
[resolved] [osu!mania] scorebar-ki.png shows in osu!standard location [confirmed]

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I always wondered why there is no scorebar-ki.png in osu!mania mode. But today I found it!

Yay! It's even animated!

Other maps just don't display it, but I think that it just somewhere outside the boundaries.
And my skin is not the problem, I guarantee it.

So give me scorebar-ki back!

How to replicate:
1. Watch Auto play a map on osu!mania
2. Minimize osu!, then restore the window
3. scorebar-ki.png (or the little white dot on default skin) appears where it is in osu!standard, despiite the HP bar being somewhere else.
Way to replicate it while in spectating mode: minimize osu!, then maximize it, and you'll get scorebar-ki.png in the top right corner.

Same thing here
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stop posting screenshots, it's already confirmed ._.
Yeah, I think we have enough proof, the thread is already confirmed and I can replicate it myself too. Locking for now (a dev or admin can unlock it after they post, if they so wish.) If you can come up with a good reason why this thread needs to stay open, PM me.
This really isn't much of a concern, and probably this topic has be brought up by someone. If so, then please mark this topic as duplicate.

The scorebar-ki disappears when playing standard after a session of osu!mania (an osu!mania game replay will do) without restarting the game. Kinda throws me off game, since I can't see the scorebar status well without that png

Normal osu! standard scorebar

osu!mania (scorebar normally has no scorebar-ki

osu! standard scorebar AFTER a session of osu!mania

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Hmm, there is a topic about broken scorebar-ki.png in o!m (t/106768), but this is sort of new thing.
Maybe merge these topics?
Probably the same root cause. I'll go ahead and merge them (and unlock that thread, since there's something new)
Reporting in that this still happens. this should be fixed. It's overstayed its welcome. I have more updated replication steps.

1. Play/spectate/watch replay of osu!mania
2. Minimize game or use boss key and bring it back.
3. scorebar-ki appears where it shouldn't
I tried replicating this and couldn't. Is this bug still happening?
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There is no scorebar-ki anymore, so I think you can mark this topic as [solved].
I also can't replicate the bug with scorebare disappearance after playing osu!mania.
drum drum
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