
ClariS - Connect (Nightcore Trance Remix) [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年11月16日 at 17:03:42

Artist: ClariS
Title: Connect (Nightcore Trance Remix)
Source: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Tags: Konekuto Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica opening 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ testmx1
BPM: 216
Filesize: 7109kb
Play Time: 03:30
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.8 stars, 420 notes)
  2. Hyper (3.65 stars, 613 notes)
  3. Insane (4.82 stars, 733 notes)
  4. Normal (1.73 stars, 221 notes)
  5. Taiko Futsuu (2.39 stars, 421 notes)
  6. Taiko Inner Oni (5.32 stars, 1650 notes)
  7. Taiko Muzukashii (2.88 stars, 796 notes)
  8. Taiko Oni (4.1 stars, 1201 notes)
Download: ClariS - Connect (Nightcore Trance Remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Connect with BPM 216!! :3
Listen via YouTube
Nice song <<Connect>> + Nice effect <<Nightcore>> = JUST AWESOME ' v '

PLEASE REDOWNLOAD if you download this before May 17th, 2013 since the mp3 file has been replaced to a better quality one and changed offset!

8 difficulties; 4 for osu! and 4 for Taiko, all made by Naryuga
Please mod >w< (or m4m?)

The Hyper diff is for a better difficulty spread, idk how to map *4.0 Star difficulty, lol

Thank you :3
  1. latiaslove (for Comboburst images)
  2. Cuvelia (for Taiko modding)
  3. xXCrystalMoonAnimeXx (for Standard modding)
  4. NewRulerNA (for some advice on Tags)
  5. Highslider (for fixing an issue on Insane)
  6. 0gre (for Taiko modding)
  7. ReySHeL (for Taiko modding)
  8. Firce777 (for Taiko modding)
  9. kevinelson (for Standard modding)
  10. Jerry (for Taiko modding)
  11. crna (for some advice on General data)
  12. zx_baka_0502442 (for Taiko modding)
  13. orioncomet (for Standard modding)
  14. iyasine (for Standard modding)
  15. Satellite (for some advice on Standard diffs)
  16. litoluna (for better mp3 file)
  17. Uchiha_sorayuki (for Taiko modding)
  18. Alarido (for Standard modding)
  19. ts8zs (for whole modding)
  20. Rei Hakurei (for whole modding)
  21. AniMe666 (for Taiko modding)
  22. Asphyxia (for Insane diff modding)
  23. Secretpipe (for Standard modding)
  24. Lapis Aoki (for Standard modding)
  25. JUDYDANNY (for Taiko modding)
  26. Quilt (for some suggestion on Insane diff)
  27. jogfi2002 (for Standard modding)
  28. TKSalt (for Taiko modding and Taiko icon)
  29. A R U S (for Taiko modding)
  30. Dainesl (for Taiko modding)
  31. Lundlerol (for Taiko modding)
  32. Kenterz9 (for Standard modding)
  33. konoshin69 (for Standard modding)
  34. streeteelf (for Standard modding)
    ...And You!

  1. Sep. 18th(2012): First Submitted
  2. Oct. 1st: Graveyarded
  3. Dec. 16th: Revived. I was amazed the number of favorites (as many as 18 favs at the moment!)
  4. Jan. 3rd(2013): Changed Taiko BG because of unrankable issue
  5. March 1st: Revived again like a phoenix(32 favs atm!) and moved to Pending Beatmaps!
  6. May 17th: Changed mp3 file into a better one (thx litoluna <3)
  7. Nov. 24th: WOW 80 favs!! and resurrected
  8. Feb. 13th(2014): OMG 100 favs!!!!! <3
  9. March 14th: Taiko'd by TKS xD
  10. Jan. 26th(2015): Completed the Hyper difficulty!
  11. Oct. 22nd: アーレス(revived)

MAPは上手に作れないので 三☆

Topic Starter

Yusura Sakurae wrote:


MAPは上手に作れないので 三☆

Star & Favorite ありがとうございますー!  :)
Nice Edit
恐れながら太鼓譜面の初Modさせてもらいます。 下手なModですけど御免なさい。

[Taiko Futsuu]
00:07:390 (6) - 00:07:946 (9) - この速度の普通で三連打はちょっときついかもしれません
00:24:473 (1) - 00:26:140 (1) - 両手で交互に叩くとちょっと難しい配置かもしれません、普通なのでもう少し単調でもいいかもしれません
00:33:362 (3) - 00:35:029 (1) - 上に同じ
00:49:890 (1) - 00:50:168 (1) - 少しリズムがおかしいように感じます、背景の音に合わせず1/1のリズムで置いてもいいかと思います。
00:51:557 (1) - を 00:51:696 (1) - に置いてもいいかと思います。
00:52:529 (1) - 00:54:751 (1) - 消したほうがリズムはいいかもしれません。
01:01:696 (1) - 01:04:473 (1) - 1/2の後の三連打が難しいかもしれません。
01:15:029 - ここから気合タイムですので声に音合わすのでは無く1/1のリズムで音をもう少し入れてみたりして盛り上げてみるのはどうでしょうか。今のままだと音が少なくて妙にスカスカな気がします。
01:32:807 (1) - dkの二連打の後にDは難しいかもしれません。 1/1のリズムで置いたほうがいいかもしれません。
01:53:223 (2) - 手前の1/1に置く。
01:58:779 (3) - を手前に置いて3連打。
02:11:696 (2) - その前のリズムが声に合わせているのでこちらも声にあわせたほうがいいと思います、手前の1/2に置く。
02:17:251 - 先ほどの気合タイムと同じ。
02:35:029 (1) - ここもkdの後にKが叩き辛いかもしれません。
02:53:918 - 02:55:029 - 02:56:140 - 02:56:696 - ここにkを置く。
03:03:918 - 先ほどの気合タイムと同じ。

