
Silver Forest - Master of Doll

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Sell Jie Cao
IRC mod.
23:57 popner: : 给你的图射了下星
23:57 popner: : 然后我就掉线了
23:58 Scorpiour: : 噗
23:58 Scorpiour: : 这么悲剧
23:59 popner: : 用的手机2g网
23:59 Scorpiour: : 真悲剧
23:59 Scorpiour: : 更悲剧的是你还没挂上lol
23:59 Scorpiour: : 啊咧。。你现在用手机上的osu。。。。?
23:59 popner: : 电脑用手机的个人热点
00:00 popner: : 射上了啊
00:00 Scorpiour: : 略。。。
00:00 Scorpiour: : 阿拉?
00:00 Scorpiour: : got
00:00 Scorpiour: : =v=
00:01 popner: : irc mod?
00:01 Scorpiour: : 噗
00:02 Scorpiour: : 嗯可
00:02 popner: : ar高了啊。。
00:02 Scorpiour: : 还有你有图要挂星咩=v=
00:02 popner: : 没有
00:02 popner: : 草泥马吧。。
00:02 Scorpiour: : AR就不要说了
00:02 Scorpiour: : AR8打起来不爽………………
00:02 Scorpiour: : 你看我自己能FC程度的图
00:02 Scorpiour: : 噗哧
00:02 Scorpiour: : HTT那图没做完呀
00:03 popner: : 目测草泥马之歌这么送分,应该不缺星
00:03 Scorpiour: : 那个那个那图是草稿……
00:03 Scorpiour: : =v=
00:03 popner: : Master of Doll?
00:03 Scorpiour: : 嗯………………
00:03 Scorpiour: : 记得重新下载
00:03 popner: : 哭了我先下的htt
00:04 Scorpiour: : HTT那图我刚开了个草稿orz
00:04 popner: : 10M TUT
00:04 popner: : 10分钟
00:05 Scorpiour: : 带osb。。
00:05 Scorpiour: : 带皮肤…………
00:05 popner: : HTT AR高了。。
00:05 Scorpiour: : = =
00:05 Scorpiour: : 不行等你有网再弄吧我也不着急的
00:05 popner: : 不行啊我白天背单词
00:05 Scorpiour: : HTT的话是只做了个节奏预览的草稿
00:05 Scorpiour: : 给自己下了个节奏定位,其他都没弄……
00:06 Scorpiour: : AR什么的还是timing时候放的……
00:06 popner: : 。。
00:06 Scorpiour: : 唔……
00:06 Scorpiour: : 那我们英文mod好了=v=
00:06 popner: : 我发现,我先下节奏的话,就坑在那了
00:06 Scorpiour: : practise using english :>
00:06 popner: : k
00:07 Scorpiour: : =v=
00:07 Scorpiour: : 我一般都是自己做到一半感觉不对就坑掉了…………
00:07 Scorpiour: : 所以冥界夜樱……诶
00:08 popner: : 那个sword with...
00:08 popner: : 已经完全卡住了
00:08 Scorpiour: : 嗯……?
00:08 popner: : 得remap了..
00:09 Scorpiour: : re了有时候更好
00:09 Scorpiour: : 能re的话
00:09 Scorpiour: : 我现在就怕想re但是被之前自己的思路干扰
00:09 Scorpiour: : 怎么都弄不对劲了就
00:09 popner: : 不是我的style还是不行
00:10 Scorpiour: : 唔……
00:11 Scorpiour: : 我也是卡瓶颈……
00:11 Scorpiour: : 照LKs姥爷说的慢慢阿里吧
00:11 Scorpiour: : 慢慢来吧
00:11 popner: : ..
00:11 popner: : 5.4/10.1
00:11 popner: : 我现在想做一个SB歌词的脚本
00:12 popner: : 这样以后做歌词就方便了
00:12 Scorpiour: : 我不推荐……
00:12 Scorpiour: : 不太推荐……
00:12 popner: : 单字的
00:12 Scorpiour: : SB歌词做的太单调了完全就是被忽视的…………
00:12 popner: : 单字的,绝对不单调
00:13 Scorpiour: : 单字的那个么
00:13 Scorpiour: : 我记得Yui那里有
00:13 Scorpiour: : 她的生成器+Lua
00:13 popner: : 啊,我就是用那个
00:13 Scorpiour: : 单字肯定不会单调
00:13 Scorpiour: : 就是麻烦了一点
00:13 popner: : 不过lua得自己写...
00:14 Scorpiour: : 噗,原来如此
00:14 Scorpiour: : 略麻烦
00:15 popner: : 如果相同的节奏重复很多次的话,就好一些
00:15 popner: : 比如节操子。。
00:16 Scorpiour: : 是这样的
00:16 Scorpiour: : 难点在于vocal变化多的
00:16 popner: : 嗯
00:16 Scorpiour: : 像我今天在弄的sb就是,一个L就解决了……固定就诶走
00:16 Scorpiour: : 固定节奏
00:17 Scorpiour: : Lyrics的话最近最出彩的就是那张黑白照了,膜姐做的那个
00:17 popner: : ..看不了
00:18 Scorpiour: : ~~
00:24 *popner is listening to (Silver Forest - Master of Doll)[]
00:24 Scorpiour: : 恩。。
00:24 Scorpiour: : 啊
00:24 Scorpiour: : 稍等
00:24 Scorpiour: : 我忘记update了
00:24 Scorpiour: : 稍等稍等
00:24 Scorpiour: : 我update一下
00:25 Scorpiour: : 好了……
00:25 popner: : 00:40:117 (1) - 这个感觉很怪啊
00:26 Scorpiour: : 恩。。。?
00:26 popner: : 开头什么都没有压
00:26 popner: : vocal和drum都没有
00:26 Scorpiour: : 嗯…………
00:27 Scorpiour: : 弄成1/2的?
00:27 Scorpiour: : 哦我想起来了
00:27 Scorpiour: : 当时这里本来是想从红线做三连到下一个downbeat
00:27 popner: : 。。
00:27 Scorpiour: : 但是因为红线是slider尾,觉得与其下个1/4note,直接1/4弄个slider吧就这么放了……
00:28 popner: : 反正1 2两次这里都读错了
00:28 Scorpiour: : 嗯
00:28 Scorpiour: : 改1/2了
00:28 popner: : 因为前面有普通的3/4
00:28 popner: : 为啥SL是3...
00:28 Scorpiour: : 恩。。
00:29 Scorpiour: : 1/2也不好听
00:29 Scorpiour: : SL。。?
00:29 popner: : 1/2都不stack了
00:29 Scorpiour: : 我看看
00:29 Scorpiour: : 00:40:021 - 这里是vocal重音开始的地方
00:29 Scorpiour: : 一个1/1长的vocal
00:30 popner: : 所以是1/4+1/1?
00:30 Scorpiour: : 00:39:829 (6) - 把这个做成note,然后跟1/1slider如何?
00:31 popner: : 可以把00:40:213 - 空下来
00:31 Scorpiour: :
00:31 Scorpiour: : 这种节奏呢?
00:31 Scorpiour: : 空下来的话感觉过渡有点不好毕竟刚开始
00:33 popner: : 我试了一些空拍感觉还行。。
00:33 Scorpiour: : 嗯……
00:33 popner: : 你自己决定。。
00:33 Scorpiour: : 好
00:33 popner: : Stack Leniency
00:33 popner: : 怎么是0.3
00:34 Scorpiour: : 啊
00:34 Scorpiour: : 这个忘记改回去了
00:35 Scorpiour: : fixed =v=
00:35 popner: : 00:54:444 (4,5) - 这个spacing我是会断尾。。
00:36 Scorpiour: : 这个放心
00:36 Scorpiour: : 我自己100%过=v=
00:36 popner: : 01:00:021 (4,5,6) - 这里三连的spacing有点大
00:37 Scorpiour: : 恩……
00:37 Scorpiour: : 整体往下放一点?
00:37 popner: : 嗯
00:38 Scorpiour: : 00:59:444 (3) - 这里间距就大了点
00:38 Scorpiour: : =v=
00:38 popner: : 01:07:040 (3) - 这个往左移一格,不然两边距离差的有点多。。
00:38 Scorpiour: : 不过slider跳我就不care了
00:38 popner: : 这个嘛
00:38 Scorpiour: : fixed
00:38 Scorpiour: : 00:59:444 (3) - 这个我整个挪动了下
00:39 popner: : 嗯
00:39 Scorpiour: : 反正看起来现在是个正三角形了=v=
00:41 popner: : 01:36:367 (3) - 可以往下移一些
00:42 popner: : 整体直着过去不太舒服
00:42 Scorpiour: : 这个和(1)的尾巴还有(2)是一个正三角形的造型
00:42 Scorpiour: : 恩……
00:42 popner: : 动后面三连也行。。
00:42 Scorpiour: : 你说我把456叠起来移动怎么样
00:42 Scorpiour: : 我看看位置的=v=
00:42 popner: : 嗯
00:43 popner: : 456的距离也不容易看清
00:43 Scorpiour: :
00:44 popner: : 嗯
00:44 Scorpiour: : 等等这里改的话后面正方形似乎也可以改改?
00:44 Scorpiour: : 改成一个从上到下左右小跳?
00:44 popner: : 456那个我差点看成一个note加slider
00:44 popner: : 对角线?
