
Nobuo Uematsu - Guin Saga TV preview

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 6 czerwca 2010 at 20:32:32

Artist: Nobuo Uematsu
Title: Guin Saga TV Preview
Source: Guin Saga
BPM: 128
Filesize: 1237kb
Play Time: 00:23
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,59 stars, 28 notes)
  2. Hard (4,66 stars, 52 notes)
  3. Normal (2,95 stars, 27 notes)
Download: Nobuo Uematsu - Guin Saga TV Preview
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1st map

It's late, and I'm tired, and I wanted to say hi :3

So here are a few tips ^^

The song's a bit too short, isn't it? Oh well.
Insert a background image.
Set a preview point (I recommend at 0:01:490) (Timing>Set Current Position as Preview Point)

Use AIMod to check.

127.94 BPM
2428 Offset

Remember to resnap all notes (Timing>Resnap All Notes)

Make the hitcircles bigger

Is a bit hard. I'll wait for you to finish it~

Full submit with the new background image :]

I'll make a full mod when you are finished with the beatmap. (Ingame PM me if you have questions.)

Good luck with your map. ^^
Hello sm0q.

Well,as I see,it's a bit raw.

I am a big fan of Nobuo,he got so wonderful instrumentals.Maybe you could map something else? Because 28 seconds is a bit out of ranking.

You've used BMP/Offset by thepianist,but you must do a Full Resnap.Timing-->Resnap All Notes.

Maybe try to use this map as a training one.

I see you're following the rhytm,using Distance Snap,yes,well.That's good.As peppy said:"You've got potential".

But there're lots of things you must take a care as well.
Maybe you forgot to do the New Combo,but sometimes it seemed randomly to me.Don't forget to start New Combo,when rhytm is changing,or starts in a new wave.You'll get it easily after having little more experience,just don't give up.

Also,Song Setup --> Difficulty.It's really up to you,but this menu helps you to make a difference between difficulties.But to do well,easy difficulty must have at least "0" circle seizure,but +1(or +2) is much better.Increasing HP Drain needs more notes and hitcircles,so don't push it to high.Overall Difficulty is really important.Just try to increase it to the and you'll see that this is just even harder than playing with HiddenFlashlight.

Another one is to keep the difference is Slider Velocity.You should use Distance Snap,and by increasing Slider Velocity you're increasing snapping.So don't forget to use different velocity through difficulties.

So,maybe you want to finish this one,or start new map,have a star anyway~

Don't be lazy,use suggestions and advices and fully remap.If you want to finish this map,ask me for modding,after fixing,or upload another one.

Good luck,anyway.
Topic Starter
I made changes as you advised (thanks thepianist and SadKangaroo ^^).
I hope it's now better... one quetion - u are talking about lenght of map... do you mean that it cant be ranked even if it will be good (so not just now). I seen maps even shorter then this one. And yeah, i also love Nobuo Uematsu. I have already prepered mp3 for next map (JENOVA from Final Fantasy 7 soundtrack) if i ever will done this one ^^.

sm0q wrote:

I made changes as you advised (thanks thepianist and SadKangaroo ^^).
I hope it's now better... one quetion - u are talking about lenght of map... do you mean that it cant be ranked even if it will be good (so not just now). I seen maps even shorter then this one. And yeah, i also Nobuo Uematsu. I have already prepered mp3 for next map (JENOVA from Final Fantasy 7 soundtrack) if i ever will done this one ^^.
I'm quite sure it is rankable, although it may be more difficult. Most maps are in the 1 - 3 minute range. ^^

(Don't kudos this post)
Louis Cyphre
Hm 28 seconds? It's good. I see also 31 seconds map. It's rankable stuff :3


Offset: 516 sounds more better. Resnap All notes after changing :3
Beatmap Snap Divisor 1/2
00:13:682 - remove new combo
00:14:620~00:15:558 - delete this notes and put notes at 00:14:385, 00:15:089, 00:15:792 sounds more better
00:16:496 - distance
00:23:374 - Remove all notes after this timing section and add spinner from 00:23:374 extend 00:27:829
Then add inherit timig section (Timing - Add Inherit Timing Section) at 00:27:594 in options of this timing section mute the volume :3

This is hard i think. and it is good to me. :3

Good luck man, i hope you will get this rank. Star~
No problem.No,I haven't meant something wrong about it.Of course,it may be ranked.And if you do well,it will,for sure.