[Taiko Oni]
00:14:196 - k
00:15:446 - 00:16:001 - k
00:17:251 - 三連打消してK
00:40:723 - d
00:41:279 - 三連打を消して1/2のリズムでkddk
02:12:807 (1) - k
02:13:084 (1) - d
02:13:362 (2) - k
02:13:640 (1) - d
02:13:918 (2) - 02:14:890 (3) - ここからここまでdとkの入れ替え

Topic Starter

Cuvelia wrote:

恐れながら太鼓譜面の初Modさせてもらいます。 下手なModですけど御免なさい。

[Taiko Futsuu]
全体的に両手で叩くと難しい複合が多いような気がします、普通は初心者がする難易度だと思うのでもう少し簡単なdddやkkkにしてもいいと思います。- 1/2 rhythmのものをいくつか修正
00:07:390 (6) - 00:07:946 (9) - この速度の普通で三連打はちょっときついかもしれません - fixed
00:24:473 (1) - 00:26:140 (1) - 両手で交互に叩くとちょっと難しい配置かもしれません、普通なのでもう少し単調でもいいかもしれません - fixed
00:33:362 (3) - 00:35:029 (1) - 上に同じ - fixed...こんな配置した覚えないなんて言えない
00:49:890 (1) - 00:50:168 (1) - 少しリズムがおかしいように感じます、背景の音に合わせず1/1のリズムで置いてもいいかと思います。- 1/1 rhythmに合わせるよう調整しました
00:51:557 (1) - を 00:51:696 (1) - に置いてもいいかと思います。- done
00:52:529 (1) - 00:54:751 (1) - 消したほうがリズムはいいかもしれません。- 00:52:529 (1) - disagree, しかし後ろにドラムのカツッ音が聞こえるのでdからkに変えました. 00:54:751 (1) - については提案通りにしました
01:01:696 (1) - 01:04:473 (1) - 1/2の後の三連打が難しいかもしれません。 01:03:779 (2) - でしょうか,削除しました. おそらく01:06:001 (2) - のことも指しているのでしょうがこちらは保留で...
01:15:029 - ここから気合タイムですので声に音合わすのでは無く1/1のリズムで音をもう少し入れてみたりして盛り上げてみるのはどうでしょうか。今のままだと音が少なくて妙にスカスカな気がします。
01:32:807 (1) - dkの二連打の後にDは難しいかもしれません。 1/1のリズムで置いたほうがいいかもしれません。- vocalにも合ってるのでfixed!
01:53:223 (2) - 手前の1/1に置く。- 再度調整しなおしました
01:58:779 (3) - を手前に置いて3連打。- done
02:11:696 (2) - その前のリズムが声に合わせているのでこちらも声にあわせたほうがいいと思います、手前の1/2に置く。- done
02:17:251 - 先ほどの気合タイムと同じ。
02:35:029 (1) - ここもkdの後にKが叩き辛いかもしれません。- fixed
02:53:918 - 02:55:029 - 02:56:140 - 02:56:696 - ここにkを置く。- 小休憩をつけたかったので今のところは空白のままで.代わりにbreak timeを入れました
03:03:918 - 先ほどの気合タイムと同じ。
- added some notes in each KIAI time

[Taiko Oni]
全体的に詰まって鬼にしてはちょっと難しいと感じたのでInnerの名前付けてもいいかもしれません。- いったん保留で… but deleted some notes
00:14:196 - k
00:15:446 - 00:16:001 - k - ここのあたりをnotes少なくしたかったのですが中途半端だったようなので減らす方向で再調整しました
00:17:251 - 三連打消してK - done
00:40:723 - d - nah
00:41:279 - 三連打を消して1/2のリズムでkddk - k . d k
02:12:807 (1) - k
02:13:084 (1) - d
02:13:362 (2) - k
02:13:640 (1) - d - ここまで再配置. たぶん提案つかえてません, sorry
02:13:918 (2) - 02:14:890 (3) - ここからここまでdとkの入れ替え- no

Thank you for modding! :)
Hallowww ~

- Maybe put the title to (Nightcore Trance Remix) and remove nightcore from the tags?

01:15:862 - Add a circle?
01:16:140 (3) - Change to a slider and end it at 01:16:279 ?
01:32:251 - Add a circle?
01:46:973 (2) - Reverse?
02:25:446 - Add a circle.
02:29:751 - ^
02:30:307 - ^
03:18:084 - ^

01:31:696 (1) - Move this to 01:32:807 and end it at 01:35:029.
01:31:696 - Slider and end it at 01:31:973.
01:32:112 - Slider and end it at 01:32:251.
01:32:390 - Add a circle.
01:32:529 - ^
01:32:668 - ^
02:14:473 (5) - New combo?
02:34:057 (1) - Move to 02:35:029 and extend until 02:37:251 and map the empty part before the spinner. (I'll give suggestions on how you can map that part ~)
02:34:057 - Slider, end at 02:34:126.
02:34:196 - Slider, end at 02:34:265.
02:34:473 - 02:34:751 - Add a circle on every tick.
02:34:821 - Slider, end at 02:34:890.
Maybe, make it look like this?

