
YMCK - Hateshinai Sekai (TV Size) [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on giovedì 17 gennaio 2013 at 23:00:19

Artist: YMCK
Title: Hateshinai Sekai (TV Size)
Source: Arad Senki ~Slap Up Party~
Tags: 8bit 8-bit bit Dungeon and Fighter Online Kurosanyan Magicphoenix
BPM: 105
Filesize: 20346kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Baron (4,63 stars, 185 notes)
  2. Capensis (2,66 stars, 108 notes)
  3. Ixia (1,98 stars, 90 notes)
  4. Kurosanyan's Taiko Muzukashii (4,62 stars, 306 notes)
  5. Kurosanyan's Taiko Oni (4,83 stars, 467 notes)
  6. Roxy (4,97 stars, 189 notes)
  7. Ryunmei (3,66 stars, 136 notes)
Download: YMCK - Hateshinai Sekai (TV Size)
Download: YMCK - Hateshinai Sekai (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This time it's the first ending of Arad Senki ~Slap Up Party~ :)

Easy [Ixia] = Done.

Normal [Capensis] = Done.

Hard [Ryunmei] = Done.

Insane [Baron] = Done.

Insane 2 [Roxy] = Done by Magicphoenix.

Taiko Muzukashii: Done by Kurosanyan.

Taiko Oni: Done by Kurosanyan.

Skin: Done.

Thanks to Card N'FoRcE for his awesome hidden help :) (like always)
Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:

  1. There are 2 BGs in song folder.
  2. Missing skin element: approachcircle.png spinner-clear.png spinner-spin.png spinner-osu.png score-comma.png
  3. comboburst.png must be not larger than 500x767.
  4. The volume change is too much. I suggest change between 50-80 through out the song.
00:03:335 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - better to use reverse slider like 00:01:050 (1) or it is difficult for new player.

00:30:764 (1) - like this?
00:33:335 (4) - ^
00:49:621 - add a not here to follow the drum?

00:30:764 (1) - curve it to fit end of 00:29:907 (9) better?

00:12:478 (1,2,3) - spacing between (1)(2) and (2)(3) should be same
00:14:764 (7,8,9) - ^
00:29:907 (2) - curve it to fit head of 00:30:764 (1) better?
01:05:621 (4,5) - spacing between them is a little big

That's all I can find. GL~
Topic Starter

popner wrote:

Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:

  1. There are 2 BGs in song folder. Uuh. You are right :?
  2. Missing skin element: approachcircle.png spinner-clear.png spinner-spin.png spinner-osu.png score-comma.png Added.
  3. comboburst.png must be not larger than 500x767. Fixed.
  4. The volume change is too much. I suggest change between 50-80 through out the song. mh, let's make 60-90 :P
00:03:335 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - better to use reverse slider like 00:01:050 (1) or it is difficult for new player. It's a plain rithm so I don't think it could be so difficult.

00:30:764 (1) - like this? Done.
00:33:335 (4) - ^ ^
00:49:621 - add a not here to follow the drum? No because I should add other beats to match.

00:30:764 (1) - curve it to fit end of 00:29:907 (9) better? Done.

00:12:478 (1,2,3) - spacing between (1)(2) and (2)(3) should be same Done.
00:14:764 (7,8,9) - ^ Done.
00:29:907 (2) - curve it to fit head of 00:30:764 (1) better? Done.
01:05:621 (4,5) - spacing between them is a little big Fixed.

That's all I can find. GL~
EDIT: I didn't change it because I am lazy and don't want to create new images and I prefer to wait. Btw, now is all fixed :|
Hmm...about the mod in red: actually they are unrankable things so you don't need to wait for another modder to point it out.

Rules wrote:

When skinning gameplay elements, complete sets of elements must be skinned. For instance, if you skin hitcircles, you must include a hitcircle.png, hitcircleoverlay.png, approachcircle.png, and a slider border color (this can be done by adding the line "SliderBorder: 255,255,255" (using RGB values) under the [Colours] section of each .osu file). The same logic applies to hitbursts, cursors, numbers, and anything else of this nature. If you didn't intend to skin an element in the set, then using the templateskin's version is okay. Setting a SkinPreference is also acceptable (e.g. forcing the default skin).

Rules wrote:

Do not make any essential gameplay elements larger than template skin dimensions (especially for combobursts). Larger elements may effect gameplay performance, and thus should be avoided. However, any elements that do not directly effect gameplay (e.g. pause-back, play-skip, etc.) may be slightly larger if a legitimate reason is given.
Ciao :3


  1. Rimuovi countdown in tutte le mappe.
  2. Rimuovi letterbox during breaks visto che non ci sono breaks.
  3. Submitta il mapset in pending beatmpas.
  4. Il primo kiai time dovrebbe partire in 00:49:050 e il secondo in 01:07:335, è meglio IMO.
  5. Io ho 1059(+9ms) come offset. Provalo e se è ok non dimenticare di resnappare tutti gli elements e green lines.

  1. 00:11:907 (1) - Rimuovi questo circle per due motivi: 1) E' troppo vicino al breve spinner precedente per la diff più facile 2) Messo al centro l'approach circle si confonde con il precedente approach circle dello spinner
  2. 00:12:478 (1,5) - Aggiungerei (iniziando da qui) qualche whistle su ogni long white tick partendo da qui in poi, visto che questa parte sembra "vuota" e povera senza hitsounds :\
  3. 00:59:621 (2) - Che brutto questo slider D: Migliora il blanket con lo slider precedente piuttosto:

  4. 01:03:907 (4) - Cerca di non sovrapporre le reverse arrow con gli hitbursts degi precedenti elements perchè è da una parte unrankabile (nel caso fosse totalmente sovrapposto) e nell'altro perchè è la diff più facile e anche un minimo di overlap potrebbe confondere i beginners
  5. 01:12:764 (1) - Too loud :\
  6. 01:18:764 (5) - New combo e rimuovila da 01:20:764 (1)
  7. 01:20:764 (1) - Non sovrapporlo con lo slider precedente. E' brutto sia da giocare e sia come appare nella mappa :\
  8. 01:25:621 (1) - Termina questo spinner in 01:27:907? Penso sia meglio
    La mappa non è male, nel senso che il ritmo ci sta. Però penso tu possa farla più semplice di come è adesso. Ad esempio potresti semplificare pattern come questi: 01:08:192 (1,2,3,4,5,6) con qualche 1/2 slider, e lo stesso per gli altri 1/2 circles cosi numerosi.

  1. 00:05:621 (1,2,3) - Selezionali e fai CTRL + H e CTRL + R.
  2. 00:09:621 Missed sound. Aggiungi circle
  3. 00:19:335 (4) - New combo
  4. 00:28:478 (6) - ^
  5. 00:38:049 (7) - Invece di usare questo circle perchè non segui il vocal e questo ritmo?
  6. 00:42:192 (6) - New combo
  7. 00:55:050 (4) - Rimuovi whistle? Penso che questi tre suonino male insieme
  8. 01:00:478 (6) - Single new combo
  9. 01:12:764 (1) - Rimuovi whistle, suona male col finish in 01:16:478 (2). O almeno riduci il volume del whistle.
  10. 01:18:764 (6) - Stesso di 01:00:478 (6)
  11. 01:23:335 (7) - ^
  12. 01:25:621 (1) - Stesso della easy

  1. 00:04:621 (4) - Questo circle suona strano visto che nel pattern precedente non l'hai usato. Sinceramente penso che una new combo qui potrebbe risolvere questo "strano" problema.
  2. 00:09:192 (4) - ^
  3. 00:18:478 (7) - Spacing, muovilo più distante dal (6) precedente
  4. 00:19:335 (8) - New combo
  5. 00:28:478 (8) - ^
  6. 00:42:192 (6) - Userei new combo qui
  7. 01:12:335 (1) - Questo improvviso jump confonde IMO
  8. 01:23:335 (8) - New combo

  1. 00:04:621 (4) - Stessa cosa della hard
  2. 00:09:192 (4) - ^
  3. 00:15:193 (8,9) - Muovili in modo tale da sovrapporre il (7) col (9)
  4. 00:19:764 (5) - Whistle?
  5. 00:28:907 (5) - ^
  6. 00:42:478 (4) - New combo
  7. 00:58:192 (3) - Whistle
  8. 01:00:478 (5) - New combo
  9. 01:18:764 (5) - ^
  10. 01:23:335 (7) - ^
Old mapset xD Buona fortuna
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Ciao :3


  1. Rimuovi countdown in tutte le mappe. Fatto.
  2. Rimuovi letterbox during breaks visto che non ci sono breaks. Fatto.
  3. Submitta il mapset in pending beatmpas. Fatto.
  4. Il primo kiai time dovrebbe partire in 00:49:050 e il secondo in 01:07:335, è meglio IMO. Fatto.
  5. Io ho 1059(+9ms) come offset. Provalo e se è ok non dimenticare di resnappare tutti gli elements e green lines. Questa per ora la salto, devo chiedere a chi è più bravo di me nel timing.

