
Kotoge Mai - Mangekyou

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年12月5日 at 14:52:42

Artist: Kotoge Mai
Title: Mangekyou
Source: Touhou
Tags: cRyo[iceeicee] Frostmourne Atoguru Kaleidoscope 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith Hina Kagiyama's theme Dark Side of Fate 運命のダークサイド W*M K2 幻想天舞 ~GENSOUTENBU~ C-CLAYS
BPM: 95
Filesize: 7325kb
Play Time: 02:54
Difficulties Available:
  1. cRyo's Insane (4.6 stars, 635 notes)
  2. Frostmourne's Normal (1.93 stars, 246 notes)
  3. Hard (3.54 stars, 478 notes)
Download: Kotoge Mai - Mangekyou
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Normal- Frostmourne
With cRyo's Insane.

red=parts with normal whistles
I have been playing this for countless times...
Artist: Mai Kotoge
Title: Mangekyou
Source: Touhou
Tags: Oracle Frostmourne Atoguru Kaleidoscope 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith Hina Kagiyama's theme Dark Side of Fate 運命のダークサイド W*M K2 幻想天舞 ~GENSOUTENBU~ C-CLAYS
BPM: 95
Filesize: 8192kb
Play Time: 02:54
Difficulties Available:

Insane (4.6 stars, 635 notes)
Frostmourne's Normal (1.99 stars, 253 notes)
Oracle's Hard (3.59 stars, 482 notes)

Download: Mai Kotoge - Mangekyou
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Frosty gave me his Normal.
With Oracle's Hard
I won't let you guys down three times. ;~;
Topic Starter
Hi, Oracle! There is Regraz's mod! :) (M4M)
There is a few points of my mod:

  1. Note that I am still learning modding skills, so I am sorry if I cannot provide help to you!
  2. Mod is just a kind of suggestion, so feel free if you dont want to make change.
  3. I hope you can reply to my mod since it can help me know the other mappers' ideas and I can also learn something new.
  4. Bold means highly suggest.
  5. Same issues wont be repeated by me unless it is a GD..
  6. This is the one of the maps I modded since I used modding framework version 3 (mfv3)


  1. It seems that soft-slidertick and soft-sliderslide are both silenced. Maybe that's an unrankable issue?
  2. BG 1023X768, lol
  3. Combo color, 唔
  4. No KIAI Time?

Frostmourne's Normal

  1. Regarding diff spread: AR4 to AR8; OD2 to OD5.5; HP2 to HP5. Why you use easy-like difficulty setting? There is a large gap between Normal and Hard. I know it is a must that the lowest difficulty must be under 2.00 star, but there should be changes in rhythm rather than difficulty setting. You use some hard rhythms in Normal which even make this difficult setting more inappropriate. maybe this diff needs more consideration.

  2. This diff seems a little imbalanced as to rhythm density hmm. You use even 1/1 slider in some parts but you also use 6 continual 1/4 in some other parts like 00:48:862 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - . Yeah it is true that it is nice to let rhythm vary according to the music but 6 1/4 notes really seems too hard for newbie players. So consier combining some of them into sliders.
  3. 00:10:652 (1,2,3) - Try this one? The first 3 downbeats are in one group. 00:13:178 the same
  4. 00:32:125 (2,3,4) - These 3 single notes sounds not nice. The music is not that apparent. Consider using a repeat slider here?
  5. 01:17:599 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 01:22:652 (1,2) - keep consistent in rhythm.
  6. 01:25:178 (1,2) - Consider combining these into a slider. Leave the vocal empty sounds not nice.
  7. 00:24:547 (4,5) - blanket. (nazi issue)
  8. 02:05:283 (1) - This slider touches the HP bar, which is unrankable.
  9. 02:09:704 (2) - Guess you miss some hitsounds in this mapset.
  10. 02:44:915 (1) - 1/2 later than its previous note.
  11. Remove the unused greenlines.