00:45 Scorpiour: :
00:45 popner: : 后面那个你看着办吧..
00:45 Scorpiour: : 看看这样如何
00:46 popner: : 嗯]
00:48 popner: : 01:39:829 (3) - 这个我觉得前后spacing不一样比较好
00:48 popner: : 前面距离小一点
00:48 Scorpiour: : 唔……?
00:49 Scorpiour: : 不稳定spacing么……
00:49 popner: : 嗯。。
00:49 popner: : 因为vocal有改变
00:49 Scorpiour: : 我想想怎么弄的
00:49 Scorpiour: : 恩
00:49 Scorpiour: : 其他地方的梗都做成了垂直反向跳
00:49 Scorpiour: : 这里的话因为要横向……
00:49 popner: : 我这样摆了一下
00:49 popner: :
00:50 popner: : 随便摆的,感觉还行
00:50 Scorpiour: : 我看看
00:50 Scorpiour: : 3 4 有点太大了吧。
00:50 Scorpiour: : 你说
00:50 Scorpiour: : 如果我把slider摆成沿着垂直方向
00:50 popner: : 那个跳和后面三角跳挺配
00:50 Scorpiour: : 然后跳上去,跳下来,再跳去下一组大跳?
00:51 popner: : 。。。
00:51 popner: : 感觉有点鬼畜
00:51 popner: : 34那个跳比后面的跳小一些
00:51 Scorpiour: : slider头方位置不变啦
00:51 Scorpiour: : 我试试
00:51 popner: : 刚好过度
00:52 Scorpiour: :
00:52 Scorpiour: : 这样?
00:53 popner: : 嗯,也行
00:53 Scorpiour: : =v=
00:53 Scorpiour: : 就是它了
00:53 popner: : 因为那里有个空拍所以前面放个跳没问题。。
00:53 Scorpiour: : 嗯
00:56 popner: : 03:05:309 (1,1,1) - 这为什么全是NC..
00:56 Scorpiour: : HP奖励…………
00:56 popner: : ..
00:56 popner: : 肯定会被吐槽的
00:57 Scorpiour: : =v=
00:57 Scorpiour: : 这不是已经被吐槽了
00:57 Scorpiour: : 其实我觉得挺好看的啊
00:57 Scorpiour: : 你看上下两个非对称slider都是银色的
00:58 Scorpiour: : 整个造型连起来像不像一把弓=v=
00:58 popner: : 可以改颜色啊...
00:58 Scorpiour: : 噗
00:58 popner: : 中间1个color
00:58 popner: : 这样
00:58 Scorpiour: : 可我还是觉得彩色的比较好看那么……
00:59 Scorpiour: : 说到HP,你觉得我需要HP-1么
00:59 popner: : 貌似不会掉分
01:00 popner: : 那就减好了
01:00 Scorpiour: : 恩
01:00 Scorpiour: : 恩
01:00 Scorpiour: : -1之后不会掉粉
01:00 Scorpiour: : 不会掉分,但是变5星了
01:00 popner: : 。。
01:00 Scorpiour: : 解除爆星状态
01:00 Scorpiour: : 很好=v=
01:00 popner: : 这有点奇怪啊。。
01:00 Scorpiour: : 只是之前爆星了
01:00 popner: : 变星分没变。。
01:01 Scorpiour: : 嗯
01:01 Scorpiour: : 算法是两套
01:01 Scorpiour: : 之前爆星是因为高三维还有1/8节奏
01:01 popner: : 爆星不是也会加分么
01:01 Scorpiour: : 所以出现混乱
01:01 Scorpiour: : 不一定
01:01 Scorpiour: : 爆星的话必须我ghost lead那种爆才能加
01:01 Scorpiour: : 没有1/8节奏同时超高三维
01:01 popner: : 我那个摇曳爆星加了好多分
01:01 Scorpiour: : 8/9/9+CS5,所以爆分+爆星了
01:02 Scorpiour: : 分数是和三维挂钩
01:02 popner: : (虽然没wcx加的多
01:02 popner: : 。。
01:02 Scorpiour: : 我记得是三维超过25之后会有个大体读
01:02 Scorpiour: : 梯度
01:02 Scorpiour: : 接近25%
01:02 Scorpiour: : 但是星是和节奏密度有关
01:02 popner: : 鬼畜
01:02 Scorpiour: : 节奏密度爆了的话就会反向爆星
01:02 Scorpiour: : 三维过高又没有爆节奏密度就会向上爆星
01:03 Scorpiour: : 所以ghost lead是5.16星
01:03 Scorpiour: : 唔。。没了。。?
01:03 popner: : 03:00:982 (1) - 这里
01:03 Scorpiour: : 恩
01:03 popner: : 这combo有点长。。
01:04 Scorpiour: : 03:02:520 (1) - 忘记NC了
01:04 Scorpiour: : 补上了
01:04 Scorpiour: : 唔。。我记得我这里有NC啊
01:04 popner: : 03:17:136 (1) - 这里我觉得放个note再spin好
01:04 Scorpiour: : 太短了…………
01:04 popner: : 打起来有点空
01:05 Scorpiour: : 现在spinner只有2000分
01:05 Scorpiour: : 再短spinner就太坑人了……
01:05 Scorpiour: : 我自己现在是勉强转过这个spinner
01:05 Scorpiour: : 我转盘速度已经算很快的了
01:07 popner: : 或者删掉前面两个note,提前转盘
01:07 Scorpiour: : 前面2个note的节奏也不能空…………
01:07 Scorpiour: : 这里就别纠结我了我已经很纠结了……
01:08 popner: : 主要是那个转盘开头vocal结尾drum
01:08 popner: : 感觉有点奇怪。。
01:08 Scorpiour: : 那个其实是取代了一个slider
01:08 Scorpiour: : 但是这曲子我实在找不到别的地方放个转盘了
01:09 popner: : slider的话应该是在03:17:520 - 结束
01:09 popner: : = =
01:09 Scorpiour: : 我知道…………Q.Q
01:10 popner: : 想放转盘还不容易..
01:11 popner: : 开头就可以放转盘
01:11 Scorpiour: : 不要Q.Q
01:12 Scorpiour: : 我是超级不喜欢上来就一个大转盘的开头……
01:12 Scorpiour: : 其实收尾spinner也不是很喜欢……
01:12 popner: : ..
01:12 popner: : 这种转盘打起来容易啊
01:12 Scorpiour: : 喜欢把转盘放在曲子中间有长音的地方
01:12 popner: : 不太影响打图
01:12 Scorpiour: : 但是这曲子我没地方放了
01:12 Scorpiour: : 不match节奏
01:12 Scorpiour: : 只是单纯的。个人不喜欢
01:12 popner: : 放开头有一个蓄势的效果
01:12 Scorpiour: : 求求你了别吐槽这个转盘了……
01:13 popner: : ..
01:13 popner: : 那就没得吐槽了
01:13 Scorpiour: : 皮肤和sb呢。。
01:13 Scorpiour: : 没什么大问题我update了哦
01:13 popner: : AIBAT看看、、
01:13 Scorpiour: : 记得去edit post =v=
01:13 Scorpiour: : 嗯
01:13 popner: : BG
01:14 popner: : 1046x767
01:14 Scorpiour: : 嗯?
01:14 Scorpiour: : 诶?
01:14 Scorpiour: : 噗……
01:14 Scorpiour: : 完全没注意
01:14 Scorpiour: : 好吧我改orz
01:14 Scorpiour: : 你说我需要做lyrics么
01:15 popner: : 不知道啊
01:15 Scorpiour: : 不知道了…………
01:15 Scorpiour: : 不要做的话SB这样应该就可以了
01:17 popner: : 开头第一张为什么不用F
01:18 Scorpiour: : 因为C比F速度快我会告诉你么…………
01:18 popner: : 啊?
01:18 popner: : 可以直接对那张C啊
01:18 Scorpiour: : 我是说运算速度上……
01:18 popner: : 不用遮一下
01:19 Scorpiour: : 咦遮挡?
01:19 Scorpiour: : 哪里
01:19 Scorpiour: : 哦你说最前面那个white
01:20 popner: : en
01:20 Scorpiour: : 那个是遮进入时的黑边的
01:20 popner: : 啊?
01:20 Scorpiour: : 05那张图不是完全的黑色
01:20 Scorpiour: : 和背景色有轻微的偏差
01:21 popner: : ..
01:21 Scorpiour: : 进入的时候是从屏幕右侧进来的,左侧是底色
01:21 Scorpiour: : 所以稍微用一个图片遮一下左侧的颜色
01:21 Scorpiour: : 等图片亮起来注意力被高光吸引了之后就看不到了
01:22 popner: : ..那还不如处理一下图片
01:22 Scorpiour: : 边缘模糊不太好处理
01:22 Scorpiour: : 占用一点点load啦
01:22 Scorpiour: : 反正背景图没了
01:22 Scorpiour: : 而且估计一般人这里全部skip掉了
01:23 popner: : ..
01:23 Scorpiour: : 对吧
01:25 popner: : 07.jpg这个不是正对中间。。
01:25 Scorpiour: : 图片本身的问题。。。
01:25 popner: : 。。
01:26 Scorpiour: : 没有move代码……
01:26 Scorpiour: : 图片本身构图重心偏在右侧
01:27 popner: : 那就随便了。。
01:27 Scorpiour: : 恩=v=
01:27 popner: : 02:53:290 - 这张图可以转起来
01:28 Scorpiour: : 我看看吧。。今天不弄了……
01:28 Scorpiour: : 天快亮了=v=
01:28 popner: : 嗯。。
01:28 popner: : 那就这样
01:28 Scorpiour: : 就先这样吧
01:28 Scorpiour: : 我再update下