  1. 00:11:907 (1) - Rimuovi questo circle per due motivi: 1) E' troppo vicino al breve spinner precedente per la diff più facile 2) Messo al centro l'approach circle si confonde con il precedente approach circle dello spinner Nevur! Scherzi a parte, hai ragione sul fatto che si sovrappone, tuttavia vorrei lasciarlo, per quanto possibile. L'ho un po' spostato dal centro, così almeno un problema è risolto.
  2. 00:12:478 (1,5) - Aggiungerei (iniziando da qui) qualche whistle su ogni long white tick partendo da qui in poi, visto che questa parte sembra "vuota" e povera senza hitsounds :\ Fatto.
  3. 00:59:621 (2) - Che brutto questo slider D: Migliora il blanket con lo slider precedente piuttosto: Fatto (credo).

  4. 01:03:907 (4) - Cerca di non sovrapporre le reverse arrow con gli hitbursts degi precedenti elements perchè è da una parte unrankabile (nel caso fosse totalmente sovrapposto) e nell'altro perchè è la diff più facile e anche un minimo di overlap potrebbe confondere i beginners Dovrei aver fixato.
  5. 01:12:764 (1) - Too loud :\ Fixato.
  6. 01:18:764 (5) - New combo e rimuovila da 01:20:764 (1) Ma così non è consistente con 00:57:907 (1,2) - Se qualcun altro lo fa presente lo modifico.
  7. 01:20:764 (1) - Non sovrapporlo con lo slider precedente. E' brutto sia da giocare e sia come appare nella mappa :\ Fixato?
  8. 01:25:621 (1) - Termina questo spinner in 01:27:907? Penso sia meglio mmm, ci può stare. Fixato.
    La mappa non è male, nel senso che il ritmo ci sta. Però penso tu possa farla più semplice di come è adesso. Ad esempio potresti semplificare pattern come questi: 01:08:192 (1,2,3,4,5,6) con qualche 1/2 slider, e lo stesso per gli altri 1/2 circles cosi numerosi.

  1. 00:05:621 (1,2,3) - Selezionali e fai CTRL + H e CTRL + R. Inizio a credere che le mie mappe si modifichino da sole... è già la terza volta che trovo un pattern cambiato :!: Fixato comunque.
  2. 00:09:621 Missed sound. Aggiungi circle Questa parte è uguale a 00:03:335 (1,2,3) - quindi non va aggiunto (anche perché ne dovrei aggiungere due altrimenti.)
  3. 00:19:335 (4) - New combo
  4. 00:28:478 (6) - ^
  5. 00:38:049 (7) - Invece di usare questo circle perchè non segui il vocal e questo ritmo? Ci ho provato ma proprio non mi piace.
  6. 00:42:192 (6) - New combo
  7. 00:55:050 (4) - Rimuovi whistle? Penso che questi tre suonino male insieme Fatto.
  8. 01:00:478 (6) - Single new combo
  9. 01:12:764 (1) - Rimuovi whistle, suona male col finish in 01:16:478 (2). O almeno riduci il volume del whistle. Rimosso.
  10. 01:18:764 (6) - Stesso di 01:00:478 (6)
  11. 01:23:335 (7) - ^
  12. 01:25:621 (1) - Stesso della easy Fatto.

  1. 00:04:621 (4) - Questo circle suona strano visto che nel pattern precedente non l'hai usato. Sinceramente penso che una new combo qui potrebbe risolvere questo "strano" problema. New combo.
  2. 00:09:192 (4) - ^ ^
  3. 00:18:478 (7) - Spacing, muovilo più distante dal (6) precedente Fatto.
  4. 00:19:335 (8) - New combo
  5. 00:28:478 (8) - ^
  6. 00:42:192 (6) - Userei new combo qui
  7. 01:12:335 (1) - Questo improvviso jump confonde IMO Avvicinato un po'.
  8. 01:23:335 (8) - New combo

  1. 00:04:621 (4) - Stessa cosa della hard New combo.
  2. 00:09:192 (4) - ^ ^
  3. 00:15:193 (8,9) - Muovili in modo tale da sovrapporre il (7) col (9) Lo vedi? Le mie mappe si modificano da sole :? Prima il (7) era uno slider lol
  4. 00:19:764 (5) - Whistle? Fatto.
  5. 00:28:907 (5) - ^ Fatto.
  6. 00:42:478 (4) - New combo
  7. 00:58:192 (3) - Whistle Fatto.
  8. 01:00:478 (5) - New combo
  9. 01:18:764 (5) - ^
  10. 01:23:335 (7) - ^
Old mapset xD Buona fortuna

Per quanto riguarda le New Combo: come avrai notato mi piace fare qualche combo lunga più del solito, per cui preferisco aspettare che anche altri mi dicano la stessa cosa prima di modificare :roll:

Grazie per la mod :3

EDIT: offset cambiato ;)
Ciao, sono qui per il M4M


Di consiglio fortemente di cambiare il BG. C'è quella riga in mezzo che non corrisponde col centro della griglia del mapping e in alcuni punti che teoricamente dovrebbero essere simmetrici con il centro crea dei brutti effetti e la map sembra asimmetrica, per esempio nella Ryunmei a 01:23:335 (8)
L'offset mi sembra sbagliato ma non sono sicuro dato che sono nabbo nel timing :/


Se fossi in te eviterei di usare slider con più di una ripetizione in una easy, confondono molto i player più "nabbi"
Ti consiglierei di cambiare questi:
00:16:192 (1)
00:18:478 (4)

00:29:907 (6) - Aggiungi una NC
00:40:764 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Questo pattern fa confondere molto, soprattutto per gli slider con due ripetizioni... Ti consiglio di cambiarlo
00:51:907 (x) - Lo sento vuoto, prova ad aggiungere una nota
01:03:621 (3) - Ti prego, uno slider con 6 ripetizioni in una easy mi sembra un po' esagerato, prova a sostituirlo magari con uno slider lungo


00:30:764 (1) - Non mi piace molto la forma di questo slider, prova a farlo più "tondo", non so se hai capito xD
00:33:335 (4) - ^
00:36:192 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Prendi tutta la combo e spostala di una griglia verso l'alto

00:41:049 (2) - x:192 y:128
00:41:621 (4) - x:184 y:264

Riguardo a questi ultimi due suggerimenti: non so se l'hai fatto apposta, comunque ti conviene modificarlo perchè tanto non si nota giocando (o almeno io non l'ho notato)

01:04:764 (5,6) - Non sono molto sicuro su questo, è inaspettato... Prova a sostituire con uno slider
01:23:335 (7) - Ti consiglio di modificare questo slider rendendo visibile il "buco" del giro della morte, magari così può creare confusione tra i player più niubbi


00:39:621 (2) - 1 grid left
00:54:478 (4) - New Combo?
01:16:907 (2) - Riesci a fare in modo che questa nota si trovi nel centro modificando le note intorno? (Io non ci riesco :C)


00:14:764 (7) - Non sarebbe meglio sostituire questa nota con uno slider che parte qui e finisce in 00:15:049 ? Lo sento un po' vuoto sennò
01:23:335 (7) - Questo è seriamente figo, gratz xD

Spero che il modding sia stato utile, la map per il M4M te l'ho postata nella queue, bye o/
Topic Starter

RikiH_ wrote:

Ciao, sono qui per il M4M


Di consiglio fortemente di cambiare il BG. C'è quella riga in mezzo che non corrisponde col centro della griglia del mapping e in alcuni punti che teoricamente dovrebbero essere simmetrici con il centro crea dei brutti effetti e la map sembra asimmetrica, per esempio nella Ryunmei a 01:23:335 (8)
L'offset mi sembra sbagliato ma non sono sicuro dato che sono nabbo nel timing :/ È l'unico BG decente che esiste. Il timing l'ho fatto fare a uno bravo, per cui dovrebbe essere ok.


Se fossi in te eviterei di usare slider con più di una ripetizione in una easy, confondono molto i player più "nabbi"
Ti consiglierei di cambiare questi:
00:16:192 (1) No.
00:18:478 (4) No.

00:29:907 (6) - Aggiungi una NC No.
00:40:764 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Questo pattern fa confondere molto, soprattutto per gli slider con due ripetizioni... Ti consiglio di cambiarlo Se qualcun altro me lo fa notare lo cambio.
00:51:907 (x) - Lo sento vuoto, prova ad aggiungere una nota Troppo difficile dopo.
01:03:621 (3) - Ti prego, uno slider con 6 ripetizioni in una easy mi sembra un po' esagerato, prova a sostituirlo magari con uno slider lungo Ma dai, stai fermo e non fai niente, più facile di così? XD


00:30:764 (1) - Non mi piace molto la forma di questo slider, prova a farlo più "tondo", non so se hai capito xD Prima era molto peggio, fidati. Se lo faccio più tondo è un casino.
00:33:335 (4) - ^ ^
00:36:192 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Prendi tutta la combo e spostala di una griglia verso l'alto Fatto.

00:41:049 (2) - x:192 y:128 Fatto.
00:41:621 (4) - x:184 y:264 Forse intendevi x:192 y:256 ?

Riguardo a questi ultimi due suggerimenti: non so se l'hai fatto apposta, comunque ti conviene modificarlo perchè tanto non si nota giocando (o almeno io non l'ho notato)

01:04:764 (5,6) - Non sono molto sicuro su questo, è inaspettato... Prova a sostituire con uno slider Fatto.
01:23:335 (7) - Ti consiglio di modificare questo slider rendendo visibile il "buco" del giro della morte, magari così può creare confusione tra i player più niubbi A parte che è una normal, ma anche fosse che uno non capisce niente è molto difficile sbagliarsi, visto che lo sliderfollowcircle è enorme.


