
soraru - Yurayura

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Nao Tomori
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, March 6, 2017 at 3:55:25 AM

Artist: soraru
Title: Yurayura
Tags: Yuutamari no Shiori 夕溜まりのしおり SCGA-20 ナノウ Nanou
BPM: 123
Filesize: 9937kb
Play Time: 05:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. Cruelty (3.72 stars, 879 notes)
Download: soraru - Yurayura
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
thx Shurelia for metadata etc. > p/5679027 and Kwan for confirmed romanization (from here >
thx [XV] for higher quality mp3 =D
Log Off Now
q m4m request

[from Grief to Love]

00:18:072 (5) - Not a fan of this 5% slider end, I know thats when the vocal switches but it felt a bit weird to play, I wouild at least increase the volume a bit more so it's audible, or make it a 1/2 note as you have done previously (something like this 00:31:730 (1) - feels better because its audible)
00:28:803 (2,5) - ugly tiny overlap (shows up in game)
00:34:657 (2,3,4) - I would swap these notes around on the timeline so you get better emphasis on the strong drum kicks
00:37:340 (5) - Would remove repeat and add circle in its place so you can get a nice 3 circle jump pattern on the drums
01:19:047 - Consider switching to soft hitsounds for this section before the kiai?
01:40:755 (2) - Would change this out for a jump since there is more emphasis on the snare in the music and the vocals are pretty intense at this point
01:54:169 (1) - This is super close to being offscreen :p
02:20:511 (5) - You miss the triple in the snare here, but you seem to follow it in most other places, any reason why?
02:51:242 (2) - NC here? (You did for the first time this pattern came up)
02:52:706 (1) - Same comment as 00:18:072 (5) -
04:09:291 (2,3,4,5,6) - Maybe gradually increase the spacing here instead of have a big jump? It would match the rising volume more in the guitar/drums (also maybe add some green lines to reflect the volume change aswell?)
04:23:194 (6) - I would have this as a single repeat + 1/2 slider since a slow repeat of 5 is a bit hard to read
04:38:803 (4) - tiny overlap
04:40:023 (1,2,3,4) - I think the hitsounds here a bit too quiet
04:42:462 (2) - Same comment as 02:51:242 (2) -

also blankets in some places can be fixed :p

Topic Starter
Nao Tomori

Log Off Now wrote:

q m4m request

[from Grief to Love]

00:18:072 (5) - Not a fan of this 5% slider end, I know thats when the vocal switches but it felt a bit weird to play, I wouild at least increase the volume a bit more so it's audible, or make it a 1/2 note as you have done previously (something like this 00:31:730 (1) - feels better because its audible) ok, made it a bit louder
00:28:803 (2,5) - ugly tiny overlap (shows up in game) ok
00:34:657 (2,3,4) - I would swap these notes around on the timeline so you get better emphasis on the strong drum kicks ok
00:37:340 (5) - Would remove repeat and add circle in its place so you can get a nice 3 circle jump pattern on the drums ya
01:19:047 - Consider switching to soft hitsounds for this section before the kiai?
01:40:755 (2) - Would change this out for a jump since there is more emphasis on the snare in the music and the vocals are pretty intense at this point i wanted to stick to having 1/1 holds on all the strong vocals, here i put a repeat because it makes the cursor movement better but it would ideally be a 1/1 slider
01:54:169 (1) - This is super close to being offscreen :p moved a little
02:20:511 (5) - You miss the triple in the snare here, but you seem to follow it in most other places, any reason why? barely heard it, added though
02:51:242 (2) - NC here? (You did for the first time this pattern came up)
02:52:706 (1) - Same comment as 00:18:072 (5) -
04:09:291 (2,3,4,5,6) - Maybe gradually increase the spacing here instead of have a big jump? It would match the rising volume more in the guitar/drums (also maybe add some green lines to reflect the volume change aswell?) changed spacing a bit, will get to htsounding later
04:23:194 (6) - I would have this as a single repeat + 1/2 slider since a slow repeat of 5 is a bit hard to read ehh... changed for now, but there isnt much distinguishing it from the other strumming
04:38:803 (4) - tiny overlap ?
04:40:023 (1,2,3,4) - I think the hitsounds here a bit too quiet woops didnt mean 5% there .-.
04:42:462 (2) - Same comment as 02:51:242 (2) -

also blankets in some places can be fixed :p

thanks for modding

From my queue.

Decrease CS 5, make it CS 4, doesn't bond well with a map that's only hard.

00:02:706 - Hitcircle here.
00:06:608 - Hitcircle here.
00:10:511 - Hitcircle here.
00:14:413 - Hitcircle here.
00:16:608 - Raise the volume on the hitsounds on this timing point.
01:58:072 - Lower the volume on the hitsounds on this timing point.
02:51:242 - Raise the volume here on the hitsounds for more feedback.
03:35:145 (7) - Make this circle into a slider, ex:

04:43:925 - Put a timing point here and raise the volume on the hitsounds.
Topic Starter
Nao Tomori

[ - Zekks - ] wrote:

From my queue.

Decrease CS 5, make it CS 4, doesn't bond well with a map that's only hard. no. cs5 is better cuz i have more space to map and it looks nicer and it puts more focus on patterns with low ar and blahblahblah

00:02:706 - Hitcircle here. there's no sound in the guitar here.
00:06:608 - Hitcircle here.
00:10:511 - Hitcircle here.
00:14:413 - Hitcircle here.
00:16:608 - Raise the volume on the hitsounds on this timing point. yeah
01:58:072 - Lower the volume on the hitsounds on this timing point. i think the feedback here is fine, it's pretty quiet but it has no hitsounds so you should have something to go by imo
02:51:242 - Raise the volume here on the hitsounds for more feedback. ok
03:35:145 (7) - Make this circle into a slider, ex:
there isnt really a distinct sound on the red tick, it would be unnecessary rhythm density in a calm section imo.
04:43:925 - Put a timing point here and raise the volume on the hitsounds.

NM from my queue

from Grief to love

00:10:023 (5) - You changed the DS here, why don't use the same than 00:02:218 (4) - ?

00:44:657 (4) - Be carefull rythmics are kinda fuzzy to read here maybe use 2 kicksliders or find another issue

01:25:389 (2) - Rythm is kinda hard to read too, I think tap the slider end could be better, maybe make a jump with circles only ?

02:50:998 (1) - same ^

03:07:828 (5) - DS is kinda big here, try to reduce a bit

03:39:291 (6) - Same, you forced the DS cause of a stack, change the pos of 03:39:047 (5) - If you want to let the stack

04:00:023 (3) - When you make waves use this point placements, Its just visual, ok but its improving the shape of a slider easely ^^

04:10:267 (6) - Huge DS /!\ reduce a bit !

04:27:584 (7) - Pretty hard to read be carefull

04:35:877 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - Maybe replace some circles by sliders, this is super jumpy for an hard map

04:42:218 (1) - Same rythm problem

05:33:681 (1,2,3,4) - DS is kinda high too
Well, that a really clean map but on some points you must be carefull, DS is really confusing sometimes and rythmics for some patterns are kinda hard
and why use A 1280x720 when 1920x1080 background is allowed, I recommend to change it for something more funny, just a black and white isn't funny ^^

Good luck~
Topic Starter
Nao Tomori

Ponoyoshi wrote:

NM from my queue

from Grief to love

00:10:023 (5) - You changed the DS here, why don't use the same than 00:02:218 (4) - ? eh that guitar should have accent (bigger spacing) so i actually changed pattern a bit to this >

00:44:657 (4) - Be carefull rythmics are kinda fuzzy to read here maybe use 2 kicksliders or find another issue issue here is, i wanted to distinguish that high pitched sound on 00:44:657 - so it's kickslider, the rest is just drums. i simplified it already by putting a repeat triple. i dont think testplayer had issues with it either

01:25:389 (2) - Rythm is kinda hard to read too, I think tap the slider end could be better, maybe make a jump with circles only ? hmm reason here is to hold that nice guitar sound down on a slider body, i put a circle there at 01:25:877 - cuz of the drums starting up leading into the stream, but the guitar sound is still ongoing so i think keeping slider is better. also, people didnt have issue with this pattern and it happens every kiai time start, so it's consistent imo.

02:50:998 (1) - same ^

03:07:828 (5) - DS is kinda big here, try to reduce a bit changed pattern around

03:39:291 (6) - Same, you forced the DS cause of a stack, change the pos of 03:39:047 (5) - If you want to let the stack hmm this one here was on purpose, the guitar goes pretty high, the drums hit and it makes a contrast to the lower spacng of the next section. i don't think its particularly out of tune with the map either at that DS.

04:00:023 (3) - When you make waves use this point placements, Its just visual, ok but its improving the shape of a slider easely ^^ yeah, it looks better thanks.

04:10:267 (6) - Huge DS /!\ reduce a bit ! i think the ds increase is supported by the progression on guitar, but nerfed to be less massive.

04:27:584 (7) - Pretty hard to read be carefull ya, moved a bit then

04:35:877 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - Maybe replace some circles by sliders, this is super jumpy for an hard map reduced density

04:42:218 (1) - Same rythm problem

05:33:681 (1,2,3,4) - DS is kinda high too i think this spacing makes sense cuz it's the loudest drums, synth and ending of song = climax as well. moved around a bt tho.
Well, that a really clean map but on some points you must be carefull, DS is really confusing sometimes and rythmics for some patterns are kinda hard
and why use A 1280x720 when 1920x1080 background is allowed, I recommend to change it for something more funny, just a black and white isn't funny ^^
backround is fine color cuz the entre video is black and white, it wouldnt make sense using something not black and white imo.. will increase reso though .
Good luck~
thanks for modding
Bullied into modding ;w;

from Grief to Love


  1. I’m gonna assume you don’t mean to blanket anything because if you do want to you’ll have to go through the whole map and fix them all. It doesn’t seem like you want to so I’ll leave this up to you. I won’t mention any blankets that I’m not sure about.
  2. 00:08:803 (1,5) – Make these the same slider.
  3. 00:12:706 (1,3,4) – Again, why is 4 different from 1 and 3? o.O
  4. 00:21:974 (4,3) – This triggers me tbh but it’s up to you if you wanna change it.
  5. 00:30:998 (3,1) – No stack? Up to you.
  6. 01:00:511 (3) – Necessary NC?
  7. 01:14:657 (5,1) – You skip the long note here but you mapped it before at 00:59:047 (6,7,1). Could have extended sliders (to blue tick) if you want to follow the vocals.
  8. 01:34:169 (5,6,1) – This not being straight triggers me lol.
  9. 01:41:730 (4,2) – Stack these before I fucking murder you. <3
  10. 01:42:462 (1) – Why is there a red timing point in the middle of this slider? It makes the whole rest of the map fucked in timing, please fix.
  11. 01:54:169 (1,2) – If you’re gonna make that slider shape at least blanket it?
  12. 01:57:096 (3,5) – Fix blanket.
  13. 02:19:047 (6,4) – Triggered.
  14. 02:37:096 (1,2,3) – Blanket these?
  15. 03:13:194 (7,8) – Pretty random double tbh, you don’t use these so often, so it feels out of place.
  16. 03:35:145 (7) – Slider maybe to fill the weird gap here?
  17. 04:22:950 (5,1) – Stack or die.
  18. 05:12:218 (3,4) – Pretty small spacing compared to everything else.
  19. 05:35:633 – How about mapping this sound? Maybe a 1/8th reverse? Up to you, but I wouldn’t leave it blank since it’s a nice finishing sound.

Topic Starter
Nao Tomori
all fix w

05:12:218 (3,4) – Pretty small spacing compared to everything else. 4 no force in the song = small spacing
05:35:633 – How about mapping this sound? Maybe a 1/8th reverse? Up to you, but I wouldn’t leave it blank since it’s a nice finishing sound. no i dont want to do that cuz ppl will thin kthe song is over and then miss
From Modding Queue

[from Grief to Love]
First off I want to start off saying cs5 seems a bit unnatural. It doesn't look as good as it should be. CS 4 or 4.5 is good enough for most people.
00:34:659 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't like how this plays out. Movement is kind of erratic especially from (3) ----> (4) ----- (5) It's sharp cuts then small spacing. Fitting it all in one screen so it's easier
00:42:952 (3) - Your hitsound here doesn't stand out with the sound in the music. It's too quiet imo
00:43:805 (1) - Most of these I've seen doesn't really give anything to me. I believe having a 1/4 or even a a double would do this part justice. To emphasize the beat with a clickable object
00:44:659 (10,11,12,13) - I believe you're trying something new a little too early on. It plays at a different consistency and stands out too much. You can try this pattern and see how that works for you
00:57:586 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Could've had something similiar to this without having those jumps and making it then linear. I believe keeping that momentum and playing off of it would feel better
01:00:513 (3,4,5) - Again I think you are doing a little too much. The blue tick has no distinctive sound to it but your sliderend is loud enough to fake like it does. Honestly you can replace 01:00:757 (4) - with just a single note and it'll work wonders
01:11:244 (1) - Sliderend is strong you can use another drum beat here rather than a soft -----> Drum Sampleset + Finish
01:33:927 (4,5,6,1) - You could've had this since linear flowing is strange to play
01:34:659 (1,2,3) - This doesn't play well since the flow is being mislead somewhere else. Even though it's not the greatest it still looks great
01:36:366 (4,1) - Same as ^ it's just awkward to play
01:47:586 (4,5,1) - Is this balance right?
01:59:049 (3,4) - You can stack this
02:01:244 (4,5) - Really close imo
02:01:000 (3,4) - For some odd reason rhythm here sounds out of place. I was thinking more on the line of a 1/2 and a note
02:02:464 (2,3,4,5) - Same as ^ kind of an erratic movement. You're forcing players to change their flow to notes when it should be the players being guided to hit them
02:02:952 (3,4) - Also was planning a rhythm like similiar thing as mentioned before
02:07:830 (1,2) - Spacing wise here differs a lot from more subtle movements 02:08:074 (2,3) - Since (1) is the one with the bass emphasis
02:22:708 (3,4,1,2) - There we go nice nice
03:19:049 (3,4) - Repeat pls Not much difference from 03:16:122 (1,3) - Since 03:19:781 (4) - Already gives enough emphasis for the upcoming slider
03:23:440 (4,5) - It'd be really clean if you changed this into a slider so all 4 of them can balance aesthetically
04:16:610 (5) - Can be NCable here to keep it 4x4 and kept short
That should be all