Nicely mapped ~
Good luck! >w<
Topic Starter

xXCrystalMoonAnimeXx wrote:

Hallowww ~ - Hiwwww >w<

- Maybe put the title to (Nightcore Trance Remix) and remove nightcore from the tags? - I followed the title of this song in YouTube; ... ure=g-hist so no change for now, but if another person point out it, I'll change

01:15:862 - Add a circle? - done
01:16:140 (3) - Change to a slider and end it at 01:16:279 ? - no change fow now. If I did this I ought to change the spacing and timing, which I think is too hard for the easiest diff...
01:32:251 - Add a circle? - reasonable. done
01:46:973 (2) - Reverse? - nope, just because I don't come up with placement which can resolve the spacing issue. sorry!
02:25:446 - Add a circle. - I think it's hard to read the timing
02:29:751 - ^ - done
02:30:307 - ^ - used a slider instead
03:18:084 - ^ - done

01:31:696 (1) - Move this to 01:32:807 and end it at 01:35:029. - done
01:31:696 - Slider and end it at 01:31:973.
01:32:112 - Slider and end it at 01:32:251.
01:32:390 - Add a circle.
01:32:529 - ^
01:32:668 - ^- used another pattern, sry ><
02:14:473 (5) - New combo?- nope
02:34:057 (1) - Move to 02:35:029 and extend until 02:37:251 and map the empty part before the spinner. (I'll give suggestions on how you can map that part ~) - spinner done~
02:34:057 - Slider, end at 02:34:126.
02:34:196 - Slider, end at 02:34:265.
02:34:473 - 02:34:751 - Add a circle on every tick.
02:34:821 - Slider, end at 02:34:890.
Maybe, make it look like this? - I don't want to use 1/4 rhythm pattern so used another pattern~ ><

Nicely mapped ~
Good luck! >w<
m o s
nice map~ :)
01:18:640 (5,6,1,2,3) - 5のhit表示に隠れて1のサークルが見えなくなってしまうので、配置を変えないとダメです。

Topic Starter

Highslider wrote:

01:18:640 (5,6,1,2,3) - 5のhit表示に隠れて1のサークルが見えなくなってしまうので、配置を変えないとダメです。

しかし今回の場合だとスライダー終点の下に隠れているのも合わさって、ふつうより格段に見えづらくなってしまっていたので、配置を変更しました。 ご指摘ありがとうございました
[MOD QUEUE REQUEST (Taiko only)]
= don
= katsu
= big done
= big katsu

* = suggestion
* = strongly recommended
* = mini explanation

[Taiko Futsuu]
MOD information
  1. 00:05:584 - ?
  2. 00:30:307 - ?
[*]00:22:251 (1,2,3,1) , 00:24:473 (1,1,1,1) , 00:26:696 (2,3,1,1)
00:28:918 (2,3,1,1) これには上の三つと比べて変化を与えるべきです
00:31:140 (1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1) ここらもパターンは上と同じで良いのでは?

[*]00:48:362 (1,1,1,1,2,3,4,1,1)
ここら辺は、 が少しある程度で良いのでは?

  1. 01:58:918 - ?
  2. 02:14:473 (1,1) - ?
  3. 03:12:251 - ?
  4. 03:20:862 - ?
  5. 03:21:418 - ?
そこまで配置や色など、変えなくて良いと思います ~

[Taiko Inner Oni]
MOD information
  1. 00:04:334 - ?
  2. 00:26:001 - ?
  3. 00:26:140 - ?
  4. 00:26:418 - ?
  5. 00:26:557 - ?
[*]00:26:696 (1,2,1,2)
または、00:21:973 (1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,1)

[*]01:10:723 ~
ここにも ではないでしょうか?
01:14:057 (2) これは消しても?

[*]01:58:362 (1,2,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,2,1,2)

[*]02:16:279 (2)

Reyshel さんに繋ぎます~
from mod queue :3

[Taiko Oni]
  1. 00:08:640 (4) - k
  2. 00:09:196 (9) - ^
  3. 00:10:307 - move this slider's end to this point
  4. 00:10:584 - add d
  5. 01:13:084 (1) - d
  6. 00:17:251 (1) - remove finish
  7. 00:56:834 - add k
  8. 00:56:973 - add d
  9. 00:57:112 - ^
  10. 01:32:529 (1) - remove finish
  11. 01:38:084 (1) - k
  12. 01:40:307 (1) - ^
  13. 02:52:112 (2) - ^
  14. 03:20:862 (1) - d
頑張って下さい :)
Topic Starter

0gre wrote:

[MOD QUEUE REQUEST (Taiko only)]
= don
= katsu
= big done - びっぐだん
= big katsu

* = suggestion
* = strongly recommended
* = mini explanation

[Taiko Futsuu]
MOD information
  1. 00:05:584 - ? - done
  2. 00:30:307 - ?

[*]00:22:251 (1,2,3,1) , 00:24:473 (1,1,1,1) , 00:26:696 (2,3,1,1)
00:28:918 (2,3,1,1) これには上の三つと比べて変化を与えるべきです
00:31:140 (1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1) ここらもパターンは上と同じで良いのでは?
- ここ周辺のパターンを変えました、大体指摘にあうようにはしたつもりです
00:31:140 - からの部分についてはちょっとアレな気もしますがコピペつかいました

[*]00:48:362 (1,1,1,1,2,3,4,1,1)
ここら辺は、 が少しある程度で良いのでは? - dがぽつぽつある程度だとfutsuuにしてはさびしく感じました とりあえず再配置しなおしました

  1. 01:58:918 - ? - done
  2. 02:14:473 (1,1) - ? - keep, 毎回同じだと飽きやすいというのもあります._.
  3. 03:12:251 - ? - done
  4. 03:20:862 - ? - ...? ボーカルに合わせるなら03:20:307 - ですし、残り2つのkiai timeを見てもこの位置が合ってるとは思いません
  5. 03:21:418 - ? - no again ._.
そこまで配置や色など、変えなくて良いと思います ~