popner wrote:

Sell Jie Cao
Buy 2 Jin

popner wrote:

Sell Jie Cao
Jie Cao just pick from the ground no need to Sell

popner wrote:

Sell Jie Cao
I need moe instead of Jie Cao
timing check
1. BPM:156:000 offset:37137
2. BPM:156.000 offest:173290
I prefer 5ms eariler comparing to the current one.

The instruments sounds to have a floating error but most of them are around ~5 ms eariler than the current tempo.
Topic Starter
thanks guys i think the timing is acceptable now :>
mod req from PM


  1. AR-1
  2. 有几处地方 01:23:093 (6,1) - |01:35:401 (4,1) - |02:59:246 (5,1) - |03:11:554 (7,1) -
    虽然很强烈建议中间夹note 但是考虑到可能要大改 所以这里提一下就完事
  3. 01:12:516 (1) - 取消掉折返,换成slider+note的组合
  4. 01:14:055 - 8个slider 把音量调一下 做成渐进效果
  5. 01:17:132 (1) - 也是取消掉折返 做成slider+note的组合
  6. 01:18:670 (1) - 开头加fin
  7. 01:24:824 (1) - ^
  8. 01:30:978 (1) - ^
  9. 01:37:132 (1) - ^
  10. 01:47:901 (1) - 在这个note上单加个kiai(其实我也是最近才发现有奇效(
  11. 02:27:516 (11) - 和后面的note挨上了 slider换个方向吧
  12. 02:45:593 (4) - 这个角度也改一下(我指和02:46:362 (1) - 的间距
  13. 02:49:439 - 这里也是把音量调一下 做成渐进效果 还有可以试试每个小串最后的折返加点什么音效
  14. 03:06:842 (4) - 删掉
  15. 03:17:131 (1) - 这么短的spinner 要是我的话干脆换成单点+5连

  1. 32516 - 这个位置什么都没有啊 建议手动加一组标题什么的否则会显得空
  2. 同时建议BG从这开始就逐渐变白然后准备过渡 后面一层的05.jpg也可以不淡出
  3. 第一个072.jpg震屏效果[改良版]的代码如下

  4. 67901 - 这个时间点之后第二个072.jpg不再用到,所以loop循环3次就够了
  5. 考虑到scale的问题应该再加一行代码确定fade0

  6. 101362 - 02.jpg可以考虑在scale前加个径向模糊
  7. 114055 - 01.jpg:不应该是先局部后全身吗
  8. 197900 - 09.jpg:少个淡出效果
Topic Starter

sherrie__fay wrote:

mod req from PM


  1. AR-1 :arrow: 我是真的不想-1啊……如果再有更多人issue的话我再改吧…………
  2. 有几处地方 01:23:093 (6,1) - |01:35:401 (4,1) - |02:59:246 (5,1) - |03:11:554 (7,1) - :arrow: 能理解的说……
    虽然很强烈建议中间夹note 但是考虑到可能要大改 所以这里提一下就完事
  3. 01:12:516 (1) - 取消掉折返,换成slider+note的组合 :arrow: 这里我是为了在和前面节奏保持一致的情况下尽量把note的类型变的多样一些,而且这里的vocal是高低对应的,所以高的时候尽量用note,而低的时候用slider来软化~
  4. 01:14:055 - 8个slider 把音量调一下 做成渐进效果 :arrow: 好~~
  5. 01:17:132 (1) - 也是取消掉折返 做成slider+note的组合 :arrow: 这个是为了缓冲一下前面slider跳的紧张感,然后开始kiai~
  6. 01:18:670 (1) - 开头加fin
  7. 01:24:824 (1) - ^
  8. 01:30:978 (1) - ^
  9. 01:37:132 (1) - ^ :arrow: 抱歉这4个finish都没有加,kiai段我总共下了4个finish全部在vocal四句的起点重音上~
  10. 01:47:901 (1) - 在这个note上单加个kiai(其实我也是最近才发现有奇效( :arrow: 这个可以有~~
  11. 02:27:516 (11) - 和后面的note挨上了 slider换个方向吧 :arrow: 这个和前面(10)一起调整了~
  12. 02:45:593 (4) - 这个角度也改一下(我指和02:46:362 (1) - 的间距 :arrow: 应该问题不大~这里~
  13. 02:49:439 - 这里也是把音量调一下 做成渐进效果 还有可以试试每个小串最后的折返加点什么音效 :arrow: 音量调整了,额外的音效我试试看的~
  14. 03:06:842 (4) - 删掉 :arrow: 感觉留着更好玩一点~~~
  15. 03:17:131 (1) - 这么短的spinner 要是我的话干脆换成单点+5连 :arrow: 我也想啊~~其实~~但是没有spinner估计会被吐槽吧~~换掉试试看吧~~

  1. 32516 - 这个位置什么都没有啊 建议手动加一组标题什么的否则会显得空 :arrow: 似乎可以找人帮忙把title的进入时间放到这里~
  2. 同时建议BG从这开始就逐渐变白然后准备过渡 后面一层的05.jpg也可以不淡出 :arrow: fixed~~
  3. 第一个072.jpg震屏效果[改良版]的代码如下

  4. 67901 - 这个时间点之后第二个072.jpg不再用到,所以loop循环3次就够了 :arrow: fixed
  5. 考虑到scale的问题应该再加一行代码确定fade0

  6. 101362 - 02.jpg可以考虑在scale前加个径向模糊 :arrow: 这个scale速度比较快而且是闪黑屏,所以感觉还好啦~
  7. 114055 - 01.jpg:不应该是先局部后全身吗 :arrow: 好像是诶,我需要把这两段的时间轴交换一下~
  8. 197900 - 09.jpg:少个淡出效果 :arrow: fixed~~

