What you all have been waiting for! The second Imogen Heap mapping project!
Once again, the songs are not easy to map, but if you can do it well, good job!
1. First Train Home (Claimed by mrtn/Takuma)
2. Wait It Out (Claimed by eee)
3. Earth (Claimed by Larto)
4. Little Bird (Claimed by Larto)
5. Swoon (Claimed by EEeee/RandomJibberish)
6. Tidal (Finished by Symbolic)
7. Between Sheets (Claimed by Agent Spin here)
8. 2-1 (Claimed by Ephemeral)
9. Bad Body Double (Finished by Agent Spin Here)
10. Aha! (Finished by 0_o)
11. The Fire (Claimed by Luigihann) (Don't ask)
12. Canvas (Claimed by RandomJibberish)
13. Half Life (Finished by Larto)