust Prism
uhh do the contestsants need to prove that they're Vietnamese?
Hey, we don't hear much from this community, it's high time we give them some xposure. Good idea!

Emonal wrote:

uhh do the contestsants need to prove that they're Vietnamese?

Shortthu wrote:

Emonal wrote:

uhh do the contestsants need to prove that they're Vietnamese?
well, I'm not native so how to prove that?

Emonal wrote:

well, I'm not native so how to prove that?
if you are Japanese, then you can't participate. Unless your parents are Vietnamese but you are born in Japan and you can't speak Vietnamese (or a little bit) then you are allowed to join :oops:

Hope this clears.
How to submit to map master ????
Have anyone try mapping this? I feel like the timing is a bit off. I put the speed to 25% and found out that the offset should be around 5 instead of 50.

phamleduy8507 wrote:

How to submit to map master ????
Clicking here should help you send a message.

Stormiverse wrote:

Have anyone try mapping this? I feel like the timing is a bit off. I put the speed to 25% and found out that the offset should be around 5 instead of 50.
The timing provided is accurate, yours is too early.

Asaiga wrote:

phamleduy8507 wrote:

How to submit to map master ????
Clicking here should help you send a message.

Stormiverse wrote:

Have anyone try mapping this? I feel like the timing is a bit off. I put the speed to 25% and found out that the offset should be around 5 instead of 50.
The timing provided is accurate, yours is too early.
But how could I sent osu file to him ???? thanks

phamleduy8507 wrote:

But how could I sent osu file to him ???? thanks
A tutorial for anyone else who's having troubles. Me and Pho were really struggling to deliver easiest solution to someone who's never experienced the forums's mechanics before.

First you might want to open your .osu in a notepad file.

Having a window popup, you will see your .osu file information in there. It contains everything you have editted so you shouldn't be afraid if it's missing anything except unusual circumstances but those rarely to almost never happen. Then you can click on this mail icon below a username in any userpage, some people don't disable the option of getting mails from other users so in a few cases you won't see the mail icon.

After that, use this format to keep your message clean and easier for the reciever. You don't have to type it out yourself, above there is a panel with various buttons, you will notice two similar boxes with the texts below, so you can click on Box, then Code. The '' . . . '' in between means the notepad file, you don't have to upload your file or convert it into .rar or any annoying uploading process. Go to your notepad file again, ctrl+a then ctrl+c then go to your message and ctrl+v between the code boxes then click on Post if you have nothing else to say. Icons are usually optional, the important things are your message's subject and what it contains. Good luck!

Stormiverse wrote:

Have anyone try mapping this? I feel like the timing is a bit off. I put the speed to 25% and found out that the offset should be around 5 instead of 50.
I've finished it and didn't have any problem with the timing. Mind elaborating why do you think it's 5 instead?

LMT wrote:

Stormiverse wrote:

Have anyone try mapping this? I feel like the timing is a bit off. I put the speed to 25% and found out that the offset should be around 5 instead of 50.
I've finished it and didn't have any problem with the timing. Mind elaborating why do you think it's 5 instead?
I blame my crappy laptop.
no, Aspire does not follow the ranking criteria, but this contest follow it, that mean your map must have something rankable
I've finished my entry
If I don't get first place I quit w
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: audio.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 38873
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.7
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 0

Bookmarks: 59344,143692
DistanceSpacing: 0.9
BeatDivisor: 4
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1.8

Creator:Multiple Creators
Version:Asaiga's Mapping Contest Best Entry
Tags:easy win


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 111
Combo2 : 222
Combo3 : 333
Combo4 : 444

last place inc
hi could I gd? :3
Is it possible to send a second beatmap as an update?
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