  1. So hard....
  2. 00:39:704 (4) - An apparent vocal is placed at the end of sider ( 00:40:020 ), which laks of hit-feeling when playing.
  3. 01:01:178 (1,2,3,1) - Overlooking the 3/4 in vocal is bad imo. Why not follow the vocal? Same as 01:11:283 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  4. 02:37:810 (3,4,5) - Use the same rhythm as 02:37:178 (1,2) - ? Since the rhythm of vocal doent vary here.
  5. 00:15:231 (4) - This curve doesnt seem visually appealing, just use straight one.
  6. 00:26:283 (2,3) - Blanket can be improved. Same issue at 00:30:862 (1,2) -
  7. 00:34:652 (5,6,7,1,2,3) - This pattern is way too hard for a Hard imo.
  8. 00:47:915 (5) - A little weird as to DS. onsider using normal DS here if you dont want to create a jump here, so just make the DS little larger to let players know it is a jump. Same at 01:59:915 (7) -
  9. 02:41:283 (2) - 217|172 for perfect stck.
  10. None
  11. Remove the unused greenlines.

cRyo's Insane

  • Rhythm:
  1. 00:38:441 (3,4,5) - Use the same rhythm at 00:28:336 (3,4,5,6,7) - ?
  2. 01:00:389 (5,1,2) - Try this? The vocal at 01:00:389- should be emphasized by a jump.
  3. 01:04:336 (5) - 01:05:599 (5) - Curve it like this?
  4. 01:21:389 (1,2,3) - use perfect triangle?
  5. None
  6. 00:09:389 (1,1,1,1) - Same new combo color as other parts?
  7. Remove the unused greenlines.

Nice mapset. Hope this can get ranked soon! :3
Good Luck!~
( =`・ω・´) Rakuen's Modding Queue (NM/M4M)

Default = Normal mods
Opt. = Optional / Minor / Nazi
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue


[Diff Spread]
Suggest an Easy diff, Normal is very close to 2.0 stars, spacing and rhythm is hard to read, beginners cant pass this

[KIAI points]
Suggest a few KIAI points here since there is none (c'mon every song has chorus parts)
First KIAI > 00:57:389 - to 01:25:178 -
Second KIAI > 02:14:441 - to 02:42:231 -

[Song Outtro]
There are 30 secs of blank leftover, it's really a good part to map if you're not lazy :3

[Preview Point]
There is's not just instrumental so it's strongly suggested to put your Preview point at somewhere there's vocal. 00:57:389 - could do

[Frostmourne's Normal]
  1. Strongly recommended to remove unneeded timing points
  2. 00:16:178 (1) - Just to mention it can be better blanket with 00:14:441 (2) - , maybe it's on purpose
  3. 00:25:178 (5) - Minor blanket, can move close to the head
  4. 00:52:968 (3,4,5,6,7) - This pattern is quite confusing, the 2nd set 00:54:389 (6,7) - is close to the slider tail of 00:52:968 (3) -
  5. 00:54:862 (1,1) - Inconsistency DS
  6. 00:55:810 (1) - I don't really get the use of new combo with same color as previous 00:54:862 (1) - (they're both only 1 hit note), suggest to use a different color~ (Applies for the set behind too)
  7. 01:01:178 (1,1) - Inconsistency DS
  8. 01:23:915 (2) - Inconsistency DS, I'd prefer to follow DS in Normal diff
  9. 01:35:283 (1) - Spinner doesn't fit here imo, nothing really special or changes can be seen there
  10. 01:48:231 (1,2) - Minor, constant DS
  11. 02:10:020 - Missing Clap
  12. 02:10:336 - Missing Finish
  13. 02:42:704 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - Just to mention that the shape can be created better with "Create Polygon Circles" function (Ctrl+Shift+D)
  1. Strongly recommended to remove unneeded timing points
  2. 00:18:073 (4) - Make here NC instead of 00:18:231 (1) - , for better looking since you did it previously for 00:07:968 (1,2,3) - (stack from 00:17:599 (3) - with same color is kinda awful)
  3. 00:22:810 (4) - Suggest to remove this for better rhyhtm. In the song it's like need a stop there. Can try stacking 00:22:968 (5) - on 00:22:652 (3) -
  4. Nice diff~
[cRyo's Insane]
  1. 01:06:862 - I'd remain like 0.75 SV here if I map it, but it's personal opinion~ Current speed up looks good too~
  2. 01:42:468 (2) - Stack it on the head of 01:42:547 (3) - , it's a bit too special among other patterns. Simple reading would be recommended~
  3. Looks cool~
Nice diffs!
is my mod useful? i don't think so but if u think so, thank you.