But,I feel like you can map something else..ergh..just nvm.It's a bit hard to map something awesome on such a small legnth.Sometimes,in beatmaps,the first beat starts near ~20 second,so.

And about J-E-N-O-V-A,wasn't it mapped already? But,anyway,if you like it,you may map it as well,so,good luck.

I'll take a look at your map,at the changes you made,when I'll have some free time.
Hi,me again.

Well,much better.

Pretty BG.As I see,you made changes to the Difficulty Menu,added a Preview Point.You're learining fast,that's good.

All I can say for your map -don't use that long spinners. ;)

And I've used Offset 530.

So,here's something for you.It's just a sample,so you don't need to upload this.That's how would I mapped this,or close to it~

Download: Nobuo Uematsu - Guin Saga TV preview (sm0q) [Sample].osu

You may upload,rename,change,do whatever you want,it's yours.But keep in mind,I haven't added hitsounds(but you need to add if you want your map to be ranked) and also,I haven't used Distance Snap in 2nd part of the song,but you better use it oftenly till you'll be experinced.

Firstly download it.Then copy it,and paste into the song folder.After doing that,in osu!,hit F5 to refresh in Song Selection menu.What else to say...About rhytms and etc.

There lots of ways to map the song,but the most popular are three ways:
1.The most popular is to follow the lyrics.So,making a 1/4 Snap Divisor(or maybe 1/8 sometimes).Listening to the music,probably at 0.25x speed and adding the notes to follow the lyrics.Well,good,but you don't have any lyrics in your map,so,then you can use next two.
2.Simply find the correct BMP and Offset,and just put them in a row due to white long ticks.It will do well for Easy difficulties.Just as for me,it's easier to non-stop clicking.I always failing at clicking on a single circle.Well,my bad,probably.But don't think that easy must contain few notes,no,that's not the point.Point is to make simply expected rhythm,do well with distance snapping and etc.
3.The one I do.Listen to the music,and follow the beats.But,don't get stuck on it.Because usually it's just always repeating.That's not really good,but you can make a rhytm by yourself,as I did in the Sample one.

So,good luck!
Cool short map~

Disable countdown?
Delete .osb file and full submit?

00:02:895 (4) - Whistle the start?
00:06:647 (4) - ^
00:11:806 (1,2) - Whistle?
00:13:682 (1) - Finish?
00:15:558 (3) - Remove this note?
00:16:496 (1) - Remove new combo?
00:17:434 (3) - New combo?
00:17:434 (3,4,1,2) - Finish?
00:21:654 (2,4) - Whistle?
00:23:061 (5,1,2,3) - Replace these note as a spin start here end with 00:27:751 ?

Add some hitsound?
00:01:489 (1,1) - Remove 1 repeat and add note after them?
00:09:918 (3) - Add note after it?
00:14:249 (1) - Remove it?
00:14:484 (3) - ^
00:20:220 (3) - Use 1/3 here?
00:21:156 - Add note here?

No star for now~
PM me if you want me back after you fixed~
OSU! Timing Help!
  • 1. BPM 128 , Offset 2390
Fixed soradg123's offset then I'll mod this :P


PS: If I forget to check this, please remind me >_<

1) You need a harder diff
2) Delete "Anime", "Japanese", and "Instrumental", since that word in Genre if BAT ranked this map

00:13:682 (1) - Add a finish?
00:21:185 (1) - ^
00:24:468 (1,2,3) - Replace it to spinner?

00:21:069 (10) - Add a finish?
00:23:297 (1) - Silence this spinner

Not bad
Topic Starter
Most of advices have been added, i also used map that was made by SadKangaroo.
Glad you've used it,but remove my nick from the difficulty name,because it's unfinished.