[Taiko Inner Oni]
MOD information
  1. 00:04:334 - ? - done
  2. 00:26:001 - ? - no. 00:26:140 (1) - に高めの音が入ってますし、そこを立たせるためにも、またgameplayのやりやすさからもここは (kdddk) -> d -> k の方が良いと思いました
  3. 00:26:140 - ?
  4. 00:26:418 - ?
  5. 00:26:557 - ?
[*]00:26:696 (1,2,1,2)
または、00:21:973 (1,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,1)
- こういうような曲の場合、ドラムが大体変わらず同じリズムを刻み続けてるので、少しパターンを変えて退屈にならないようにしています。 ただ{oo oo}のリズムがここだけってのもおかしいので少し後のパターンにも組み込みました

[*]01:10:723 ~
ここにも ではないでしょうか?- nope, ここを埋めてしまうと1/1 tickの小休憩もなく、長い間詰まった配置になってしまい、ルール違反とさえ言われる場合があるのでここは埋めません
01:14:057 (2) これは消しても?- やはりここに音があるのでそのまま保留。 Taiko Oni diffでは置いてありませんが、これは長めのストリームの直後にまたnoteを置くのは難易度が高めだと思ったからです

[*]01:58:362 (1,2,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,2,1,2)
繰り返しますが、同じメロディーに違う配置、色はなるべく避けたほうが良いのでは? - notes消して速度25%で聞けばわかると思いますが後ろのシンセドラムの音にあわせてnotesを置いてあります

[*]02:16:279 (2)
うーむ ;'u') 考慮してみますv

Reyshel さんに繋ぎます~

ReySHeL wrote:

from mod queue :3

[Taiko Oni]
  1. 00:08:640 (4) - k - ......-w-! done!
  2. 00:09:196 (9) - ^ - ^
  3. 00:10:307 - move this slider's end to this point - spinnerのことを言ってると思いますがno changeで。 スピンの終わりのシュイイイインは今の場所にあるのがベターだと思います シュイイイイン以外の表現が思いつかないです
  4. 00:10:584 - add d
  5. 00:17:251 (1) - remove finish - no, ここはソフトにカーンって響かせたほうが良いと思いました
  6. 00:56:834 - add k - 気づかなかった...! done!
  7. 00:56:973 - add d - ^
  8. 00:57:112 - ^ - no,曲のドラムがこの1/4後ろにあるので、位置をずらしてまでここにnoteを置くのは不自然な気がしました
  9. 01:13:084 (1) - d - ここではなくその手前のパターンを変えて整えました
  10. 01:32:529 (1) - remove finish - done
  11. 01:38:084 (1) - k - いったん保留で
  12. 01:40:307 (1) - ^ - ^
  13. 02:52:112 (2) - ^ - nope
  14. 03:20:862 (1) - d - no ._.
頑張って下さい :)
ありがとうございました! :)
asked for mod inner oni =w=
[inner oni]
00:52:459 (1) - k?
01:14:057 (2) - remove this? i think it's not need.
01:39:126 (1) - d?
01:41:209 (1) - moved to 01:41:279 ?
01:58:362 (1,2,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,2,1) - i think is not fit the song. may be try other patterns?
01:59:473 (2) - to 02:08:362 (1) - saitama part huh :3? just aware that =w=
02:16:279 (2) - same as 01:14:057 (2) -

nice map~
Topic Starter
1st post on page2

Firce777 wrote:

asked for mod inner oni =w=
[inner oni]
00:52:459 (1) - k? - done
01:14:057 (2) - remove this? i think it's not need. - but here you can hear some sound... I'll change this when another person says so
01:39:126 (1) - d? - done
01:41:209 (1) - moved to 01:41:279 ? - at first I thought this is nice pattern but for now not so catchy... =w= fixed
01:58:362 (1,2,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,2,1) - i think is not fit the song. may be try other patterns? - changed this
01:59:473 (2) - to 02:08:362 (1) - saitama part huh :3? just aware that =w= - yup .w.
02:16:279 (2) - same as 01:14:057 (2) - - same as the before

nice map~
Thank you~! :)
- Kevin


Fix your offset at 1680 hear your song at 25% speed and see
Muting sliderslide makes the map unrankable, You are not allowed to mute anything anymore


01:23:084 - Add note add clap
01:23:084 - Add clap at this point

02:25:307 - Add note, add clap
02:25:584 (5) - end this slider at 02:25:723 make him reverse
02:25:029 - 02:25:862 - Clap on all red and white points

03:02:251 (3,4,5,6,7) - transform this into a stream?

03:11:973 - Add note, add clap
03:12:251 - Add clap at this point

00:49:890 (3) - Transform into a 1/2 slider? 00:50:168 (4) - Transform into a triplet?

00:52:459 (2) - Delete there is no beat at blue tick

01:02:112 (2) - Transform into 3 beats at Red/White/Red ticks

01:12:528 (6) - Unsnapped Ctrl + Shift + A fix that

01:23:084 - Add note, if u follow ↓
01:23:362 (3) - Transform into a 1/2 Slider if u followed↓
01:22:807 - 01:23:779 - Clap into all Red and white ticks

01:58:362 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This part is weird but i didnt had any idea try something better

02:25:307 - Add note, Add clap
02:25:446 (3,4,5) - Try this

02:25:029 - 02:26:001 clap on all red and white ticks

03:11:696 - 03:12:668 - Same example of 01:22:807 - 01:23:779 Add note at 03:11:973 Clap at all red and white ticks

Good luck
Topic Starter

kevinelson wrote:

- a cool stuff here


Fix your offset at 1680 hear your song at 25% speed and see - offset changed - NO. I asked someone (pp rank around #500) to test my map with offset 1680 and 1680+15, he/she said the former one is too early and the later one is much better. So I'll keep the offset 1696 (Editted on March 22nd).
Muting sliderslide makes the map unrankable, You are not allowed to mute anything anymore - Nah, Muting sliderslide.wav is still available. See this ranked map, where is used muted sliderslider.

