
Tetsuya Kakihara - Labyrinth

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on den 3 oktober 2014 at 20:17:21

Artist: Tetsuya Kakihara
Title: Labyrinth
Tags: Continuous
BPM: 125
Filesize: 4331kb
Play Time: 03:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,45 stars, 182 notes)
  2. Hard (2,8 stars, 409 notes)
  3. Normal (1,86 stars, 265 notes)
Download: Tetsuya Kakihara - Labyrinth
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My beatmap #5

The hitsounds is horrible I need help with it ;w;

Normal: 100%
Hard: 100%

  1. 17/9/2014: Easy is complete and the beatmap is born
  2. 21/9/2014: Normal is added.
  3. 27/9/2014: Hard is added and hitsounds in Normal and Easy is changed
  4. 28/9/2014: Some hitsound Changes.

  1. Ego_17
  2. Chaoslitz
  3. Z3R0Xx
  4. AIR
timing 125
offset 1416


it starts beating very weird sometimes (blue ticks), but overal this timing and offset is ok to me/
try it
Topic Starter
Thank you. It actually sounds a lot better like this
  1. 00:06:240 (1) - Fix blanket
  2. 00:29:280 (1) - ^
  3. 00:31:200 (1,2) - Switch this two on timing
  4. 00:38:400 (2) - Blanket
  5. 00:58:080 (2) - Rotate anti-clockwise 15 degree and then blanket with 00:59:040 (3)
  6. 01:28:800 (1,2) - Change to this pattern
  7. 01:39:360 (3) - Fix blanket
  8. 01:42:720 (3) - ^
  9. 01:52:320 (3) - ^
  10. 02:01:440 (1) - ^
  11. 02:04:320 (1,2) - Use a same slider?
  12. 02:52:320 (2,1) - Too close
  13. 03:08:640 (1) - Slider too long D:

Good luck~
[ Nyx ]
Doing M4M from your queue (here: t/241838)

These are merely suggestions.


Why not trying to put a clap on every 2nd and 4th beat in a measure.


00:23:520 (1) - try curving this a bit more so that it flows better to the next note
00:34:080 (2) - Should not be any finishes on this slider. A whistle (maybe a clap) should do just fine on the slider end
00:38:400 (2) - No finishes
00:45:600 (1) - On big beats like this there should be a finish. Toss a a finish on the slider head. You could also change this in a single, because I'm not feeling the slider.
00:46:080 (3) - Move this note back 1/2 a beat
00:58:080 (2) - Move this down a bit to better match the flow with the note before it
02:07:680 (2,1) - make these two sliders the same shape with some copy-paste action
02:33:120 (1,2) - ^
03:00:960 (3,4) - Curve (3) in a little bit more and move (4) out a bit to create a better blanket
03:03:840 (5) - Move this note up to better match the flow from the slider before
03:24:000 (1) - Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-G, Ctrl-J
03:25:440 (2) - An then fix this note so it's the the middle of the two sliders


00:22:560 (3) - moving this slider up a bit so that it is linear with the slider before it
01:18:240 (2,2) - Make these two slider the same shape for slider consistency
01:29:640 (2,3,4) - (4)'s slider tail should be placed closer to (3)'s slider end. Slider (3) looks closer to (2) than it does (3). It may confuse newer players making them click later then expected.
02:42:720 (2,2) - Stack Better
02:59:040 (1,2,3) - Try this:
03:11:040 (2,1) - Stack better


00:13:440 (6,2) - Make the two sliders the same
00:20:160 (4,5,6) - Blanket better
00:28:080 (3,4,5) - Inconsistent spacing
00:46:080 - Very awkward rhythm after here. It would be better to just follow the music here
01:41:280 - ^

Well that's all for me! Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Z3R0Xx wrote:

Doing M4M from your queue (here: t/241838)

These are merely suggestions.


