I always wondered why there is no scorebar-ki.png in osu!mania mode. But today I found it!
Yay! It's even animated!
Other maps just don't display it, but I think that it just somewhere outside the boundaries.
And my skin is not the problem, I guarantee it.
So give me scorebar-ki back!
How to replicate:
1. Watch Auto play a map on osu!mania
2. Minimize osu!, then restore the window
3. scorebar-ki.png (or the little white dot on default skin) appears where it is in osu!standard, despiite the HP bar being somewhere else.
Yay! It's even animated!
Other maps just don't display it, but I think that it just somewhere outside the boundaries.
And my skin is not the problem, I guarantee it.
So give me scorebar-ki back!
How to replicate:
1. Watch Auto play a map on osu!mania
2. Minimize osu!, then restore the window
3. scorebar-ki.png (or the little white dot on default skin) appears where it is in osu!standard, despiite the HP bar being somewhere else.