- I reply using offset 1680.


01:23:084 - Add note add clap
01:23:084 - Add clap at this point - I don't like making this 5-prets here... And an additional note here may break the emphasis on 01:22:791 (1,2,3) - . So I will reject the suggestions like this for now... sorry!

02:25:307 - Add note, add clap
02:25:584 (5) - end this slider at 02:25:723 make him reverse
02:25:029 - 02:25:862 - Clap on all red and white points

03:02:251 (3,4,5,6,7) - transform this into a stream? - what do you mean? This is 1/2 stream, so what should I do...?

03:11:973 - Add note, add clap
03:12:251 - Add clap at this point

00:49:890 (3) - Transform into a 1/2 slider? 00:50:168 (4) - Transform into a triplet? - But this way sounds still good as the music sounds. No change here

00:52:459 (2) - Delete there is no beat at blue tick - ok

01:02:112 (2) - Transform into 3 beats at Red/White/Red ticks - This doesn't sounds bad, though I prefer the current pattern since mine can follow the vocal better imo

01:12:528 (6) - Unsnapped Ctrl + Shift + A fix that - fixed

01:23:084 - Add note, if u follow ↓
01:23:362 (3) - Transform into a 1/2 Slider if u followed↓
01:22:807 - 01:23:779 - Clap into all Red and white ticks - same to what I mentiond in the Hard diff

01:58:362 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This part is weird but i didnt had any idea try something better - yup, but me either lol

02:25:307 - Add note, Add clap
02:25:446 (3,4,5) - Try this

02:25:029 - 02:26:001 clap on all red and white ticks

03:11:696 - 03:12:668 - Same example of 01:22:807 - 01:23:779 Add note at 03:11:973 Clap at all red and white ticks

Good luck
Thanks for modding! :)
Taiko mod :3

Most of these are just suggestions, you can ignore some of them if you want to.

  • Byon Byon
    [Taiko Futsuu]
    1. 00:16:140 - add d (?)
    2. 00:39:473 (4) - k
    3. 02:26:140 (3) - k
    4. 02:27:251 (2) - k
    5. 03:12:807 (4) - k
    6. 03:30:307 (2) - k

      [Taiko Oni]
    7. 00:02:807 (2) - move to 00:02:946
    8. 00:26:001 (1) - k
    9. 00:28:223 (1) - k
    10. 00:29:612 (2) - k
    11. 00:30:446 (1) - k
    12. 00:32:668 (1) - k
    13. 01:18:640 (2) - k
    14. 01:37:112 (1) - k
    15. 01:38:084 (1) - k
    16. 01:50:584 - add d (?)
    17. 02:11:140 (2) - d
    18. 02:39:334 (1) - k
    19. 02:41:557 (1) - k

      [Taiko Inner Oni]
    20. 00:03:501 - add d
    21. 00:23:779 (1) - k
    22. 00:24:612 (4) - k
    23. 00:26:001 (1) - k
    24. 00:26:140 (1) - d
    25. 00:26:765 (2) - k
    26. 00:26:973 (2) - d
    27. 00:28:084 (2) - k
    28. 00:28:223 (3) - k
    29. 00:30:446 (1) - k
    30. 00:31:279 (4) - k
    31. 00:34:890 (1) - k
    32. 00:37:112 (1) - k
    33. 01:01:696 (3) - d
    34. 01:08:918 (2) - k
    35. 01:10:723 - add d
    36. 01:14:057 (2) - d
    37. 01:17:807 (3) - d
    38. 01:18:084 (3) - k
    39. 01:25:862 (3) - k
    40. 01:34:890 (1) - k
    41. 01:35:723 (4) - k
    42. 01:37:112 (1) - k
    43. 01:37:251 (1) - d
    44. 01:39:334 (1) - k
    45. 01:46:001 (1) - k
    46. 01:46:140 (1) - d
    47. 01:46:834 (4) - k
    48. 01:50:168 (3) - k
    49. 01:55:029 (2) - d
    50. 01:55:723 (3) - d
    51. 02:10:584 (2) - d
    52. 02:20:029 (3) - d
    53. 02:20:862 (2) - k
    54. 02:37:112 (1) - k
    55. 02:43:779 (1) - k
    56. 02:46:001 (1) - k
    57. 03:03:223 (2) - k
    58. 03:03:779 (1) - k
    59. 03:05:168 (2) - d
    60. 03:17:529 (2) - k
    61. 03:28:223 (1,2) - both k

    Nice map, I like the streams in Inner Oni :3
    Good luck!
Topic Starter
Sorry for the late reply, having something to do .__.

Jerry wrote:

Taiko mod :3

Most of these are just suggestions, you can ignore some of them if you want to.

  • Byon Byon
    [Taiko Futsuu]
    1. 00:16:140 - add d (?) - done
    2. 00:39:473 (4) - k - nope, this Don fits here very well imo...
    3. 02:26:140 (3) - k - done the rest
    4. 02:27:251 (2) - k
    5. 03:12:807 (4) - k
    6. 03:30:307 (2) - k

      [Taiko Oni]
    7. 00:02:807 (2) - move to 00:02:946 - done
    8. 00:26:001 (1) - k - done
    9. 00:28:223 (1) - k - no, sorry >_<
    10. 00:29:612 (2) - k - nope, the don can cover the drum beat the best
    11. 00:30:446 (1) - k - the don plays well imo...
    12. 00:32:668 (1) - k - no
    13. 01:18:640 (2) - k
    14. 01:37:112 (1) - k
    15. 01:38:084 (1) - k
    16. 01:50:584 - add d (?) - k instead
    17. 02:11:140 (2) - d
    18. 02:39:334 (1) - k
    19. 02:41:557 (1) - k
      - some applied... sorry but I'm feeling lazy to reply now because "I did change!" -> "No, I should not change" -> "but I can change... umm?" :?