Why not trying to put a clap on every 2nd and 4th beat in a measure. Doing it on Normal and Hard isn't that big problem. But It'll be really hard to do it in wasy so I think I'll skip it


00:23:520 (1) - try curving this a bit more so that it flows better to the next note
00:34:080 (2) - Should not be any finishes on this slider. A whistle (maybe a clap) should do just fine on the slider end
00:38:400 (2) - No finishes
00:45:600 (1) - On big beats like this there should be a finish. Toss a a finish on the slider head. You could also change this in a single, because I'm not feeling the slider.
00:46:080 (3) - Move this note back 1/2 a beat
00:58:080 (2) - Move this down a bit to better match the flow with the note before it
02:07:680 (2,1) - make these two sliders the same shape with some copy-paste action
02:33:120 (1,2) - ^
03:00:960 (3,4) - Curve (3) in a little bit more and move (4) out a bit to create a better blanket
03:03:840 (5) - Move this note up to better match the flow from the slider before
03:24:000 (1) - Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-G, Ctrl-J
03:25:440 (2) - An then fix this note so it's the the middle of the two sliders


00:22:560 (3) - moving this slider up a bit so that it is linear with the slider before it
01:18:240 (2,2) - Make these two slider the same shape for slider consistency
01:29:640 (2,3,4) - (4)'s slider tail should be placed closer to (3)'s slider end. Slider (3) looks closer to (2) than it does (3). It may confuse newer players making them click later then expected.
02:42:720 (2,2) - Stack Better
02:59:040 (1,2,3) - Try this:
03:11:040 (2,1) - Stack better


00:13:440 (6,2) - Make the two sliders the same
00:20:160 (4,5,6) - Blanket better
00:28:080 (3,4,5) - Inconsistent spacing
00:46:080 - Very awkward rhythm after here. It would be better to just follow the music here I was following the drum when putting the notes. I have no plans to change it.
01:41:280 - ^^

Well that's all for me! Good Luck!
The points which I didn't answer are things I changed
here's m4m

  • Easy
  • Normal
    1. 00:36:000 - fix this line
    2. 01:19:200 (1) - outside
    3. 01:59:520 (1) - keep distance for spinner
    • Hard
      1. 00:03:600 (4) - try to use circle instead of the former two rhythm
      2. 00:06:360 - 1/4
      3. 00:27:240 - note
      4. 00:46:200 (2,2,3,5) - bad overmap
      5. 01:44:760 (3,5,2,3) - ^
      6. 02:41:760 (1,3) - it looks unbeautiful
      7. 03:11:040 - circle
      poor mod>:(

m4m from ur queue

  1. NCing is very inconsistent throughout, try keeping them to every 1 or 2 measures (seperated by the big white ticks)
  2. Add at least 1500 ms of audio lead in (you can do that by editing the .OSU file)
  3. Get a higher quality bg maybe? and resize it to the current standard of 1366x768
  1. 00:00:480 (1,2) - can you maybe make this a repeat slider instead? 3/4 gaps are generally awkward to tap out.
  2. 00:06:000 (5,6,1,2,3) - this rhythm isn't really intuitive, there isn't actually that strong of a beat on 00:06:240 - and streams are a bit hard for a hard diff try this
    00:08:040 (11,1) - ^ use a similar rhythm as above
    00:09:960 (4,1) -
  3. 00:12:720 (2,3,4) - spacing is weird here, i am aware that its cuz of sv change but when dealing with circles, its still better to space at least 00:12:960 (3,4) - out as it should be without the sv change
  4. 00:27:840 - add something here, it makes it generally play better cuz itll get rid of 3/4 gap
  5. 00:40:320 (4,5,6) - hm maybe make this a 1/4 slider with repeat, it will generally be easier to read since its hard to determine how many circles 00:40:320 (4,5,6) - has since people don't ususally expect 4 note streams. (usually it would either be 5 or something)
  6. 00:44:640 (1) - try this
  7. 01:00:480 (1) - consider ending spinner at 01:03:720 - since its a stronger beat
  1. fix these first
  2. 00:12:960 - this should be mapped out imo maybe turn the previous circle to 1/2 slider
  3. 00:25:440 (1) - i don't see the purpose of this nc
  4. 00:56:160 (4) - should have nc?
  5. 01:35:400 (2,3) - too hard to read for normal diff, do not overlap them like that please makes distance snap inconsistent anyway. the blue tick is hard to read as it is.
  6. 03:22:080 (1,1) - object too soon after spinner, do at least 2 beats
  1. 00:12:480 (3) - add repeat to get the finish sound?
  2. 00:27:360 (1,2) - why not make them parallel?
  3. 01:42:720 (3,1) - inconsistent ds
    02:03:360 (2,3,1) - ^
  4. 02:10:080 (2) - why not drag this on to the last 2 repeats so u can get this 02:11:280 - sound as well
  5. 03:22:080 (1,1) - unrankable object too soon after spinner u want at least like 3 beats for something this bpm (maybe even go a full measure)
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