And I don't have much time atm to work well on it.

And in addition,you made some changes to it:

00:01:979 (2) - It was at 00:01:921
00:11:765 (1) - Move it 1 grid up in Compose field.
00:19:792 (9) - It was at 00:19:733

Also,I've used 1/4 Snap Divisor,and now it's 1/8 somehow.

Fix this.

00:23:014 (1) - End with 00:27:702 sorry x_x

00:05:202 (1) - Like 1 before?
00:18:796 (1,2) - Finish?
00:21:139 (9,1) - Switch new combo?
00:23:249 (1) - Start with 00:23:014 and end with 00:27:702?

[SadKangaroo's Hard]
All fine just need more hitsound.

Topic Starter
Did as you wanted above.
Thanks for all your help ^^.
No prob,I hope now you've got much more experience.

Hope you will rank it,good luck to you.

Also,if you'll map something else from Nobuo - contact me.
Offset: 2 405 (+15) -> Resnap All Notes (check the set for the issues manually after changing too, some notes may get off).

Use "TV Size" instead of "TV preview" in the title?

"Japaneese" in tags isn't needed. Delete it. You can delete "instrumental" too, because it will be added as the genre of the song after ranking.


Circle size: Large.

00:14:363 (1) - Delete new combo.


Delete "+" from the name of the diff after fixing.

This Normal is even harder than Hard (not in the star rating, but in overall).

I prefer circle size: -1 tick. It's weird when lower difficulties have smaller notes than higher.

Raise HP Drain by 1-2 ticks.

00:05:202 (1,2) - Please make this pattern the same as 00:01:452 (1,2).
00:14:225 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Streams in Normal? Nope. It's unrankable.
00:20:202 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^


Raise HP Drain by 2 ticks.

00:20:202 (1) - This slider should be 1/6 length. Change Beat Snap Divisor to 1/6 and adjust the slider length.

Całkiem nieźle, wprowadź te zmiany i będzie git.
The BG size must be 1024x768/800x600..or what, resize the bg and full submit again:)
Use the same combo color on every diffs?

00:05:202 (1,2,3,4) - 1 grid right
00:09:889 (3) - whistle?
00:15:046 (2,4,5) - whistle
00:16:921 (5,1,2) - 1 grid left

00:05:202 (1,2) - make it such like 00:01:452 (1,2) - ?
00:09:889 (3) - whistle on slider's start
00:16:452 (1) - whistle?
00:20:202 (3,6) - whistle?
00:22:780 (7) - no finish?

o.o oh..why only Hard use normal-hitsound set?
STR 1?
00:01:452 (1,2) - remove clap?
00:16:452 (5) - miss a whistle on start here?
00:20:202 (1) - remove whistle on 20:319, 436 and 554?
00:26:061 (1) - new combo ?

Nice map XD I already starred this :P
1) you BG size is 768 x 768, try to use 1024 x 768 instead.
2) a map less than 30s.... isn't it a little bit short? (may be it's fine)
3) why the circle size of hard is bigger than normal 囧? try to use a bigger size in Normal?
4) disable the countdown in the 3diffs, seems you don't need that.
5) seems you need to add audio lead-in in [EASY] and [Normal]

use a bigger circle size? (it's an easy, right?)
00:05:202 (1) 1 grid right?

00:06:364 (2) delete this note?
00:14:225 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) these 1/4 combos are strange, would you like to try this?
delete all of these combos
and add notes at
00:13:639 and the following blue and red ticks. (1/4 combos)
00:14:343 and the following 2 ticks (1/4 combos)
00:15:046 ^
00:15:749 ^
00:16:452 ^

why there are no tag in this diff ~?
change the normal-whistle to soft-finish?
00:19:030 (7) delete this note?
Topic Starter
Most of changes have been made.
Thanks ^^.
-Use same preview point in all u diff (Normal have a diferent preview point).