      [Taiko Inner Oni]
    20. 00:03:501 - add d - I don't feel like so... a bit excessive
    21. 00:23:779 (1) - k - no... sorry
    22. 00:24:612 (4) - k - done
    23. 00:26:001 (1) - k - done
    24. 00:26:140 (1) - d - no, this should start with don
    25. 00:26:765 (2) - k - I use this dd_kk since 00:26:904 (1,2) - 's kk sounds much better than use dk_kd...
    26. 00:26:973 (2) - d - ^
    27. 00:28:084 (2) - k - sounds nice
    28. 00:28:223 (3) - k - no
    29. 00:30:446 (1) - k - no
    30. 00:31:279 (4) - k - done
    31. 00:34:890 (1) - k - done
    32. 00:37:112 (1) - k - no
    33. 01:01:696 (3) - d - okay
    34. 01:08:918 (2) - k - done
    35. 01:10:723 - add d - done
    36. 01:14:057 (2) - d - too heavy here
    37. 01:17:807 (3) - d - hmm nice
    38. 01:18:084 (3) - k - ^
    39. 01:25:862 (3) - k - no
    40. 01:34:890 (1) - k - no
    41. 01:35:723 (4) - k - ok
    42. 01:37:112 (1) - k - both applied
    43. 01:37:251 (1) - d - ^
    44. 01:39:334 (1) - k - no
    45. 01:46:001 (1) - k - no
    46. 01:46:140 (1) - d - no. the high-pitched sound makes me put a kat here...
    47. 01:46:834 (4) - k - done
    48. 01:50:168 (3) - k - no. according to the drum sound 01:50:029 (2,3,1,1) - should be d d k d imo
    49. 01:55:029 (2) - d - ok
    50. 01:55:723 (3) - d - ok
    51. 02:10:584 (2) - d - no..
    52. 02:20:029 (3) - d - no
    53. 02:20:862 (2) - k - no
    54. 02:37:112 (1) - k - no
    55. 02:43:779 (1) - k - done
    56. 02:46:001 (1) - k - no
    57. 03:03:223 (2) - k - I remade the stream
    58. 03:03:779 (1) - k - done
    59. 03:05:168 (2) - d - no.. fits well imo
    60. 03:17:529 (2) - k - done
    61. 03:28:223 (1,2) - both k - done

    Nice map, I like the streams in Inner Oni :3
    Good luck!
Thank you! :) and sorry for the lazy reply...
this is a great maps :3
Topic Starter

crna wrote:

- いいえ、アーティスト名はNightcoreではなくアーティスト(ここでは歌手)にすべきです。Nightcoreはソースにもアーティストにもふさわしくありません
Thank you for checking :3

_VLaD_ wrote:

this is a great maps :3
Thanks <3
Hm... Can i make easy diff. on this map?)
Topic Starter

[LikeSmile] wrote:

Hm... Can i make easy diff. on this map?)
Sorry, but I don't want an Easy diff for this mapset...

If you have already done it, post it and then I'll put it on the creator's words.

Nightcore - Connect (Trance Remix)

Naryuga wrote:

- いいえ、アーティスト名はNightcoreではなくアーティスト(ここでは歌手)にすべきです。Nightcoreはソースにもアーティストにもふさわしくありません
オリジナルとはピッチがかけ離れているのでNightcore - Connect (Trance Remix)
補足としてOriginal ClariSと記載する形が理想です

再度ご検討の方よろしくお願いします :)
Topic Starter

crna wrote:


Nightcore - Connect (Trance Remix)

ここにBaracudaの楽曲のLa Di Daがありますが、Nightcore化されたLa Di DaがすでにRankedしています ( )
ほかのNightcore mixの音楽も、やはりアーティスト名にはNightcoreは入れず、歌手の名前を入れてあるものが多いです(検索していただければわかると思います)



crna wrote:

Naryuga wrote:

- いいえ、アーティスト名はNightcoreではなくアーティスト(ここでは歌手)にすべきです。Nightcoreはソースにもアーティストにもふさわしくありません
オリジナルとはピッチがかけ離れているのでNightcore - Connect (Trance Remix)
補足としてOriginal ClariSと記載する形が理想です

再度ご検討の方よろしくお願いします :)


Naryuga wrote:


どうしてもClariSをアーティスト名として使いたいのであれば他の人のように (Nightcore Mix)と表記するべきです
Topic Starter

crna wrote:


Naryuga wrote:


どうしてもClariSをアーティスト名として使いたいのであれば他の人のように (Nightcore Mix)と表記するべきです
なるほど... しかしosu!ではNightcoreをアーティストとして使うのも抵抗がありますorz

もう一度考えてみた結果、以前にあったmodpost (p/1813202) にしたがって Connect (Nightcore Trance Remix) というふうにタイトルの部分を書き換えてみることにします。これなら以前よりベターだとは思います :?