00:39:621 (2) - 1 grid left Dopo sta troppo vicino al (3). Per fixare ho spostato a destra il (3).
00:54:478 (4) - New Combo? No.
01:16:907 (2) - Riesci a fare in modo che questa nota si trovi nel centro modificando le note intorno? (Io non ci riesco :C) Sì, si potrebbe, ma non serve a molto.


00:14:764 (7) - Non sarebbe meglio sostituire questa nota con uno slider che parte qui e finisce in 00:15:049 ? Lo sento un po' vuoto sennò All'inizio era uno slider, poi ho cambiato proprio per lasciare uno stacco.
01:23:335 (7) - Questo è seriamente figo, gratz xD lol grazie

Spero che il modding sia stato utile, la map per il M4M te l'ho postata nella queue, bye o/
Yo, I'm late !
But it's finally done, hope you'll like my diff ;3
Taiko mod~
All are suggestions unless in red.

[Kurosanyan's Taiko Muzukashii]
Nothing particularly sticks out as wrong, but it feels kinda mediocre. It's hard to map chiptune muzu, I suppose.

[Kurosanyan's Taiko Oni]
00:04:773 - d
00:09:344 - d
00:39:773 - I think 1.25 will be better for speed up, 1.5 seems a bit drastic
00:49:058 - ^
00:55:535 - remove
This one sounds a lot better~ I like the rhythms~

CoroQuetz wrote:

Taiko mod~
[Kurosanyan's Taiko Oni]
00:04:773 - d No, I prefer my doubles :(
00:09:344 - d ^
00:39:773 - I think 1.25 will be better for speed up, 1.5 seems a bit drastic It's way harder to play it with 1.25 but meh, I'll try like this.
00:49:058 - ^ ^
00:55:535 - remove fix'd
This one sounds a lot better~ I like the rhythms~
Taiko Mod from Mod Queue ♪

d = don
k = kat
re = remove

[Taiko Oni]

00:21:344 - maybe remove this? i can't hear any drum sound at this.
00:34:201 - d
01:24:678 - maybe this k and 01:25:344 - d ?

[Taiko Muzu]

00:04:201 - i think this d is fit than kat. because before 00:01:916 - d too.
00:08:772 - ^
00:21:344 - same recommend of Oni.

mintong89 wrote:

Taiko Mod from Mod Queue ♪

d = don
k = kat
re = remove

[Taiko Oni]

00:21:344 - maybe remove this? i can't hear any drum sound at this. Nice, don't know why I did this.
00:34:201 - d Nope
01:24:678 - maybe this k and 01:25:344 - d ? I changed with d kd dd dk kd dk kd, sounds better imo

[Taiko Muzu]

00:04:201 - i think this d is fit than kat. because before 00:01:916 - d too. The music is obviously different here, and the katsu is fitting better imo D:
00:08:772 - ^ ^
00:21:344 - same recommend of Oni.Same fix here is the fix on both diffs o/
Louis Cyphre

00:16:201 (1) - Let's don't forget that this is easy, and second repeat is unexpected, most newbie plays would miss, so i think it's better to change to something else.
00:17:487 (2) - blue ticks on easy? No, just no.
00:18:487 (4,5,6) - ^ ^
00:21:630 (1,2) - ^ etc.


Nothing to say, but i'm still not sure about single notes on blue ticks, but i guess it's ok for normal diffculty.

AR-1, better - 2. Nothing to say esle, awesome symmetry style, good job.

00:03:344 (1) - this is some kind of stream illusion, i understand that, but for consistency, i think it'be better if you use same style of sliders here 00:05:630 (1) - 00:07:916 (1) - etc
00:14:487 (5) -
nothing else.

Nice song, nice map, good luck
Topic Starter

Louis Cyphre wrote:


00:16:201 (1) - Let's don't forget that this is easy, and second repeat is unexpected, most newbie plays would miss, so i think it's better to change to something else. If other people will point out, maybe I'll change it.
00:17:487 (2) - blue ticks on easy? No, just no. well, I tried to make it more easy by made a slider (deleted (3)).
00:18:487 (4,5,6) - ^ ^ ^
00:21:630 (1,2) - ^ etc. Well, that's the rhythm so I won't change.


Nothing to say, but i'm still not sure about single notes on blue ticks, but i guess it's ok for normal diffculty.

AR-1, better - 2. Nothing to say esle, awesome symmetry style, good job. -1.

Nice song, nice map, good luck Thanks :)

Kurosanyan's Taiko Muzukashii
00:16:058 (1) - move (00:16:201 (1))
01:20:058 (1) - move (01:20:201 (1))

01:08:487 (5) - remove, and use 2 Slider(or note)

00:57:630 (1) - remove newcombo
00:57:916 (1) - move (x:265 y:232)
01:12:773 (1) - 00:54:487 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - (Similarly..)

It's good map! Good luck :)
ok! M4M


00:51:059 (3) - remove whistle on end slider


00:49:916 (4) - whistle on start slider
00:50:773 (5) - whistle
00:51:059 (6) - whistle on end slider
00:52:201 (1) - whistle on start slider and end slider
00:54:487 (2) - remove whistle
00:54:773 (3) - whistle
00:55:344 (5) - ^
00:55:630 (6) - remove whistle
01:00:487 (6) - add whistle end slider?
01:04:487 (4) - whistle
01:06:773 (2) - ^
01:09:630 (6) - ^


01:00:487 (2) - add whistle on end slider?


00:07:344 (5,6) - what about this?
00:19:058 (2) - move to x:56 y:180
00:57:058 (3) - whistle on middle slider
01:07:201 (1) - whistle on start slider
01:15:344 (3) - whistle on middle slider's all...thank for look at my poor mod! :o
Topic Starter

jaehn215 wrote:


01:08:487 (5) - remove, and use 2 Slider(or note) No.

00:57:630 (1) - remove newcombo Why?
00:57:916 (1) - move (x:265 y:232) You mean (x:256 y:232) right? Btw, no.
01:12:773 (1) - 00:54:487 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - (Similarly..) Ok.

It's good map! Good luck :)

[Pisces] wrote:

ok! M4M


00:51:059 (3) - remove whistle on end slider No.


00:49:916 (4) - whistle on start slider No.
00:50:773 (5) - whistle No.
00:51:059 (6) - whistle on end slider Done.
00:52:201 (1) - whistle on start slider and end slider Done.
00:54:487 (2) - remove whistle Done.
00:54:773 (3) - whistle Done.
00:55:344 (5) - ^ No.
00:55:630 (6) - remove whistle No.
01:00:487 (6) - add whistle end slider? Done.
01:04:487 (4) - whistle No.
01:06:773 (2) - ^ No.
01:09:630 (6) - ^ Done.


01:00:487 (2) - add whistle on end slider? Done.'s all...thank for look at my poor mod! :o
  1. 00:05:058 (x) - Magari sarebbe meglio aggiungerla la nota qui, l'hai seguita prima e dopo
  2. 00:09:630 (x) - ^
  1. 00:36:487 (3) - Direi sia meglio graficamente in questo modo. anche se non è simmetrico
  2. 00:39:058 (x) - Nota di basso, poichè seguivi il basso sia prima che dopo (per poi seguire la voce), quindi sarebbe preferibile aggiungerla... magari stackata sopra la nota successiva?
  1. 00:15:058 (x) - Le persone clicckerebbero a vuoto ._. Tu stai seguendo la voce con 00:12:487 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - e 00:15:201 (9,10), mentre qui t'eri fermato?
  2. 00:47:916 (1,x,2,x,3) - Invece di una drain section, una serie di salti sembrerebbero migliori
  3. 00:58:630 (4) - Fallo finire all'esplosione?
  4. 00:59:630 (1,2,3,4,5) - La nota blu che hai usato non c'è, mentre accanto compaiono note blu mappabili
  5. 01:02:059 (13) - La cliccko sempre su 01:01:916 (13). Poichè qui non ci sono note, l' si. Quindi potresti spostarla?
  6. 01:05:201 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Essendo uno stream di 1/4 sopra uno stream di 1/6 molti sbaglieranno e streameranno troppo velocemente
  7. 01:12:773 (1) - Gia che ci sei potevi farlo finire su 01:15:916 (1) - visto che il gorgheggio continua
[Kurosanyan's Taiko Muzukashi]
  1. 00:59:201 (1) - This feel so much better as D
  2. 01:17:487 (1) - ^
I'm a pre-Muzukashii (maybe better call me Post-Futsuu?) player and I find kD easy to do precisely.

[Kurosanyan's Taiko Oni]
  1. 00:39:916 (1) - 00:43:630 (2) - You maybe used too many notes in that part,
  2. 00:47:916 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Differently, that's maybe better as a stream in 1/12... and you're using 1/4?
  3. 01:23:630 (2,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - The same, the music have a stream, but you're using doublets...
So, the first suggestion is because you maybe "overmapped" for that part and ok, you decide.
But the second is something pretty much unrankable. You're mapping 1/12 with 1/4. Man. No. Stahp. You can use 1/6.
Third. I can't hear anthing different than almost mute sounds or drum sound decay there. 1/6 isn't hard to play there. If it was, then how the heck 210 bpm Oni's can use 1/4?