-00:15:998 (4) start this in 00:15:764?

o-o so short xD
Topic Starter
I don what you suggested, one question - how can i delete uneeded level?
Colin Hou
  1. the tags in your diffs are not the same, but imo you shall just remove all of them. cuz anime and instrumental will be added as genre and we usually say a song is Japanese cuz a song has lyrics of Japanese, not the producer of the song is a Japanese.
  1. SliderTickRate = 1 is fine, 2 is too often.
  2. 00:14:358 (1) - cancel new combo
  1. SliderTickRate = 1
  2. Circle Size -1 and use higher spacing snap if you like.
  3. 00:15:061 (4) - this slider is kinda strange, make the way point in the middle a white dot and press A when you select it.
  4. 00:20:217 (3,4,5,6) - make these a slider starts at 00:20:217 and ends at 00:20:373 (use 1/3 beat snap), and add 6 reverse to it.
  1. this diff has a different offset?
  2. SliderTickRate = 0.5
  3. 00:20:248 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - use 1/3 beat snap here
  4. 00:23:297 (1) - end the spinner at 00:27:752
  1. Overall Difficulty +1 this can make me play better
  2. 00:22:326 (4,5,6) - 1 grid left
  3. 00:26:662 (1) - end at the same time with other diffs.

If you want to remove a unneeded level, open this map's folder and delete that level's .osu file (make sure that's the diff you want to kill).
Circle size +1.

Normal +;
00:14:269 (1,2,3) - 1/4 forward.
This is a hard.

00:02:405 (3) - add a finish?
00:09:904 (3) - ^
00:13:654 (1) - remove new combo
00:16:467 (4) - new combo
00:17:404 (1) - remove new combo
00:23:029 (1) - this green line Volume It lowers gradually.? Last is Volume70~75 raised there.?


00:16:467 - Add a circle? and add Finish If you added it... 00:16:936 (1) - remove new combo
00:20:217 (4,5,6) - It is not suitable for the sound. you should 1/4 add a circle ?
00:23:029 (1) - this green line Volume It lowers gradually.? Last is Volume70~75 raised there.?


00:23:029 (1) - this green line Volume It lowers gradually.? Last is Volume70~75 raised there.?


First.. line. Volume 70%?

00:04:280 (1) - remove new combo
00:03:811 (4) - new combo

good map~

00:19:514 (7) - 2 grids right?
00:19:748 (8) - 1 grid right?
00:20:217 (1) - ^
00:21:623 (2,3) - 1 grids right?
00:22:326 (4) - 1 grid left?
00:22:561 (5) - 1 grid right?
00:23:967 (2) - 1 grid left? (lv3)

00:01:490 (1) - 3 grids right?
00:08:993 (1,2,3) - 1 grid right?
00:11:807 (1) - ^
00:13:683 (2) - ^
00:15:090 (1,2,3) - ^

I think Normal and Normal+ are quite similar

Didn't find anything wrong on other diffs
Lol, pretty short.

Consider capitalising preview - like 'Guin Saga TV Preview' looks slightly better than how it is now.

I see you're using red ticks for every tick. Doesn't effect this map, but try using Linear curves.

Gragh another + diff. Consider merging this with either Normal or Hard.
00:20:248 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Don't like this.
Needs hitsounding.

This uses 1/6. The rest use 1/2 or 1/4. That's not good.

Good enough. Star.
Topic Starter
Thanks for help, changes made ^^.
super bitmapka ;3
Hai, here comes your mod~

Whoa whoa whoa... This song is incredibly short. What's going on here? ><

00:09:904 - It feels so empty after this part... Add something in between those two notes

Raise the circle size please.
00:01:467 (1) - This slider sounds ugly here.
00:05:217 (1) - Same as above.
00:01:467 through 00:11:779 - I'm pretty sure you can map in those blank areas. Especially since [Easy] was mapped in those blank areas.

00:23:498 through 00:26:545 - What are you mapping to here? Just make this a spinner.

