MessageI want to give a huge thank you to everyone who helped with this set, whether it was modders/nominators/playtesters etc. I'm going to name some specific people but I'm sure I'll miss some people
First, Toofu. Toofu gave this map a chance in May '22 but over time lost interest in the set before eventually being removed from BN. If Toofu hadn't of given me a chance with this map I probably would have given up on either this set or mapping as a whole. Toofu can be attributed as I guess my biggest inspiration for mapping.
Second, DakeDekaane. Dake gave me complements on the map and was even willing to nominate, however I grew tired or waiting and replaced them on the set. I remember being super happy seeing you had accepted the set because at the time it meant I had 2 BN's and was on the path to getting my first ranked.
Third-ish, Alchyr and Roxy-. These two playtested the map when it was pretty new and gave me complements on it when I was still new so it felt very good to have two ranked mappers give me, an unranked, low submission, low skill mapper some complements on a map that I made for my skill level.
Fourth, Eriha and Faputa. These two are the ones who nominated this map and I could not have done it without them. They have my gratitude and I am very glad the two of them accepted my map.
Anyways, those are some key people I'd like to recognize that I feel gave great contributions to the mapset. Next on the ranking schedule, Fighting Gold.