  • Hard
  1. 00:40:336 (5,6,7,8) - since here got antijumps, NC
  2. 00:52:178 (8,9) - expression of impact can be better if u begin 00:52:178 - with a slider. and put circle at the end of the slider.
  3. 00:55:810 (1) - NC is needed imo
  4. 00:57:389 (1) - no velocity or impact here so remove nc here 00:58:020 (1) -
  5. 01:08:125 (1) - ^
  6. 01:08:757 (1,2) - just a bit off from distancesnap
  7. 02:09:231 (8,9) - same on before
  8. 02:12:862 (1) - same
  9. 02:15:073 (1) - same
  10. 02:25:178 (1) - same
  • cryo
  1. 01:37:178 (1,1,1,1,1) - why dont u 0.1x antijump here instead of 0.0xstacking?
  2. 01:42:468 (2,3) - like wat u did on before. stack circle 2 on the head of slider3
  3. 02:10:178 (1) - putting this on 302:205 looks better
  4. 02:40:652 (4) - why don't u curve more? reddot on 146:116
  • Frosty
  1. 00:52:020 (2) - if this don't bother your difficultysetting, try this rhythmpattern.
  2. 01:17:599 (1,2,3) - 01:18:862 (4,5,6) - i think having symmetry can be also cool.
  3. 02:10:178 - i think u can put rhythms not ignoring that drumbeats. try making those with this rhythm

thats all
Hollow Wings


  1. still consider to give different combo color with 5th and 6th ones.

cRyo's Insane

  1. 01:37:178 (1,1,1,1,1) - give similar pattern like 00:40:336 (1,1,1,1,1) - and 01:57:389 (1,1,1,1,1) - ? consistant ones can better than just stack there.
  2. 01:40:810 (4) - consider to reverse this? 01:40:336 (2) - and 01:41:283 (6) - direct up, so maybe arrange them into same ones. thou current version still good to me, but it'll be better in playing if u change this imo.
  3. good, star.


  1. 01:12:547 (1) - rorate about 15° and stack at the previous place. give an symm one to replace 01:13:020 (1) - in same way, then the composing will be better to me. consider same thing to 02:29:599 (1,1) - .
  2. 02:03:389 (1,2) - all diff's normal jumping except this, can't find reason to do in that way, when u even have ds shifting at 02:04:968 (5,1) - . try stack 1 at 02:04:968 (5) - , which can be better a bit more.
  3. 02:23:915 (3,1) - this ds shifting's too odd in playing than others, thou the slider 3 give a holding to follow that vocal. maybe try stack 02:24:547 (1) - 's head at 02:23:283 (1) - 's end, that'll be good in reading while playing.
  4. maybe u work better in hard diff than ex ones to me, star.