  1. 00:03:344 (1) - Pray at MATs/BATs to let you use this. It does flow good, it does play good. But Rules are idiots.
  2. 00:06:630 (2) - This note is normally part of a minor stream. So you can move it to 00:06:678 (2) to make it follow a loud sound if you don't want to follow the stream
  3. 00:07:344 (5) - You could use the same slider as 00:07:344 (5) since that synth stream start here
  4. 00:16:630 (5) - It's actually a 1/18(or even less) after, though the fact you are using OD8 means that it's acceptable ( higher OD would've mean that you had to click it off-time to play it)
  5. 00:28:487 (1) - (NaziPart)Rotate it by 1° Clockwise, (NotNazi) Make the shape like that for easier symmetry and control
  6. 00:59:058 (4) - Make this 1/16 (the previous one will be too hidden and like this it does flow good, try to believe)
  7. 01:02:487 (4,5) - Use a slider instead? you can make it end 1/8 before the next slider to give the "it does continue" feeling
  8. 01:08:773 (3) - Since the first kiai you NC'ed the new phrase, but here you have that repeating slider, you could NC here
  9. 01:14:201 (1,2) - These two feels clunky. You could do something simplier?
  10. 01:17:058 (x) - 01:17:344 (x) - It would be better to follow those notes, the first is a sound you followed many times. And since you really followed some drums and the note after it's a drum, you could add it
Topic Starter

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

  1. 00:05:058 (x) - Magari sarebbe meglio aggiungerla la nota qui, l'hai seguita prima e dopo No perché dovrei aggiungerne una anche a 00:04:630 -
  2. 00:09:630 (x) - ^ ^
  1. 00:36:487 (3) - Direi sia meglio graficamente in questo modo. anche se non è simmetrico L'ho fatto simile al tuo usando grid size 4
  2. 00:39:058 (x) - Nota di basso, poichè seguivi il basso sia prima che dopo (per poi seguire la voce), quindi sarebbe preferibile aggiungerla... magari stackata sopra la nota successiva? Mi pare confonda giocandoci,
  1. 00:15:058 (x) - Le persone clicckerebbero a vuoto ._. Tu stai seguendo la voce con 00:12:487 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - e 00:15:201 (9,10), mentre qui t'eri fermato? Si all'inizio era come il primo pezzo, poi si è cambiato ma mi sta bene così.
  2. 00:47:916 (1,x,2,x,3) - Invece di una drain section, una serie di salti sembrerebbero migliori Beh, l'ho fatto in tutte le diff. Magari se lo chiedono altri lo cambio.
  3. 00:58:630 (4) - Fallo finire all'esplosione? Oh, funziona. Cambiato.
  4. 00:59:630 (1,2,3,4,5) - La nota blu che hai usato non c'è, mentre accanto compaiono note blu mappabili Il (2) segue la voce.
  5. 01:02:059 (13) - La cliccko sempre su 01:01:916 (13). Poichè qui non ci sono note, l' si. Quindi potresti spostarla? Veramente segue la parte strumentale.
  6. 01:05:201 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Essendo uno stream di 1/4 sopra uno stream di 1/6 molti sbaglieranno e streameranno troppo velocemente Io ho mappato tutto in quarti :o Dove sarebbe lo stream a 1/6?
  7. 01:12:773 (1) - Gia che ci sei potevi farlo finire su 01:15:916 (1) - visto che il gorgheggio continua Ci ho provato ma non mi piace.

jaehn215 wrote:

[Kurosanyan's Taiko Muzukashii]00:16:058 (1) - move (00:16:201 (1))
01:20:058 (1) - move (01:20:201 (1))
I don't really get what you want here but I'm pretty sure that I would not agree.

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

[Kurosanyan's Taiko Muzukashi]
  1. 00:59:201 (1) - This feel so much better as D Dude, it's 1/4... and it's a muzukashii... I don't think I need to explain what's wrong with your suggestion.
  2. 01:17:487 (1) - ^ ^
[Kurosanyan's Taiko Oni]
  1. 00:39:916 (1) - 00:43:630 (2) - You maybe used too many notes in that part, Nope
  2. 00:47:916 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Differently, that's maybe better as a stream in 1/12... and you're using 1/4? I guess (I hope) you mean 1/6, and I'm using 1/4 because 1/6 here would be too hard to play.
  3. 01:23:630 (2,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - The same, the music have a stream, but you're using doublets... I'm following the drums. And while in your previous suggestion it would be too hard if I fixed it, here it would be nearly impossible.
You should not try to mod Taiko when you don't know anything about it, that was by far the worst mod I ever had... :/

Mod time /o/ (Thanks for modding :3)


Your spinners looks plain, try putting something or an effect in your spinner-circle file (I don't know how to explain it ;w;) that gives the impression that it is spinning.
Tags:8bit Dungeon and Figher Online Kurosanyan
I think it's Fighter instead Figher (lol)
Add "8-bit" and maybe "bit" in tags too

Kuroneko-sHerald wrote:

This time it's the first ending of Arad Senki ~Slap Up Party~
Add that in tags too.
AudioLeadIn: 1004
I don't want to be to strict, but put 1 second (1000) in Lead-In.


Ok, I'm confused a bit, Capensis looked more easy than Ixia diff, in Ixia you have lots of circles that are sliders in Capensis, and easy single repeat sliders in Capensis that are double repeat confusing sliders in Ixia, you can exchange some rhythm patterns between these two diffs, those who matches better the difficulty, have more easy sliders in Ixia and maybe a few circles more in Capensis (although I liked Capensis as it is now).


00:04:773 - Add a circle here, the rhythm will be more fun to play :3
00:09:344 - ^
00:59:058 - You could add a circle here, sounds good in my opinion
01:00:487 (2) - Delete the reverse and put a circle in 01:01:487, fitting more with the vocals.
01:13:344 - A circle is missing here for vocals~
01:17:344 - You could add a circle here, sounds good in my opinion
01:18:773 (2) - Delete the reverse and put a circle in 01:01:487, fitting more with the vocals.

(I FCed this in first try <: )
Use Circle Size 4, looks better while playing

00:04:773 - Add a circle here, the rhythm will be more fun to play :3
00:09:344 - ^
00:21:630 - You can add a rhythm like this here.

00:34:773 - Put a circle here, sounds good and to have consistency with 00:32:201 (2,3,4,5)


I could be complains but as I'm not too skilled to play Insanes, take them as suggestions.

00:03:344 (1) - The tiny portion after the repeat arrow is on purpose? .w. if not, fix it.
00:55:916 (1,2,3) - Consider arrange this notes in another way, it looks a bit weird when playing
00:58:773 (3) - Unstack this slider, it's a bit hard too see.
01:00:487 (4,5) - Arrange this notes in another way, the start of (5) cannot be seen clearly
01:07:201 (1,2) - ^
01:14:201 (1,2,3) - ^

That's all from my part, and good luck o/
Topic Starter

DakeDekaane wrote:


Mod time /o/ (Thanks for modding :3)


Your spinners looks plain, try putting something or an effect in your spinner-circle file (I don't know how to explain it ;w;) that gives the impression that it is spinning. Yeah, I know what you mean, but I already tried to give a turn effect to the spinner, and it was shitty because of the way the image is.
Tags:8bit Dungeon and Figher Online Kurosanyan
I think it's Fighter instead Figher (lol) I lol'd hard, really, especially for what resemble in Italian.
Add "8-bit" and maybe "bit" in tags too Done.

Kuroneko-sHerald wrote:

This time it's the first ending of Arad Senki ~Slap Up Party~
Add that in tags too. No.
AudioLeadIn: 1004
I don't want to be to strict, but put 1 second (1000) in Lead-In. Ok, fixed.


Ok, I'm confused a bit, Capensis looked more easy than Ixia diff, in Ixia you have lots of circles that are sliders in Capensis, and easy single repeat sliders in Capensis that are double repeat confusing sliders in Ixia, you can exchange some rhythm patterns between these two diffs, those who matches better the difficulty, have more easy sliders in Ixia and maybe a few circles more in Capensis (although I liked Capensis as it is now).
Well, that's the only part on Ixia where there is more use of circle 01:08:201 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -. In other parts there is a balance between the diffs.


00:04:773 - Add a circle here, the rhythm will be more fun to play :3 Not in this diff.
00:09:344 - ^ ^
00:59:058 - You could add a circle here, sounds good in my opinion No.
01:00:487 (2) - Delete the reverse and put a circle in 01:01:487, fitting more with the vocals. Could work, but I don't like it.
01:13:344 - A circle is missing here for vocals~ mh, ok.
01:17:344 - You could add a circle here, sounds good in my opinion No.
01:18:773 (2) - Delete the reverse and put a circle in 01:01:487, fitting more with the vocals. As 01:00:487 (2) -

(I FCed this in first try <: )
Use Circle Size 4, looks better while playing Nevur, lol.

00:04:773 - Add a circle here, the rhythm will be more fun to play :3 Well, let's try.
00:09:344 - ^ ^
00:21:630 - You can add a rhythm like this here. Nah.

00:34:773 - Put a circle here, sounds good and to have consistency with 00:32:201 (2,3,4,5) Not bad, added.

That's all from my part, and good luck o/
finita, e risposto a Kurosanyan per "this is the worst mod evar!1!1!"