PS: also thanks to sCam's star >.< i'm so happy u like this map ~
佔坑 給星~

Slidertick的声音太突兀 建议找一个减小音量的tick
(尤其是Lunatic里 01:57:132 (1) - 这种尤其破坏节奏感,所以强烈建议至少在这一段减少tick的音量)
否则的话就把tick rate降成1
去掉Epilepsy Warning 因为即使是闪光也没有快速的闪烁
01:14:055 - 这里的SB变化太奇怪 还是渐变比较好


00:49:055 (7,8,9,10,1) - 这里节奏是1/6stream 嘛看怎么改吧 毕竟是sco sensei
01:16:747 (2) - 同1/6 所以用1/8是不是很合适我不太清楚
01:59:247 (4) - 是不是可以摆开一点以便好看
02:23:285 (1,2) - 这里似乎背景的电子乐比vocal更强烈?是不是改成连续的kick slider会舒服些……
02:52:132 (7) - 同 01:16:747 (2)
02:56:361 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5) - 这一段的NC好奇怪……虽然不影响读图不过真的好奇怪……
Hi, from CLANNAD modding queue~

lol, wondering why Easy doesn't has a hit sound, then I've found it was WIP..

popner's Normal:
-- Start the break time at 01:41:747

00:47:901 (6,1) - Delete Clap
01:40:593 (4,6) - Add Claps. Also, I prefer Deleting Finish at (4)
02:23:285 (6,7) - Delete Clap
03:16:361 (3,4) - Similar as 01:40:593

00:48:285 (3,6) - Delete Clap

00:48:285 (3,7) - Delete Clap
01:06:747 (2,3,4) - Well, following the distance before will rather be better. (x0.6)
01:38:670 (1) - Add Finish at the Start
01:39:439 (2) - Add Finish
01:40:593 (2,4) - ^
01:40:208 ( ) - Add a note with Finish
01:57:901 (2) - ctrl+R
01:59:247 (4) - Distance?
02:11:747 - How about adding some notes to make a jump?
02:23:670 (2,5) - Delete Clap
03:05:304 (1,1,1) - To me, all NCs in here looks weird
03:14:823 (1,3) - Add Finish at the Start
03:16:746 (6) - Add Finish

Good Storyboard, and map :D
Good luck for rank!
:roll: 围观
当然 fav先

  1. 00:43:093 (4,5) 這樣?
  2. 00:48:862 (6) 移到 (1) 的位置 (x:296,y:48)
  3. 01:18:093 (3,4)
  4. 01:29:151 + cb?

    唔...我覺得第一段kiai的時候疊起來的連打可以分開,反正都是五星難度了,這段長連打比較少,所以把疊起來的連打分開可以感覺比較難 :3
    (尤其是在 01:23:285(1) 這種長滑條之後的,像這裡 01:25:401 (2,3)、01:29:247 (1,2)、01:31:555 (2,3,4) )
  5. 02:00:208 (1) +finish 配合sb ?
  6. 02:06:362 (1) ^

  7. 02:07:901 這個小節改成跟前面藍色的cb一樣節奏 (下面圖),不過排列4角向內然後距離拉大

    後面 02:10:978 這個小節 跟前一個小節 02:09:439 白色的節奏一樣,不過全用circle
    02:12:612 (2) 拿掉
    看這樣如何 0.0

    *1條長白線+3條短白線=1個小節 因為長白線是小節線~ 不知道你知不知道 0u0/

    第2段kiai開頭真心瞎了 :3
  8. 02:59:438 (1) +finish

  1. 01:06:266 +cb
  2. 01:09:343 ^
  3. 01:12:420 ^
  4. 01:21:555 (7) 右1格 上1格
    ( 01:54:055 這段間奏的旋律是2小節一循環 )
  5. 02:03:093 +cb
  6. 02:03:862 (2,4) 拿掉
  7. 02:09:055 (9)
  8. 02:10:593 (16)
    這段節奏被我弄亂了,你聽聽看這樣是不適合... :?
    看不懂再問我...sorry orz
  9. 03:12:900 (5) +clap

    Hard的長連打基本上都 不見了,所以我強烈建議把疊在一起的連打盡量減少 :3
  1. 00:47:901 (6) NC 00:49:055 (1) NC拿掉 00:49:439 (2) NC
  2. 00:50:593 (3,4,5) 長的滑條應該從長白線開始跟音樂
  3. 00:53:670 ^
  4. 00:56:747 ^
  5. 01:09:055 ^
  6. 01:12:131 ^
  7. 02:07:132 Ctrl+G
  8. 02:08:671 ^
  9. 02:24:055 (7) 移到 (x:40,y:348)
  10. 02:25:978 跟最前面一樣,長華調從長白線開始跟音樂
  11. 02:29:055 ^
  12. 02:32:901 ^
  13. 02:35:978 ^
  14. 03:03:669 (3,4) (x:220,y:334) ;(x:380,y:334)
  15. 03:05:208 (1) (x:428,y:232)
  1. 藍線記得拿掉
  2. 01:01:747 (1) whistle拿掉 +finish
  3. 01:04:055 (3,1) 間距
  4. 01:07:901 (1) whistle拿掉 +finish
  5. 01:10:978 (1) finish拿掉
  6. 01:34:824 (6) 移到上面
  7. 01:35:593 (1,2,3) (X:312,Y:332);(X:204,Y:332);(X:256,Y:248)
  8. 02:00:208 (1) +finish (配合sb)
  9. 02:07:901 (3) 往左移3格
  10. 02:09:055 (4) 上去1格
  11. 02:12:516 (1) +finish (配合sb)
  12. 02:24:824 (1) +finish (配合sb)
  13. 02:37:132 (1) ^
  14. 02:43:285 (1) ^
  15. 02:53:285 (1) ^
  16. 02:56:361 (5) NC
  17. 02:59:438 (1) +finish (配合音樂)
  18. 03:11:746 (1) ^
  19. 03:17:131 (7) 尾巴+finish
連mod都有bug,譜都變得亂七八糟了 :?
Hi there, as asked to M4M ~
How to mod when skyping with Stefan?!?!?!?

In general, add deepsea and popner to your tags since they both did a Guest Difficulty.

01:41:747 - As Scorpiour did for his difficulties, move the break time here.
Hitsounds mod
This box is for hitsounds. When I look for hitsounds, I am mostly looking for the consistency. Sometimes I may give some suggestions
•01:54:055 (1,2,3,4) - I really like what you did here with the hitsounds but also, a little suggestion to add a Finish with the Drum Sounds. It will sound better. Do the same thing on the other combos to keep the consistency.
•02:24:824 - For your other patterns in the beginning, add a finish here. So the consistency will be consistent lol..
•02:27:901 (1) - Same thing here but only add a whistle instead of a Finish since a finish will be too loud for now.
•02:34:055 (1) - Same as above, so add a whistle to this circle.
•02:37:132 (1) - Replace the whistle by a finish. We can see here that there's a pulse and a whistle here is not fitting well, so replace it.
•02:43:285 (1) - Same reason as above: Add a finish to fit with the pulsation and it fits better.
Objects mod
This box means that I am looking at flows and useless circle/slider that doesn't sound really good or even, doesn't fit well for the difficulty.
•00:46:170 (1,2,3,4) - I do not recommend this for an easy difficulty. Mostly when they are stacked together, it may be confusing for beginners.
•01:09:439 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - This could be a little much for beginners since they will clic 7 circles in a row. So, as you did for the previous combos, 01:10:978 (1,2,3) - replace these circles by a slider. It will be more better for the sound and beginners won't be tired on clicking circles.
•01:12:324 (1,2,3,4) - As said on the first point, I do not recommend these stacked circles on an Easy difficulty. It can be easily confusing for beginners because they are, stacked and they're really close in the timeline.
•01:27:516 (3,4,5,6) - Same thing as above
•01:39:824 (4,5,6,7) - Same thing here.
•02:10:978 (3,4,5) - Something went really wrong here. The difficulty's level have increased because of this. But also, it's worst at 02:15:401 (1) - and 02:18:670 (1) -. The thing I want to say here: Make sure that your difficulty is still an Easy. These parts are like for Normal difficulty, mostly when the beginning of the map was fittable for new players..
•02:35:401 (4,5,6,7) - Two things here:
  1. To not confuse beginners, the stack here is not fitting well. So replace them by a slider or something else.
  2. If you're not removing these circles, make then aligned in the same y: axis.
•02:38:670 (4) - As I said in some points above, the difficulty is not easy like the beginning.
•02:41:747 (4) - Also two things to say here:
  1. Same thing as I said above
  2. There's no hitsounds here to keep the consistency like the previous combo.
•03:03:669 (7,8,9,10) - These stacks, seriously. Also, they are overlapping the slider (5) and it looks ugly.
Combo mod
This box is for new combos. If new combos are fitting well with the vocals or if they aren't too big (ex: 23combos)
•02:56:361 (1) - The combo here is pretty long, add a new combo here.
•03:02:515 (5) - Same as above.
01:41:747 - As Scorpiour did for his difficulties, move the break time here.
Hitsounds mod
This box is for hitsounds. When I look for hitsounds, I am mostly looking for the consistency. Sometimes I may give some suggestions
•00:52:516 - Let's say that.. this finish is too loud compared to the others. Delete it and replace it by a soft whistle. It sounds better and more sorfter. Same thing for:
  1. 00:58:670
  2. 01:04:824
  3. 01:10:978

