
Ranking Charts download links - make them middle-clickable

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Matma Rex
What sucks about the charts page is that these beatmaps are not linked using good ol' <a href>, but onclick events. So I can't middle-click them.

Now it looks like (split to multiple lines and indented for clarity by me):
<div class="beatmap" onclick="loadUrl('/s/12155')">
<img src="/images/map-thumb/12155"/>
<div class="details">
<div class="main"><b>The Gregory Brothers</b> - Auto-Tune the News #9</div>
<div class="mapped">mapped by <a href='/u/30655'>MetalMario201</a></div>

What I want: (yes, you're right, it's ready and working code!)

<div class="beatmap">
<div class="details">
<div class="main">
<a href="/s/12155">
<img src="/images/map-thumb/12155"/>
<b>The Gregory Brothers</b> - Auto-Tune the News #9
<div class="mapped">mapped by <a href='/u/30655'>MetalMario201</a></div>

And it needs just a tiny CSS fix:
.top-maps .beatmap .details {width: 250px}
(and removing cursor: pointer from .top-maps .beatmap, probably)

However, if you insist to keep <a> looking like regular text and covering whole "box", this should do the trick (beware, not tested enough):
.top-maps .beatmap {position: relative}
.top-maps .beatmap .main a {position: absolute; color: black; text-decoration: none}

Go on and fix it. Please.

Also please consider setting a small margin-right (2 or 3px) on the images.
I hate Javascript.
Support, and please do this for the three featured maps on the top of the forum listing as well
i wouldnt really use this, but i could see it being useful for some ppl +1
Sorry for my lack of knowledge of codes, I need clarification.

From my understanding, what he's saying is that currently, nothing happens when you middle-click a ranking chart song, which should open the link on a separate tab.

So he has suggested a new code which would make the "middle-clicking" work.

Am I right?

If so, take my support (although I'm not a subscriber)
Topic Starter
Matma Rex
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