Kurosanyan wrote:

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

[Kurosanyan's Taiko Muzukashi]
  1. 00:59:201 (1) - This feel so much better as D Dude, it's 1/4... and it's a muzukashii... I don't think I need to explain what's wrong with your suggestion.
  2. 01:17:487 (1) - ^ ^

[Kurosanyan's Taiko Oni]
  1. 00:39:916 (1) - 00:43:630 (2) - You maybe used too many notes in that part, Nope
00:47:916 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Differently, that's maybe better as a stream in 1/12 ... and you're using 1/4? I guess (I hope) you mean 1/6, and I'm using 1/4 because 1/6 here would be too hard to play.01:23:630 (2,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - The same, the music have a stream, but you're using doublets... I'm following the drums. And while in your previous suggestion it would be too hard if I fixed it, here it would be nearly impossible.
You should not try to mod Taiko when you don't know anything about it, that was by far the worst mod I ever had... :/
Poor Haku xD,I agree with the parts in red but I think i'm gonna save the parts in green:

  1. 00:47:916 -> an alternative could be a kinda easy 1/6 stream, for example kkddddkkdd , then you have exactly 1/2 before the next D
  2. 01:23:344 -> delete everything from here on, and re-map with two 1/6 streams like in the picture (1st beat is at 01:23:630 (2) - )
    PS: Yeah, the second stream is going directly into the spinner, but since it's the very ending of the song i don't think it's so weird to play

NeoRainier wrote:

Poor Haku xD,I agree with the parts in red but I think i'm gonna save the parts in green:

  1. 00:47:916 -> an alternative could be a kinda easy 1/6 stream, for example kkddddkkdd , then you have exactly 1/2 before the next D
  2. 01:23:344 -> delete everything from here on, and re-map with two 1/6 streams like in the picture (1st beat is at 01:23:630 (2) - )
    PS: Yeah, the second stream is going directly into the spinner, but since it's the very ending of the song i don't think it's so weird to play
Even if your suggestions are better, I still think it would make the map too hard, sorry :(
Maybe the last part could be better than what I've done but ddkddkddkk kddkddkdd would be too hard.
210 BPM Oni have longer 1/4 stream ._. which are faster than 105 BPM 1/6 Stream ._.
One does not simply respond in an offensive manner and excuse.

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

210 BPM Oni have longer 1/4 stream ._. which are faster than 105 BPM 1/6 Stream ._.
One does not simply respond in an offensive manner and excuse.
I'm not being offensive, just honest. Also 1/4 and 1/6 are not played in the same way. Also this is not a 210bpm Oni.
Anyway sorry. I don't want to drama.
So using 1/4 in place of 1/12 is honestly right?. Use 1/6, cause it's pretty much unrankable.
And i'm PreMuzukashii in Taiko, so if I can play those, other Muzu-player can play it to and it's not hard.
And too, 105 BPM -> 1/4 = 210 BPM -> 1/2 = 420 BPM -> 1/1.It's to say it's not hard. It's you saying it's hard as map with the double of speed use those type of patterns.

HakuNoKaemi wrote:

So using 1/4 in place of 1/12 is honestly right?. Use 1/6, cause it's pretty much unrankable.
And i'm PreMuzukashii in Taiko, so if I can play those, other Muzu-player can play it to and it's not hard.
And too, 105 BPM -> 1/4 = 210 BPM -> 1/2 = 420 BPM -> 1/1.It's to say it's not hard. It's you saying it's hard as map with the double of speed use those type of patterns.
I don't even understand what you're saying. And it's not because a map can be made harder that I must make it harder. Also there's nothing unrankable there, don't say "It's unrankable" while you're not a taiko modder. Anyway don't harass me with those things anymore please. If more people complain about the 1/4 stream then I'll change it into a spinner.

TL;DR: No.
Topic Starter
If you want to discuss please do it in-game or via PM :?
Ciao :>

First of all:

DakeDekaane wrote:



Ok, I'm confused a bit, Capensis looked more easy than Ixia diff, in Ixia you have lots of circles that are sliders in Capensis, and easy single repeat sliders in Capensis that are double repeat confusing sliders in Ixia, you can exchange some rhythm patterns between these two diffs, those who matches better the difficulty, have more easy sliders in Ixia and maybe a few circles more in Capensis (although I liked Capensis as it is now).
Totally agree with what this person said :~

01:07:344 (3) - add a repeat to this slider?
01:11:630 (3) - ^

I'm confused.. what is this diff supposed to be? Like a Hard? D: if so, AR 8 is way too fast imo, specially for a 105bpm song.
00:54:059 (5) - remove finish D: it sounds terrible

why does the first kiai ends later in this diff? (here 00:59:201, other diffs 00:57:6300). unless you have a reason for keeping it, fix this
01:17:487 (1) - stack properly

that's all from me :)
Topic Starter

Wiinter wrote:

Ciao :>

First of all:

DakeDekaane wrote:



Ok, I'm confused a bit, Capensis looked more easy than Ixia diff, in Ixia you have lots of circles that are sliders in Capensis, and easy single repeat sliders in Capensis that are double repeat confusing sliders in Ixia, you can exchange some rhythm patterns between these two diffs, those who matches better the difficulty, have more easy sliders in Ixia and maybe a few circles more in Capensis (although I liked Capensis as it is now).
Totally agree with what this person said :~ Well, let's say that the character who name the diff is strange, so also the diff is.

01:07:344 (3) - add a repeat to this slider? Could work but became too confusing.
01:11:630 (3) - ^ ^

I'm confused.. what is this diff supposed to be? Like a Hard? D: if so, AR 8 is way too fast imo, specially for a 105bpm song. Should be Hard+/Insane
00:54:059 (5) - remove finish D: it sounds terrible Done.

that's all from me :)

  1. Remove audio from video to save some space

  1. There's no "spin" feeling with your spinner circle skin, I'd suggest make that gear like thing into spinner circle if possible, so that when you spin, it's rotate :P

  1. 00:03:344 (1) - This slider looked weird, at least you didn't use this type of slider to 00:05:630 (1) and 00:07:916 (1)
It's a neat map, let me know when you are ready
^I actually did, but it seems there was no update about it =,,=
Topic Starter

Breeze wrote:


  1. Remove audio from video to save some space Did I really do this mistake? What a shame :| Btw fixed.

  1. There's no "spin" feeling with your spinner circle skin, I'd suggest make that gear like thing into spinner circle if possible, so that when you spin, it's rotate :P Yeah, I know, I tried to make that gear rotate, but the effect is really horrible, that's why I decided to make it static.
Topic Starter
Double post orz
Go for it
Ciao <3


  1. Set 2000 as Audio Lead-in. The current one is a bit early especially for taiko diffs
  2. Inconsistency in tags. Check the "Roxy" diff adding "8-bit bit" on it.
  3. You forgot to add "Magicphoenix" in the tags, add it on all diffs
  4. Still in "Roxy" diff.. what about to make kiai times consistent with other diffs? I mean:

    Kiai #1: Starts on 00:49:058, ends on 00:57:630
    Kiai #2: Starts on 01:07:344, ends on 01:15:916
  5. Slider tick 2 fits the song best (especially because you are using speed ups on the easiest diffs)

  1. 00:11:916 (1) - I'd remove this circle, it's too soon after the spinner being the easiest diff. The sound is anyways pretty nice, you won't have problem removing this circle then. (Te l'ho già menzionato nel mio primo mod post però adesso ti consiglierei vivamente di rimuoverlo (almeno qui se vuoi lasciarlo nella normal..) Il suono e il ritmo sono comunque perfetti senza di esso. Lo spinner è troppo breve per lasciare questo circle qui nella diff più facile)
  2. 00:41:058 (2,6) - To keep consistency I'd add whistles on 2nd (2)'s reverse arrow (white tick to be clear) and on the (6) circle. They sound pretty nicee imo
  3. 00:57:916 (1) - This slider confused me because of next "skipped-not mappet" downbeat. I would use this rhythm instead, it fits better with vocal sound and it's also more intuitive to play for beginners:
  4. 01:10:487 (1) - Whistle on reverse arrow? The sounds looks too empty without hitsounds here IMO
  5. 01:16:201 (1) - I'd say same thing of 00:57:916 (1) about the rhythm, I would change it here too to make it more easiest and intuitive to play for novice players
  6. 01:18:773 (5) - Set new combo? It would warn players about the custom finish hitsound that it could confuse at the first try >.< Moreover, it's on downbeat, it would be nice adding new combo on it then.
  7. 01:25:630 (1) - This whistle sounds too loud because the music volume is decreasing here. Remove it, it sounds better without any kind of hitsounds

  1. "Normal (Capensis) = Done." well. Settings are you used atm are really high for a normal diff. I'd set:
  2. 00:19:344 (4) - new combo would fit nice here according to the new vocal rhythm
  3. 00:28:487 (6) - ^
  4. 00:38:058 (7) - It's already hard to get SS in this part.. this sudden circle on that blue tick makes everything harder to play/read/understand. This really should be fixed IMO, it is not a nice idea to set random circles on blue ticks in normal diff. What about then to use this rhythm? (You also need to change combo like I did on the screen)
  5. 00:42:201 (7) - New combo to warn players about this slider with many repeats
  6. 00:55:916 (1) - First of all remove this whistle, it sounds too loud. Moreover, I think that this spinner is too short at the moment.. I would extend it by 1/1, till 00:57:630 removing the slider on 00:57:916 (1) and adding a circle (or slider that ends on 00:58:630 removing the circle) on the next downbeat? To be clear:
  7. 01:18:773 (6) - I'd say the same thing I mentioned in "Ixia" diff, new combo then
  8. 01:23:344 (7) - New combo
  9. 01:25:630 (1) - Read above in "Ixia" diff