•01:38:670 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - These finishes are too loud here! Replace the normalset by the softset. It will sound better and it won't destroy our ears.
•01:54:055 (1) - As I suggested to deepsea's Easy, replace these normal finishes by Drum Finishes. It will normaly fit better with the song.
•02:03:285 - I guess, for the consistency, you should add a finish here.

Okay, I will say the truth here... This difficulty is already awesome. It doesn't need any other mods here. It's like, already good the way it is. So, yeah.. Good luck!
Going to quick check Hard and Insane, because I sincerely they're already good.

•00:40:016 (1) - I do not really like the form of this slider. But, my suggestion is to make this like this
•01:21:555 (7) - This circle can be moved to x:400 y:220 because it will be perfectly spaced between (5,6). Proof here.
•01:28:670 (4) - I don't really think it should be there because of the end of this slider. It mostly feels weird. I am suggesting you to move it to x:252 y:88 for a better flow and it will also be spaced perfectly to 1,22x.
•01:40:978 (4) - From some people, i heard this slider was unrankable.. so I am not sure about it. Don't move anything because I think it's great but you should ask some MAT/BAT for their opinions.
•01:54:055 (1) - As mentionned on Easy and Normal, add Drum-Finished to every two bigwhite line. It will sound better :3
•02:49:439 (1,2) - Okay so, about these sliders, on the previous kiai time, you have added new combos on these sliders: 01:14:055 (1,1) - . There's two options here: Delete the new combo on the previous pattern before the first Kiai time or add a new combo on the second slider of the second Kiai Time.
•03:02:131 (5) - This slider is like, overlapping the circle (1), by rotating it by 15degres, it could be better.

•00:43:285 - Add a finish here, it will sound better and it will keep the consistency.
•01:21:651 - This is a suggestion, you can skip it if you want. So it feels a bit empty here. Why not adding a slider here that ends to 01:21:651? It will actually sound good. Here's what I did with the slider:
•02:48:670 (1,2,3,4,5) - Since the song is not like 02:49:439 (1) - , move these objects to x:336 y:72. It will fit better with the song.
•02:51:747 (1) - Add a new combo here?
For M4M, I'll do a mod of this. Note that I can't play insane.
My modding are mostly suggestions, so don't trust me so much.
Touhou Touhou, I thought this was simply a game of agility and precision.

Nothing's wrong with the folder. All is well :D

Quite good looking, but you seem to forget some restrictions on Easy :o

00:37:131 (1) - Add finish.
00:47:131 (4) - Add whistle here. Also, this kind of stacking isn't allowed in Easy :|
00:50:978 (4) - Add whistle on start & end?
00:52:516 (1) - Add whistle.
00:54:055 (4) - Add whistle on slider end.
00:56:362 (3) - Add whistle
00:57:131 (4) - Same as 00:50:978 (4)
01:07:901 (1) - Add finish and remove whistle on slider start.
01:10:978 (1) - Remove finish and add whistle.
01:40:593 (7) - This kind of stacking isn't allowed on Easy.
02:01:747 (3) - Remove NC
02:12:516 (1) - Add finish
02:18:670 (1,3) - Add whistle on slider start.
02:21:747 (2,4) - ^
02:20:208 (5,6) - Add whistle.
02:24:824 (1) - Add finish.
02:37:132 (1) - Remove whistle and add finish.
02:38:670 (4,5,6,7,8) - I don't think this is Easy friendly :roll:
02:41:747 (4,5,6,8) - Add whistle on slider start.
02:43:285 (1) - Add finish.
02:47:901 (4) - Remove finish.
02:53:285 (1) - Add finish
02:59:438 (1) - ^
02:56:361 (5) - NC here.
03:02:515 (5) - ^
03:14:823 (4) - ^
03:10:592 (5) - Add whistle on slider start and end. (Excluding repeat)
03:14:823 (4,5,6,7) - I suggest these note instead.

If you use these note:
03:14:823 (1) - Remove whistle and add finish on slider start.
03:15:592 (2) - Add finish.
03:16:361 (3,4) - Add finish on both ends.

If you don't want to use these note
03:14:823 (4) - Remove whistle and add finish on slider start.
03:16:169 (6) - Add finish on slider end.
03:17:131 (7) - Add finish on both ends.

Egh, I can't mod this, too perfect xD

Amazing! But, I guess I found some tiny problems that you can't easily notice.

02:37:132 (1) - I guess you forgot finish here :D
02:47:132 (3) - Add clap on slider end.
03:12:900 (5) - Add clap on slider start.

There. Good luck and hope it gets ranked soon!
:) for M4M
00:46:170 (1,2) - 既然都两个长白一个NC 这里也这样把
01:10:208 (4,5,1,2,3) - 突然换成2 4whistle? 还是1 3whistle更好
01:12:324 (1,2) - ^
01:14:055 (1) - 这个转盘推荐加点声音 add whistle or finish
01:32:516 (4) - NC
01:38:670 (3) - ^
02:05:208 (2) - remove whistle,没啥重点要突出的节奏 保持音效
02:49:439 (1,2,3,4,5) - 弄得阶梯更好,并不需要那么直 因为音乐有上升
02:51:747 (4,5) - 去了5 延长4到蓝线02:52:420结束
03:11:746 (1) - 扔到前面03:10:592 (5)凹槽的位子上
03:02:515 (5,6) - 继续顺时针转吧,在低难度不会这么大圈的左右转完显得要出现在中间的样子
应该是OK 随便吐点充数
01:29:055 (1,2) - 长白NC
01:41:362 (6) - 这里finish换成clap更好 这种音效结尾的话更适合的是没有物件
02:49:440 (1) - 长白结束
02:57:708 (3) - 往左上弯会更好点
03:17:515 ^ 4的结尾换成clap 这里我更希望没有物件,4换成一个note 或者去了4,3 report
00:43:093 (1,2,3) - 这里即使跟着唱歌还是长白NC的好
01:04:055 (3) - ctrl+g ;) (音乐有点改变 来点变化什么的?
01:14:824 (1) - 第二个推荐换成连打~左上有点显得空旷了(kiai的note直接左下出来 连打转个逆1/4圈
01:20:208 (4) - :? 之前的走向有点太拥挤了在左边 更希望出现在右上
01:40:401 (1,2,3,4) - 4有点牵强的在中间了, 13左右对称 2扔中间 3→4的ds就大点吧 2~3倍的ds
01:40:978 (4) - remove clap,全程2 4clap在kiai,这里音乐变了 音效有点变化更好
02:21:170 (4,5,6) - 保持前后ds一致,更推荐修复方法是把4 5 6拉开(完全叠加有点便宜 不过才三个还是可以接受 x:260 y:152)
02:22:901 (5) - :? 如果是想这个弧度的话 应该是叠在1上
02:45:978 (5,6,7,8,1) - 更靠近2的结尾 5个堆叠产生的偏差离2的结尾有点远了
02:50:208 (2) - ^如果上面的改了 这个也改了吧,叠起来就可以
02:50:978 (1) - 消声是个好主意 :) 回吐之前的难度这里也消声~
03:10:400 (5) - 停顿是好主意,但是忘记了NC
:| 不太会mod这么高难度
00:42:516 (3) - 有点蹭到2的结尾,传统的凹槽状给前面00:42:131 (2) 的结尾更好
00:54:439 (4,5,6) - 也来点连打 推荐打散6
00:55:593 (1,2) - 好梗~更希望这能多用点 比如01:07:901 (1,2,3)
01:11:747 (3,4,5,6) - 有点太直了,选中3,4 把3塞到连打开始前的位子
01:35:208 (3,4) - 好像太方正了,改了改 顺便解决左下的空荡感
01:41:362 (5) - 顺着你想表现的音效和摆设 这里来个NC更好
02:12:132 (2) - remove NC更好 :)
02:20:978 (3) - 实际玩起来显得远了 ctrl+g
02:26:362 (6) - NC
02:52:132 (7) - report-2