がんばってNaryuga! :3
Topic Starter

Pimpi wrote:

がんばってNaryuga! :3
Pimpi nyan~! Thank you!
Topic Starter

litoluna wrote:

さんきゅううううう!!!! :)
I love this song =w=
You can entirely disregard ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

Inner Oni

02:38:918 - d
02:45:237 - k(?
03:00:723 - k(?
03:02:737 - k(?
03:03:640 - d
03:12:668 - d
03:16:348 - k
03:18:501 - k(?
Topic Starter

zx_baka_0502442 wrote:

I love this song =w=
You can entirely disregard ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

Inner Oni

02:38:918 - d - no, it fits the sounds like 02:38:779 - or 02:39:196 (1) -
02:45:237 - k(? - ok
03:00:723 - k(? - no... sounds weird
03:02:737 - k(? - ok
03:03:640 - d - done
03:12:668 - d - ok, it fits the other pattern that I did
03:16:348 - k - done
03:18:501 - k(? - done
Thank you! >u<
Random mods from #modreqs.

- Gotta love your sliders here :D
03:17:807 (2) - Suggestion, add new combo?
I like this diff!

00:01:711 (1) - It's not snapped, plus the end of slider is not snapped well either, please recheck.
01:31:834 (2,3) - Same as 01:32:529 (2) - from [Insane], I like sound here more 02:33:918 (1).
02:51:973 (3) - A bit too far from 02:51:695 (2)? compare from 02:50:584 (1) to 02:51:695 (2).

- I kind of want to ask you to add new combo on some past of sudden jump, but it's not that bad.
01:32:529 (2) - Suggestion, remove clap here and add it at the end of 01:32:112 (1) instead [01:32:390]? or don't add clap at all? Hmm.. I'm not sure, well up to you, I just find hit-sound was off. Make it sound like this 02:34:057 (1,2,3) - is better.
02:14:473 (5) - Suggestion, add new combo?

Interesting mapset, but I couldn't mods taiko, sorry. がんばって!
Topic Starter

orioncomet wrote:

Random mods from #modreqs.

- Gotta love your sliders here :D
03:17:807 (2) - Suggestion, add new combo? - sure~
I like this diff! - owo thanks!

00:01:711 (1) - It's not snapped, plus the end of slider is not snapped well either, please recheck. - fixed the timing
01:31:834 (2,3) - Same as 01:32:529 (2) - from [Insane], I like sound here more 02:33:918 (1). - then removed clap from 01:32:529 - and added it on 01:32:390 - follow the drum sound, maybe that's what you mean...
02:51:973 (3) - A bit too far from 02:51:695 (2)? compare from 02:50:584 (1) to 02:51:695 (2). - That's one pattern but changing it, the inconsistency of spacing is not so comfortable

- I kind of want to ask you to add new combo on some past of sudden jump, but it's not that bad. - added on a few parts
01:32:529 (2) - Suggestion, remove clap here and add it at the end of 01:32:112 (1) instead [01:32:390]? or don't add clap at all? Hmm.. I'm not sure, well up to you, I just find hit-sound was off. Make it sound like this 02:34:057 (1,2,3) - is better. - added clap as well as Hard
02:14:473 (5) - Suggestion, add new combo? - maybe that would be better, added

Interesting mapset, but I couldn't mods taiko, sorry. がんばって!
All fixed :3
Thank you!!
Naryugaさん こんちゃ!#modreqsからです



00:16:834 - add whistle ?
00:30:029 - ここにclapを付けて、00:30:098 - のclapを外したほうがリズム取りやすいかなと思いました。
00:38:501 (2) - add whistle
00:38:918 - whistleに変更
00:48:223 - この静かな場面でAudio Volume80%はちょっとでかいかなと思いました。60%を提案します。
00:52:807 - 65%
00:53:918 - 70%
00:55:029 - 80%
こんな感じでBメロに向けて少しづつ音量上げていくと、プレイヤーの心をギュっと掴めると思います ;)
00:48:223 ~ 00:55:029を修正する場合は、他の難易度も合わせて修正してみてください。

01:58:709 - clap削除 01:58:779 - clap追加。 clapを青線から赤線にしたほうが自分はシックリきました。
01:59:057 (5) - clapに変更


01:31:834 (2) - ボーカルに合わせてこんな音取りはどうかな?

01:55:723 (4,5) - Grid snapを外して、スライダーのケツのドットを0.5 ~ 1.0 grid外側にずらしたほうが01:55:584 (3,4,5,6) - このセットの見た目が良くなるかと。


00:36:140 (3) - 上に反らしたほうが次の00:37:251 (1) - に移りやすいかなと思いました。

02:11:695 (3) - 少し上に移動したほうが、見た目も良くなるし、AIMもしやすいと思います。

nice mapset! good luck ;)
Topic Starter

iyasine wrote:

Naryugaさん こんちゃ!#modreqsからです



00:16:834 - add whistle ? - すでについていますが...
00:30:029 - ここにclapを付けて、00:30:098 - のclapを外したほうがリズム取りやすいかなと思いました。 - ドラムの音にあわせていますのでここをずらすと変な感じになります... 代わりに00:30:029 - にwhistleをつける変更をしました
00:38:501 (2) - add whistle - うーん... 特に後ろに目立つ音もないのでこのままで 
00:38:918 - whistleに変更 - ok
00:48:223 - この静かな場面でAudio Volume80%はちょっとでかいかなと思いました。60%を提案します。- ok
00:52:807 - 65%
00:53:918 - 70%
00:55:029 - 80%
こんな感じでBメロに向けて少しづつ音量上げていくと、プレイヤーの心をギュっと掴めると思います ;) - 数字は異なりますが提案のように音量を上げていくようにしました。全体的に音量変化に乏しい感じだったので他の部分も考えてみます
00:48:223 ~ 00:55:029を修正する場合は、他の難易度も合わせて修正してみてください。 - ok

