Hellow, M4M from #modreqs
The BG res is a little odd xd there's probably a version with 1080x720 or 1366x768 somewhere on google search or something
Remove "lewd" as a tag, even if it's true lol
I'd change the preview point to 00:29:706 - to fit the chorus (since that's the signature of the song imo)
pantsu Easy
00:38:640 (2,3,4) - didn't really give a good vibe imo ;o
before After01:45:423 (2) - I'd advice making the tick visible, since it can throw some people off
01:57:423 (5) - NC
01:59:510 - spinner from here to 02:00:554 - ? (I don't think it's too short for 2 white ticks, I might be wrong? If you don't add a spinner to can just add a break
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/6401807 Pure emptiness is odd at least imo
02:02:640 (2,3) - I'd like to order a blanket :^)
02:17:249 - I'd add another break here, where you extend the break to 02:17:771 - so it looks like this:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/640183702:56:380 and 02:57:423 - missing clap thingy
02:58:467 (2,3) - reverse to match 02:54:293 (2) - ? you've been pretty consistent up untill now xd
03:26:119 (5) - I'd extend this slider some more to better represent the sound (the distance from a starting spinner doesn't matter too much, it's only the recovery time afterwards that matters.) (the "ding" sound starts on the 1/6 tick before the white tick btw if you're wondering lol)
03:27:162 - Odd unsnapped green line (There's no audible "hitsound" except for the spin sound untill the end of the spinner. You're also allowed to simply silence the spinner with a hitsound (or you could add a spinner-spin.wav that is somewhat similar to the sound in the background xd))
Namki's Normal
y u no map the rest 。゜(`Д´)゜。00:26:119 (2) - There's a pretty strong beat on the sliderend here lol I'd advice making it clickable
00:28:206 (3) - Extend to 1/6 tick, 'cause that's where you ended the spinner before too ^^ To represent the 1/6 tick better too, you could add change the shape to something like
this00:34:467 (2,3,5) - Pretty weird to look at because the DS is different from the SV xd Something like
this could probably work
00:47:510 (3,1) - comparing them makes them look weird -
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/6401980 (I moved 5 a bit too)
01:01:075 (1) - I'd make it a long slider or two single taps so it's consistent with the rhythm other 3 times you did it in this section xd
01:10:467 (4,5) - single taps are probably better to match the intensity in the music (it's pretty low)
01:19:858 (1,3) - making the curve on 1 a little bigger will make it look nicer with 3
01:59:510 (1) - end this on 02:01:597 - , matches the ending of the section this way
02:36:814 (1,2) - Switch NC so the player knows that 02:36:814 (1) - doesn't start on a white tick
03:08:380 (1) - You did it agaaain (white tick xd)
After the spinner, start again on 03:14:640 - , and map the rest, it's odd that this is 19 seconds shorter than the only other diff in the song imo haha