So it was said that in the beginning, there would be seven keys. Seven keys to smash, and seven keys to fame for those brave enough to master them. To this day, intrepid players brave the depths of the osu!mania 7K World Cup to challenge one another in eternal contest for the greatest title of them all: that of the osu!mania 7K Champions.
Help support this ancient test by choosing any one of the 32 teams in the running and purchasing an insanely marvelous profile banner to showcase your support for all the world to see - now in a frankly stunning shade of purple!
The World Cups have no sponsors or partners but you - by the community, for the community.
Those who support the winning team will earn an extra shiny winner's banner at the end of the tournament showcasing their triumph until the conclusion of the next World Cup, or until they purchase another banner for a later World Cup, whichever happens first.
Profile banner purchases will be disabled before the Grand Finals begin.
Banner purchases that are not of the winning team will be removed from your profile after the osu!mania 7K World Cup 2025 ends.
Purchasing a new banner from a different country will not overwrite your previous banner. Instead, all different country banners purchased will show on your profile.