Key Areas to improve on
  1. Utilize your sliders a little better. I do agree movement is what makes or break a map but having erratic movements and strange slider placements can do the same
  2. Check Hitsounds
Topic Starter
Nao Tomori

Kocari wrote:

From Modding Queue

[from Grief to Love]
First off I want to start off saying cs5 seems a bit unnatural. It doesn't look as good as it should be. CS 4 or 4.5 is good enough for most people. this was mostly for ease of mapping, i like having more space. i also like the appeal of small circles + low ar but this might be a bit too small for my skills. i'll increase it and see where it goes from there.
00:34:659 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't like how this plays out. Movement is kind of erratic especially from (3) ----> (4) ----- (5) It's sharp cuts then small spacing. Fitting it all in one screen so it's easier wanted to maintain the 120 degree rotation in all of the sliders, moved around 3 4 though.
00:42:952 (3) - Your hitsound here doesn't stand out with the sound in the music. It's too quiet imo i'll be doing a major overhaul of the actual hit SOUNDS soon. most of them are not the best they should be.
00:43:805 (1) - Most of these I've seen doesn't really give anything to me. I believe having a 1/4 or even a a double would do this part justice. To emphasize the beat with a clickable object i agree that that 1/8th thing isn't particularly good on the feedback side, however, i don't want to do a double cuz it would still be 256 bpm, i don't want to do a kickslider+circle because i don't like that rhythm very much. later on i did 1/8 slider+slider which is better because of the acc leniency on a slider head.
00:44:659 (10,11,12,13) - I believe you're trying something new a little too early on. It plays at a different consistency and stands out too much. You can try this pattern and see how that works for you there's a minor sound at a high pitch that i wanted to put the kickslider on, and i haven't seen people have trouble with this. though it definitely stands out, i think that's the goal with that high pitched sound anyway. might change this later if more people talk about it.
00:57:586 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Could've had something similiar to this without having those jumps and making it then linear. I believe keeping that momentum and playing off of it would feel better something similar, good suggestion.
01:00:513 (3,4,5) - Again I think you are doing a little too much. The blue tick has no distinctive sound to it but your sliderend is loud enough to fake like it does. Honestly you can replace 01:00:757 (4) - with just a single note and it'll work wonders i disagree, i think there's a clear drum roll type thing here going into 5. i'll remove the drum-whistle hitsound that makes it super loud but it's definitely not an overmap. besides, the rhythm is simpler as a kickslider than a triple anyway.
01:11:244 (1) - Sliderend is strong you can use another drum beat here rather than a soft -----> Drum Sampleset + Finish added drum whistle
01:33:927 (4,5,6,1) - You could've had this since linear flowing is strange to play
01:34:659 (1,2,3) - This doesn't play well since the flow is being mislead somewhere else. Even though it's not the greatest it still looks great
01:36:366 (4,1) - Same as ^ it's just awkward to play
changed entire pattern to use more sharp angles

01:47:586 (4,5,1) - Is this balance right? looks like it? i measured it with a slider-ruler and it was fine
01:59:049 (3,4) - You can stack this ya
02:01:244 (4,5) - Really close imo spaced out a bit
02:01:000 (3,4) - For some odd reason rhythm here sounds out of place. I was thinking more on the line of a 1/2 and a note slider is on that piano chord thing.
02:02:464 (2,3,4,5) - Same as ^ kind of an erratic movement. You're forcing players to change their flow to notes when it should be the players being guided to hit them moved around a bit. also, that other rhythm is now uniform with the one at 2.01.000
02:02:952 (3,4) - Also was planning a rhythm like similiar thing as mentioned before
02:07:830 (1,2) - Spacing wise here differs a lot from more subtle movements 02:08:074 (2,3) - Since (1) is the one with the bass emphasis 5>1 increased. 2 has vocal emphasis so that has spacing.
02:22:708 (3,4,1,2) - There we go nice nice
03:19:049 (3,4) - Repeat pls Not much difference from 03:16:122 (1,3) - Since 03:19:781 (4) - Already gives enough emphasis for the upcoming slider big reason for the circles here was the different word + that rhythm was repeated 3 times in the map already, no need to change it now when it fits imo.
03:23:440 (4,5) - It'd be really clean if you changed this into a slider so all 4 of them can balance aesthetically while i agree that it would be very clean (it was like that originally) i really wanted to highlight the intro of the next part of the song with an arguably overmapped circle. it makes better contrast imo. i'll consider changing this.
04:16:610 (5) - Can be NCable here to keep it 4x4 and kept short k
That should be all

Key Areas to improve on
  1. Utilize your sliders a little better. I do agree movement is what makes or break a map but having erratic movements and strange slider placements can do the same
  2. Check Hitsounds
thanks a ton, i'll look at this more carefully with the advice here.
fast reply cause I'm a good m4m peep

  1. Seems you didn't use drum-sliderslide.wav at all. probably should just throw it.
  2. 04:20:386 - le double green at here.
  3. Alright since AImod didn't mention it mean you wouldn't know about this : There are bunch of unsnapped green line which make thing unrankable for you. I'll mention 'em for you : 04:18:440 - , 04:19:415 - , 04:19:537 - , 04:20:391 - , and the double one. Hope it should be all.
  4. Artist should be : "そらる" while the romaji one can stays.
  5. and the title should be : "ユラユラ" , while the romaji would be "Yurayura".
  6. aaand tags , oh right, Let's see... : Yuutamari no Shiori , 夕溜まりのしおり , SCGA-20 , ナノウ , Nanou
  7. here's the link for the metadata :
  8. BG did not expressing the music well. Here's a thing :
  9. oh about "Swaying" thing , you could just use it as the diff name. It'll looks much much better imo.

[sad song]
  1. 00:13:440 (3) - probably should just stay with double circle since it plays better than the current one
  2. 00:31:732 (1) - not fully stacked
  3. 00:38:318 (2) - move this to x:184 y:92 for a better looking and more sharp movement to ephasize the (3) more? kinda highly suggest this
  4. 00:58:318 (4) - should just stack this with 00:57:586 (1) - to reduce the emphasize on (5) since the song itself didn't need that much of that.
  5. 01:08:561 (5,6) - should add more distance since as you hear the sudden increase of voice give more intense feeling. how about x:256 y:256 looks?
  6. 01:16:122 (9,10,11,12,13) - this much of stacks is meh to be played. how about something like this ?
  7. 01:15:147 (7) - oh you forgot to NC this.
  8. 01:38:074 (4) - I really want to click something on the tail to follow the vocal more. Make it into 2 circles instead?
  9. 02:05:879 (1) - CTRL + H and place it around x:104 y:28 since the sudden corner movement is kinda too much for me.
  10. 02:12:220 (2,3,4,5,6) - quite confusing cause these two looks the exact same. Maybe you can just un-stack 2 and 3.
  11. 02:21:976 (1) - no need NC at here.
  12. 02:51:000 (1,2) - not completely stacked.
  13. 03:09:537 (4) - need a rework on this one. Since it doesn't looks smooth enough.
  14. 03:44:476 (3) - missplaced, should be on the white, lol
  15. 04:33:927 (1,2) - not a complete stack
  16. 04:49:781 (1,3) - stack or not stack. Make your choice. Should be stacked tho
  17. 05:22:952 (6,7,8,9) - uwaaah, didn't looks neat enough for me.
  18. 05:35:635 - you should really add a spinner at here . I mean , really. You should.

Quite a nice map , it follows the song nicely but yeh, need moar mods to polish it.

Good luck.
placeholder thingy

hey its ya boy late man


drum-sliderslide.wav unused?

drum-hitclap.mp3 <-- convert this to .wav, its recommended not to use .mp3s for hitsounds

you should really look into having more than 1 combo color, at least another shade of gray maybe?

[the map]

00:08:805 (1,5) - Fix stack

00:15:147 (3,4,5) - To make this neater, make the distance between 3's tail, 4, and 5's tail the same

00:24:171 (5) - fix stack

00:28:074 (5) - consider stacking under 00:28:805 (2)'s tail, feels like it would this pattern as a whole a bit better.

00:31:732 (1) - NC should be on 00:32:220 (2) - instead

00:36:610 (3,6) - stack these? feels like weird that they aren't

00:43:440 (5,1,4) - This little area feels really cramped due to all of these objects being very close together, so I suggest moving 00:44:659 (4) - away from it

00:45:635 (8) - No jump for this?

00:45:147 (7,8,1,2) - If you don't change the above, make this neater by using equilateral triangles - like this -

00:49:537 (4,4) - why not stack these and put em in the exact center of the triangle formed by 1,2,3

01:23:683 (2,4) - fix blanket
01:30:757 (1,3) - ^

01:40:513 (1) - move this to where 01:41:976 (5) - is imo

01:46:366 (1,3,4) - I think this pattern looks much nicer if 3, 1's head and 4 are equal distance from each other.

01:49:537 (4,1) - You could blanket these

01:51:244 (3) - ^if you fix that properly, stack the tail of this on top of 4

02:19:293 (9) - jump?

02:39:537 (6,7) - ctrl+g of these would flow better, but this would remove the jump to 02:40:025 (8) - unfortunately

03:02:464 (1,2,3) - this feels a bet excessive in terms of spacing

03:11:732 (5,1) - blanket

03:37:586 (1,5) - I think these should be stacking if 03:38:074 (2,6) - are stacking

04:37:098 (4,5,6) - not a fan of the flow here

04:45:879 (1,4) - not a good overlap imo, you dont do this kinda thing in this map so it looks out of place to me

and that's all ive got

Topic Starter
Nao Tomori

Shurelia wrote:

fast reply cause I'm a good m4m peep

  1. Seems you didn't use drum-sliderslide.wav at all. probably should just throw it. ye
  2. 04:20:386 - le double green at here. ye ye
  3. Alright since AImod didn't mention it mean you wouldn't know about this : There are bunch of unsnapped green line which make thing unrankable for you. I'll mention 'em for you : 04:18:440 - , 04:19:415 - , 04:19:537 - , 04:20:391 - , and the double one. Hope it should be all. ye
  4. Artist should be : "そらる" while the romaji one can stays.
  5. and the title should be : "ユラユラ" , while the romaji would be "Yurayura".
  6. aaand tags , oh right, Let's see... : Yuutamari no Shiori , 夕溜まりのしおり , SCGA-20 , ナノウ , Nanou
  7. here's the link for the metadata :
  8. BG did not expressing the music well. Here's a thing :
  9. oh about "Swaying" thing , you could just use it as the diff name. It'll looks much much better imo.

[sad song]
  1. 00:13:440 (3) - probably should just stay with double circle since it plays better than the current one sure
  2. 00:31:732 (1) - not fully stacked 1 is perfectly stacked on 3 end, 2 is not supposed to be stacked.
  3. 00:38:318 (2) - move this to x:184 y:92 for a better looking and more sharp movement to ephasize the (3) more? kinda highly suggest this makes sense, and balanced the triple on the other side too.
  4. 00:58:318 (4) - should just stack this with 00:57:586 (1) - to reduce the emphasize on (5) since the song itself didn't need that much of that. yeah
  5. 01:08:561 (5,6) - should add more distance since as you hear the sudden increase of voice give more intense feeling. how about x:256 y:256 looks? buffed, but not that much.
  6. 01:16:122 (9,10,11,12,13) - this much of stacks is meh to be played. how about something like this ? adjusted downwards, but not that much
  7. 01:15:147 (7) - oh you forgot to NC this. Ye XD
  8. 01:38:074 (4) - I really want to click something on the tail to follow the vocal more. Make it into 2 circles instead? will try it.
  9. 02:05:879 (1) - CTRL + H and place it around x:104 y:28 since the sudden corner movement is kinda too much for me. k nerfed
  10. 02:12:220 (2,3,4,5,6) - quite confusing cause these two looks the exact same. Maybe you can just un-stack 2 and 3. will try it, dont think it's that bad though.
  11. 02:21:976 (1) - no need NC at here.
  12. 02:51:000 (1,2) - not completely stacked. slider leniency problem, this is fine imo.
  13. 03:09:537 (4) - need a rework on this one. Since it doesn't looks smooth enough. made it more angular lol
  14. 03:44:476 (3) - missplaced, should be on the white, lol :<
  15. 04:33:927 (1,2) - not a complete stack
  16. 04:49:781 (1,3) - stack or not stack. Make your choice. Should be stacked tho fuck it stack leniency changed to 4 stack everything
  17. 05:22:952 (6,7,8,9) - uwaaah, didn't looks neat enough for me. ok reworked
  18. 05:35:635 - you should really add a spinner at here . I mean , really. You should. no

Quite a nice map , it follows the song nicely but yeh, need moar mods to polish it.

Good luck.