  1. HP -2, OD -1/2, they are too high for an Hard diff
  2. 00:19:344 (8) - New combo
  3. 00:57:916 (1) - Remove circle, and add new combo on 00:58:201 (2)
  4. 01:00:487 (2) - What is this ugly and loud whistle @.@ Remove it from sliderbody, it sounds really bad
  5. 01:23:344 (8) - New combo
  6. 01:25:630 (1) - Same of other diff

  1. OD and HP -1
  2. I just found these new combo suggestions. Set them on:
  3. 00:19:344 (4) - 00:28:487 (4) - 01:00:487 (5) - 01:18:773 (5) - 01:23:344 (7)

  1. I would increase SV to make it more different from the hard diff. Maybe +0.10 or 0.20?
  2. 00:19:058 (2) - I would place this circle on x:0 y:168 to make the spacing between 00:18:773 (1,2,3) consistent with a symmetric jump:
  3. 00:24:773 (1) - This new combo is ugly to see stacked with the previous circle. I don't see a valid reason to use it to be honest since the previous pattern has got just 2 elements on its comboing. I highly suggest you to remove it ;3
  4. 00:38:773 (1) - I would unstack this circle because it looks bad IMO. What about to move it on x:108 y:120 to make a triangle together with 00:37:630 (4,2)? It flows much better in my opinion:
  5. 00:39:916 (1,2,3,4) - Honestly I always hated this kind of overlaps due to slider breaks >.< I would try to unstack them a bit
  6. 00:53:487 (5) - Remove this loud whistle from slider body @.@
  7. 00:58:773 (1) - Unstack this slider from the previous one.. The reverse arrow is enough hard to read at the first try being a very short slider D:
  8. 01:17:487 (1) - I guess you did it on purpouse but I will mention it anyways.. you need to stack it better with 01:16:916 (2). It isn't at the moment
  9. 01:23:249 (4) - This circle should be snapped 1/4 later moving the slider 1/4 later as well
About taiko diffs I asked to 2 taiko modders to check them because I'm not totally convinced about them, especially about taiko Oni.
Well, mapset is veeery nice. I suggest you to ask for a rebubble after my and taiko mods and I will rank it :3
Topic Starter

Chewin wrote:

Ciao <3


  1. Set 2000 as Audio Lead-in. The current one is a bit early especially for taiko diffs Si volevo farlo, ma poi me ne sono dimenticato. Ora è a posto.
  2. Inconsistency in tags. Check the "Roxy" diff adding "8-bit bit" on it. Oh già, Magicphoenix si era dimenticato di darmi dei fix e aveva ancora la vecchia versione senza tag aggiornati. Fixato.
  3. You forgot to add "Magicphoenix" in the tags, add it on all diffs Davvero... Ultimamente faccio errori stupidi. Aggiunto.
  4. Still in "Roxy" diff.. what about to make kiai times consistent with other diffs? I mean:

    Kiai #1: Starts on 00:49:058, ends on 00:57:630
    Kiai #2: Starts on 01:07:344, ends on 01:15:916

    Se non ricordo male Magicphoenix disse che era uguale, ma per sicurezza glielo richiedo. Appena so qualcosa aggiorno.
  5. Slider tick 2 fits the song best (especially because you are using speed ups on the easiest diffs) Ok, messo slider tick 2.

  1. 00:11:916 (1) - I'd remove this circle, it's too soon after the spinner being the easiest diff. The sound is anyways pretty nice, you won't have problem removing this circle then. (Te l'ho già menzionato nel mio primo mod post però adesso ti consiglierei vivamente di rimuoverlo (almeno qui se vuoi lasciarlo nella normal..) Il suono e il ritmo sono comunque perfetti senza di esso. Lo spinner è troppo breve per lasciare questo circle qui nella diff più facile) E va bene :(
  2. 00:41:058 (2,6) - To keep consistency I'd add whistles on 2nd (2)'s reverse arrow (white tick to be clear) and on the (6) circle. They sound pretty nicee imo Il problema è che dopo non si sente il clap.
  3. 00:57:916 (1) - This slider confused me because of next "skipped-not mappet" downbeat. I would use this rhythm instead, it fits better with vocal sound and it's also more intuitive to play for beginners: Cambiato.
  4. 01:10:487 (1) - Whistle on reverse arrow? The sounds looks too empty without hitsounds here IMO Aggiunto.
  5. 01:16:201 (1) - I'd say same thing of 00:57:916 (1) about the rhythm, I would change it here too to make it more easiest and intuitive to play for novice players Quello di prima ok, ma io trovo molto più difficile nota + slider dopo 1/4 che un singolo slider e basta, soprattutto dopo uno spinner.
  6. 01:18:773 (5) - Set new combo? It would warn players about the custom finish hitsound that it could confuse at the first try >.< Moreover, it's on downbeat, it would be nice adding new combo on it then. Ho abbassato l'audio. Non ho capito perché dovrebbe confondere solo qui e non in altre parti dove l'ho usato comunque.
  7. 01:25:630 (1) - This whistle sounds too loud because the music volume is decreasing here. Remove it, it sounds better without any kind of hitsounds Fatto.

  1. "Normal (Capensis) = Done." well. Settings are you used atm are really high for a normal diff. I'd set: Ok. Invece di 3 3 4 3 metto 4 3 4 3.
  2. 00:19:344 (4) - new combo would fit nice here according to the new vocal rhythm Fatto.
  3. 00:28:487 (6) - ^ ^
  4. 00:38:058 (7) - It's already hard to get SS in this part.. this sudden circle on that blue tick makes everything harder to play/read/understand. This really should be fixed IMO, it is not a nice idea to set random circles on blue ticks in normal diff. What about then to use this rhythm? (You also need to change combo like I did on the screen) E poi c'è chi dice che questa diff è più facile della easy... vabbè. Comunque se il blue tick è il problema, perché dovrei fixare solo quello e non anche 00:36:916 (4) - ? In ogni caso ho messo due slider nei punti critici per tentare di fixare.
  5. 00:42:201 (7) - New combo to warn players about this slider with many repeats :\
  6. 00:55:916 (1) - First of all remove this whistle, it sounds too loud. Moreover, I think that this spinner is too short at the moment.. I would extend it by 1/1, till 00:57:630 removing the slider on 00:57:916 (1) and adding a circle (or slider that ends on 00:58:630 removing the circle) on the next downbeat? To be clear: Ok per il whistle, ma lo spinner non è così corto, basta spinnare a ~210 per fare 300.
  7. 01:18:773 (6) - I'd say the same thing I mentioned in "Ixia" diff, new combo then Vedi sopra.
  8. 01:23:344 (7) - New combo Fatto.
  9. 01:25:630 (1) - Read above in "Ixia" diff Fatto.

  1. HP -2, OD -1/2, they are too high for an Hard diff HP e OD -1
  2. 00:19:344 (8) - New combo Fatto.
  3. 00:57:916 (1) - Remove circle, and add new combo on 00:58:201 (2) Il circle lo tengo, nella musica c'è, ma gli tolgo la new combo e la metto a (2).
  4. 01:00:487 (2) - What is this ugly and loud whistle @.@ Remove it from sliderbody, it sounds really bad Mi sono sbagliato.
  5. 01:23:344 (8) - New combo Fatto.
  6. 01:25:630 (1) - Same of other diff Fatto.

  1. OD and HP -1 Fatto.
  2. I just found these new combo suggestions. Set them on:
  3. 00:19:344 (4) - 00:28:487 (4) - 01:00:487 (5) - 01:18:773 (5) - 01:23:344 (7)
    Nell'ordine: si, si, no, no, si. E ho tolto il whistle a 01:25:630 (1) -
About taiko diffs I asked to 2 taiko modders to check them because I'm not totally convinced about them, especially about taiko Oni.
Well, mapset is veeery nice. I suggest you to ask for a rebubble after my and taiko mods and I will rank it :3
Yo, I'm the first Taiko Modder. o/

[Taiko Muzukashii]

00:25:059 (1) - Try deleting this note, since 00:24:773 (1) - sounds not emphasized because of 00:25:059 (1) - .
00:25:487 (1) - If you applied the first suggestion, move this not to 00:25:344.
00:28:487 (1,1,1,1) - Three finisher folloing the vocal?
00:30:773~00:49:058 - You need gaps here. This not typical muzukashii anymore. Muzukashii difficulties have way more gaps, while Oni has not. And this goes to the way of an Oni.
00:32:773 (1) - delete
00:35:058 (2) - ^
00:37:344 (1) - ^
00:39:629 (2) - ^
00:42:486 (1) - ^
00:44:773 (2) - ^
00:47:058 (3,4,5) - ^ But no need to delete these three for real.
00:49:058~00:57:630 - Same here. This is more Oni like.
00:51:058 (1) - delete
00:53:344 (2) - ^
00:56:201 (4) - ^
01:11:630 (2) - delete this time just one note is okay, so the last kiai is a bit different of the other parts.

Main problem are the too long constalations of patterns. A muzukashii has way more breaks and gaps in it, and just because the BPM is slow, dosen't mean to be able to fill these gaps. Right now this is an easy Oni. But overall it is a decent Muzukashii, had not much to say about the pattern it-self. Keep it up.