Frostmourne's Normal

  1. completely my taste, 3 stars.

good luck


  1. why green lines here (01:34:020 -01:34:652 )but no objects here? o.o I'm curious about this.
  2. seems that the preview point(yellow line?) is unsnap

cRyo's Insane

  1. 00:18:073 (1,2) - the pattern here isn't comfortable (when i play it );w; maybe rotate by 160° (clockwise & selection centre) will feeling better.and consider its just beginning of the song ,so it's unnecessary to make the pattern hard.For insatance:
  2. 00:24:862 (3) - move to x264 y316 looks good ,but not very necessary lol
  3. 01:00:389 (5,1) - oh god,the pattern is very weird, suggestion that move 01:00:862 (1) - to x 280 y 84 stack with the head of 01:01:178 (1) - picture:
  4. 02:19:494 (1,4) - fixed the stack :)
  5. 02:34:020 (5) - why not stack with 02:33:389 (1) - ?o.o
  6. some green lines unsnaped:02:33:810 - 02:34:125 - 02:34:757 - 02:35:073 - 02:35:389 -etc.


  1. 为什么有些绿线没有snap ;w; 比如00:21:178 -的这里我从1/1换到1/16看似乎都是没有snap的;w; 还有 00:21:652 -00:24:968 -etc.
  2. 00:32:283 (5,6,7,8,1) - 建议这里照这样的顺序,因为感觉00:32:757 (8) - 在00:33:073 (1) - 上面的话停顿感会比较强<3,而且和这里感觉也差不多00:34:968 (7,1) -

Frostmourne's Normal

  1. 00:48:862 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - wow ,the newbie will be mad, try short slider here?
    ;_; I'm sure it's a good diff ,but some patterns seems really hard for new player ^ i advice that find some new players have a test play.

Topic Starter
didn't fix these, everything else was really useful and i took them all!

00:16:178 (1) - Frosty didn't intend to have many blankets on this diff so...
00:10:652 (1,2,3) - i see this differently and the current grouping is okay to me
01:25:178 (1,2) - I still feel like keeping the original one
02:44:915 (1) - 1/2 later than its previous note.
00:52:020 (2) - sadly it does bother
01:17:599 (1,2,3) - 01:18:862 (4,5,6) - impossible to arrange the patterns after the fix
02:10:178 - too hard...

00:39:704 (4) - we can't have vocal on slider tails?
01:01:178 (1,2,3,1) -i'm not following the vocal here.
02:37:810 (3,4,5) - liked my original one.
00:15:231 (4) - it's for flow purpose
00:34:652 (5,6,7,1,2,3) - It's not that hard to play especially on AR8.
00:47:915 (5) - the jump is intended~
00:52:968 (3,4,5,6,7) - no idea but it looks readable to me
00:55:810 (1) - That's for whistles
02:42:704 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - ahh the current polygon already looks decent to me..
00:22:810 (4) - Can't do so because it breaks the spacing ;_;
01:08:757 (1,2) - that's intentional for a small jump!
01:12:547 (1) - i still prefer the perpendicular/parallel one
02:03:389 (1,2) - it's intentional, i feel like having something different here.
02:23:915 (3,1) - it's not odd to me D:
@kloyd i will rearrange the NCs soon!

00:38:441 (3,4,5) - why not have something different?
01:00:389 (5,1,2) - don't see how it's needed
01:21:389 (1,2,3) - the overlapping looks bad with your suggestion, sorry!
01:06:862 - it's for emphasizing the whistle!
01:37:178 (1,1,1,1,1) - it's intentional i guess
01:40:810 (4) - i guess, it's what cRyo was going for.(direction-changing pattern)
00:18:073 (1,2) - it's not hard due to the slider leniency
01:00:389 (5,1) - it works because of the slider leniency!
02:34:020 (5) - don't feel like increasing the jump here.
00:32:283 (5,6,7,8,1) - 这里其实是根据DS来的,打破就太难了

since cRyo is not active and i don't feel like screwing up the diff so i'm only fixing things unrankable or very useful for insane! I will give proper reason for not changing something.(the qualify of the map itself it's already high enough.) I hope you could understand ;_;

also doubled the bpm from 95 to 190.
fixed the diff-setting in Normal.
don't double the bpm though, 95 is correct...
Topic Starter

captin1 wrote:

don't double the bpm though, 95 is correct...
the only problem i had with 95 is ...
the slidertick sound on cRyo's diff is not working properly on 95 bpm and having TR4 seems ridiculous orz
it's not ridiculous if it works correctly, it's just a number
Topic Starter
Hi, M4M from Oracle's queue.

