
Kaori - Tears Infection

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 23 Tháng Sáu 2008 at 10:50:25 CH

Artist: Kaori
Title: Tears Infection
BPM: 183
Filesize: 5601kb
Play Time: 04:02
Difficulties Available:
  1. Insane (4,52 stars, 459 notes)
Download: Kaori - Tears Infection
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Bpm 183 and that's truly hard (for mapping, however, many of my friends cannot finish it in 3 times)
I fixed them.
Hmm. There is no sense of beat spacing in this map. From a quick play through, I'm not incredibly concerned about timing, but I'm concerned that all the circles are spaced the same distance apart regardless of where they are located on the time line. Remember the rules of beat spacing. Essentially, the spacing in the grid should correspond with the spacing in the time line. You feelin' me?
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Yeah, Maxwell told me about that, so I fixed them.
Uploaded the lastest version.
Alright, I fixed the insane map up... majority of the issue is that you always often end up being 1/4 beats earlier than the actual notes. So, for your next beatmaps, it might help if you slow the playback a bit and listen for any particularly early beats.

Also, I suggest you to make an easier difficulty for this map if you want it ranked. XO
Until then... *starred*. :P

Download: Kaori - Tears Infection (Fortevn) [Insane].osu
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