[Taiko Oni]

00:30:487 (2) - Nah... not sure about this. It fits with the vocal, but I would rather suggest to delete it to have a gap (oh these gaps... lol)
00:33:058 (2,3,1,1,2,3,1) -
00:37:629 (2,3,1,1,2,3,1) -
} Both mapping as kkdkkkd ? Because, before these pattern appear, there is a ddk d. So as ddk k kkdkkkd it would fit more as d k d k-sequence.
00:58:201 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Better delete these 1/6 and map to the vocal with finisher. It is disturbing because you don't know if you should follow the vocal or something else while playing.
01:05:344 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - dddddkkkkk (5-5) fits also and plays better in my opinion.
01:07:058 (5) - k, so you would have a nice pattern: kd dd dk
01:16:487 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Same as above.

I see why Chewin was not sure about the Oni. It is hard to consider, since such maps with 1/6 appear rarely. But no worrys, this map is fine. Overall the 1/6 are placed very well. Good job Kuro.

With that I'm leaving and wish you good luck.

OnosakiHito wrote:

Yo, I'm the first Taiko Modder. o/

[Taiko Muzukashii]

00:25:059 (1) - Try deleting this note, since 00:24:773 (1) - sounds not emphasized because of 00:25:059 (1) - .
00:25:487 (1) - If you applied the first suggestion, move this not to 00:25:344.
00:28:487 (1,1,1,1) - Three finisher folloing the vocal?
00:30:773~00:49:058 - You need gaps here. This not typical muzukashii anymore. Muzukashii difficulties have way more gaps, while Oni has not. And this goes to the way of an Oni.
00:32:773 (1) - delete
00:35:058 (2) - ^ Nope, it destroys the pattern here imo :I
00:37:344 (1) - ^
00:39:629 (2) - ^ Same
00:42:486 (1) - ^
00:44:773 (2) - ^
00:47:058 (3,4,5) - ^ But no need to delete these three for real.
00:49:058~00:57:630 - Same here. This is more Oni like.
00:51:058 (1) - delete
00:53:344 (2) - ^
00:56:201 (4) - ^
01:11:630 (2) - delete this time just one note is okay, so the last kiai is a bit different of the other parts.

Main problem are the too long constalations of patterns. A muzukashii has way more breaks and gaps in it, and just because the BPM is slow, dosen't mean to be able to fill these gaps. Right now this is an easy Oni. But overall it is a decent Muzukashii, had not much to say about the pattern it-self. Keep it up.
Everything fixed except the 2 nopes and also, the finishes were not fiting imo.

[Taiko Oni]

00:30:487 (2) - Nah... not sure about this. It fits with the vocal, but I would rather suggest to delete it to have a gap (oh these gaps... lol) Meh. Okay.
00:33:058 (2,3,1,1,2,3,1) -
00:37:629 (2,3,1,1,2,3,1) -
} Both mapping as kkdkkkd ? Because, before these pattern appear, there is a ddk d. So as ddk k kkdkkkd it would fit more as d k d k-sequence. Yeah but nope, doesn't fit the music at all imo D:
00:58:201 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Better delete these 1/6 and map to the vocal with finisher. It is disturbing because you don't know if you should follow the vocal or something else while playing. Maybe you're playing too much maps mapped on vocals then, because I don't have any problems to follow those 1/6 mapped on the melody. D: There's nothing mapped on vocals on my map.
01:05:344 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - dddddkkkkk (5-5) fits also and plays better in my opinion. Doesn't fit better and is way harder to play in mine... D:
01:07:058 (5) - k, so you would have a nice pattern: kd dd dk Yeah but no, k is not fitting for (5) so I made kd dd kd instead.
01:16:487 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Same as above. Same too

I see why Chewin was not sure about the Oni. It is hard to consider, since such maps with 1/6 appear rarely. But no worrys, this map is fine. Overall the 1/6 are placed very well. Good job Kuro. Even I, I'm not sure about the Oni. :'D But well, it fits the music so let's do this.

With that I'm leaving and wish you good luck. Thanks o/ Nice mod desu~

Kurosanyan wrote:

[Kurosanyan's Taiko Oni]
[list][*]00:47:916 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Differently, that's maybe better as a stream in 1/12... and you're using 1/4? I guess (I hope) you mean 1/6, and I'm using 1/4 because 1/6 here would be too hard to play.
You should not try to mod Taiko when you don't know anything about it, that was by far the worst mod I ever had... :/
Let's continue arguing:

00:47:916 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - So you aren't using 1/6 because of the difficulty it will have?
Ok, 01:05:344 (1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) have the same length.
Chewin asked me just for a taiko mod, but I'll do a full mod because I want :P


Slider Tick Rate: I really like the way in what it sounds the Slider Tick Rate 2. It sounds really fitable with the song in all aspect and in all the difficulties. (Oh.. Chewin mentioned this too, you should consider to change that)


• 00:10:201 (Spin): In the Spinner, would be better if you replace the Finish in a Whistle instead. I think that the Whistle follow better the Instrumental here
• 00:13:916 (2,3): Stacked Notes cause always a Headache in New Players, and in this case it is also a bad idea because (2,3,4) is a 1/2 pattern. In my personal point of view would be better if you Unstack these Notes
• 00:23:058 (3,4): To be consistent with the previous parts, would be better if you Remove (4) and add another Repetition in (3)
• 00:29:916 (6): A Combo with 8 Notes feel weird in this difficulty, I'd add one in this Note
• 00:39:630 (1,2): Would be better if you unstack these Notes
• 00:52:201 (1,2,1,2): Actually I don't like how it plays this pattern because it doesn't following the Vocal or Instrumental properly. Try adding a Note in 00:53:344 and moving the Next objects 1/2 forward, in my opinion sound much better.
• 00:58:201 (1,2,1,2): *Nazi* You can make a better Blanket if you work a bit better with your Slider (2). You should try something like this with your Slider (2):

• 01:02:487 (1,2): Hmm.. Unstack them please
• 01:03:630 (3): The BPM is low but even so a lot of repetitions in a Slider could be Hard in an Easy diff. You could decompress this in 2 Sliders with just a Repetition, I think that it is much easier to read
• 01:07:344 (3): In this particular case follow better the music if you increase the Slider lenght by 1/2
• 01:18:201 (3): I'd add a Whistle here to follow the vocal more cloesely


• 00:05:058 (x): For consistency with your previous and Next pattern, you should add a Note here, sounds fine in my opinion
• 00:09:630 (x): Add a Note here, for consistency as I explained in the previous suggestion
• 00:10:201 (Spin): Same as Easy about adding a Whistle here
• 00:23:916 (5): A New Combo here would be a good idea so the player could percive better the usage of 1/4 in this pattern
• 00:25:344 (1,2): If you did the above suggestion, Move the New Combo to the Note (2)
• 00:49:916 (4): Add a New Combo here for consistency with your other difficulties. In addition of that, plays fine because you have a 2/1 distance in the timeline between (3,4)
• 01:08:201 (4): (^)
• 01:18:201 (4): As I explained in 'Ixia' Add a Whistle here


• 00:10:201 (Spin): Add a Whistle instead
• 00:42:201 (6): I'd try a New Combo here to avoid the long comboing
• 01:02:487 (1,2): Sincerely I didn't understand this jump, it doesn't play very well in a 'Constant Spacing map' as it is this one, in addition it is a 2.60x Jump, so this is not the best way to add a Jump in this kind of map. Try reducing the spacing between these Notes for a better flow (if it is necesary, break the symetry please)
• 01:20:773 (1,2): (^)


• 00:10:058 (Spin): Whistle as always
• 00:14:487 (6,7): This jump plays awkwardly, wouldn't let me read properly the next pattern, since the jump is unintuitive. The best idea is reduce the lenght of this jump a bit to make the flow increase properly
• 00:25:201 (x): Since you are following closely the Background in this difficulty, you should add a Note here.
• 00:48:201 (x): Try making the rhythm more enjoyable, is kinda ugly to play this with a lot of stops since it is a high level diff. I guess. Add a Note here please
• 00:48:773 (x): (^)
• 00:53:058 (3): You don't have a big thing to remark over the blue tick, for this reason this pattern plays bad in my opinion. The best idea is reducing this Slider in 1/2 and after that add a Note in the next Downbeat (00:53:630)


--> Nice and Clean diff. Everything looks in order here

[Kurosanyan's Taiko Muzukashii:]

• 00:04:201 (2): A don here follow better the Instrumental imo
• 00:08:773 (2): (^)
• 00:49:344 (3,4,1,1,2,3): This transition of ddk ddd constantly in the kiai could be a bit Hard in a Muzu (inclusive in this low BPM diff). I'd reduce the usage of them using ddd ddd instead to don't make the pattern difficult to 'Muzu players :P'
--> Well, it is always the same suggestion in 00:51:630 (2,3,1,1,2,3) - 00:53:916 (2,3,1,1,2,3) - 01:07:630 (4,5,1,1,2,3) - 01:09:916 (3,2,1,1,2,3) - 01:12:201 (2,3,1,1,2,3).
• 01:22:916 (2): This kat doesn't fit really well here, I'd move it 1/4 forward to follow at least the Vocal properly
• 01:23:630 (2,3,4,1,1,1,2): Hmm.. These Simple notes in 1/2 are not following a precise thing in the music, it looks like they are in there just to take place. Since the BPM is low, I'd try with a drumroll instead of the Notes

[Kurosanyan's Taiko Oni:]

Slider Velocity: I'd use a constantly 1,60 in the Slider Velocity because you use a tones of 1/6 Patterns in this Oni. (And please, keep the Slider Speed Increase in the Kiai, plays awesome with 1,60 really :P)

• 01:23:820: Why don't you try adding Notes in the Blank Spaces? (01:24:011 - 01:24:297 - 01:24:582 - 01:24:868 - 01:25:154). It is not Hard to follow a 1/6 pattern with BPM 105, I think that it is coherent with an Oni diff. Actually I dislike these 'alone' 2-plets.

