
New channels for other languages(countries). [added]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +126
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I think this is really good
I found the Vietnamese nation now are very popular this game
me you want to vietnam with a space said private...
this is essential for the development of the VN in the osu
look forward to your attention with VN
I see no reason why these channels are yet to exist, so thumbs up from me.
Support ^_^
Of course supporting, i always wanted to have channel only with czech and slovaks ^^
100% supporting, because I'm sure there's people from the listed country that can't understand English very much so these channel might be useful for them. :)
Ofc support. /me wants #ukrainian
I'd also like to support this, but since there is this thing against #ponies, I can't.

As you know, you also have things like #videogames, which isn't a language as well.
Since the Brony community already knows over 12M people, maybe even more, there would be a good reason to revive #ponies.
From a non-Brony's side, I would also think this to be a good addition as a channel, since the most Bronies will move to there.
I know Bronies can be annoying as hell sometimes, but that is not a reason to disband them.

-Ssla Cyhadals
I support this #Bulgarian channel Woo wooo :) :lol: :P

crabovan wrote:

Ofc support. /me wants #ukrainian
#russian is enough.....
My full support to you. +1

Marcin wrote:

crabovan wrote:

Ofc support. /me wants #ukrainian
#russian is enough.....
No. We, ukrainians, want to speak ukrainian. :c

DennisLol wrote:

I'd also like to support this, but since there is this thing against #ponies, I can't.

As you know, you also have things like #videogames, which isn't a language as well.
Since the Brony community already knows over 12M people, maybe even more, there would be a good reason to revive #ponies.
From a non-Brony's side, I would also think this to be a good addition as a channel, since the most Bronies will move to there.
I know Bronies can be annoying as hell sometimes, but that is not a reason to disband them.

-Ssla Cyhadals
This is not against ponies.
The main problem here is that adding a channel for any one specific subculture can be considered unfair in the eyes of any other subculture.
If it would be a Touhou channel I would still say it's unfair even if I play Touhou games regularly. And the languge channels should have priority over subculture channels especially since they are often requested.
Even the videogames channel shouldn't really be a channel imo, especially since the remaining language channels were repeatedly denied because the channel architecture couldn't handle more channel slots than we have right now.
Until there's a new channel system that can handle every language channel and still have free slots then we can start adding all the subculture channels.
Meikyuuiri Tsumi
Support this. Also, translation to Croatian.
Pišem ovo jer sam vidio da se je dodao #ponies kanal dok ostale zemlje koje imaju dovoljno korisnika za napraviti kanal, još nemaju svoj. Stvarno, zašto? Zbog nekakvih zabrana? Vidim da je meni sa kanalima obnovljen. Pa zašto onda ne dodate nove kanale?
Siguran sam da #hungarian treba kanal više nego #ponies i ove zajebancije... zato što to nisu jezici. Na primjer, možete ih pogledati kako pričaju na #osu kanalu. Pričali su na mađarskom zato jer nemaju svoj kanal gdje mogu pričat svojim jezikom.
Ista stvar se događa sa ostalim kanalima, kao što su #czechoslovak (ili #balkanian, za sve ove podijeljene države) ili #romanian i siguran sam da njima treba njihov kanal.
Ja ću proširiti riječ ovim malim zajednicama za podršku.
I pitam vas da pokažete ovu temu svim korisnicima sa zajednica koje još nemaju svoj kanal.

Lista kanala koji se mogu dodati:

#czechoslovak(ili #czech/#slovak)

Petya wrote:

Until there's a new channel system that can handle every language channel and still have free slots...
there is now.
srat.... though i don't play very often but it will be cool to have bulgarian channel
+2 ,channels should be finally added
AxE Kestrel

DennisLol wrote:

I'd also like to support this, but since there is this thing against #ponies, I can't.

As you know, you also have things like #videogames, which isn't a language as well.
Since the Brony community already knows over 12M people, maybe even more, there would be a good reason to revive #ponies.
From a non-Brony's side, I would also think this to be a good addition as a channel, since the most Bronies will move to there.
I know Bronies can be annoying as hell sometimes, but that is not a reason to disband them.

-Ssla Cyhadals
I have nothing wrong with bronies but what the hell would you talk in that channel?Roleplaying?
#videogames has something good in it i suppose,but for a cartoon serial?
We should make a Doctor House or anime channel then seriously...
You like a cartoon serial,it's not a big problem,but i hate it when everyone makes such a big fuss over it.
Besides different languages chatrooms is way more better since it ACTUALLY helps people who do not understand English at all unlike #ponies.
Do not think of this as an attack or anything,it's just that i see no meaning for a channel based on a (cartoon) tv serial.
this guy has a good point.
its gone anyway now so asdf
I have nothing about bronies but what the hell would you talk in that channel?Roleplaying?
#videogames has something good in it i suppose,but for a cartoon serial?
We should make a doctor house or anime channel then seriously...
You like a cartoon serial,it's not a big problem,but i hate it when everyone makes such a big fuss over it.
Besides different languages chatrooms is way more better since it ACTUALLY helps people who do not understand English at all unlike #ponies.
Do not think of this as an attack or anything,it's just that i see no meaning for a channel based on a (cartoon) tv serial.
I totally agree with you. If we'd had a #ponies, many people would come and request other channels for other shows.
And in a few weeks, we would have tons of requests for many other tv-show/cartoon/anime-channels. But I am totally supporting other rooms for other
languages, becouse I think everybody should have the possibility to talk in their own language, with people from their country.
Here, take my invisible star! /throws
Hell yeah, you got my support! :arrow: #bulgarian
t/83962/start=0 - I guess people will be really happy here.