03:05:304 (1,1,1) - 这表现的形式不错 感觉可以把kiai分开 来个喷泉会更好(如果改的 hard也改比较安全)
03:10:015 (8,1) - :roll: 整个难度我最喜欢的梗 其他地方也这么使用更好~ ↑↑↑↑↑rating up↑↑↑↑↑
01:21:362 (5,1),01:27:708 (4,1) ,01:33:862 (2,1) ,02:57:707 (6,7,8),03:03:669 (3,1),03:16:169 (5)

good luck and star~ :)
Hi~ M4M
Your Modding Queue (M4M available)

All Diffculty Vol 100% -> 80%?

00:46:170 (2) - NC?
00:49:439 (2) - NC?
01:30:978 (5) - NC?
01:37:132 (4) - NC?
02:54:823 (3) - NC?
03:00:977 (3) - NC?
03:16:361 (3) - NC?

00:47:901 - Green line add? (Vol. 35%)
00:47:901 (1) - Whistle Add?
00:48:285 (3) - ^
00:48:670 (5) - Slide starting point Whistle Add?
00:49:439 - Green line add? (Vol. 80%)
00:50:785 (4) - NC?
01:20:208 (4) - ^
02:14:055 (8) - ^
03:12:900 (5) - Slide starting point Clap Add?

03:14:823 (1) -Slide starting point Finishi Add?
03:15:592 (3) - ^
03:16:169 (5) - 1/2 Arrow and Finishi Add ?

Little advice on your map can not be!
Perfect map :D
fast rank hope!


00:48:478 (4) - 加个3连试试
00:57:612 - 加个note

01:01:747 (1) - 略不对称(好吧,我蛋疼了
01:28:670 (4) - 丑
01:40:978 (4) - 这种slider好危险
03:10:208 - 长白线的空拍感觉好怪,不过没什么问题啦。

01:41:555 - 拉break到长白线

01:41:555 - 拉break到长白线



SB01 在 101747的时候上半部分空着一点点没问题吗


皮肤 circle 改大一点,有点小


01:41:555 - break time 开头拉到01:41:747 -


01:41:747 - 总感觉有种少个note的赶脚
03:17:900 - ^


00:49:055 (6) - 1/32可能会好点
02:24:439 (6,7,8,9) - 感觉还是1/32滑条好点......



01:40:978 (4) - 换成一个1/8的滑条好像会好点
01:56:747 (4,5) - note会不会太紧凑?

kd直接上 :)
神图一只 get

Sonnyc wrote:

popner's Normal:
-- Start the break time at 01:41:747 fixed

00:47:901 (6,1) - Delete Clap Nope, not sounds better to me
01:40:593 (4,6) - Add Claps. Also, I prefer Deleting Finish at (4) Hmm..I add hitsound according to pattern here.
02:23:285 (6,7) - Delete Clap ^
03:16:361 (3,4) - Similar as 01:40:593 ^

Azure wrote:

  1. 00:47:901 (6) NC 00:49:055 (1) NC拿掉 00:49:439 (2) NC 这里的NC和其他地方是一样的,两个长白线一NC
  2. 00:50:593 (3,4,5) 長的滑條應該從長白線開始跟音樂 整首歌类似的地方用同样的节奏不太好
  3. 00:53:670 ^
  4. 00:56:747 ^
  5. 01:09:055 ^
  6. 01:12:131 ^
  7. 02:07:132 Ctrl+G 感觉区别不大,暂且留着吧
  8. 02:08:671 ^
  9. 02:24:055 (7) 移到 (x:40,y:348) 这里是摆成三角形的
  10. 02:25:978 跟最前面一樣,長華調從長白線開始跟音樂
  11. 02:29:055 ^
  12. 02:32:901 ^
  13. 02:35:978 ^
  14. 03:03:669 (3,4) (x:220,y:334) ;(x:380,y:334) 觉得现在这样flow更好一些
  15. 03:05:208 (1) (x:428,y:232) ^

wantuole wrote:

应该是OK 随便吐点充数
01:29:055 (1,2) - 长白NC 这种地方NC都前移了一下,我倾向于用这种方式,看起来的效果要好一些
01:41:362 (6) - 这里finish换成clap更好 这种音效结尾的话更适合的是没有物件
02:49:440 (1) - 长白结束
02:57:708 (3) - 往左上弯会更好点 这里应该是和前面(1)的弯度一样
03:17:515 ^ 4的结尾换成clap 这里我更希望没有物件,4换成一个note 或者去了4,3 report

-Kirito wrote:

00:46:170 (2) - NC?
00:49:439 (2) - NC?
01:30:978 (5) - NC?
01:37:132 (4) - NC?
02:54:823 (3) - NC?
03:00:977 (3) - NC?
03:16:361 (3) - NC?

For NCs, I prefer current style since it looks better(one pattern in one combo)

x847606653 wrote:

01:41:555 - 拉break到长白线 fixed

-[NYAN]- wrote:


01:41:747 - 总感觉有种少个note的赶脚 我考虑过,但是这里加note的话必然要消音,前面的几个finish音量都比较大,再加一个低音量的就显得比较奇葩了
03:17:900 - ^
So many mods...Thank you all!
Topic Starter

Flower wrote:

Slidertick的声音太突兀 建议找一个减小音量的tick :arrow: 我本地用的default tick感觉还好……我看看吧是不是需要一个低音量的tick
(尤其是Lunatic里 01:57:132 (1) - 这种尤其破坏节奏感,所以强烈建议至少在这一段减少tick的音量)
否则的话就把tick rate降成1
去掉Epilepsy Warning 因为即使是闪光也没有快速的闪烁 :arrow: 个人习惯:> 而且打算在sb里加入一些闪光效果
第一张SB或许可以试着先快速缩小再缓慢缩小(嘛反正差不多那个意思)造成一种开始的气势? :arrow: 有闪屏了这里就不吓唬人了:>
01:14:055 - 这里的SB变化太奇怪 还是渐变比较好 :arrow: Layer弄错了,fixed~~


00:49:055 (7,8,9,10,1) - 这里节奏是1/6stream 嘛看怎么改吧 毕竟是sco sensei :arrow: 确实是1/6,改了~
01:16:747 (2) - 同1/6 所以用1/8是不是很合适我不太清楚 :arrow: 这里是为了渲染进入kiai前的气氛
01:59:247 (4) - 是不是可以摆开一点以便好看 :arrow: 这里我还是倾向于现有的样式~
02:23:285 (1,2) - 这里似乎背景的电子乐比vocal更强烈?是不是改成连续的kick slider会舒服些…… :arrow: 没有想好~~
02:52:132 (7) - 同 01:16:747 (2) :arrow: 同:>
02:56:361 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5) - 这一段的NC好奇怪……虽然不影响读图不过真的好奇怪…… :arrow: 这里NC标的是大跳:>


Sonnyc wrote:

Hi, from CLANNAD modding queue~

lol, wondering why Easy doesn't has a hit sound, then I've found it was WIP..

00:48:285 (3,6) - Delete Clap :arrow: er...why?

