GD's open. PM me first with what diff you want to do.
Easy - A R M i N Normal - Ultima Fox Hard - Irohas Light Insane - Chaoslitz Insane - SnowNino_ / Haruto + Monstrata Extra from 2012 - Me Extra - Me Extra - Me
Honestly the fact that they killed FL like this is just dumb. You are telling me that an SS on the apex diff with EZHDFL is worth less than on nomod? I hate that the PP system always gets reworked to punish people pushing boundaries outside of the meta and setting unique scores like FGsky's Justadice 4 mod and Badeu's c-type DTHRFL FC. Then they decide that its fair that the 10 copies of lionheart that have been all FCed by every speed player ever with DT is worth twice as much as a map like sewing machine which only has 1 DT FC. I'm honestly fed up with how this game's playerbase hypes up the exact same unoriginal speed players after FCing a slightly harder version of the fundamentally same map as everyone else has FCed just because it gives a higher amount of PP. Yeah, Akolibed got 1700 on Sidetracked Day, but let's see him FC c-type with HRDT. Lets see him FC the Unforgiving with FL. Or how about we see him FC his same unoriginal speed farm maps with EZHD instead of HDDT or DT? I will say this with 99% certainty that he will not do any of these. Setting somewhat original scores is simply not worth his time. He just wants to get to the top rank of a system that doesn't actually show the true skill of a player.
Bro EZ mod is easier to learn then speed tf? When you say he should fc his DT 9-10 star speed maps with EZHD instead, are you trying to say that its supposed to be harder then DTHD sidetracked day? Like lets just imagine, right, that he FC'd sidetracked day with EZHD rather then DTHD, that EZHD is supposed to be harder or even more impressive then the DTHD score? Sidetracked day has multiple EZ FC's and an EZHD FC by a literal 5 digit. Yes I believe EZ is underrated and that reading maps like low AR should be worth more but low AR is easily learnable especially in the early stages of the game since you start off on low AR maps. So with that in mind lets go to your other argument of FL. FL like EZ is super learnable and doesnt require thousands of hours to do unlike things like Akolibeds sidetracked day score. Also Shiori is 90 seconds long, if you just went and actually learned a longer map it would be worth a lot more lol. FGsky's justadice play is actual aids really, and it was overrated lets be honest here. Badeus c-type play is the equivalant to just making a practice dif for the hard section of a long map, its literally 20 seconds long. Just think realistically and you will realize why these things were nerfed. And they nerfing speed anyway so stop crying.
"FL like EZ is super learnable and doesnt require thousands of hours to do" no way that bro thinks fl doesn't need hours of dedication. If your good enough it isn't impossible to fc a speed map with dt and get 1000+pp in a few tries but it will always take you much longer to do with flashlight no matter how much skill you have (usually hundreds of retries)
just saying but kalanluu literally nerfed his own score and still said after the fact it was still too much and since we are all dt farmers here just let the professionals do the work
Honestly the fact that they killed FL like this is just dumb. You are telling me that an SS on the apex diff with EZHDFL is worth less than on nomod? I hate that the PP system always gets reworked to punish people pushing boundaries outside of the meta and setting unique scores like FGsky's Justadice 4 mod and Badeu's c-type DTHRFL FC. Then they decide that its fair that the 10 copies of lionheart that have been all FCed by every speed player ever with DT is worth twice as much as a map like sewing machine which only has 1 DT FC. I'm honestly fed up with how this game's playerbase hypes up the exact same unoriginal speed players after FCing a slightly harder version of the fundamentally same map as everyone else has FCed just because it gives a higher amount of PP. Yeah, Akolibed got 1700 on Sidetracked Day, but let's see him FC c-type with HRDT. Lets see him FC the Unforgiving with FL. Or how about we see him FC his same unoriginal speed farm maps with EZHD instead of HDDT or DT? I will say this with 99% certainty that he will not do any of these. Setting somewhat original scores is simply not worth his time. He just wants to get to the top rank of a system that doesn't actually show the true skill of a player.
Oshino Ougi from the monogatari series (specifically appears in Owarimonogatari as one of the primary characters, along with this song being the ending song for the same anime)