Hobbes2 wrote:

placeholder thingy

hey its ya boy late man


drum-sliderslide.wav unused? ok ok removed holy

drum-hitclap.mp3 <-- convert this to .wav, its recommended not to use .mp3s for hitsounds i dont think the delay is unrankable so whatever if its an issue ill change it but lazy idk

you should really look into having more than 1 combo color, at least another shade of gray maybe? theres two different shades of gray

[the map]

00:08:805 (1,5) - Fix stack

00:15:147 (3,4,5) - To make this neater, make the distance between 3's tail, 4, and 5's tail the same

00:24:171 (5) - fix stack

00:28:074 (5) - consider stacking under 00:28:805 (2)'s tail, feels like it would this pattern as a whole a bit better.

00:31:732 (1) - NC should be on 00:32:220 (2) - instead

00:36:610 (3,6) - stack these? feels like weird that they aren't

00:43:440 (5,1,4) - This little area feels really cramped due to all of these objects being very close together, so I suggest moving 00:44:659 (4) - away from it ya

00:45:635 (8) - No jump for this? ya

00:45:147 (7,8,1,2) - If you don't change the above, make this neater by using equilateral triangles - like this - close enough idk

00:49:537 (4,4) - why not stack these and put em in the exact center of the triangle formed by 1,2,3 messed up spacing too much, i think it's fine

01:23:683 (2,4) - fix blanket
01:30:757 (1,3) - ^

01:40:513 (1) - move this to where 01:41:976 (5) - is imo think too big spacing again

01:46:366 (1,3,4) - I think this pattern looks much nicer if 3, 1's head and 4 are equal distance from each other.

01:49:537 (4,1) - You could blanket these

01:51:244 (3) - ^if you fix that properly, stack the tail of this on top of 4

02:19:293 (9) - jump? i think the small spacing on that entire section is fine cuz of the quiet vocals, also its a jump out of a stream so it has decent emphasis anyway

02:39:537 (6,7) - ctrl+g of these would flow better, but this would remove the jump to 02:40:025 (8) - unfortunately

03:02:464 (1,2,3) - this feels a bet excessive in terms of spacing brought more in line with other similar championsrhythms

03:11:732 (5,1) - blanket

03:37:586 (1,5) - I think these should be stacking if 03:38:074 (2,6) - are stacking

04:37:098 (4,5,6) - not a fan of the flow here generic back and forth, dont see the problem here

04:45:879 (1,4) - not a good overlap imo, you dont do this kinda thing in this map so it looks out of place to me yeah, changed

and that's all ive got


fixed all the stacks and blankets
BG is fuking blurry FIX IT
HP4 on 3.5* diff is quite the spicy mistake
04:40:025 (1) - hoyl shit these finishes are WAY TOO LOUD.
04:12:708 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - i'd do 1.0x spacing so it moves really smoothly, and you won't have to slow/speed your mouse at all
will finish at some point probably a while from now but.. fuck im tired
21:31 PolkaMocha: Do you have free time wanna irc
21:31 Nao Tomori: about
21:31 Nao Tomori: what
21:31 *PolkaMocha is editing [ Soraru - Yurayura [from Grief to Love]]
21:31 Nao Tomori: o
21:31 Nao Tomori: sur
21:31 PolkaMocha: k
21:31 PolkaMocha: lemme know when u rdy
21:31 Nao Tomori: k
21:31 Nao Tomori: lemme get
21:31 Nao Tomori: some whiskey
21:31 PolkaMocha: good u need that
21:32 Nao Tomori: lmao
21:32 PolkaMocha: Okay so
21:32 PolkaMocha: right off the bat
21:32 PolkaMocha: combo colours
21:32 PolkaMocha: think of it as not matching the bg
21:32 Nao Tomori: what about em
21:32 Nao Tomori: bt they are
21:32 PolkaMocha: but rather as a pallet to compliment the bg
21:32 Nao Tomori: theyere both gray
21:32 PolkaMocha: So dark grey
21:32 PolkaMocha: light grey
21:32 PolkaMocha: warm grey
21:32 Nao Tomori: ok
21:32 PolkaMocha: cold grey
21:32 Nao Tomori: wait im actually getting stuff
21:33 PolkaMocha: grey blue grey purple grey green
21:33 Nao Tomori: and that makes sense yea
21:33 PolkaMocha: ok
21:35 Nao Tomori: ok i went to the kitchen to get water and im back but now i need to use the restroom
21:35 Nao Tomori: just thought i'd update you
21:35 PolkaMocha: thanks for the update enjoy ur potty
21:37 Nao Tomori: ok im back
21:37 Nao Tomori: but my noodles in the kitchen are done
21:37 Nao Tomori: so im going there now
21:37 PolkaMocha: hurry back
21:38 Nao Tomori: 6 seconds on the microwave
21:38 PolkaMocha: k
21:38 Nao Tomori: ok
21:38 Nao Tomori: we good
21:38 PolkaMocha: one moment
21:38 Nao Tomori: so
21:38 Nao Tomori: combo colors
21:39 Nao Tomori: ok i made them darker
21:39 Nao Tomori: but if i make it too dark its cancer
21:39 PolkaMocha: here wait
21:41 PolkaMocha: try these
21:41 PolkaMocha:
21:41 PolkaMocha: look at the timeline
21:41 Nao Tomori: :o
21:41 Nao Tomori: hmm
21:41 Nao Tomori: actually let me watch the video
21:41 Nao Tomori: and see if its not all black and white
21:41 PolkaMocha: k
21:42 Nao Tomori: ok apparently someone tries to jump in front of a subway train
21:42 Nao Tomori: good stuff
21:42 PolkaMocha: damn nice
21:42 Nao Tomori: COLOR
21:42 Nao Tomori: hmm
21:43 Nao Tomori: i might colorhax this
21:43 PolkaMocha: Most people wont dl video
21:43 Nao Tomori: cuz theres only like 1 part with color lmao
21:43 PolkaMocha: and most will play with black screen so
21:43 Nao Tomori: yea
21:43 PolkaMocha: those colours might be nice against the bg and against black yknow?
21:43 Nao Tomori: oh wait i cut this entire part out of the mp3
21:43 Nao Tomori: zz
21:43 PolkaMocha: gg
21:43 Nao Tomori: nvm
21:43 PolkaMocha: I assume you wont change it then
21:43 Nao Tomori: ok i'll use darker grays
21:44 PolkaMocha: Oh okay
21:44 Nao Tomori: dont need actual colors
21:44 PolkaMocha: I think they would help add a nice touch considering theyre grey base but
21:44 PolkaMocha: ok
21:44 Nao Tomori: probably but like
21:44 Nao Tomori: doesnt match bg or fit the song
21:44 Nao Tomori: which is really bleak and sad
21:44 PolkaMocha: They do because the colours are very drained of saturation
21:44 PolkaMocha: my art student is coming out good god
21:44 PolkaMocha: moving on
21:45 Nao Tomori: ok lest be real here
21:45 Nao Tomori: nobody uses map skins
21:45 Nao Tomori: so it doesnt matter
21:45 PolkaMocha: o-o
21:45 PolkaMocha: theres a skin?
21:45 Nao Tomori: no
21:45 Nao Tomori: thats what
21:45 Nao Tomori: determines the colors
21:45 PolkaMocha: oh
21:45 Nao Tomori: if you have map skin off it doesnt use the maps colors
21:45 PolkaMocha: I use the map colours
21:46 PolkaMocha: I even leave bg on 95%
21:46 Nao Tomori: i use 95% too actually
21:46 Nao Tomori: cuz i like when it pulses in the kiai
21:46 PolkaMocha: I like when SB is super mystical
21:46 PolkaMocha: like halozy maps
21:46 PolkaMocha: I leave it on for that stuff
21:46 Nao Tomori: mm yea that shit looks awesome
21:46 Nao Tomori: actually did you see that mili map
21:46 PolkaMocha: no
21:46 *Nao Tomori is listening to [ Mili - world.execute(me);]
21:47 PolkaMocha: we should get back to modding because this savelog is gonna be massive
21:47 Nao Tomori: okok
21:47 PolkaMocha: OK
21:47 PolkaMocha: 00:12:708 (1,2,3,4,5) - Not consistent spacing in terms of all other parts before and after it
21:48 Nao Tomori: ok i made it
21:48 Nao Tomori: 1.0 spacing there then
21:48 PolkaMocha: k
21:49 PolkaMocha: 00:20:513 (1,2,3) - 2 should be scooted down and to right
21:49 PolkaMocha: and then adjust three a tad to fix this pattern up completely
21:49 Nao Tomori: kk
21:50 Nao Tomori: i just copied 1-3 and rotated it
21:50 PolkaMocha: 00:21:488 (3,4,1) - spacing here is odd. Move (1) further from (4)
21:50 PolkaMocha: this guys voice is awful
21:50 PolkaMocha: 00:31:000 (3) - 152 184?
21:50 Nao Tomori: wh
21:51 Nao Tomori: wait
21:51 PolkaMocha: k
21:51 Nao Tomori: ok
21:51 Nao Tomori: whats wrong with 3
21:52 PolkaMocha: oh nothing I put it in there to compare
21:52 Nao Tomori: huh
21:52 Nao Tomori: nono
21:52 Nao Tomori: i mean at 30 secon
21:52 PolkaMocha: oh
21:52 PolkaMocha: I felt the sliders were close together
21:52 PolkaMocha: and it looked unsightly
21:52 Nao Tomori: so move 3 down
21:52 Nao Tomori: ok
21:53 PolkaMocha: 00:44:659 (4,5,6,7) - just a stream is good here. no need to go all special snowflake here
21:53 PolkaMocha: 00:59:415 (7) - ^ same with the special snowflakiness. Just circles here.
21:53 Nao Tomori: wait
21:54 Nao Tomori: for the first one
21:54 PolkaMocha: k
21:54 Nao Tomori: there's a sound on 4
21:54 Nao Tomori: so i put a kickslider there instead of a stream
21:54 PolkaMocha: youll hit the sound either way
21:54 Nao Tomori: but i wanted to highlight it
21:54 PolkaMocha: just to help keep the quality high was all
21:54 Nao Tomori: putting it in a stream doesnt do that
21:54 PolkaMocha: fair enough
21:54 Nao Tomori: im not putting a 1/8 triple in
21:55 PolkaMocha: it wasnt 1/8 but ok
21:55 Nao Tomori: re: 00:59:415 (7) -
21:55 PolkaMocha: oh
21:55 Nao Tomori: it is 1/8
21:55 Nao Tomori: yea
21:55 PolkaMocha: I thought we were still on the last one
21:56 Nao Tomori: npnp i shoulda said it first
21:56 PolkaMocha: 01:16:365 (6,7) - no
21:56 PolkaMocha: fix that spacing
21:56 Nao Tomori: eek
21:57 Nao Tomori: missing a circle
21:57 Nao Tomori: wwait no
21:57 Nao Tomori: 3 is on the white tick
21:57 Nao Tomori: ok fixed
21:58 PolkaMocha: k
21:58 PolkaMocha: 01:27:342 (2,3) - increase spacing
22:00 Nao Tomori: rotated 3
22:00 PolkaMocha: 01:30:757 (1) - this sliders kinda ugly. I would neaten up a bit like
22:00 PolkaMocha:
22:00 PolkaMocha: ofc you have to fix blankets
22:00 Nao Tomori: hmm
22:01 PolkaMocha: 01:43:440 (3,4) - increase spacing
22:01 Nao Tomori: yea that looks better
22:01 PolkaMocha: ouo b
22:02 PolkaMocha: 01:57:098 (3,5) - help that poor blanketo
22:02 Nao Tomori: wait
22:02 Nao Tomori: why increase spacing
22:02 PolkaMocha: Because its still the chorus and it looks cramped
22:03 Nao Tomori: ok i'll put 4 on the slider head
22:03 Nao Tomori: i mean tail
22:03 PolkaMocha: careful
22:03 PolkaMocha: dont want confusion
22:03 Nao Tomori: i did it once already
22:03 PolkaMocha: Why not stack it on (2)?
22:03 PolkaMocha: or put it somewhere near there?
22:04 Nao Tomori: i think on 2 is too big of a jump
22:04 Nao Tomori: anywhere near that would look kinda ugly
22:04 PolkaMocha: fair nough
22:05 PolkaMocha: 2016 year of no break marathons
22:05 Nao Tomori: you want a break there?
22:05 Nao Tomori: ugh
22:05 Nao Tomori: i kinda like the mapping there
22:05 Nao Tomori: no break
22:06 PolkaMocha: I didnt say I wanted
22:06 PolkaMocha: just said
22:06 PolkaMocha: no breaks gg
22:06 Nao Tomori: it was implied
22:07 PolkaMocha: gg
22:07 PolkaMocha: 02:06:610 (3,4) - increase spacing
22:07 PolkaMocha: jk
22:08 Nao Tomori: might be tough
22:08 Nao Tomori: and i dont think needed either cuz no drum etc
22:08 PolkaMocha: again
22:08 PolkaMocha: jk
22:09 Nao Tomori: ya
22:09 PolkaMocha: combo of 13 gg
22:09 PolkaMocha: 02:24:903 (13) -
22:09 PolkaMocha: 02:21:000 (1) - remove nc
22:09 Nao Tomori: uh
22:09 PolkaMocha: 02:21:488 (2) - add nc
22:09 PolkaMocha: add nc here too 02:23:440 (8) -
22:09 PolkaMocha: bam
22:10 Nao Tomori: yeah
22:10 Nao Tomori: gotchu
22:12 PolkaMocha: 02:56:610 (1) - mmmmmmm kinda unattractive
22:12 PolkaMocha: I would remove the first white anchor before the elbow
22:12 Nao Tomori: i kind of
22:13 Nao Tomori: have this hatred for sliders that are
22:13 Nao Tomori: close but not exactly lined up with the follow point
22:13 Nao Tomori: i'll reduce the curve a bit tho
22:13 PolkaMocha: k
22:14 PolkaMocha: 03:03:927 (4,5) - wowie thats intense
22:14 PolkaMocha: make the spacing consistent lol
22:15 Nao Tomori: ok moved 5 under 3 blanket to maintain decent spacing
22:15 PolkaMocha: k
22:16 PolkaMocha: 03:19:537 (4,5) - again here
22:16 Nao Tomori: huh
22:16 Nao Tomori: consistent with that
22:16 Nao Tomori: what
22:16 PolkaMocha: yeah
22:16 PolkaMocha: too close
22:16 Nao Tomori: what
22:16 Nao Tomori: oh
22:16 Nao Tomori: wait thats what you meant
22:16 Nao Tomori: uhh
22:17 Nao Tomori: i disagree i think the contrast is needed
22:17 Nao Tomori: for the 1/1 slider
22:18 PolkaMocha: k
22:18 PolkaMocha: I can really
22:19 PolkaMocha: really
22:19 PolkaMocha: see your style coming together
22:19 PolkaMocha: and its making me all fuzzy inside
22:19 Nao Tomori: =D
22:19 PolkaMocha: ur kind of a slut for curved sliders lmao
22:20 Nao Tomori: ya
22:21 PolkaMocha: Its kind of looking like
22:21 PolkaMocha: irre damnae cross breed
22:21 Nao Tomori: i
22:21 Nao Tomori: hate both of them
22:21 Nao Tomori: rip
22:21 PolkaMocha: because you have flat curves and zig zaggy cirlces like damnae
22:21 PolkaMocha: and have random mapping with insanely good art at some parts like irre
22:22 Nao Tomori: -_-
22:22 PolkaMocha: ITS A COMPLIMENT
22:22 Nao Tomori: what random =(
22:22 PolkaMocha: well not random but like
22:22 Nao Tomori: ehhh
22:22 PolkaMocha: regular mapping with some like
22:22 PolkaMocha: gorgeous ass mapping bits
22:23 Nao Tomori: i see
22:23 Nao Tomori: thanks
22:23 PolkaMocha: Thats all for the mod btw