PM me after you've fixed some stuff, and I'll look over it again and star it.
Arusha Shuna
Request Accepted

Circle Size +1
00:01:467 (1) - sounds weird :<
00:05:217 (1) - ^
00:09:904 (3) - change to a single hitcircle
00:20:217 (3,1) - this part maybe a little bit too much for a normal
00:13:420 (4) - lengthen the slider by 1/8 beat then remove 2 repeats
00:20:217 (1) - 1/4 beat repeats? why not 1/3?
00:24:436 (3) - either stack this with 00:23:967 (2)'s slider end OR move this somewhere else (mind your spacing)

lol spinner for the win in this length
Shohei Ohtani
Hitsound modding whee~

00:01:467 (1,2) - Add finishes.
00:03:342 (3) - Add clap
00:03:811 (1,2) - Add finishes
00:04:748 (3,4,5) - Add clap on beginning of sliders.
00:06:623 (2) - Add clap
00:06:858 (3) - Add whistle on slider
00:07:561 (4) - Add clap on beginning of slider
00:08:498 (1) - Add clap
00:08:967 (2) - Add clap on beginning and end of slider (not on the repeat)
00:09:905 (1) - Add finish
00:10:373 (2) - Add clap
00:10:608 (3) - Add whistle on full slider
00:11:311 (4) - Add clap
00:12:248 (2) - Add finish on beginning of slider
00:12:248 (2) - Add clap on repeat of slider
00:12:248 (2) - Add whistle on end of slider
00:13:186 (3) - Add clap
00:13:420 (4) - Add whistle on end of slider
00:14:123 (1) - Add clap on end of slider (Goes with music)
00:14:826 (2) - ^
00:15:764 (4) - Add clap on beginning of slider
00:16:467 (5) - Add clap on beginning and end of slider
00:18:342 (3) - Add clap
00:20:217 (1) - This is a wierd slider :3~. Delete it, and re-make it using 1/3 BSD (same beginning point, same ending point, just in 1/3s rather than 1/4s.
00:20:217 (1) - Add finish on entire slider
00:21:389 (1) - Remove clap
00:21:858 (3) - ^
00:22:326 (4) - ^
00:23:030 (6) - ^
00:23:030 (6) - Add finish
00:23:498 (1) - Add clap on beginning of slider
00:23:967 (2) - ^
00:24:436 (3) - Add clap
00:24:436 (3) - Turn off grid snap and adjust until this circle is under the end of (2).
00:25:373 (5) - Add clap
00:26:311 (8,9) - ^

-1 Circle Size
00:09:904 (3) - Remove slider here, add note, add finish.
00:11:779 (1) - Add whistle on repeat
00:16:936 (7) - Spacing ;~;
00:17:404 (8) - Add new combo
00:20:217 (3) - Take a repeat off of this, and add finish.
00:21:154 - Add note here. Respace everything so it looks sexy :D~.
00:21:623 (2) - Add clap
00:22:561 (6) - ^


Needs a bit of work, but it has potential ~.
Topic Starter

I_Tatsuo_I wrote:

Hai, here comes your mod~

Whoa whoa whoa... This song is incredibly short. What's going on here? ><

00:09:904 - It feels so empty after this part... Add something in between those two notes I don't think it's really needed in easy.

Raise the circle size please. //OKAY
00:01:467 (1) - This slider sounds ugly here. I agree, tried to change it
00:05:217 (1) - Same as above. ^
00:01:467 through 00:11:779 - I'm pretty sure you can map in those blank areas. Especially since [Easy] was mapped in those blank areas. tried to map this, but u cant do much without sound ;P

00:23:498 through 00:26:545 - What are you mapping to here? Just make this a spinner. It's okay, though, and this way spinner is shorter so it wont affect score so much

PM me after you've fixed some stuff, and I'll look over it again and star it.