Yes, I do support this idea. I would love to see #balkan as channel, since there are comming more and more people from this region.
At the moment we are just able to lurk around in #polish or #russian. It's not bad, since we can understand those guys somehow, but it's not the same.

I will give you a translation in serbish really soon.

Great Bass!
Topic Starter
Yugoslavia countries has similar languages but if we split it into #croatian/#serbian/#bosnian/#macedonian etc it won't have sense so better have #balkan as common channel for splitted countries since they can understand each other a bit.
Yes I agree with you Bass. Serbia, Croatia, Bossnia, Macedonia and so on is everything the same, since it was once Yugoslavia.

But this is a special case.

I talked to lolcubes about this topic before. We are worried that people could argue in this channel because of the history. Most of us will be probably fine with it, since when we were together it was really nice. But there are also some extrem people... but yes, probably mods could help there. I could do this with lolcubes if he and the team would agree to this.

Serbish Translation:

Пишем ово јер сам видео да се појавио #ponies канал док ОСТАЛЕ земље које има ју довољно корисника још увек немају свој канал.
А због чега? Због неких ограничења? Како ја видим channel listing мени је обновљен. Па онда зашто недодају нови канал?

Ја сам сигуран да на пример више треба #hungarian један канал него што треба један од ових pony guys/bronied/prgasis и тако даље, зато што то нису језици. Узмемо на пример разговор у #osu, мађари причају на њиховом језику зато што немају свој канал.
Исто то важи и за друге незавршене канале, као #czechoslovak(или и #balkan, са свим бишим ЈУ земљама) или #romanian. Ја сам сигуран да свакоме треба собствени канал.
Дајем реч подршке да се помогне овим земљама.
И молио бих вас да покажете свима из те заједнице овај тред.

E 16.08.2012: #ponies је нестао. Али ипак, пошто сад има нови канал мени, канали би могли бити додати.

Листа од канале које се могу додати:
  1. #hungarian
  2. #bulgarian
  3. #czechoslovak(or #czech/#slovak)
  4. #romanian
  5. #balkan(Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and other Yugoslavian countries)
  6. #arabic
  7. #african
  8. #cantonese
  9. #vietnamese
  10. #indonesian(splitted from #malay)

Edit: Fixed some language-issues
^Poot you, Ono.
I made a non-cyrillic translation in serbian, so you might add if you want, Bass.

Ja pisem ovo, jer sam video, da #ponies dopisati, dok druge drzave odvoljno users imaju i ipak nemajo svoj sopstveni channel.
Pitam se zasto? Samo sa to nije vredno? Ovako kako ja vidim, nije neki veliki poso, nove channel da se napravi. I onda zasto da nebude novi govorni-channel?

Prvilicno sam siguran da je #hungarian potrebniji nego #ponies, jer #ponies nije govorni jezik.
Usmimo na primier jezicki govor od #osu, de narod madjarski pricaju jer nemaju svoj vlastiti channel.
Isto vasi i za druge channels, kao #czechoslovak (ili #balkan, sa sve drzave koje pripadaju balkanu) ili #romanian, i siguran sam da i oni svoj vlastiti channel zasluzuju.
Ja pisem ovde sa male communites i podrzavam ih.
I pitam vas ovde sve, koji su ovde protrebni.

A lista mogucih channels:

#czechoslovak(or #czech/#slovak)
#balkan(Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and other Yugoslavian countries)
#indonesian(splitted from #malay)
^ There are some wrong translations and weird grammas in the first paragraph. x_x

Second paragraph has some Issues in words.
Usmimo -> Uzmimo
vasi -> vazi
channels -> normalno se to zove ,,kanale"

,,Ja pisem ovde sa male communites i podrzavam ih.
I pitam vas ovde sve, koji su ovde protrebni."
-> Nah... not exactly what he said. orz

crabovan wrote:

Marcin wrote:

#russian is enough.....
No. We, ukrainians, want to speak ukrainian. :c
No you don't.

Hmm, you guys didn't understand why peppy created the #ponies channel. He wanted to prove, that in any something-related channel:
1. Will be offtopic (like #modhelp)
2. It will be a ghost town in 1-2 days (like #videogames?)