special request: hitsounds

titles (your diff name) should be capitalised thoroughly

first of all, the CCs blend too much with the bg. they also are the same or nearly the same shade, which is both likely unrankable. consider using different shades of grey that dont blend with the bg as much.

hitsounds are also sometimes too low, inaudible hitsounds are unrankable too. especially the beginning is too low. consider adding 10-15% overall.

1479237392451.png unused file

drum-hitclap.wav has a delay thats unrankable


04:20:391 - 05:37:586 - not snapped timing lines multiple timing lines at the same time and also not snapped

00:31:732 (1,2) - reverse NC, 00:32:220 - is the new bar

00:39:537 (7,1,2,3) - thats lovely

00:44:659 (4,5) - dont think the jump is appropriate for a Hard difficulty. use normal ds. also contradicts with the rest of your mapping same 01:25:147 (1,2) - 02:51:000 (1,2) -

01:08:561 (5) - would be much better flow-wise like this

02:12:220 (2,3,4,5,6) - that jump kinda doesnt fit here since the drums are all the same. try smth like this: same 02:20:269 (4,5,6,7) -

03:08:318 (1) - too far away to flow well. a little bit more to the left would be smoother to play

04:30:757 (2,3) - try this will flow nicer

04:33:927 (1,2,3,4) - try stacking things like that better

05:22:952 (6) - NC

as for hitsounds

try adding a soft whistle every new bar at the beginning 00:01:001 - 00:02:952 - 00:04:903 - etc

00:20:269 (6) - drum clap or finish would work here on these drums

00:35:147 - 00:35:635 - whistle , 00:41:000 - 00:41:488 - 00:47:342 - 00:46:854 - no whistle? try adding them and further

you need more consistency on the hitsounds, you vary between finish and soft whistle a lot in kiai. 01:29:781 (3) - 01:34:659 - add consistent soft whistle on new bars here too for the kiai, not just finish and remove these soft whistles 01:32:220 (4,1) -

this pretty much repeats, rest is pretty good
Topic Starter
Nao Tomori

BounceBabe wrote:


special request: hitsounds

titles (your diff name) should be capitalised thoroughly w

first of all, the CCs blend too much with the bg. they also are the same or nearly the same shade, which is both likely unrankable. consider using different shades of grey that dont blend with the bg as much. sure.. the issue is. the video and background have no color, so thematically it makes no sense to use different colors than gray.

hitsounds are also sometimes too low, inaudible hitsounds are unrankable too. especially the beginning is too low. consider adding 10-15% overall. ok sur

1479237392451.png unused file

drum-hitclap.wav has a delay thats unrankable



04:20:391 - 05:37:586 - not snapped timing lines multiple timing lines at the same time and also not snapped
fuck green line shit stress

00:31:732 (1,2) - reverse NC, 00:32:220 - is the new bar reason here is that i didnt want a 1 combo nc, but i also wanted to nc on the loud vocal that was introduced here.

00:39:537 (7,1,2,3) - thats lovely

00:44:659 (4,5) - dont think the jump is appropriate for a Hard difficulty. use normal ds. also contradicts with the rest of your mapping same 01:25:147 (1,2) - 02:51:000 (1,2) -
i don't see how the first point is related to the 2nd and 3rd ones. re: first one- i think the kickslider is fine, because it highlights a unique sound in the music. for the 2nd and 3rd ones, i think that pattern compliments the guitar that comes in. i also do similar things at the start of every kiai.

01:08:561 (5) - would be much better flow-wise like this changed

02:12:220 (2,3,4,5,6) - that jump kinda doesnt fit here since the drums are all the same. try smth like this: same 02:20:269 (4,5,6,7) - changed more equal

03:08:318 (1) - too far away to flow well. a little bit more to the left would be smoother to play goal here is to make the player reach for that slider, since it has lot of emphasis. i think it's fine as-is.

04:30:757 (2,3) - try this will flow nicer k

04:33:927 (1,2,3,4) - try stacking things like that better ok

05:22:952 (6) - NC
as for hitsounds

try adding a soft whistle every new bar at the beginning 00:01:001 - 00:02:952 - 00:04:903 - etc

00:20:269 (6) - drum clap or finish would work here on these drums

00:35:147 - 00:35:635 - whistle , 00:41:000 - 00:41:488 - 00:47:342 - 00:46:854 - no whistle? try adding them and further

you need more consistency on the hitsounds, you vary between finish and soft whistle a lot in kiai. 01:29:781 (3) - 01:34:659 - add consistent soft whistle on new bars here too for the kiai, not just finish and remove these soft whistles 01:32:220 (4,1) -

this pretty much repeats, rest is pretty good
thanks for modding, will apply hitsound advice too =D
anna apple
Topic Starter
Nao Tomori
we irc and lost the log
Raging Bull

Not entirely sure, but hitsound is .mp3. I think it's suppose to be .wav

00:10:757 (1) - I'm not entirely sure why this is the only 1/1 slider out of the previous combo and the next few combos. Perhaps change it to 1/2 slider and 1 circle?Or whatever type of pattern you prefer.
00:40:757 (3,4) - Personally I would like to see if there is a way you can try to make the slider start on the white tick and end on the red tick instead. The way it is currently is, it seems like you click on a weak park and the slider ends on a strong part, 'which to me feels like the clicking would be much beneficial.
00:48:561 (2,3) - same as above. Perhaps add one circle, one slider, one circle?
00:52:465 (4,5) - Same as above. I think you can kind of hear the emphasis on "DAreKA ga"
00:56:366 (3,4) - ^ Same as above, especially since he sings the same words. Probably gonna point it out last. Not sure if it's how you want it, but this is just my opinion on white and red ticks and sliders.
01:08:583 (5) - Oh, apparently unsnapped btw.
01:19:049 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Hmm, how bout adding some soft whistles around this area?
01:26:854 (1) - While you started kiai early, I personally think it starts better here as the beginning is more of a build up imo. The change from soft to normal + louder volume sounds like a good build up already for the incoming chorus.
01:37:586 (3) - Personally this would definitely be better on the left side of the map due to the fact that almost the rest of your chorus on this map does this whole back and forth motion. (Plus yura yura sounds really good to have a shaking effect here hehe) I would probably delete 01:38:074 (4) in this case and extend (3) to have one repeat so it doesn't burden your patterns too much. You might need to move next few notes though.
01:40:513 (1,2) - Perhaps change it to 2 1/2 sliders? The repeat just sounds odd to me. The repeat is on the white tick which, as you know by now, feels odd when you should click on a stronger beat. Perhaps making both the sliders as a jump will also emphasize his stronger vocals at this point. The hitsounds fit perfectly with it too if you make it a jump. (all clap hitsound from slider start/end)
01:50:269 (1,2,3,4,1) - Also seems odd as previous and the rest of the song's part over here is mapped with 1/2 repeat slider + note x3 +1 note. Perhaps do that pattern here too?
02:52:708 (1) - Same as 01:26:854 (1) ?
03:17:098 (3) - Perhaps instead of just hard right of the previous pattern, maybe move it to the top more?
03:18:074 (1) - If you do the above, then I'm sure you know what I'm trying to say now. Perhaps move it to the position near 03:16:122 (1) ?
03:19:049 (3) - Move it to near 03:17:098 (3)? If you do the above few mods.
04:19:537- You have an unsnapped green line at slider end btw.
04:43:927 (1) - Same as above few post about kiai.
05:19:049 (1) - Not sure about you, but I think since it's nearing the end of the song, this part should be stronger or have a bigger impact, perhaps increase jump distance? Something like 05:26:854 (1).
05:30:757 (1) - Increase jump also? Basically I'm thinking every 2 stanza on downbeat.

Good luck with the map!
Topic Starter
Nao Tomori

Raging Bull wrote:


Not entirely sure, but hitsound is .mp3. I think it's suppose to be .wav i'll look into it

00:10:757 (1) - I'm not entirely sure why this is the only 1/1 slider out of the previous combo and the next few combos. Perhaps change it to 1/2 slider and 1 circle?Or whatever type of pattern you prefer. this is the only one with one guitar note
00:40:757 (3,4) - Personally I would like to see if there is a way you can try to make the slider start on the white tick and end on the red tick instead. The way it is currently is, it seems like you click on a weak park and the slider ends on a strong part, 'which to me feels like the clicking would be much beneficial.
00:48:561 (2,3) - same as above. Perhaps add one circle, one slider, one circle?
00:52:465 (4,5) - Same as above. I think you can kind of hear the emphasis on "DAreKA ga"
00:56:366 (3,4) - ^ Same as above, especially since he sings the same words. Probably gonna point it out last. Not sure if it's how you want it, but this is just my opinion on white and red ticks and sliders. these are all intentional. a large theme of this map was using the background sounds consistently. if you listen to all of those sliders, they land on notes in the bass. this happens later with some flute stuff too.
01:08:583 (5) - Oh, apparently unsnapped btw. zz hw did that happen lol
01:19:049 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - Hmm, how bout adding some soft whistles around this area? indeed
01:26:854 (1) - While you started kiai early, I personally think it starts better here as the beginning is more of a build up imo. The change from soft to normal + louder volume sounds like a good build up already for the incoming chorus. i wanted that cool burst of stars on the guitar chords though T_T
01:37:586 (3) - Personally this would definitely be better on the left side of the map due to the fact that almost the rest of your chorus on this map does this whole back and forth motion. (Plus yura yura sounds really good to have a shaking effect here hehe) I would probably delete 01:38:074 (4) in this case and extend (3) to have one repeat so it doesn't burden your patterns too much. You might need to move next few notes though. moved around, i'll do this to the rest of the patterns too lo
01:40:513 (1,2) - Perhaps change it to 2 1/2 sliders? The repeat just sounds odd to me. The repeat is on the white tick which, as you know by now, feels odd when you should click on a stronger beat. Perhaps making both the sliders as a jump will also emphasize his stronger vocals at this point. The hitsounds fit perfectly with it too if you make it a jump. (all clap hitsound from slider start/end) i really want to keep all the strongest vocals as 1/1 sliders. a 1/2 slider with a repeat is used here because it makes the map play better, but in the best case scenario it would also be a 1/1 slider. this is consistent with most of the other 1/1 sliders, many of which also ignore a drum since they start on red ticks.
01:50:269 (1,2,3,4,1) - Also seems odd as previous and the rest of the song's part over here is mapped with 1/2 repeat slider + note x3 +1 note. Perhaps do that pattern here too? i'll actually change the other ones ahaha
02:52:708 (1) - Same as 01:26:854 (1) ? same
03:17:098 (3) - Perhaps instead of just hard right of the previous pattern, maybe move it to the top more?
03:18:074 (1) - If you do the above, then I'm sure you know what I'm trying to say now. Perhaps move it to the position near 03:16:122 (1) ?
03:19:049 (3) - Move it to near 03:17:098 (3)? If you do the above few mods.
04:19:537- You have an unsnapped green line at slider end btw. all changed
04:43:927 (1) - Same as above few post about kiai.
05:19:049 (1) - Not sure about you, but I think since it's nearing the end of the song, this part should be stronger or have a bigger impact, perhaps increase jump distance? Something like 05:26:854 (1). eh this note has no drums on it so no increase in spacing or emphasis
05:30:757 (1) - Increase jump also? Basically I'm thinking every 2 stanza on downbeat. enjoy ur pp

