
Anyone interested in joint projects?

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If you know my maps, you should know by now that I only make one difficulty per map. I just can't seem to do things any different the second time, so in an attempt to make an easier or harder version, I end up doing the exact same map...

Would anyone be interested in working with me on my maps? I'll do whatever version I make, and you can make others.

I'm fine as is, but I do realize that each of my maps will only reach a specific audience, based on whatever difficulty I made.

Note sounds is another project as well, since I lack the creativity to use them. I'll make my map as usual, then hand it over to you, you can place the whistles/finishes etc to make audible patterns, since I can't...

Whatever the case be, you will of course be given credit, as much as me.

Well, was just wondering...
I'd be willing to do that! :)
seems like a good idea.
Actually, this is a very good idea. Many people love to make beatmaps (I'm resisting the urge to make two or three more because I haven't done some serious modding in weeks and won't contribute to the workload until I've chipped it away) but we already have a ton of beatmaps that aren't getting any real attention, and this is a good way to feed people's desire to beatmap as well as reduce the overall number of osz's being tossed into the Completed Beatmaps thread.
I wondered about the idea of joint projects a while ago. That seems like something that might be beneficial to the way I beatmap, too - I tend to be really slow on my own, and not always confident in what I'm doing. Is it possible to have two creators listed for a map, though?

Impossible wrote:

I wondered about the idea of joint projects a while ago. That seems like something that might be beneficial to the way I beatmap, too - I tend to be really slow on my own, and not always confident in what I'm doing. Is it possible to have two creators listed for a map, though?
I have a beatmap listed as Cecilthemos&awp but it might just be local...I think two people can work on a beatmap and be credited for it, but the project lead might have to submit it? Anyone can mod a beatmap and send in corrections, so apart from "official credit" I'm certain it's possible.
I'm not really willing to make extra difficulties for most other songs, as I'll usually only beatmap songs I really like and are familiar with, but I actually enjoy adding the whistles and finishes, and I appreciate their importance. xD If you have any maps that need whistles/finishes, I'll do them if you want. I think I have a pretty good ear for rhythm.
I'll definitely help you out with Hit Sounds, it annoys me when everything is exactly the same sound, and I think I'm very good at getting them to go along with the song.
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Well, if you can do em before a map gets ranked, go for it. But if it's going to take you many days to do finish a map once you start it, then perhaps it wouldn't be a good idea.

Otherwise, pick whatever map you wish, add the sounds, upload it with the forum and I'll add it.
Should I PM you when I upload them?
I just tried doing Mizame, and the way it is beatmapped really doesn't lend itself to custom sounds, unless you want almost all of the notes as finishes, but that doesn't sound too good. I'll try another one tomorrow.
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