Fun modding via your request in #modreq. :3
Let's see...
You should rename your background image to "background."
Remove the "01" from the beginning of the MP3's name, it's not needed.
These combobursts are epic, I'm stealing them.
Add "toraburu" to tags?
I like this easy, it's fun.
00:06:403 (1) - You need to remove this NC. Having two 1's on the screen at the same time will be way too confusing for a new player. They won't know which one to hit.
00:09:348 (1) - ^
00:21:127 (1,2,3) - I like the repeating pattern, but the rhythm just doesn't fit right. We can keep the nice symmetry and have a different rhythm like this:
Remove the repeat from 2, ctrl-g it to flip it's orientation, move 3 to 00:22:599 and add a circle at 00:23:704.
00:24:072 - We were following the vocals up until this point, are you sure you don't want to just keep following them? I think it would be better to stay consistent with them instead of repeating the beginning section when there were no vocals. Try this rhythm to follow them nicely:
00:32:261 (3,4) - Something weird happened here when you were copy and pasting. The 3 and 4 here aren't identically spaced as the 1 and 2 before them. Copy the 00:30:053 (1) and past it at 00:32:261 and flip it over the y axis to fix.
Also turn off grid spacing to make sure that the tails of 00:31:157 (2,4) perfectly overlap each other.
00:36:678 (3) - I missed here because the slider repeat surprised me so much. It doesn't fit. It just means that instead of hitting a slider when the verse starts at 00:38:887 - , we're going to be hitting a slider end and it feels bad. Plus we don't get to hit circles when the vocals hit at 00:38:151 and 00:38:519 leading into the verse...
Can we rethink this section with a rhythm like this please?:
It just emerges the player in the song much more.
00:55:083 - There is a very strong downbeat here, but instead of mashing a circle really hard, we get to hit a slider end. Can you remove the repeat from 00:54:347 (2) and put a NC circle on 00:55:083? It would require rearranging a bit but it would feel much better than it is now.
01:00:973 (1) - See here we have a circle on the downbeat, doesn't that feel better than a slider end?
01:06:126 (5) - Can we make this slider curve down into the 01:06:862 (1) instead of past it?
00:49:193 to 00:55:083 - Honestly I'm just not really feeling these rhythms here. They aren't following the music very well. I think you were so focused on symmetry that you added some slider repeats where they really shouldn't have been added.
Take 00:49:193 for example. This rhythm is strange and doesn't really follow the vocals or the orchestra IMO. Wouldn't something like this feel much better?:
I think this difficulty would be more enjoyable to a beginner with better rhythms here, and I believe you could implement them without much effort or remapping, just a bit of rearranging.
01:00:972 to 01:06:862 - ^
[Alacat's Normal]
00:07:875 (3,4) - Can we do something besides this stack? I just don't think players of this level will be used to seeing something like this. Just delete the 3 and make the 4 a two beat slider.
00:10:820 (3) - ^
00:36:678 (1) - Remove this spinner IMO. It's too short, and players at this level would enjoy hitting circles at 00:38:151 and 00:38:519 along with the vocal line leading into the next verse more than this spinner. Here's what I suggest:
00:35:942 (4) to 00:39:991 (3)
Great diff.
01:17:169 (1,2,3) - This rhythm feels really strange if you know the song. Can we just do something simple that fits the moving notes? Maybe 4 one half beat sliders in a fun flowing pattern?
00:14:133 (3,4) - This jump is confusing IMO. The 00:14:133 (3) slider represents a totally different vocal idea than the 00:14:685 (4). A new idea is starting at 00:14:685 (4) so it's confusing that the sliders are the same. To fix this, make the 00:14:685 (4) a NC. It also stays consistent with the combo pattern in the previous verse.
00:42:568 (2) - Can you remove the repeat and put a circle at 00:43:304 to kick start the spinner? It makes the spinner accent the vocals much better than the slider end IMO.
01:22:691 (3) - Should be a slider leading into the 01:23:059 (1) IMO. Maybe you could make it a funky shape.
01:24:163 (3) - ^
Fun diff. <3
Just some suggestions.
Why not have a stream starting at 00:00:145 leading into the 00:00:514 (1)? No reason not to.
00:24:808 (5) - Remove this. Not necessary IMO.
00:30:053 (1) - Do you want to stack on the 00:29:225 (4) ?
00:38:151 (1) - NC? It's a new idea here, fits IMO.
00:47:721 (1) - NC? Adds more build up.
00:53:979 (2,4) - Ctrl-g for a more entertaining flow.
01:05:758 (2) - ^
01:12:384 (4) - Wouldn't a stream here have been fun?
Ok that's all I think. Great maps guys! Good luck with rank. I'll leave star. <3