Good luck with the map!
thanks for modding!
No kds. It's the season of giving after all. :P

  1. That .mp3 hitsound tho. Nice.

[ Swaying]
  1. 00:27:219 (3,5) - Is this overlap intentional? It's visible ingame and looks kinda meh if I'm honest.
  2. 00:40:634 (3,4) - Make these the same slider?
  3. 00:50:390 (4) - This skips quite a lot of notes. If intentional ignore this, but a repeat would probably be better here.
  4. 01:00:390 (3,4,5,6,7) - Why stream here but not here 00:44:780 (5,6,7)?
  5. 01:21:853 (3,4,2) - Poor blanket tbh. :^)
  6. 01:35:512 (3,1,2,3) - Discontinuing the pattern? You could continue with the sliders shaped like 01:35:512 (3) -
  7. 01:44:780 (2,3,4,5,6) - :thinking: This star though... tidy it up a bit?
  8. 01:48:195 (1,2) - Hmm, this pattern is okay and all but it requires very little movement compared to the patterns you've been using thus far. Considering it's in the kiai too, this is kind of.. underwhelming compared to the rest of the kiai? Yeah, let's go with that. xP
  9. 02:40:877 (2,4) - Make these the same slider?
  10. 03:03:804 (4,5) - Really small spacing compared to the other patterns. I get it's not a strong phrase but maybe a little more spacing just to keep the "this is the kiai" feeling.
  11. 03:08:195 (1,2,3) - Pretty linear flow here. :thinking: I don't think this is a prominent theme, so maybe make it more angular to fit with the rest of the map? 03:21:365 (3,4,1) - as well I think.
  12. 03:15:268 (4,2) - Nice. (don't take this seriously lol)
  13. 03:28:682 (3,4,5) - This pattern makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Not stacking 03:28:682 (3,7) - doesn't ;w;, but if you wanna stack it you'd have to move the whole pattern over. Up to you. \o/
  14. 03:39:414 (1,2,3) - Not symmetrical if that's what you were going for. Rotate 3 a bit more.
  15. 04:25:268 (3,4) - This is the only time you ever stack like this in the map. Maybe don't do a perfect stack but a manual stack?
  16. 04:33:073 (3,4,5) - HMM. Okay so I did say above that there wasn't much linear flow but I mean, this for such a small part seems really demanding in terms of aim. Up to you.
  17. 04:56:731 (4,2,1) - Idk about you but skipping the snare here feels really weird. Reverse sliders would work but I mean, it's up to you in the end. You don't skip it anywhere else in this kiai so doing it here feels out of place.
  18. 05:05:268 (1,3) - This overlap looks MEH to be honest. Maybe have the slider end sit in the middle of the slider track of 1?
  19. 05:12:097 (3,4) - I pointed it out before, I'll point it out again. This is very small spacing compared to the rest of the kiai. You said "because it's a softer sound" but then why didn't you decrease spacing at 01:54:048 (1,2) as much.
    1. Now that I see it, why is this phrase simplified to a slider at 03:20:634 (2)?
    2. Now that I pointed the above out, most of the rhythm in the kiai is inconsistent. Let me give some examples:
      1. 02:56:487 (1,2,3,4,1) and 04:59:414 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - are not the same rhythm, yet the phrase is the same.
      2. 05:03:317 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - 01:46:243 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - are not the same rhythm, yet the phrase is the same.
      3. 04:47:707 (1,2,3,4,1) - compared to 01:30:634 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - and various other places.
  20. 05:35:512 (1) - I've read the previous mods, and I don't think you need a spinner here if you don't want it. It's up to you. But what I will say is what I said before, in that this sound 05:35:512 - I think should be mapped.

Topic Starter
Nao Tomori

Mir wrote:

No kds. It's the season of giving after all. :P

  1. That .mp3 hitsound tho. Nice.

[ Swaying]
  1. 00:27:219 (3,5) - Is this overlap intentional? It's visible ingame and looks kinda meh if I'm honest. a changed
  2. 00:40:634 (3,4) - Make these the same slider?
  3. 00:50:390 (4) - This skips quite a lot of notes. If intentional ignore this, but a repeat would probably be better here. intentional
  4. 01:00:390 (3,4,5,6,7) - Why stream here but not here 00:44:780 (5,6,7)? i want the density of rhythm to be similar in both places, the kickslider at the first one makes it more complex imo.
  5. 01:21:853 (3,4,2) - Poor blanket tbh. :^) i want to jump off of a bridge
  6. 01:35:512 (3,1,2,3) - Discontinuing the pattern? You could continue with the sliders shaped like 01:35:512 (3) - would make the move to 4 awkward imo, i'll change if more ppl say this
  7. 01:44:780 (2,3,4,5,6) - :thinking: This star though... tidy it up a bit? clorox
  8. 01:48:195 (1,2) - Hmm, this pattern is okay and all but it requires very little movement compared to the patterns you've been using thus far. Considering it's in the kiai too, this is kind of.. underwhelming compared to the rest of the kiai? Yeah, let's go with that. xP changed around a bit
  9. 02:40:877 (2,4) - Make these the same slider? k
  10. 03:03:804 (4,5) - Really small spacing compared to the other patterns. I get it's not a strong phrase but maybe a little more spacing just to keep the "this is the kiai" feeling. i think this one is fine, it makes contrast to the jump to the 1/1 and it isnt particularly smaller than some other 1/2 spacings in the kiai.
  11. 03:08:195 (1,2,3) - Pretty linear flow here. :thinking: I don't think this is a prominent theme, so maybe make it more angular to fit with the rest of the map? 03:21:365 (3,4,1) - as well I think. first one changed, 2nd one is fine imo, smaller spacing and winding down kiai.
  12. 03:15:268 (4,2) - Nice. (don't take this seriously lol) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  13. 03:28:682 (3,4,5) - This pattern makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Not stacking 03:28:682 (3,7) - doesn't ;w;, but if you wanna stack it you'd have to move the whole pattern over. Up to you. \o/ think its fine
  14. 03:39:414 (1,2,3) - Not symmetrical if that's what you were going for. Rotate 3 a bit more. a
  15. 04:25:268 (3,4) - This is the only time you ever stack like this in the map. Maybe don't do a perfect stack but a manual stack? don't understand what you mean here
  16. 04:33:073 (3,4,5) - HMM. Okay so I did say above that there wasn't much linear flow but I mean, this for such a small part seems really demanding in terms of aim. Up to you. if this needs demanding aim i feel bad for you to try and clear the ending... think it's fine cuz really small spacing
  17. 04:56:731 (4,2,1) - Idk about you but skipping the snare here feels really weird. Reverse sliders would work but I mean, it's up to you in the end. You don't skip it anywhere else in this kiai so doing it here feels out of place. this fits fine with the whole 1/1 slider for strong vocal thing. also, 03:06:731 - and a ton of other 1/1 sliders skip out on noticeable drums, not to mention the constant 1/2 drums.
  18. 05:05:268 (1,3) - This overlap looks MEH to be honest. Maybe have the slider end sit in the middle of the slider track of 1? moved to left side, linear flow is fine here too for contrast
  19. 05:12:097 (3,4) - I pointed it out before, I'll point it out again. This is very small spacing compared to the rest of the kiai. You said "because it's a softer sound" but then why didn't you decrease spacing at 01:54:048 (1,2) as much. these have the same spacing. i think it's fine.
    1. Now that I see it, why is this phrase simplified to a slider at 03:20:634 (2)?
    2. Now that I pointed the above out, most of the rhythm in the kiai is inconsistent. Let me give some examples:
      1. 02:56:487 (1,2,3,4,1) and 04:59:414 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - are not the same rhythm, yet the phrase is the same.
      2. 05:03:317 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - 01:46:243 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - are not the same rhythm, yet the phrase is the same.
      3. 04:47:707 (1,2,3,4,1) - compared to 01:30:634 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - and various other places.
    this is going to sound like a completely bullshit excuse, but i think that rhythmic differences are fine in this case. as much as i love rhythmic structure, i think that copy-pasting the same rhythm 6 times in the map is a bit boring, and that each different rhythm represents the music just fine with its spacing and tapping requirements.
  20. 05:35:512 (1) - I've read the previous mods, and I don't think you need a spinner here if you don't want it. It's up to you. But what I will say is what I said before, in that this sound 05:35:512 - I think should be mapped. i don't want anything here. a spinner is better than nothing so people stop complaining about nothing being there. notes are bad because if you're like me, you expect the song to be over when the last part of it ends, you don't expect the guy to add in an extra note right at the end on a quiet ass piano just so you miss.

thanks for the mod! i'll look over the kiais again and reconsider my rhythm choices in some places.
Logic Agent
  1. 04:20:263 - this timing line is unsnapped, i don't know if it actually changes anything but just be sure
  2. Some of your hitsound volumes are really low, I reccomend turning them up because currently there is hardly any feedback even at 100% effects volume
  1. 00:10:634 (1) - normally i'm okay with variation near the end of a section but this 1/1 ignores the music and doesn't actually follow the vocal, so if you want to do a 1/1 slider i would put it here 00:11:365
  2. 00:20:877 (2) - two circles instead? breaks up the section and works nice with the vocals
  3. 00:22:829 (2,3) - to follow vocals shouldn't this be ctrl g'd
  4. 00:32:585 (3,6) - stack?
  5. 00:35:024 (3,4,5) - this spacing is pretty huge, I know this isn't like a traditional hard diff but still it's pretty big
  6. I feel like the rhythm of this combo is off, because the synth is much stronger than any drums you could be following. I reccomend changing it to this?
  7. 00:40:390 (2,3,4) - if you ctrl g these, it fits the synth better while having the 2 circles at the end to play with the drums
  8. 00:44:536 (4) - ctrl g? this is kinda sudden and would make it easier to deal with as a new player
  9. there's a lot of rhthyms in this map i don't agree with but ima not point them out
  10. 01:34:292 (6,2,4,2) - this looks p messy
  11. 02:43:560 - 1/1 slider here?

map looks ok
Topic Starter
Nao Tomori

Logic Agent wrote:

  1. 04:20:263 - this timing line is unsnapped, i don't know if it actually changes anything but just be sure yea yea whatever
  2. Some of your hitsound volumes are really low, I reccomend turning them up because currently there is hardly any feedback even at 100% effects volume ok, i'll look into that since a lot of people are saying this
  1. 00:10:634 (1) - normally i'm okay with variation near the end of a section but this 1/1 ignores the music and doesn't actually follow the vocal, so if you want to do a 1/1 slider i would put it here 00:11:365 changed to repeat slider
  2. 00:20:877 (2) - two circles instead? breaks up the section and works nice with the vocals meh the vocals are kind of the same with like "kono" and "mama" anyway, besides 2 circles kills my triangle
  3. 00:22:829 (2,3) - to follow vocals shouldn't this be ctrl g'd yes
  4. 00:32:585 (3,6) - stack? sure
  5. 00:35:024 (3,4,5) - this spacing is pretty huge, I know this isn't like a traditional hard diff but still it's pretty big yeah this is a bit overspaced
  6. I feel like the rhythm of this combo is off, because the synth is much stronger than any drums you could be following. I reccomend changing it to this?

    ctrl g'd on 00:36:487 (3,4) - .
  7. 00:40:390 (2,3,4) - if you ctrl g these, it fits the synth better while having the 2 circles at the end to play with the drums same thing
  8. 00:44:536 (4) - ctrl g? this is kinda sudden and would make it easier to deal with as a new player
  9. there's a lot of rhthyms in this map i don't agree with but ima not point them out :ok_hand:
  10. 01:34:292 (6,2,4,2) - this looks p messy k?
  11. 02:43:560 - 1/1 slider here? meh

map looks ok
My map for mod:

Why stack leniency 4? It seems that you actually dont need that.
You should not seperate your tags by " , " Just use space.
Convert the mp3 hitsounds to wav :D

01:34:536 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - The symmetric stuffs are not working well here tbh:
01:43:317 (3,4,1) - I feel like the jump is unexpectedly large. Though vocal here supports some kind of jump, it's still too large I guess.
02:56:487 (1,3) - Try this: (A larger space between their sliderbodies for a better appearance)
02:58:438 (1,3) - Try some kind of blanket here
03:09:170 (3,4) - Jump is too large imo. Also as you could see here: Please try to make the space between sldierbodies more consistent.
03:17:951 (5) - Seems you forgot an NC
03:16:731 (2,3,4,5) - Also too large jumps with antiflows.
03:23:804 (1,2,3,4) - It feels a bit strange with the distance spacing here. 03:24:536 (2,3) - There ought to be a jump to emphasize on the heavy drums on 3 but now there is a larger spacing at 03:24:780 (3,4) - .
03:25:512 (4) - You need an NC here
03:28:682 (3,4) - Try blankets with sldierbodies.
03:41:121 (5) - NC
03:45:024 (4) - NC
03:49:170 (5) - NC
03:52:829 (4) - NC
For latter sections too. Keep your NC consistent with former parts (NC every long whiteline)
03:34:780 (6,7) - Ought to be a smaller spacing.
03:37:463 (1,2,3,4) - Better blanket pls
03:47:707 (2,3) - Smaller spacing works better. It is different from 03:44:292 (3) - where there is a clap hitsound on it. Also it needs to be consistent with 03:50:390 (9,1) - .
03:55:512 (2,3) - Same
04:07:707 (3,4) - It feels really sad that you didnt blanket them. If you are not willing to make a blanket, just move it to other places.
04:12:585 (1) - Those extended sliders should end at 1/2. Because there are sounds snapped at 1/2 like 04:13:317 - while there are nothing on 1/4.
04:28:195 (1,2,3,4) - Try to use a consistent spacing among those sliders. They sound the same
04:30:634 (2,3) - And the jump is really unreasonable as well. Same for 04:31:609 (4,1,2) - . Nothing supports them
04:34:780 (3,4,5) - Blanket
05:03:804 (2,4) - I beg you, please blanket
05:15:024 (1,2,3,4) - Need improvement in shape. Make a circle with four identical sliders pls
05:21:853 (3,4) - Please place them further from each other to prevent misread.

