
GuitarmasterX7 & Dexterboy124 - Chocolate Rain?

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Dark Deception_old
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, July 02, 2008 at 9:03:58 AM

Artist: GuitarmasterX7 & Dexterboy124
Title: Chocolate Rain?
BPM: 90.09
Filesize: 3443kb
Play Time: 01:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. GuitarmasterX7(Easy) (1.24 stars, 56 notes)
  2. Dexterboy124(Normal) (2.31 stars, 88 notes)
Download: GuitarmasterX7 & Dexterboy124 - Chocolate Rain?
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This is another one of my new beatmaps from the internet world, but this one is a parody version of the song Chocolate Rain sung by two Two kings of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl Machinima on Youtube: GuitarmasterX7 and Dexterboy124, hence the question mark next to the song title.

Where did I get the song from? I got it off of

Also, this song doesn't really have THAT much explict launguage, so those who are at my age (16) or older are okay to download it. But seroiusly, I have 15 beatmaps, but yet they aren't ranked, so I thought this has to be for the two's sake. I'm talking to you, GuitarmasterX7 and Dexterboy124.

P.S. Please tell me what you think about the previous beatmap...

Edit: Changed difficulty names, but leaving the beats as it is because I suck at distance snapping.
I think you'd be better off changing normal to easy and hard to normal.
The spacing is really confusing, but it doesn't really get in the way, maybe you should try going over it with distance snap, because the distance is really inconsistent.
As for the BPM, I think sticking with what you've got is probably best, since it doesn't really have one.
Topic Starter
Dark Deception_old

neo@lex wrote:

I think you'd be better off changing normal to easy and hard to normal.
The spacing is really confusing, but it doesn't really get in the way, maybe you should try going over it with distance snap, because the distance is really inconsistent.
As for the BPM, I think sticking with what you've got is probably best, since it doesn't really have one.
Well, I didn't know that until you told me.

Also, I suck at distance snapping... :(
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Dark Deception_old
Bumping this thread because I got the difficulties renamed.
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