Arusha Shuna wrote:

Request Accepted

Circle Size +1 //DONE
00:01:467 (1) - sounds weird :< //changed
00:05:217 (1) - ^ //changed
00:09:904 (3) - change to a single hitcircle //changed
00:20:217 (3,1) - this part maybe a little bit too much for a normal //changed
00:13:420 (4) - lengthen the slider by 1/8 beat then remove 2 repeats //okay
00:20:217 (1) - 1/4 beat repeats? why not 1/3? //dunno
00:24:436 (3) - either stack this with 00:23:967 (2)'s slider end OR move this somewhere else (mind your spacing)


CDFA wrote:

Hitsound modding whee~ //i done what you wanted... im not really into hitsounds anyway

00:01:467 (1,2) - Add finishes.
00:03:342 (3) - Add clap
00:03:811 (1,2) - Add finishes
00:04:748 (3,4,5) - Add clap on beginning of sliders.
00:06:623 (2) - Add clap
00:06:858 (3) - Add whistle on slider
00:07:561 (4) - Add clap on beginning of slider
00:08:498 (1) - Add clap
00:08:967 (2) - Add clap on beginning and end of slider (not on the repeat)
00:09:905 (1) - Add finish
00:10:373 (2) - Add clap
00:10:608 (3) - Add whistle on full slider
00:11:311 (4) - Add clap
00:12:248 (2) - Add finish on beginning of slider
00:12:248 (2) - Add clap on repeat of slider
00:12:248 (2) - Add whistle on end of slider
00:13:186 (3) - Add clap
00:13:420 (4) - Add whistle on end of slider
00:14:123 (1) - Add clap on end of slider (Goes with music)
00:14:826 (2) - ^
00:15:764 (4) - Add clap on beginning of slider
00:16:467 (5) - Add clap on beginning and end of slider
00:18:342 (3) - Add clap
00:20:217 (1) - This is a wierd slider :3~. Delete it, and re-make it using 1/3 BSD (same beginning point, same ending point, just in 1/3s rather than 1/4s.
00:20:217 (1) - Add finish on entire slider
00:21:389 (1) - Remove clap
00:21:858 (3) - ^
00:22:326 (4) - ^
00:23:030 (6) - ^
00:23:030 (6) - Add finish
00:23:498 (1) - Add clap on beginning of slider
00:23:967 (2) - ^
00:24:436 (3) - Add clap
00:24:436 (3) - Turn off grid snap and adjust until this circle is under the end of (2).
00:25:373 (5) - Add clap
00:26:311 (8,9) - ^

-1 Circle Size
00:09:904 (3) - Remove slider here, add note, add finish. //done
00:11:779 (1) - Add whistle on repeat //done
00:16:936 (7) - Spacing ;~; //done
00:17:404 (8) - Add new combo //done
00:20:217 (3) - Take a repeat off of this, and add finish. //done
00:21:154 - Add note here. Respace everything so it looks sexy :D~. //umm... done(?)
00:21:623 (2) - Add clap //done
00:22:561 (6) - ^ //done


Needs a bit of work, but it has potential ~.
Everything fine

You sure you want to use 1/8 beat placement when it's not needed?
***** v Notes before Offset?? v *****
- 00:01:467 ~ (1) shorten slider length by 1/4 tick. repeat point is @ 00:01:936 (white tick).
***** ^ Notes before Offset??^ *****
- 00:05:217 ~ see above (without the offset thingy ;) )

***** v Notes before Offset?? v *****
- 00:01:467 ~ (1,2)
***** ^ Notes before Offset??^ *****
- 00:24:905 ~ (4,5) spacing
- 00:25:608 ~ (6,7) spacing

Here comes a recheck~

Good :)

00:02:404 - 00:08:850 - This whole section sounds way off.
The rest of the map is good.

Fine :)

Kay you can have this now
00:17:170 - maybe add time section with Normal hitsounds?
00:20:686 - if you do^ then add time section with soft hitsounds.

00:02:639 (1) - put that on red tick. (1/4)
00:06:389 (2) - ^

00:23:029 (1) - finish.

00:04:748 (3) - remove clap in end.
00:05:217 (4) - ^
00:26:662 (1) - finish.

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