01:58:709 - clap削除 01:58:779 - clap追加。 clapを青線から赤線にしたほうが自分はシックリきました。
01:59:057 (5) - clapに変更- ここも00:30:029 - と同様にドラムの音にあわせてあるので青線のままです。 中途半端な音取りだったので混乱させてしまったのかもしれません... パターンごっそり変えました


01:31:834 (2) - ボーカルに合わせてこんな音取りはどうかな? - ok

01:55:723 (4,5) - Grid snapを外して、スライダーのケツのドットを0.5 ~ 1.0 grid外側にずらしたほうが01:55:584 (3,4,5,6) - このセットの見た目が良くなるかと。 - なるほど... 画像のようにそれぞれ一直線になるようにしました


00:36:140 (3) - 上に反らしたほうが次の00:37:251 (1) - に移りやすいかなと思いました。 - ok

02:11:695 (3) - 少し上に移動したほうが、見た目も良くなるし、AIMもしやすいと思います。 - スペーシングを憂慮してたのですが大丈夫でした, fixed

nice mapset! good luck ;)
ありがとうございました! :)

Lead-In 500は少し短いと思いました 1000は欲しいです
00:39:751 - 02:53:084 - BreakTimeを1メモリ右にずらすとgood?

no kudosu please~~ modしようと思ったけどたいした提案が見つからず(´・ω・`)

03:11:696 (3) - 1番のほうではここでNcが入ってたので此方もあわせてみては

Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:


Lead-In 500は少し短いと思いました 1000は欲しいです - 1note目まで既に1695(+500)msあるので十分かと思います
現状でもRankableですが、より良い音質のほうが好ましいと思います - 現状のサイズが少し軽いのもあって大丈夫かなと思ってたというか、そもそもあまり気にしてなかったですorz 元のファイル( )を調べたら320kbpsだったのでソフトさえあればできるのですが、変換ソフトを紛失してしまったので如何せんI'm too lazy to check the offsetなのもあってこのままで...
00:39:751 - 02:53:084 - BreakTimeを1メモリ右にずらすとgood? 前者はほとんど差が見られないのでそのままで。 後者はLetterboxが消えるという地味に大きい変化を起こしたのでどうしようか悩みましたが、試しにずらしてみることに... これは誰かに指摘されたらまた戻すかもです

no kudosu please~~ modしようと思ったけどたいした提案が見つからず(´・ω・`)

03:11:696 (3) - 1番のほうではここでNcが入ってたので此方もあわせてみては - NCのパターンを1番2番とあわせました

Check ありがとうー!
(:3 _ )=
no kds plz
Topic Starter

litoluna wrote:

(:3 _ )=
no kds plz
わああああありがとう!! updateしました :)
Gloria Guard
Hey Naryuga

00:01:569 (1,2) You missing slider

this not modding no kudosu

Edit : This is map offset -10 (1560) please.

I listen this sound offset check is better.
XL i g h t

Taiko modding and for M4M
most of them are suggestion

Taiko Futsuu
dont have to be a breaktime in taiko diff, fill something on the break
00:56:140 (1) - the vocal goes down here so big d here
01:46:140 (3) - ^ but change to d

Taiko Oni

01:10:042 - i think add d here
01:14:903 (2) - move to 01:15:042 -
01:31:292 (1,1,1) - ithink kdkdd is more fit
01:32:681 (1) - move it to 01:32:820 -
01:34:208 (1,2,3) - i prefer kkd
02:17:125 (1) - move it to 02:17:264 -
02:23:236 (1,1) - try kd
02:24:903 (1,2) - try dk
02:34:903 (3) - move to 02:35:042 -
03:03:236 (2) - delete this
03:03:792 (1) - move to 03:03:931 - and add k here 03:03:792 -

great map and song so star~
Topic Starter

Gloria Guard wrote:

Hey Naryuga

00:01:569 (1,2) You missing slider

this not modding no kudosu

Edit : This is map offset -10 (1560) please.

I listen this sound offset check is better.

XL177E2 wrote:


譜面は神でした。 - thx ><
Thanks for checking and pointing the issues. I made these changes according the posts:
  1. Fixed the first slider in the Standard diffs
  2. Offset -10

Uchiha_sorayuki wrote:

Taiko modding and for M4M - If you want m4m from me then post your modpost on my modding queue and I'll mod yours in return
most of them are suggestion

Taiko Futsuu
dont have to be a breaktime in taiko diff, fill something on the break - umm... add a few notes on the breaktimes
00:56:140 (1) - the vocal goes down here so big d here - I'd rather use a light Kat note instead of a heavy Don note here...
01:46:140 (3) - ^ but change to d - done

Taiko Oni

01:10:042 - i think add d here - ok
01:14:903 (2) - move to 01:15:042 - - I wonder why... o_o The vocal is definitely start here, and nothing follow 01:15:042 - . It sounds really strange to me.
01:31:292 (1,1,1) - ithink kdkdd is more fit - no... here is not in the mood of a sudden stream
01:32:681 (1) - move it to 01:32:820 - - no, same reason to 01:14:903 (2) -
01:34:208 (1,2,3) - i prefer kkd - ok
02:17:125 (1) - move it to 02:17:264 - - no
02:23:236 (1,1) - try kd - no ><
02:24:903 (1,2) - try dk - dd instead
02:34:903 (3) - move to 02:35:042 - - nope...
03:03:236 (2) - delete this - following the vocal
03:03:792 (1) - move to 03:03:931 - and add k here 03:03:792 - - no...

great map and song so star~
I really wonder whether you have the right (newly set) mp3... I recommend you check whether your mod is really what you intended or not.
Thank you for modding anyways
Why would you Nightcore a song like this? It makes me sad. :(

Andrea wrote:

Why would you Nightcore a song like this? It makes me sad. :(
LOL that's funny because Andrea
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