- Other than that, This diff. is well constructed, the usage of 1/6 is coherent, really.

Well, That's all.
Taking Chewin Words:

Chewin wrote:

Well, mapset is veeery nice. I suggest you to ask for a rebubble after my and taiko mods and I will rank it :3
Call me back for a recheck then (Well, I'll be some days out, till the next Monday, so I'll recheck this map in this day)
Good Luck for Now ;)

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

[Kurosanyan's Taiko Muzukashii:]

• 00:04:201 (2): A don here follow better the Instrumental imo I don't want to make it like 00:01:916 (1) - while the music sounds different. And it makes a nice pattern this way.
• 00:08:773 (2): (^) ^
• 00:49:344 (3,4,1,1,2,3): This transition of ddk ddd constantly in the kiai could be a bit Hard in a Muzu (inclusive in this low BPM diff). I'd reduce the usage of them using ddd ddd instead to don't make the pattern difficult to 'Muzu players :P'
--> Well, it is always the same suggestion in 00:51:630 (2,3,1,1,2,3) - 00:53:916 (2,3,1,1,2,3) - 01:07:630 (4,5,1,1,2,3) - 01:09:916 (3,2,1,1,2,3) - 01:12:201 (2,3,1,1,2,3). It's really not that hard. The 2notes 1/4 patterns are way harder imo. ddd ddd would not fit and would make it harder by breaking the flow imo.
• 01:22:916 (2): This kat doesn't fit really well here, I'd move it 1/4 forward to follow at least the Vocal properly It fits to the melody. Imo 1/4 forward would not fit at all since I'm mapping on the melody and there's no melody there.
• 01:23:630 (2,3,4,1,1,1,2): Hmm.. These Simple notes in 1/2 are not following a precise thing in the music, it looks like they are in there just to take place. Since the BPM is low, I'd try with a drumroll instead of the Notes I would be happy to make a drumroll instead, but I don't want to have a 1/8 drumroll, that's totally unfitting and hard as hell to play. My notes are following the main drums of this part so it's not here for nothing.

[Kurosanyan's Taiko Oni:]

Slider Velocity: I'd use a constantly 1,60 in the Slider Velocity because you use a tones of 1/6 Patterns in this Oni. (And please, keep the Slider Speed Increase in the Kiai, plays awesome with 1,60 really :P) SV 1,6 never fits. No exceptions. I used a 1,5 speed up at first and it was perfect for 1/6 but someone complained it was too fast, so if people want a good SV for the 1/6, they should play with HR. SV 1,6 never make anything more readable in my opinion.

• 01:23:820: Why don't you try adding Notes in the Blank Spaces? (01:24:011 - 01:24:297 - 01:24:582 - 01:24:868 - 01:25:154). It is not Hard to follow a 1/6 pattern with BPM 105, I think that it is coherent with an Oni diff. Actually I dislike these 'alone' 2-plets. The 2-plets are following the drums and a constant 1/6 streams with a pattern following the melody would make the map way harder. I already explained this in previous mods. D:
Well hum...nothing fixed. D: I don't like the fact that I refuse to fix mostly everything, but I don't want to fix if I feel like it'll make it worse. Sorry. ;_;
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Chewin asked me just for a taiko mod, but I'll do a full mod because I want :P I was about to ask you if you could mod my map and I find you modded already lol. Thanks :3


Slider Tick Rate: I really like the way in what it sounds the Slider Tick Rate 2. It sounds really fitable with the song in all aspect and in all the difficulties. (Oh.. Chewin mentioned this too, you should consider to change that) Strange, some diffs don't have slider tick 2. I thought I fixed all :?


• 00:10:201 (Spin): In the Spinner, would be better if you replace the Finish in a Whistle instead. I think that the Whistle follow better the Instrumental here Done.
• 00:13:916 (2,3): Stacked Notes cause always a Headache in New Players, and in this case it is also a bad idea because (2,3,4) is a 1/2 pattern. In my personal point of view would be better if you Unstack these Notes mh, ok
• 00:23:058 (3,4): To be consistent with the previous parts, would be better if you Remove (4) and add another Repetition in (3) For previous part you mean this 00:18:487 (3) - ? Btw, I don't like it much.
• 00:29:916 (6): A Combo with 8 Notes feel weird in this difficulty, I'd add one in this Note mmm, ok :\
• 00:39:630 (1,2): Would be better if you unstack these Notes No.
• 00:52:201 (1,2,1,2): Actually I don't like how it plays this pattern because it doesn't following the Vocal or Instrumental properly. Try adding a Note in 00:53:344 and moving the Next objects 1/2 forward, in my opinion sound much better. Well, this pattern follows the sound that I used as custom hitsound.
• 00:58:201 (1,2,1,2): *Nazi* You can make a better Blanket if you work a bit better with your Slider (2). You should try something like this with your Slider (2): Should be better now.

• 01:02:487 (1,2): Hmm.. Unstack them please Fixed :\
• 01:03:630 (3): The BPM is low but even so a lot of repetitions in a Slider could be Hard in an Easy diff. You could decompress this in 2 Sliders with just a Repetition, I think that it is much easier to read B-but you don't even need to move the cursor...
• 01:07:344 (3): In this particular case follow better the music if you increase the Slider lenght by 1/2 I want to discuss about this.
• 01:18:201 (3): I'd add a Whistle here to follow the vocal more cloesely Done.


• 00:05:058 (x): For consistency with your previous and Next pattern, you should add a Note here, sounds fine in my opinion If I add a note here, I should add another note at 00:04:773 - because there is the same sound.
• 00:09:630 (x): Add a Note here, for consistency as I explained in the previous suggestion ^
• 00:10:201 (Spin): Same as Easy about adding a Whistle here Done.
• 00:23:916 (5): A New Combo here would be a good idea so the player could percive better the usage of 1/4 in this pattern ook
• 00:25:344 (1,2): If you did the above suggestion, Move the New Combo to the Note (2) ook
• 00:49:916 (4): Add a New Combo here for consistency with your other difficulties. In addition of that, plays fine because you have a 2/1 distance in the timeline between (3,4) Done.
• 01:08:201 (4): (^) ^
• 01:18:201 (4): As I explained in 'Ixia' Add a Whistle here Done.


• 00:10:201 (Spin): Add a Whistle instead Done.
• 00:42:201 (6): I'd try a New Combo here to avoid the long comboing No.
• 01:02:487 (1,2): Sincerely I didn't understand this jump, it doesn't play very well in a 'Constant Spacing map' as it is this one, in addition it is a 2.60x Jump, so this is not the best way to add a Jump in this kind of map. Try reducing the spacing between these Notes for a better flow (if it is necesary, break the symetry please) Lowered the distance.
• 01:20:773 (1,2): (^) ^


• 00:10:058 (Spin): Whistle as always Done.
• 00:14:487 (6,7): This jump plays awkwardly, wouldn't let me read properly the next pattern, since the jump is unintuitive. The best idea is reduce the lenght of this jump a bit to make the flow increase properly I didn't totally get what you want, so check how I fixed it.
• 00:25:201 (x): Since you are following closely the Background in this difficulty, you should add a Note here. I don't like how it play, because I think that it's unexpected.
• 00:48:201 (x): Try making the rhythm more enjoyable, is kinda ugly to play this with a lot of stops since it is a high level diff. I guess. Add a Note here please Added, since you are not the first to ask for.
• 00:48:773 (x): (^) ^
• 00:53:058 (3): You don't have a big thing to remark over the blue tick, for this reason this pattern plays bad in my opinion. The best idea is reducing this Slider in 1/2 and after that add a Note in the next Downbeat (00:53:630) Yeah, I didn't like it but I forget to change it. Done.

Well, That's all.
Taking Chewin Words:

Chewin wrote:

Well, mapset is veeery nice. I suggest you to ask for a rebubble after my and taiko mods and I will rank it :3
Call me back for a recheck then (Well, I'll be some days out, till the next Monday, so I'll recheck this map in this day)
Good Luck for Now ;)
Thank you :)
I understood all the responses in Taiko, I'm ok with the guy :3.. Anyways, this taiko plays fine, so it is ok as it is.
Fixed some little things in Easy over IRC..
Everything looks good here.. Rebubbled!
I have rechecked this mapset and everything flows perfectly now. I guess it's time to go.


Gratzz *-*
YMCK sounds great! Congrats :D
congratz ~ :oops:
As far as I know, Taiko BGs are unrankable in this moment, as the widescreen update broken them and not showing correctly, tell me if I'm wrong.
Dark Fang

DakeDekaane wrote:

As far as I know, Taiko BGs are unrankable in this moment, as the widescreen update broken them and not showing correctly, tell me if I'm wrong.
well.. this map submitted at Jun 23, 2011
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