
Mikakuning! - Masshiro World (TV Size) [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年11月13日 at 20:34:47

Artist: Mikakuning!
Title: Masshiro World (TV Size)
Source: 未確認で進行形
Tags: Engaged to the Unidentified anime japanese pop j-pop jpop ED ending mikakunin de shinkoukei junky 照井春佳 terui haruka 松井恵理子 matsui eriko 吉田有里 yoshida yuuri 三峰真白 mitsumine mashiro 夜ノ森小紅 yonomori kobeni 夜ノ森紅緒 benio volta ][_-gh-_][ roger
BPM: 160
Filesize: 2497kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Muzukashii (3.22 stars, 330 notes)
  2. Oni (3.6 stars, 406 notes)
  3. Roger's Inner Oni (4.42 stars, 531 notes)
  4. Roger's Kantan (1.27 stars, 126 notes)
  5. Volta's Futsuu (2.24 stars, 245 notes)
Download: Mikakuning! - Masshiro World (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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Kenangan zaman awal kejayaan
apik e perkembangan jaman tekan jaman timur kuasa nganti medhun wong e tur saiki wes ra tau krungu. tapi tetep kudu satu. ninggal sitok sing rung munggah.

Kantan by Roger
Futsuu by Volta
Muzukashii by me
Oni by me
Inner Oni by Roger
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