  1. Combo colors 5 and 6 are basically the same color—at first glance I can't even tell they're any different. It's best to remove one of them or use a different color.
  2. No kiai?
  3. The song seems to have a solidly defined ending, so why don't you map all the way to the end?
  1. 00:14:441 (2,1) - This would flow better if you move (1) lower
  2. 01:00:231 (6,7) - The transition between 01:00:704 (7,1) - would be much better if you ctrl-G both of these separately.
  3. 01:58:336 (1) - Two 1/1 sliders follows music better:
  4. 02:19:494 (1,1) - Plays better if you ctrl-G 02:20:441 (1) - so it goes in the downward direction. Its current flow is kind of awkward.
  5. 02:22:968 (2,3) - Maybe this should be unstacked because most other stacks in the map are 1/4 so it's possible to mistake this for it as well.
For a normal, the rhythms you use are quite creative. The spacing is just hard to reconcile, because I'm used to seeing that as 1/1 in most Easy difficulties so I can confuse 00:37:178 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - as being all the same timing in between each object.

  1. 00:10:652 (1,2) - (and for all future instances of this) Why not follow the main melody and map the 1/4 parts here? It sounds really awkward to ignore 00:11:283 since it's an important note in the music.
  2. 00:28:336 (3,5) - These should be 1/4 sliders because they're ignoring the sounds on the 1/4 ticks 00:28:494 and 00:28:968 while there's no sound on the 3/8 ticks.
  3. 01:02:125 (1) - 01:03:389 (1) - 01:13:494 (1) - NC is unnecessary for a single object.
  4. 01:06:231 (1,2) - Doesn't flow well from 01:05:599 (7) - How about rotate like this and change 01:06:862 (3) -
  5. 01:16:968 (3) - Kind of nazi, but move 1 grid left so it's centered between 01:16:336 (1,2,3) -
  6. 01:49:810 (8,1) - I'd best move the slider somewhere further so this doesn't get confused for 1/4 since it's almost the same spacing as the 1/4 notes before it.
  7. 02:20:441 (1) -
  8. 02:21:704 (4,3) - Try to get the red slider point to stack exactly with the other object to be neat.
  9. 02:40:020 (5) - It'd flow a little better if you pointed this in the other horizontal direction.
  1. 00:28:336 (3,5) - These should be 1/4 sliders because they're ignoring the sounds on the 1/4 ticks 00:28:494 and 00:28:968 while there's no sound on the 3/8 ticks.
  2. 00:59:836 (2) - Use equal spacing between both objects?
  3. 01:38:915 - Add object here, no reason to ignore it.
  4. 01:45:389 (3,4) - Check blanket here.
  5. 01:51:862 (2,3) - Move circle lower or change the curve of the slider so the circle is in the slider's curvature, which flows better.
  6. 01:55:020 (4,5) - Move this up a little maybe plays better.
  7. 02:01:020 (4) - Remove repeat and add 1/4 slider at 02:01:494 so you don't ignore the sound there.
  8. 02:40:652 (4) - Current shape doesn't fit flow well, how about this?
Good luck everyone!

[ General]
  1. Correct BG size is 1024 * 768, so I'd like to recommend that you fix. please use this bg (This is already fixed). If you prefer "1366*768"
  2. Found unused .wav files:
    - soft-hitclap4.wav
    - drum-hitwhistle.wav
    - normal-hitclap3.wav
    Must be removed!
  3. AudioLeadIn: 1522 is half-hearted. Change to 1500? Also Normal diff would not need it
  4. Romanised Artist: Kotoge Mai
    The official site has not been able to find a notation of "Mai Kotoge".
    official site:
    So, it must be only in "Kotoge Mai". Also in order to protect the rules.