00:48:285 (3,7) - Delete Clap :arrow: no~~
01:06:747 (2,3,4) - Well, following the distance before will rather be better. (x0.6) :arrow: i think the spacing here is fine.. considering~
01:38:670 (1) - Add Finish at the Start :arrow: sorry no change because i wanna make a consistent of the finish position
01:39:439 (2) - Add Finish :arrow: i don't like spam finishes Q.Q
01:40:593 (2,4) - ^ :arrow: no ^
01:40:208 ( ) - Add a note with Finish :arrow: no ^
01:57:901 (2) - ctrl+R :arrow: no~~i'd like to keep the direction :>
01:59:247 (4) - Distance? :arrow: dont worry it's fine :>
02:11:747 - How about adding some notes to make a jump? :arrow: i don't wanna add note here because it will break my beat, but i add a jump here that i move 02:12:132 (1) - to 248:52
02:23:670 (2,5) - Delete Clap :arrow: no~~i choose consistent hitsounds~
03:05:304 (1,1,1) - To me, all NCs in here looks weird :arrow: it's my pattern :>
03:14:823 (1,3) - Add Finish at the Start
03:16:746 (6) - Add Finish :arrow: both no >.< same reason as prev kiai~

Good Storyboard, and map :D :arrow: thank you very much~~
Good luck for rank!


Azure wrote:


  1. 00:43:093 (4,5) 這樣? :arrow: 这样放的话间距感觉有点小~
  2. 00:48:862 (6) 移到 (1) 的位置 (x:296,y:48)
  3. 01:18:093 (3,4)
  4. 01:29:151 + cb?

    唔...我覺得第一段kiai的時候疊起來的連打可以分開,反正都是五星難度了,這段長連打比較少,所以把疊起來的連打分開可以感覺比較難 :3
    (尤其是在 01:23:285(1) 這種長滑條之後的,像這裡 01:25:401 (2,3)、01:29:247 (1,2)、01:31:555 (2,3,4) )
  5. 02:00:208 (1) +finish 配合sb ?
  6. 02:06:362 (1) ^

  7. 02:07:901 這個小節改成跟前面藍色的cb一樣節奏 (下面圖),不過排列4角向內然後距離拉大

    後面 02:10:978 這個小節 跟前一個小節 02:09:439 白色的節奏一樣,不過全用circle
    02:12:612 (2) 拿掉
    看這樣如何 0.0

    *1條長白線+3條短白線=1個小節 因為長白線是小節線~ 不知道你知不知道 0u0/

    第2段kiai開頭真心瞎了 :3
  8. 02:59:438 (1) +finish

  1. 01:06:266 +cb
  2. 01:09:343 ^
  3. 01:12:420 ^
  4. 01:21:555 (7) 右1格 上1格
    ( 01:54:055 這段間奏的旋律是2小節一循環 )
  5. 02:03:093 +cb
  6. 02:03:862 (2,4) 拿掉
  7. 02:09:055 (9)
  8. 02:10:593 (16)
    這段節奏被我弄亂了,你聽聽看這樣是不適合... :?
    看不懂再問我...sorry orz
  9. 03:12:900 (5) +clap