So, about this lanuage specific channels... If there will be enough people and channel won't be empty, peppy can add it.
(I'm not completely sure but if I understood him correctly he will)

[Dellirium] wrote:

So, about this lanuage specific channels... If there will be enough people and channel won't be empty, peppy can add it.
Every channel has a time when it will be almost completely empty. For example, we, hungarians rarely online at 24:00 until 8:00 or somewhere around this time.

Kurokami wrote:

[Dellirium] wrote:

So, about this lanuage specific channels... If there will be enough people and channel won't be empty, peppy can add it.
Every channel has a time when it will be almost completely empty. For example, we, hungarians rarely online at 24:00 until 8:00 or somewhere around this time.
There are always talks in #russian :>
Yes! A Bulgarian channel will be nice !
Baka Usagi
Support --->>> #bulgarian channel

[Dellirium] wrote:

There are always talks in #russian :>
Yes, but Russia (sorry if I typed wrong) have 46k users and in hungary this number is just 2k. So the difference is quite big.
Indonesian Translation
Saya menulis ini karena melihat channel #ponies dibuat sedangkan negara lain yang sudah memiliki pemain yang cukup untuk membuat sebuah channel masih belum dibuatkan channelnya. Kenapa? Apakah ada sejenis peraturan tertentu? Setelah saya melihat channel list menu dibuat ulang. Kenapa tidak ditambahkan channel yang baru?

Saya yakin untuk contohnya #hungarian lebih membutuhkan channel daripada orang-orang pony/bronies/pegasis dll.. karena itu bukanlah sebuah bahasa. Contoh lainnya anda bisa melihat pembicaraan mereka dari #osu, mereka berbicara dalam bahasa hungaria karena mereka tidak memiliki channel mereka sendiri. Hal yang sama juga terjadi untuk channel yang masih di tunda, seperti #czechoslovak (atau bahkan #balkan, untuk negara-negara yang terpisah) atau #romanian dan saya yakin mereka butuh channel mereka sendiri.
Saya akan menyebarkan hal ini kepada komunitas-komunitas kecil ini untuk mendapatkan dukungan mereka.
Dan saya meminta anda untuk menunjukkan topik ini kepada semua pemain dari komunitas dimana channelnya masih di tunda.

Edit: 16.08.2012: #ponies sudah tidak ada, sebagai gantinya mungkin channel-channel ini bisa di tambahkan.

Daftar channel yang bisa ditambahkan:
#czechoslovak (atau #czech/#slovak)
#balkan (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia dan Herzegovina, Macedonia dan negara Yugoslavia lainnya)
#indonesian (dipisah dari #malay)

Jika saya melewatkan beberapa channel, maka tolong beritahu saya.
YES. I'm supporting this. Yes. #indonesian

EDIT: Two supports
oh Bass i love you now.

#indonesian ftw
Yes, I support #indonesian. Here take my invisible star (?) can't vote :(
Topic Starter

Ava_Lanche wrote:

Indonesian Translation
Saya menulis ini karena melihat channel #ponies dibuat sedangkan negara lain yang sudah memiliki pemain yang cukup untuk membuat sebuah channel masih belum dibuatkan channelnya. Kenapa? Apakah ada sejenis peraturan tertentu? Setelah saya melihat channel list menu dibuat ulang. Kenapa tidak ditambahkan channel yang baru?

Saya yakin untuk contohnya #hungarian lebih membutuhkan channel daripada orang-orang pony/bronies/pegasis dll.. karena itu bukanlah sebuah bahasa. Contoh lainnya anda bisa melihat pembicaraan mereka dari #osu, mereka berbicara dalam bahasa hungaria karena mereka tidak memiliki channel mereka sendiri. Hal yang sama juga terjadi untuk channel yang masih di tunda, seperti #czechoslovak (atau bahkan #balkan, untuk negara-negara yang terpisah) atau #romanian dan saya yakin mereka butuh channel mereka sendiri.
Saya akan menyebarkan hal ini kepada komunitas-komunitas kecil ini untuk mendapatkan dukungan mereka.
Dan saya meminta anda untuk menunjukkan topik ini kepada semua pemain dari komunitas dimana channelnya masih di tunda.

Edit: 16.08.2012: #ponies sudah tidak ada, sebagai gantinya mungkin channel-channel ini bisa di tambahkan.

Daftar channel yang bisa ditambahkan:
#czechoslovak (atau #czech/#slovak)
#balkan (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia dan Herzegovina, Macedonia dan negara Yugoslavia lainnya)
#indonesian (dipisah dari #malay)

Jika saya melewatkan beberapa channel, maka tolong beritahu saya.
Sorry, Niva already gave me translation.
u.u :arrow: 5 Star From me
/me want #indonesian :D
Topic Starter

[Dellirium] wrote:

There are always talks in #russian :>

You forgot Russia is the biggest country in the world and it has many time zones.
@Bass you forgot indonesian Translation by Niva <<<< :(
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