    RC wrote:

    Eastern artists must be written in the proper 'surname firstname' format
  5. Combo6 is unnecessary. It is quite similar to the combo5.
  6. Normal and Hard diffs: Many unnecessary sound has occurred in slider because some sliderslides are not a silence. So I'd like to recommend that you remove some green lines in order to solve it.

[ Frostmourne's Normal]
  1. 00:20:757 (4,1) - Swap these new combos.
  2. 01:25:652 (2) - Remove a circle in order to avoid the mistakes of rhythm.
  3. 02:42:704 (2) - ^
  4. 02:18:231 (1) - Add a clap(S:1) at the end point.
  5. 02:38:441 (3) - ^
  6. 02:51:273 - Add a break time here?

[ Hard]
  1. 00:28:336 (1,2) - I think it should change the one 1/2 slider because it does not match the song. Also it has the effect of lowering the difficulty.
  2. 00:28:810 (3,4) - ^
  3. 01:45:389 (1,2) - ^
  4. 01:45:862 (3,4) - ^
  5. 00:46:020 (5) - Add a normal-hitnormal(Sampleset:Normal).
  6. goooood

[ Insane]
  1. 00:28:336 (3,4) - The same as Hard diff.
  2. 00:28:810 (5,6) - ^
  3. 01:03:704 (1,2,3,4) - I prefer this flow, What do you think?

sorry short and bad mod :(
good luck~:3
must be tough with your gders being inactive :>

no kiai cRyo hype! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
As requested!

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue

Just to mention again I prefer the use of KIAI and preview point there~

[Offset and Timing]
There should be likely an uninherited point at 00:54:862 - or 00:57:389 - cuz starting of a new beat (like KIAI)

Same as the 2nd part which is 02:11:915 - or 02:14:441 -

Might have to adjust some of the green points ugh...

[Difficulty Spread]
A little big between Normal and Hard but wouldn't cause a big problem...
Rounded off, "Normal - 2.0" > "Hard - 3.6"

[Frostmourne's Normal]
  1. I'll mod based the easiest diff of the map
  2. There a few unused timing points, I'll leave some in a box at the btm
  3. Unsnapped timing points (on ticks)
  4. If possible decrease the use of double taps
  5. 00:17:125 (3) - Replace with a slider to 00:17:441 - might help better in reading
  6. 00:40:968 (3) - NC here instead of 00:41:283 (1) - (beat)
  7. 00:46:810 (2) - Prefer to remove this, not to conflict the reading for 00:46:020 (6) -
  8. 00:48:862 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Feel could be better if replaced with sliders
  9. 00:54:862 (1,1) - Suggest to use a different combo color
  10. 02:11:915 (1,1) - ^
  11. 01:25:810 (3) - Prefer a slider to 01:26:125 - so players can focus on 01:26:441 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  12. 02:42:862 (3) - ^
Unused Timing Points
00:10:731 -
00:10:889 -
00:13:257 -
00:13:415 -
00:15:783 -
00:15:941 -
00:18:547 -
00:18:652 -
And points in break 01:34:020 - 01:34:652 - could be removed

  1. 00:15:073 (3) - Feel like jump isn't needed here, not like 00:12:547 (3) - which has a stop
  2. 00:40:336 (5) - NC like recently did?
  3. 00:45:389 (1) - Personally don't prefer slider anti jump in Hard diff
[cRyo's Insane]
  1. 00:01:178 (1) - Not needed for NC imo (except for HP drain)
  2. 00:03:704 (1) - ^
  3. 01:34:020 - Unused timing point
  4. 01:34:652 - ^
  5. 01:37:336 (1,1,1) - Suggest to remove NC (after break)
Call me back!
it's there
it's here
Topic Starter
didn't touch much rhythm-wise, everything else was fixed (unless i found something extremely hard to fix.)

super useful mod especially on general stuff.
apart from the things i fixed, i would like to explain:
Combo6 is changed.
on Normal,
01:25:652 (2) -02:42:704 (2) -didn't fix these because they're quite creative and special.
02:51:273 - seems too short..orz
on Insane,
didn't fix that 3/4 thingy because i don't want to mess up cRyo's patterns...