Call me back when you think it's ready
Well, I completely forgot about my CBCC m4m's sorry for the super late return mod :D.

00:07:219 (3,4) - Really wish you'd make your blankets neater. If you plan on using these sorts of triangle structures, blankets really help with the visual aesthetic. Otherwise the neatness of your patterns is overshadowed by the inperfect slider shapes.
00:18:926 (3,4,5,6) - Your structure kinda gets inconsistent here in terms of the visual spacings you use.
00:29:658 (4,5,1) - Rrregular spacing
00:43:682 (1,2,3,4,5) - Really inconsistent spacing throughout.
01:08:926 (6,1) - The vocal is syncopated onto the red tick so you should put the jump on 6 instead. The downbeat isn't emphasized so the jump doesn't make much sense.
01:14:536 (5,6) - An arrangement like this makes the 1/8 slider look like two circles tbh xP.
01:18:926 (1,2,3) - irregular spacings.
01:25:512 - Weird that you don't map this drum beat tho,.
01:34:292 (6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - You have a good idea here, but I think its better to put the jumps on the sliders rather than on the circles. Stuff like 01:34:536 (1,2,3) - is emphasizing the wrong note
01:43:317 (3,4,1) - Quite hard to read with all these slider head/tail overlaps. This is something out of my kuroko diff tbh xd
03:22:341 (2,3) - Really big jump out of nowhere. 03:22:829 (3,4) - Same
Second Kiai is a lot better imo.
03:41:853 (6,7,8) - Spacing is visibly off
04:39:902 (1,2,3,4) - These sliders aren't parallel xd


Generally your flow is pretty good. It's a bit harsh at some places though, especially when you do circle > slidertail stack patterns. It's your structure and aesthetic that could use work imo. Your style seems to emphasize structure to some extent, but you don't really transition well from one pattern to another imo, which is why you end up having different structures and visual spacings colliding sometimes. Choice of emphasis is not bad, though some places seem a bit out of place/unnecessary.

You could improve this map's aesthetic quite a bit by just being nazi and fixing small spacing errors and blankets here and there. I only pointed out some places, I don't like spamming nazi stuff but yea theres quite a few more, and it's something self-modding usually irons out.

Good luck!
Topic Starter
Nao Tomori

Regraz wrote:

My map for mod:

Why stack leniency 4? It seems that you actually dont need that.
You should not seperate your tags by " , " Just use space.
Convert the mp3 hitsounds to wav :D

01:34:536 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - The symmetric stuffs are not working well here tbh:
01:43:317 (3,4,1) - I feel like the jump is unexpectedly large. Though vocal here supports some kind of jump, it's still too large I guess.
02:56:487 (1,3) - Try this: (A larger space between their sliderbodies for a better appearance)
02:58:438 (1,3) - Try some kind of blanket here
03:09:170 (3,4) - Jump is too large imo. Also as you could see here: Please try to make the space between sldierbodies more consistent.
03:17:951 (5) - Seems you forgot an NC
03:16:731 (2,3,4,5) - Also too large jumps with antiflows. i think consistently using circle stacked on slider end is fine here with vocal emphasis
03:23:804 (1,2,3,4) - It feels a bit strange with the distance spacing here. 03:24:536 (2,3) - There ought to be a jump to emphasize on the heavy drums on 3 but now there is a larger spacing at 03:24:780 (3,4) - .
03:25:512 (4) - You need an NC here
03:28:682 (3,4) - Try blankets with sldierbodies.
03:41:121 (5) - NC
03:45:024 (4) - NC
03:49:170 (5) - NC
03:52:829 (4) - NC
For latter sections too. Keep your NC consistent with former parts (NC every long whiteline)
03:34:780 (6,7) - Ought to be a smaller spacing.
03:37:463 (1,2,3,4) - Better blanket pls
03:47:707 (2,3) - Smaller spacing works better. It is different from 03:44:292 (3) - where there is a clap hitsound on it. Also it needs to be consistent with 03:50:390 (9,1) - .
03:55:512 (2,3) - Same
04:07:707 (3,4) - It feels really sad that you didnt blanket them. If you are not willing to make a blanket, just move it to other places.
04:12:585 (1) - Those extended sliders should end at 1/2. Because there are sounds snapped at 1/2 like 04:13:317 - while there are nothing on 1/4. extended string sound in bg = 3/4 slider
04:28:195 (1,2,3,4) - Try to use a consistent spacing among those sliders. They sound the same
04:30:634 (2,3) - And the jump is really unreasonable as well. Same for 04:31:609 (4,1,2) - . Nothing supports them change in strumming note in the background + its really tiny jump so its just less boring idk
04:34:780 (3,4,5) - Blanket
05:03:804 (2,4) - I beg you, please blanket
05:15:024 (1,2,3,4) - Need improvement in shape. Make a circle with four identical sliders pls
05:21:853 (3,4) - Please place them further from each other to prevent misread. dont think people will misread this tbh

Call me back when you think it's ready

Monstrata wrote:

Well, I completely forgot about my CBCC m4m's sorry for the super late return mod :D. d

00:07:219 (3,4) - Really wish you'd make your blankets neater. If you plan on using these sorts of triangle structures, blankets really help with the visual aesthetic. Otherwise the neatness of your patterns is overshadowed by the inperfect slider shapes.
00:18:926 (3,4,5,6) - Your structure kinda gets inconsistent here in terms of the visual spacings you use.
00:29:658 (4,5,1) - Rrregular spacing
00:43:682 (1,2,3,4,5) - Really inconsistent spacing throughout. think it looks even enough in the rectangle shape
01:08:926 (6,1) - The vocal is syncopated onto the red tick so you should put the jump on 6 instead. The downbeat isn't emphasized so the jump doesn't make much sense.
01:14:536 (5,6) - An arrangement like this makes the 1/8 slider look like two circles tbh xP.
01:18:926 (1,2,3) - irregular spacings.
01:25:512 - Weird that you don't map this drum beat tho,.
01:34:292 (6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - You have a good idea here, but I think its better to put the jumps on the sliders rather than on the circles. Stuff like 01:34:536 (1,2,3) - is emphasizing the wrong note
01:43:317 (3,4,1) - Quite hard to read with all these slider head/tail overlaps. This is something out of my kuroko diff tbh xd i think i do the circle + slider end stuff regularly enough that it isn't out of the blue or unexpected or something
03:22:341 (2,3) - Really big jump out of nowhere. 03:22:829 (3,4) - Same deep drums come in there so i put bigger spacing, nerfed a bit to make it a bit more even
Second Kiai is a lot better imo.
03:41:853 (6,7,8) - Spacing is visibly off
04:39:902 (1,2,3,4) - These sliders aren't parallel xd it's my style


Generally your flow is pretty good. It's a bit harsh at some places though, especially when you do circle > slidertail stack patterns. It's your structure and aesthetic that could use work imo. Your style seems to emphasize structure to some extent, but you don't really transition well from one pattern to another imo, which is why you end up having different structures and visual spacings colliding sometimes. Choice of emphasis is not bad, though some places seem a bit out of place/unnecessary.

You could improve this map's aesthetic quite a bit by just being nazi and fixing small spacing errors and blankets here and there. I only pointed out some places, I don't like spamming nazi stuff but yea theres quite a few more, and it's something self-modding usually irons out.

Good luck!
did a lot of self nazi modding too during my timeout
nao is so cute
M4M here.


  1. Fixed a couple of rhythms that were ignored.
  2. Fixed some patterns to increase the aesthetics.
  3. Improved the flow in some sections of the difficulty.
  4. Added some hitsounds that were missed, and replaced some files with some delay by another ones.
  5. Changed the volume in some parts to make it fit to the song.
00:09 Nao Tomori: Yo
00:10 Gero: hey o/
00:24 Nao Tomori: hi
00:24 Nao Tomori: sorry, i'm back.
00:25 Nao Tomori: can we m4m?
00:28 Gero: hey sure thing
00:28 Gero: in which set do you need help?
00:28 *Nao Tomori is listening to [ soraru - Yurayura]
00:29 Nao Tomori: this one, it's a marathon.
00:29 Gero: I'm fine with it ^^
00:35 Gero: well done, wanna do an IRC mod right now?
00:35 Nao Tomori: sure
00:36 Gero: looks great, I just saw a couple of this that could be improved and that's all
00:36 Nao Tomori: of course
00:39 Nao Tomori: btw i noticed a whole bunch of hitsound inconsistencies, i'll try and fix those..
00:39 Gero: sure, take your time with it
00:39 Gero: this going to be your first Qualify? =O
00:40 Nao Tomori: eh, this map is not even bubbled lol
00:41 Gero: ofc not I mean aim for qualify haha
00:41 Nao Tomori: hmm
00:41 Nao Tomori: i have another map that is bubbled atm, but i'm waiting for monstrata to go over it with me.
00:41 Gero: oh that's cool
00:42 Nao Tomori: this one is a bit older than that one, so i'd like to make this one ranked first too \o/
00:42 Gero: I'll help you with that, it's a good difficulty and the song is also really nice <3
00:42 Nao Tomori: cool, thanks!
00:42 Gero: btw would you mind to take a look at your objects? there's some that aren't not snapped in a proper way
00:43 Nao Tomori: oh my
00:43 Gero: 00:41:858 (1) - this for example
00:43 Gero: maybe a fully resnap might help it to avoid a possible issue after the nomination, you know
00:44 Nao Tomori: hmm idk how that happened
00:44 Gero: sometimes it happen xD
00:45 Nao Tomori: strange
00:47 Gero: you'll take care about hitsounds right? because I noticed something in here 00:31:609 (1) - probably would be a lot better to silence the end of this slider, just as you did before with this 00:18:317 - one
00:47 Gero: I think you could use 5% or either 10% in both to keep the consistency
00:47 Gero: it's a bit annoying to hear that if you ask me :c
00:50 Gero: 00:44:536 (4,5) - honestly this was a bit unpredictable while playing, I almost lost the combo in this part, I think you could move them more closer each others, otherwise use a NC in the slider to help players notice that the spacing is different here
00:50 Gero: I'd like to use the first suggestion tbh
00:51 Nao Tomori: lets see..
00:51 Nao Tomori: i fixed the first thing
00:51 Nao Tomori: the 2nd thing...
00:51 Nao Tomori: yeah i'll move it closer then.
00:52 Gero: just a bit, I don't want you to ruin your pattern
00:52 Nao Tomori:
00:52 Nao Tomori: this way, 2-3-4 is equally spaced
00:53 Gero: alright, it's good enough then
00:55 Gero: 00:59:292 (7) - looks really interesting and cool, but at first I really thought it was a 1/4 triple instead 1/8 which confused me a lot and probably it's unreadable for others too, could you use another kind of position for this 00:59:292 (7) - slider? I mean the rhythm is totally fine, but that overlap is totally random through
00:55 Gero: 01:14:902 (6,1) - same as above
00:55 Nao Tomori: hmm
00:56 Nao Tomori: so, the reason i did that was so that it looked like a triple
00:56 Nao Tomori: like, the idea is that the player plays it as a triple anyway
00:56 Nao Tomori: so it seems meaningless to have it look different to me.
00:56 Gero: yeah but I stopped to hold the bottom after that because I thought it was a triple and I almost lost the combo at that part
00:56 Gero: that's why it was weird for me
00:57 Nao Tomori: hmm
00:57 Nao Tomori: alright i'll make the slider end stick out a bit
00:57 Gero: sure that sounds better
00:57 Nao Tomori:
00:58 Gero: it's good for me
00:59 Gero: btw 01:17:951 (4) - are you sure that you want to ignore the triple in this part? I think it's a little bit inconsistent due that you mapped them before too
00:59 Gero: 00:54:536 (3,4,5) - like this one
01:00 Gero: [ maybe this rhythm or either a triple]
01:01 Nao Tomori: i'll use a triple there.
01:01 Gero: 01:26:731 (1) - same thing about the 1/4 end, I guess you'll fix all of them so I'll stop to mention that
01:02 Nao Tomori: ya, i fixed those random ones i missed somehow.
01:02 Nao Tomori: probably screwed up when i re copied my hitsounding
01:05 Gero: 04:34:292 (2,4) - Could you do a perfect overlap with the tail of 4 to improve the aesthetic a bit more and get a polished one
01:06 Nao Tomori: eek i dnt know how that got messed up
01:07 Gero: that's all~
01:08 Gero: take a look at the modding assistant thingy if is possible, seems like there's a hitsound file that has a delay but I can't tell which one since I'm not that good at it
01:08 Nao Tomori: ya people have been bugging me about that since forever i just too lazy to fix it xd..
01:08 Gero: tell me when you're ready, so I can nominate it~
01:08 Nao Tomori: well i'll finish up fixing hitsound in 5 mins or so
01:09 Nao Tomori: okay!
01:09 Gero: take your time, I'll be here xD
01:32 Nao Tomori: hmm i believe i fixed everything
01:33 Gero: already? could you np it once again?
01:33 *Nao Tomori is editing [ soraru - Yurayura [Cruelty]]
01:33 Nao Tomori: regarding hitsounds, and the unrankable one at least.
01:33 Nao Tomori: unless i missed stuff, which is ofc possible
01:41 Gero: everything seems good already
01:41 Gero: are you ready? or you want to change anything before the nomination?
01:42 Nao Tomori: lemme just.. play it once to see if i notice something
01:42 Gero: alright, go ahead
01:49 Nao Tomori: alright, i fiddled with some hitsound volunes
01:49 Nao Tomori: i think it's fine now
01:50 Gero: alright then

~ Bubbled #1 ~
00:47:219 (7,1) - I think this ought to be in larger spacing? For emphasis on the cymbal sound on 1.
01:18:926 (1,2,3) - I think the spacing here should be equal?
01:44:780 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - star pattern pls ;w;
02:40:390 (1,2) - Blanket?
03:15:999 (1,2,3,4,1) - I am thinkin 03:16:731 (2,3) - could be a flow break for this pattern, which is not suitable for the gameplay here.
03:34:048 (5,6,7) - Blanket...
05:21:853 (3,4) - Too close..could be misread as 1/4
Topic Starter
Nao Tomori
fixed all except 3:15 and 3:34


Regraz wrote:

00:47:219 (7,1) - I think this ought to be in larger spacing? For emphasis on the cymbal sound on 1. fixed!
01:18:926 (1,2,3) - I think the spacing here should be equal? fixed!
01:44:780 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - star pattern pls ;w; fixed!
02:40:390 (1,2) - Blanket? fixed!
03:15:999 (1,2,3,4,1) - I am thinkin 03:16:731 (2,3) - could be a flow break for this pattern, which is not suitable for the gameplay here. not changed, since it is a pattern that has movement similar to the one at 1:44.
03:34:048 (5,6,7) - Blanket... not supposed to be blanket
05:21:853 (3,4) - Too close..could be misread as 1/4 fixed!
Please make the cute stars perfect ;w;
Otherwise they will be sad.
Topic Starter
Nao Tomori
Thank you Regraz and Gero!