Thank you guys very much!! :)

Default = Normal mods
Blue = Strongly recommended
Red = Unrankable issue

[Frostmourne's Normal]
  1. Objects not snapped in AiMod
  2. Title is different.In this diff it's "Mangekyo" , change to "Mangekyou" (constant with 2 other diffs)
  3. 00:21:547 (2) - Right hitsounds? Sounds like Finish / Whistle as other used (refer 00:34:178 (2,3) - or 00:38:757 (3,4) - )
  4. 00:26:599 (2) - ^
  5. 00:51:704 - Clap
  6. 00:52:178 - ^
  7. 00:58:019 - Check if claps needed here (instead of finish)
  8. 00:59:283 - ^
  9. 01:00:704 - ^
  10. 01:02:125 - Missing clap
  11. 01:04:335 - Check if claps needed
  12. 01:22:019 - ^
  13. Hitsounds a bit messy in some part, for Finish / Clap, check them and the diff should be fine
  1. Objects not snapped in AiMod
  2. 02:01:493 - Clap?
[cRyo's Insane]
  1. 02:11:915 - Different Uninherited timing with other 2 diffs, should be -1 offset (131914)
  2. Object not snapped in AiMod
Call me back!
Topic Starter
means all fixed
also hi zero
All good!

Virginity bubble!
Topic Starter
ty <3
We fixed snap error via irc.
Then I give oracle my 1st heart >.<

Topic Starter

Gamu wrote:

We fixed snap error via irc.
Then I give oracle my 1st heart >.<


Enjoy cRyo's Insane then!!!
this map has only BAT modders lol
congratz ~!
Cherry Blossom
Congratz o/
good good good!!!111
you used my BG :x?
Topic Starter

NaxelCL wrote:

you used my BG :x?
*2 years ago* :P
Congrats Oracle!! :D
thanks Oracle

gratz everyone
congratz !! :D

Mei wrote:


Mei wrote:


Mythol wrote:

this map has only BAT modders lol
congratz ~!
orz late

cRyo's insane!! im crying in happiness (':
Asahina Momoko
wow it had ranked before my job has done lol

grats :)

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

everyone who mod this map will become MAT/BAT !!!! (゜o゜)

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

everyone who mod this map will become MAT/BAT !!!! (゜o゜)
Topic Starter

Mythol wrote:

this map has only BAT modders lol
congratz ~!
lol plz there's still normal modders!!
and ty <3

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Congratz o/
the cRyofanboy part of mine refused to change anything picked by cRyo. ;_;

Zero__wind wrote:

good good good!!!111
大法好 8-)

captin1 wrote:

and thanks for the bpm clarification!!~

AllStar12 wrote:

Congrats Oracle!! :D
thank you!!! :)

h3k1ru wrote:

thanks Oracle

gratz everyone
my pleasure!!

Hanazawa wrote:

congratz !! :D

Zweib wrote:


[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Mei wrote:


gokugohan12468 wrote:


Gaia wrote:

orz late

cRyo's insane!! im crying in happiness (':
cRyo hypeeeee

M o k o r i wrote:

wow it had ranked before my job has done lol

grats :)
lol it's okay~

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:

everyone who mod this map will become MAT/BAT !!!! (゜o゜)
magic wwwwwwwwwwwwww

Thank you everyone!!!
And enjoy the map~
- Yuuto -
late gz
late gz!
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