Regraz you can be my perfect star <3
Discussed some things with Nao. Mainly improved visual concepts and ideas. Nothing major! Approved. Good job :D.

00:00 Monstrata: lemme look through yurayura
00:00 Monstrata: i can probably flame tonight
00:01 Nao Tomori: :o
00:01 Nao Tomori: cool
00:01 Monstrata: unless
00:01 Monstrata: you want to rank both at the same time
00:01 Nao Tomori: i was.. considering it tbh
00:01 Monstrata: xD
00:01 Nao Tomori: but i don't really have the bn-power to do that unless i get regraz to bubble the other one too
00:01 Monstrata: oh hey ur structure is better now
00:02 Nao Tomori: ya i spent a while working on it while i was silenced
00:03 Monstrata: 00:18:438 (1,2,3) - could probably be consistent imo.
00:03 Monstrata: well
00:03 Monstrata: the position of 2 kinda messes up your visuals with 00:19:902 (5) -
00:03 Nao Tomori: yea
00:04 Nao Tomori: i didn't have a way to do that sharp angle without that thing tho
00:04 Nao Tomori: didn't want a big jump
00:04 Monstrata: to be fair tho 00:19:414 (4,5,6) - the spacing here isn't consistent either
00:04 Monstrata: you can see the structural inconsistency if you look at the head of slider 4 then 5 > 6
00:05 Nao Tomori: mm
00:06 Monstrata: 00:32:097 (2,3,4) - same.
00:06 Monstrata: could be more consistent
00:06 Nao Tomori: hmm
00:06 Monstrata: when the spacing difference is that little, you don't really get any extra emphasis onto 3 anyways
00:06 Nao Tomori: 00:32:097 (2,3,4,5) -
00:06 Nao Tomori: i wanted this star pattern
00:06 Nao Tomori: so i guess move 00:31:609 (1,2) - down and right a bit
00:06 Monstrata: yep
00:07 Monstrata: you could like
00:07 Monstrata: rotate 1 and 2 a bit maybe?
00:07 Monstrata: generally wave sliders like 00:31:609 (1) - look better when they are horizontal or vertical anyways
00:08 Monstrata: 00:34:048 (1,2,4) - Potential for a triangle pattern here
00:09 Nao Tomori: hmm
00:09 Monstrata: 00:37:951 (1) - you could integrate this placement better with the sliders 00:36:487 (3,5) - to form a blanket pattern
00:10 Nao Tomori: 00:34:048 (1,2,5) -
00:10 Monstrata: generall with patterns like 00:37:219 (5,6,1) - where its curved slider > jump somewhere > jumping back to fit the blanket, people will notice blanket patterns so making it inconsistent is noticeable
00:10 Nao Tomori: i used that as the triangular pattern
00:11 Nao Tomori: hmm
00:11 Monstrata: 00:35:268 (4) - move to 162 || 219 and you can see the triangle pattern i mean
00:12 Nao Tomori: ah
00:12 Nao Tomori: yeah.
00:12 Monstrata: a lot of this is just finetuning placement so it looks more cohesive
00:12 Nao Tomori: mhm
00:14 Monstrata: 00:39:414 (7,1,2) - this looks a bit off. for this, an easy method to set up a good pattern is taking 00:39:414 (7,1) -
00:14 Monstrata: copy/paste, and ctrl+H
00:14 Monstrata: then restack using 00:39:902 (1) - as a reference point
00:14 Monstrata: then you set up a self-contained symmetry there
00:14 Monstrata: taking advantage of the fact slider 1 is perfectly horizontal
00:16 Nao Tomori: i think i used a 120 degree rotation there
00:16 Nao Tomori: but, looks like 2 slider got messed up
00:16 Nao Tomori: so i replaced it with that method
00:16 Monstrata: okay
00:16 Monstrata: yea this method is probably better cuz of the orientation.
00:16 Monstrata:
00:17 Monstrata: lot of blank space there, so
00:17 Monstrata: symmetrical is better than rotational
00:17 Monstrata: 00:41:121 (4) - when you fix dont forget to adjust this slider too for symmetr
00:17 Monstrata: 00:43:073 (4) - stack with 00:41:853 (1) - 's tail.
00:18 Monstrata: 00:44:536 (4,7) - these aren't parallel make them parallel
00:18 Monstrata: 00:46:243 (3,4) - good job here tho. people usually forget to take the stacking mechanic into account when constructing visuals. +1
00:19 Nao Tomori: fixed fixed fixed
00:19 Nao Tomori: mm
00:19 Nao Tomori: i was considering manual stacking that thing downwards tbh
00:19 Monstrata: 00:58:438 (5) - potential for polygon pattern
00:19 Monstrata:
00:20 Nao Tomori: actually i just did that
00:20 Monstrata: using 00:57:463 (1,2) - as a base
00:20 Monstrata: it makes no difference anyways xD
00:20 Monstrata: (the stack i mean)
00:20 Nao Tomori: hmm
00:21 Nao Tomori: ok, fixed
00:21 Monstrata: 01:02:341 (4,5,6) - kinda nazi but the spacing isn't consistent :D
00:21 Monstrata: just use Ctrl+Arrow keys to refine
00:21 Nao Tomori: kinda nazi
00:21 Nao Tomori: that's kinda nazi?
00:21 Nao Tomori: orz
00:21 Nao Tomori: fixed
00:21 Monstrata: xD
00:21 Monstrata: tbh this whole irc is kinda nazi :D
00:22 Nao Tomori: mm
00:22 Monstrata: 01:18:438 (7,1) - using different slider shapes is kinda ehh...
00:22 Nao Tomori: i suck at this kind of thing lol
00:23 Monstrata: lol. yea. well, a lot of stuff like this is usually done in the mapping phase once you get better at constructing patterns and stuff
00:23 Nao Tomori: fixed
00:24 Monstrata: 01:29:658 (3,4,5,6,1) - just wondering but do you think if you had more room
00:24 Monstrata: you'd make 1 like somewhere above 4+5?
00:25 Monstrata: example:
00:25 Nao Tomori: ideally i'd make 1 blanket 5
00:25 Monstrata: in a similar orientation to what i did? (obviously nicer)
00:25 Nao Tomori: hmm
00:25 Nao Tomori: i'd keep the vertical one
00:25 Nao Tomori: cuz i wanted to make it different from the
00:25 Nao Tomori: yura yura part
00:26 Nao Tomori: cuz yura yura = swaying or something
00:26 Monstrata: oh. uh disregard slider design, but would you put the head near there?
00:26 Nao Tomori: so it sways from side to side
00:26 Monstrata: just hypothetical btw. not asking for a change
00:27 Nao Tomori:
00:27 Nao Tomori: something like this probably
00:27 Monstrata: ah
00:27 Monstrata: okay yea
00:27 Monstrata: thats what i was thinking
00:27 Nao Tomori: i had to move 5 down to get that thouh
00:27 Monstrata: cuz 4>5>6 is rotational going in a counterclockwise movement
00:27 Monstrata: 5>6>1 breaks that by going counterclockwise
00:28 Monstrata: thats how the jump would be analyzed in terms of flow
00:28 Nao Tomori: hmm
00:28 Monstrata: well, you set up the rotation with 3>4>5>6
00:28 Nao Tomori: i wasn't thinking about the rotation but rather how the section changes from horizontal to vertical
00:29 Monstrata: hmm ic. usually jump and object transitions still follow this idea of rotational flow tho.
00:29 Monstrata: for example i could set up something like
00:29 Monstrata:
00:30 Monstrata: 3>4>5>6>1 goes from vertical to horizontal
00:30 Monstrata: but theres still also a rotation involved thats counterclockwise
00:30 Monstrata: albeit very subtle
00:30 Nao Tomori: i see
00:30 Nao Tomori: yeah
00:30 Nao Tomori: so you think the change in flow is bad there?
00:30 Monstrata: but anyways this is more like jump pattern theory lol
00:31 Monstrata: i think if you want to improve it to something like that screenshot you did earlier
00:31 Monstrata: theres a way ou can do that
00:31 Nao Tomori: hmm
00:31 Nao Tomori: i'm not sure it's an improvement.
00:31 Monstrata: then lets continue xD
00:31 Nao Tomori: since continuing that rotational movement for one more object
00:32 Nao Tomori: though that object is supposed to be a transition in the patterning doesn't do it's job im
00:32 Nao Tomori: imo
00:32 Nao Tomori: ok =D
00:32 Monstrata: okay xD
00:32 Monstrata: mainly pointed it out for flow analysis anyways not so much to fix necessarily
00:32 Nao Tomori: i see
00:33 Monstrata: 01:32:585 (1,2,3) - similar to earlier about the symmetry thing. you could probably do something here
00:33 Nao Tomori: well i didn't think of it that way before, so it was helpful \o/
00:33 Monstrata: either deleting 2 and copypasting 1+3 to set up the pattern again
00:33 Monstrata: or moving circle 3
00:33 Nao Tomori:
00:33 Nao Tomori: this looks symmetrical to me o.o
00:34 Monstrata: hm
00:34 Monstrata: thats not what it looks like on my screen
00:34 Monstrata:
00:34 Monstrata: and im on updated version
00:34 Monstrata: unless you fixed after bubble but haven't updated yet
00:34 Nao Tomori: ok it isn't symmetrical
00:34 Nao Tomori: fixed
00:34 Monstrata: k
00:34 Monstrata: 01:34:048 (5,6) - also spacing isn't consistent with 3+4
00:35 Nao Tomori: moved 5 down
00:35 Monstrata: shouldn't you move 6 up a bit?
00:35 Monstrata: since 4>5>1 is forming a visual structure
00:36 Monstrata:
00:36 Nao Tomori: but 4 5 6 is spaced wrong
00:36 Monstrata: o right .
00:36 Monstrata: assuming you fixed 3 by moving it instead of deleting slider 2
00:36 Monstrata: okay
00:37 Nao Tomori: 01:34:048 (5,1,2) - then i can make this a triangle or something
00:37 Monstrata: 01:34:536 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - pretty cool
00:38 Monstrata: 01:56:975 (3,4) - these are technically off centre
00:38 Monstrata: x:256 is the center of the screen
00:38 Monstrata: so just move them one pixel left/right and ya
00:39 Nao Tomori: .
00:39 Monstrata: 01:57:951 (1,2,3) - Potential for cleaner visual structure here
00:39 Nao Tomori: fixed
00:39 Monstrata: 02:06:243 (2) - spacing here is inconsistent too
00:40 Monstrata: 02:11:365 (6) - put this higher up or something cuz the spacing is too similar for the emphasis to be that strongly felt
00:40 Monstrata: actually
00:40 Nao Tomori: hmm disagree
00:40 Monstrata: could try
00:40 Monstrata:
00:40 Monstrata: rearranging 5 instead since you want that structure with 4>6>1
00:40 Monstrata: and later too
00:40 Nao Tomori: ah
00:41 Nao Tomori: need to change 4 5 shape then
00:41 Nao Tomori: to look like a blanket
00:41 Monstrata: yea
00:42 Monstrata: for 02:12:585 (4,5,6,7) - you could make it structurally similar, then ctrl+G 7 instead .
00:42 Monstrata:
00:42 Monstrata: something like that
00:43 Monstrata: 02:15:999 (2) - 181||337 looks nicer in terms of structure. you might have to break regular spacing concept here though. but its up to you here. looks cleaner in terms of visuals tho
00:44 Monstrata: 02:17:707 (2) - spacing looks off if you consider the slider-tail of 1 (which is what most ppl will consider)
00:44 Monstrata: visual spacing is more apparent than actual spacing
00:45 Nao Tomori: fixed all
00:45 Nao Tomori: ok i fixed this burst too
00:45 Monstrata: 02:25:146 (1,2,3) - you could like, move circle 2 down a bit, or slider 3+4 up a bit so the structure is more consistent
00:46 Monstrata:
00:46 Monstrata: 02:29:902 (3,4,5) - symmetry thing from earlier could apply here too
00:46 Nao Tomori: ya moved 2
00:47 Monstrata: 02:35:024 (1,2,3,4) - could be more parallel 1>2 is smaller than 3>4
00:47 Monstrata: slightly
00:48 Monstrata: oh hey 02:55:512 (1,2,3,4,1) - this jump pattern follows the flow analysis i talked about earlier haha
00:48 Nao Tomori: mm
00:49 Nao Tomori: ok fixed
00:49 Nao Tomori: also, yeah
00:49 Monstrata: 03:19:414 (4) - try a placement like 243||8 looks a bit cleaner:
00:50 Nao Tomori: mm
00:50 Nao Tomori: fixed
00:50 Monstrata: 03:46:243 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - rip star pattern tho ;c
00:50 Monstrata: see if you can fix that
00:51 Nao Tomori: aa
00:51 Nao Tomori: everyone likes their star patterns so much
00:51 Nao Tomori: regraz refused to bubble until i fixed this one random star pattern
00:51 Monstrata: mmmmhmmmm xD
00:53 Monstrata: 04:08:438 (4) - odd placement imo. you don't do partial overlaps very often
00:53 Monstrata: could try something like
00:54 Nao Tomori: ok fixed
00:54 Monstrata: 04:33:073 (3,4,5) - You could probably copy 3+4 and Ctrl+J to get a neater placement for circle 5
00:54 Nao Tomori: hmm
00:54 Monstrata:
00:55 Monstrata: just an idea tho
00:55 Monstrata: to give some pattern justification for 5. but its not like absolutely necessary
00:55 Nao Tomori: ok fixed
00:56 Monstrata: 04:33:804 (1) - move this one pixel left to fix the stack
00:56 Monstrata: totally not nazi :D
00:56 Nao Tomori: -_
00:57 Nao Tomori: fixed that entire thing' stack
00:57 Monstrata: 04:45:756 (1,2,3) - did i go over this technique with you yet?
00:57 Monstrata: in my uh techniques diff
00:57 Nao Tomori: er
00:57 Nao Tomori: no >.>
00:57 Monstrata: o rip. okay
00:57 Monstrata: theres a way you can find the best placement for circle 3
00:57 Monstrata: Take 04:45:756 (1) - copy/paste.
00:57 Nao Tomori: i just did equal spacing from 1 body as 2
00:58 Monstrata: convert the second slider into a stream
00:58 Nao Tomori: `k
00:58 Monstrata: delete the 4 circles on either side, use the one on the center
00:58 Monstrata: and 04:46:487 (2) -
00:58 Monstrata: copy/paste stack to get the position
00:59 Nao Tomori: fixed
00:59 Monstrata: that technique is pretty good for setting up bow/arrow slider designs too
00:59 Monstrata: if you decide to try them in the future haha
00:59 Nao Tomori: mm
01:00 Nao Tomori: atm i am pretty against overlaps, but we'll see in future
01:00 Monstrata: if its done well
01:00 Monstrata: only the track will overlap slightly
01:01 Monstrata: random example:
01:01 Nao Tomori: ya
01:01 Nao Tomori: but i don't like how those look currently :D
01:01 Monstrata: ah ic
01:01 Monstrata: ok
01:02 Monstrata: hmm
01:02 Monstrata: 04:53:317 (4) - stuff like this kinda goes against your side to side swinging movement
01:02 Nao Tomori: yea
01:02 Nao Tomori: hmm
01:03 Monstrata: 05:09:902 (2,3) - same with this
01:03 Monstrata: position 2 to the right of 05:09:170 (1) - instead and move 3 more to the right too. if you want to continue that swinging motion
01:04 Nao Tomori: yea lemme rework that section real quick
01:04 Monstrata: 05:11:853 (2,3,4) - Hmm... you'r against overlaps so uh idk about this lol. pretty hard to read especially considering AR too
01:04 Monstrata: okay
01:09 Nao Tomori: i haven't seen anyone misread that tbh
01:10 Monstrata: hmm okay
01:10 Monstrata: lemme know when you finish redoing that section and i can carry on
01:10 Nao Tomori: yeah, finished
01:11 Monstrata: 05:05:268 (1,2,3,4,5) - this pattern could be structured better. maybe a blanket patter with 3>5 or something. as well as a triangle structure between 2>3's slider-end and 5
01:12 Monstrata: 05:19:414 (2,3,5) - feels really close together. you could just highlight the 3 and scale them out a bit more i think.
01:12 Monstrata: structure is slightly inconsistent with
01:12 Nao Tomori: hmm
01:13 Nao Tomori: 05:20:146 (5) - i could stack on 2
01:14 Nao Tomori: or
01:14 Nao Tomori:
01:14 Monstrata: i would just scale it out slightly, or redo the patterning here, then fix 05:18:926 (1) - to account for the new placement of 05:19:658 (3) -
01:14 Monstrata: cuz its a pretty noticeably structure extension from 05:17:707 (3,5,7) -
01:14 Monstrata: oh
01:14 Monstrata: hmmmm
01:15 Monstrata: thats not bad too. but i think linear is betterfor consistency with 05:19:902 (4,6,7) -
01:15 Monstrata: also for 05:19:902 (4,6,7) - the 4 isn't in the center. you know how to find the center right?
01:15 Monstrata: between 6 and 7
01:15 Nao Tomori: 6ea
01:16 Monstrata: 05:29:170 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - inb4 GREETINGS
01:16 Monstrata: okay ye thats all for me xD
01:17 Nao Tomori: naxess pls
01:17 Nao Tomori: i just wanted some of my inner bearizm out
01:17 Monstrata: loool
01:18 Nao Tomori: hmm
01:18 Nao Tomori: i'll update then?
01:18 Monstrata: oh
01:18 Monstrata: one last thing
01:18 Nao Tomori: or actually
01:18 Monstrata: about combo color
01:18 Nao Tomori: ugh
01:18 Nao Tomori: so many people
01:18 Monstrata: do you think the dark grey one is a bit too similar to bg? xD
01:18 Nao Tomori: complained about that
01:18 Monstrata: o xD
01:18 Nao Tomori: but if you watch the actual video of the song
01:18 Nao Tomori: there's like
01:18 Nao Tomori: light gray
01:18 Nao Tomori: and dark gray
01:19 Nao Tomori: and thats it -_
01:19 Monstrata:
01:19 Nao Tomori: so i think it's fine
01:19 Monstrata: seems hard to read tho
01:19 Nao Tomori: hmm
01:19 Nao Tomori: ya if you're an idiot playing with 0 bg dim
01:19 Nao Tomori: not my problem /me runs
01:19 Monstrata: lemme just play with color settings and see if theres a better one
01:20 Nao Tomori: it looks fine to me at 40 dim
01:20 Nao Tomori: ok
01:20 Monstrata:
01:20 Monstrata: better
01:20 Monstrata: i think
01:21 Monstrata: 112/112/112 for rbg
01:21 Nao Tomori: thats darker isn't it
01:21 Monstrata: slightly darker yea
01:21 Monstrata: or do you have a reason for not making it darker?
01:21 Nao Tomori: ok changed
01:21 Nao Tomori: no i was just gonna play with it then you said the rgb lol
01:22 Monstrata: ah xD
01:22 Monstrata: k update i guess.
01:22 Monstrata:
01:22 Monstrata: as long as yo udidnt blanket her face
01:22 Monstrata: ur fine
01:22 Nao Tomori: lool
01:23 Nao Tomori:
01:23 Nao Tomori: easy
01:23 Monstrata: LOL
01:23 Monstrata: ye :D
01:23 Nao Tomori: if i had an ending slow slider i would do that
01:24 Nao Tomori: updooted with the reworked 3rd kiai
01:25 Monstrata: p/4261080 flash back to when qat's dq'ed for combo colors blending with bg xD
01:26 Nao Tomori: lol
01:26 Nao Tomori: dang what is this 7 pages of discussion
01:26 Monstrata: 7 pages of discussion that concluded with me just spending 2 minutes to fix the dumb reasons :D
01:27 Nao Tomori: -_-
01:29 Nao Tomori: so basically everything was applied
01:30 Nao Tomori: oh well it doesn't beat asymmetry
01:30 Nao Tomori: i think
01:30 Monstrata: yea lo
01:30 Monstrata: yea asymmetry xd
01:30 Monstrata: well theres also toumei elegy
01:30 Monstrata: with the dumb dq's and stuff
01:30 Nao Tomori: mm
01:30 Nao Tomori: i thought toumei was just for ridiculous amount of overmapping
01:31 Monstrata: nah it was also like
01:31 Monstrata: "too many jumps on the left/bottom area of the map" > highlights a 16 note jump sequence
01:31 Nao Tomori: ..
01:31 Nao Tomori: wat
01:31 Monstrata: also the jumps were basically full screen
01:31 Nao Tomori: ya
01:32 Nao Tomori: jesus christ
01:32 Nao Tomori: 46 page
01:32 Nao Tomori: thread
01:33 Monstrata: p/3927160
01:33 Monstrata: oh there were other things too i guess lol
01:34 Nao Tomori: ar too low lol
01:34 Monstrata: it was like 9.3 or something
01:34 Nao Tomori: o
01:34 Nao Tomori: ok maybe
01:34 Monstrata: 9.5*
01:34 Nao Tomori: oh i have this diff
01:34 Nao Tomori: cool
01:36 Nao Tomori: wtf habi rebubbled it before he even responded to qat
01:36 Nao Tomori: p/4557905
01:36 Nao Tomori: lol
01:36 Monstrata: thats Habi :D
01:37 Monstrata: the pioneer of the yolo bubble
01:37 Nao Tomori: mm
01:37 Nao Tomori: quite a yolo bubble
01:38 Monstrata: yea
01:39 Monstrata: but theres nothing to prevent bn's from yolobubbling
01:39 Monstrata: tbh you can't really check unless you're the mapper
01:39 Nao Tomori: mm
01:40 Monstrata: 00:18:438 (1,2,3) - spacing still looks slightly inconsistent btw
01:40 Monstrata: if you care
01:40 Monstrata: 00:43:073 (4) - still not stacked with 00:41:853 (1) - 's slider-end
01:41 Monstrata: 01:01:121 (8,1,2) - spacing kinda inconsistent here too.
01:42 Nao Tomori: hmm
01:42 Nao Tomori: fixed
01:42 Monstrata: 02:06:243 (2,5) - any reason theyre not stacked?
01:42 Nao Tomori: aaaa
01:43 Nao Tomori: i moved 2 to make 1 2 3 even
01:43 Nao Tomori: forgot 5
01:43 Monstrata: ah
01:45 Monstrata: 03:45:024 (1) - move slider end to stack with 03:46:487 (4) -
01:46 Monstrata: 04:34:780 (3,5) - stacks
01:47 Monstrata: 05:00:634 (4,5) - you could integrate the curve of slider 5 into a blanket probably
01:47 Monstrata:
01:47 Monstrata: just moving 5 up slightly
01:47 Nao Tomori: ya
01:48 Monstrata: 05:20:146 (5) - up and left just slightly if you look at the ring beside the circles, its slightly off
01:48 Monstrata: k thats all
01:48 Monstrata: update when ur done fixing~
01:52 Nao Tomori: mk
01:53 Monstrata: okay sweet
01:53 Monstrata: everything looks good now
01:53 Monstrata: ready?
01:53 Monstrata: i can qualify now xD
01:53 Nao Tomori: hmm
01:54 Nao Tomori: lemme just raise the od by .2
01:54 Nao Tomori: xd
01:54 Monstrata: oh sure lol
01:54 Monstrata: for the pp xd
01:54 *Monstrata runs
01:54 Monstrata: my mentee is a filthy pp mapper already. what have i done :D
01:54 Nao Tomori: this thing is disgusting amounts of pp
01:54 Nao Tomori: smh
01:54 Nao Tomori: itst like 270 for hddt
01:54 Nao Tomori: and it's only 5.13 stars
01:54 Monstrata: damn
01:54 Monstrata: lmao
01:55 Monstrata: well, time for me to farm it :D
01:55 Monstrata: tbh i could actually probably play this on dt for pp
01:55 Nao Tomori: ya
01:55 Monstrata: but i suck at endurance so xd
01:55 Monstrata: choke every 10 seconds
01:55 Nao Tomori: mm
01:55 Monstrata: :D
01:55 Nao Tomori: yeah and it has no breaks rip
01:56 Monstrata: nah its fine, breaks make me more stressed
01:56 Monstrata: cuz then i become even more aware of my combo
01:56 Nao Tomori: gg
01:56 Monstrata: xD
01:56 Monstrata: tbh i just suck :D
01:56 Monstrata: waiting for pp inflation to finally get me into the 3k pp club
01:56 Monstrata: xd
01:56 Nao Tomori: LOL
01:56 Nao Tomori: rip
01:56 Monstrata: anyways lemme know when its updated/ready to qual
01:57 Nao Tomori: ya, should be fine now.
01:57 Monstrata: sweet
Gratz Nao
Congratz your frist ranked map!
omg grats, its like 2 days ago you showed the song to me and its already qualified xD
Lily Bread
omg the cutie got the ranked status
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Nao Tomori
thanks guys!
touching story and songs :)
loop it for a long time :)
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