    Hard的長連打基本上都 不見了,所以我強烈建議把疊在一起的連打盡量減少 :3
  1. 00:47:901 (6) NC 00:49:055 (1) NC拿掉 00:49:439 (2) NC
  2. 00:50:593 (3,4,5) 長的滑條應該從長白線開始跟音樂
  3. 00:53:670 ^
  4. 00:56:747 ^
  5. 01:09:055 ^
  6. 01:12:131 ^
  7. 02:07:132 Ctrl+G
  8. 02:08:671 ^
  9. 02:24:055 (7) 移到 (x:40,y:348)
  10. 02:25:978 跟最前面一樣,長華調從長白線開始跟音樂
  11. 02:29:055 ^
  12. 02:32:901 ^
  13. 02:35:978 ^
  14. 03:03:669 (3,4) (x:220,y:334) ;(x:380,y:334)
  15. 03:05:208 (1) (x:428,y:232)
  1. 藍線記得拿掉
  2. 01:01:747 (1) whistle拿掉 +finish
  3. 01:04:055 (3,1) 間距
  4. 01:07:901 (1) whistle拿掉 +finish
  5. 01:10:978 (1) finish拿掉
  6. 01:34:824 (6) 移到上面
  7. 01:35:593 (1,2,3) (X:312,Y:332);(X:204,Y:332);(X:256,Y:248)
  8. 02:00:208 (1) +finish (配合sb)
  9. 02:07:901 (3) 往左移3格
  10. 02:09:055 (4) 上去1格
  11. 02:12:516 (1) +finish (配合sb)
  12. 02:24:824 (1) +finish (配合sb)
  13. 02:37:132 (1) ^
  14. 02:43:285 (1) ^
  15. 02:53:285 (1) ^
  16. 02:56:361 (5) NC
  17. 02:59:438 (1) +finish (配合音樂)
  18. 03:11:746 (1) ^
  19. 03:17:131 (7) 尾巴+finish
連mod都有bug,譜都變得亂七八糟了 :?
Lan wings
没事找事瞄了一下offset:37130 才2ms无视我吧
00:37:131 (1) - finish volume 65%
00:42:131 (2,3) - 2跟3擦了点边 于是这个英文叫啥来着``overlap?
00:47:901 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这五角星怎么看着有点不太对路?看起来好像不是很标准的样子(也许我眼花了)
00:51:362 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - 这种类型的音量感觉还是可以搞一搞的``不过麻烦点就是了,听起来有点像是1到4逐渐低音然后5有个高音然后又逐渐降低音量``
00:51:747 (5) - finish 55% 后面的我不说了要是感觉可以就自己找找吧``
00:54:055 (3) - slider头没放音效有点压抑 可以试下用用soft的whistle(反正你NC1的whistle也没用吧)唔``刚试了下效果不错``如果加了新的wav的话建议整个图重新听一遍看看还有什么地方可以下这个whistle
01:10:978 (1,2) - 应该可以稍微的跳一下?反正slider jump不怕嘛
02:04:439 (4,1) - blanket是吧``没搞好
02:11:747 (1,1) - 这两个很不对路....NC看着有点别扭,02:11:555 (4,1) - 按节奏说1是不用NC的``但是你又做了个jump和藏不NC又有点坑
02:11:555 (4,1,1) - 接↑但是加了NC后这里一看节奏就明显怪异了 4到1的节奏是一样了 但是1到1的节奏又不同了``唔``好像说的有点乱,我语死早,看不懂就无视吧
02:57:323 (4) - 不尝试下放到六边形中间吗02:57:515 (5,6,7,8,9,1) -
02:59:438 (1) - finish 音量要不要小点?感觉可小可不小
00:37:131 (1) - finish volume 65%跟Lunatic一样
01:38:670 (1) - 01:39:439 - 01:40:208 - 01:40:593 (2) - 01:54:055 - 其实像类似这些音``都可以放个小声点的finish``或者直接用我给你的whistle都不错(包括Lunatic难度)
02:37:132 (1) - finish
03:12:900 (5) - 漏了个clap
01:40:208 (3,4,5,6) - 有点太吵``建议降低点音量顺便做个渐变什么的
01:54:055 (1) - 这里开始用的soft的clap``不过我感觉clap太大声了``有点吵
03:14:823 (1,2,3,4) - 跟之前一样
00:46:170 (1,2,3,4) - Easy里面放2连大胶布?
01:00:016 (2,3) - ^移到这里?00:59:824
01:12:324 (1,2,3,4) - 要不把这些二连换成slider吧?
01:23:285 (1,2) - 3/2拍的节奏``还是circle
01:26:362 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 唔..3/2+2连
01:30:593 - 补个note吧
01:34:055 - ^
01:39:824 (4,5,6,7) - 你懂的了
02:15:401 (1,2) -
02:21:362 - 补note or 把后面的二连移过来
02:35:401 (4,5,6,7) -
02:49:439 (1) - 在easy里用0.5真的没问题么0.0
02:56:361 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - 这里已经比normal要难了 二连+四连
03:02:515 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 二连我不想吐槽了....
Hmm.... 這就是所謂的Random mod?
[ General]
  1. Setting :
    1. Tags裡面忘了打上popner跟deepsea了喔
    2. 01:41:362 ~ 01:41:747 - 把這裡的delay break都用出來吧 現在只有Hard跟Lunatic有
  2. Storyboard :
    1. 01:14:055 - 這個地方如果沒有spinner的話 02.jpg圖片出現的太突兀了 用design介面可以很清楚的看出我要說的
    2. 01:41:747 - break.png 我篤定這個SB是多餘的
    3. 03:17:900 - 關於這02.jpg呢 我有個建議 因為是結尾了嘛 所以我覺得不應該像開頭一樣慢慢顯現再慢慢消失 而是原本就顯現再慢慢消失 所以你可以試試這code ( 我就給F那串吧 阿 對了 要把這移到09.jpg的上面喔 ~ )
[ deepEasy]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 02:52:516 (5) - 這個circle仔細聽音樂的話不再這時間點結束 而是在02:52:420 - 結束這段音樂 但是由於這是Easy 所以我建議你刪除這個circle 然後extend the slider 02:51:747 (4) - to 02:52:420 - to make them easier!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:30:593 - 既然前面的part都有這個Timing上的音 那不如加個note在這吧
    2. 01:38:670 (3) - 加個New Combo讓下的地方一樣吧 像01:26:362 (1) -
    3. 02:01:747 (1,2,1) - 這間距不知為何很覺得很容易看出不一樣 但沒差 >~<
    4. 02:07:901 (3) - 有點Overlap到 不好看 但不改也是沒差 哈哈
    5. 02:10:978 (3,4,5) - 這段對Easy來說頗坑 強烈建議改簡單一點
    6. 02:35:401 (4,5) - 往右邊2grids讓她跟下面的circle成一直線 ?
    7. 02:38:670 (4,5,6,7,8) - 猛一看還以為全部都是circles 這真的不行了 對Easy來說...>_<
    8. 02:41:747 (4,5,6,7,8) - 同上
    9. 做的很好呢 不愧是迪西西 就是覺得最後一段kiai time好像做的太難了 真心這麼覺得 :)
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:37:131 (1) - 加個finish然後用小聲點
    2. 02:24:824 (1) - 開頭少了重要的finish
    3. 02:37:132 (1) - 不加finish嘛?
    4. 02:43:285 (1) - Important finish
    5. 02:47:901 (4) - 這Finish是多餘的喔~
    6. 02:59:438 (1) - Finish is needed Imo~ 但是需要條小聲一點才行
    7. 03:11:746 (1) - 同上 也是需要調小聲一點
[ popNormal]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:03:285 (4) - 怎麼辦 我覺得不好看...
    2. 01:21:555 (2) - Ctrl+G? 我覺得這樣的flow比較好
    3. 不愧是popner 神mapper
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 01:14:055 (1) - 這spinner的結尾用soft-hitnormal顯的太沒感覺了 改成normal-hitnormal吧
    2. 01:40:208 (3,4,5,6) - 來點聲音的漸層效果感覺非常好
    3. 03:16:361 (3,4) - 同上摟~
[ Hard]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 02:51:074 (1) - 靜音?!?! 音樂的最後一聲還蠻明顯的呢... 改成Normal hitsounds 聲音大約30%~40%
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggetion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:57:901 (3,4) - 聽著音樂彷彿是有點overmap了 跟著音樂下吧
    2. 01:00:978 (3) - 這個也沒跟到音樂 用1/2 slider代替吧 更合音樂 :D
    3. 01:06:266 - 恩對 加個note吧 像01:03:189 (5) -
    4. 01:20:208 (4) - 少了個New Combo? 直覺上
    5. 01:23:093 (5) - 我的話我會選擇刪除這個circle 但是這會破壞這華麗的5邊形 所以就當做聽聽吧
    6. 01:28:670 (4) - Rotate this slider by -16? 看起來比current的好多
    7. 01:47:901 (1) - 還在讀取中(祈禱中)怎麼會有circle?!
    8. 02:30:208 (3,4) - Same as 00:57:901 (3,4) -
    9. 02:37:901 (3) - 那尾巴上的紅點去掉會更好看一些的我覺得
    10. 02:46:266 (8) - 這5連擊有點奇怪 不妨試試把這circle刪除吧 :3
    11. 03:16:169 (6,7) - 這flow不是很好 (對我來說
    12. 哈哈 好棒的Hard ~ :3
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 01:14:055 (1,1) - 兩個slider的第一個音都改成normal hitsound試試看 感覺不錯 (要調小聲
    2. 02:10:593 (7) - 少了clap? Lunatic也有的說
    3. 02:49:439 (1,2) - Same as 01:14:055 (1,1) - ( 話說New Combo的下法統一一下吧
    4. 03:12:900 (5) - 開頭clap少了
    5. 03:17:131 (1) - 結尾應該把finish去掉然後改小聲點
[ Lunatic]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:47:901 (1) - 同Hard O_o?!
    2. 01:59:247 (4) - 擺在這各位置總覺得怪怪的呢 你不覺得嘛 :O?
    3. 02:12:132 (1) - 我的話這個New Combo會去掉
    4. 02:26:362 (6) - 恩 加個New Combo吧 跟02:29:439 (1) - 一樣
    5. 03:05:304 (1,1,1) - 這些New Combos沒什麼用處...
    6. 連打都擺的好漂亮 而且好好玩!! 也好坑
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 02:00:208 (1) - 結尾少了clap
    2. 02:46:362 (1) - 開頭clap去掉
    3. 03:17:131 (1) - Same as Hard
神SB跪了...好歌好圖 射星射星~ :D
Good Luck :3


  1. Please reply my mod and tell me which you fix which you don't fix , thanks !
    Do not just "quote" my mod and say "Thanks for mod" or something else like this kind of sentence
    If I see you don't do the thing as above , I will add you in my blacklist for 1 month!!
    It means you can't get my mod for 1 month
Topic Starter
thank you guys i'll reply your mod one by one later but i'm too busy >.< don't worry
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

Hi there, as asked to M4M ~
How to mod when skyping with Stefan?!?!?!?

In general, add deepsea and popner to your tags since they both did a Guest Difficulty. :arrow: fixed~

Going to quick check Hard and Insane, because I sincerely they're already good.

•00:40:016 (1) - I do not really like the form of this slider. But, my suggestion is to make this like this
:arrow: sorry no change because there's a "turn" in vocal and i think this shape could present the feeling better :>
•01:21:555 (7) - This circle can be moved to x:400 y:220 because it will be perfectly spaced between (5,6). Proof here. :arrow: fixded~~
•01:28:670 (4) - I don't really think it should be there because of the end of this slider. It mostly feels weird. I am suggesting you to move it to x:252 y:88 for a better flow and it will also be spaced perfectly to 1,22x. :arrow: i choose a new circular slider here~
•01:40:978 (4) - From some people, i heard this slider was unrankable.. so I am not sure about it. Don't move anything because I think it's great but you should ask some MAT/BAT for their opinions. :arrow: i will :>
•01:54:055 (1) - As mentionned on Easy and Normal, add Drum-Finished to every two bigwhite line. It will sound better :3 :arrow: i add finishes here with the switch of SB scene :>
•02:49:439 (1,2) - Okay so, about these sliders, on the previous kiai time, you have added new combos on these sliders: 01:14:055 (1,1) - . There's two options here: Delete the new combo on the previous pattern before the first Kiai time or add a new combo on the second slider of the second Kiai Time.
:arrow: i choose add NC~
•03:02:131 (5) - This slider is like, overlapping the circle (1), by rotating it by 15degres, it could be better. :arrow: if i rotate it the direction is weird... i wanna keep current for flow but not confirmed ..

•00:43:285 - Add a finish here, it will sound better and it will keep the consistency. :arrow: The finish here is not suitable , and i have no finish at beginning also~~
•01:21:651 - This is a suggestion, you can skip it if you want. So it feels a bit empty here. Why not adding a slider here that ends to 01:21:651? It will actually sound good. Here's what I did with the slider:
:arrow: actually, the beat of vocal here is , ..not decide yet...
•02:48:670 (1,2,3,4,5) - Since the song is not like 02:49:439 (1) - , move these objects to x:336 y:72. It will fit better with the song. :arrow: i think i need a jump here...
•02:51:747 (1) - Add a new combo here? :arrow: sorry no change because they must be in same combo
thank you very much for the modding~ i also change the finishes in Insane diff ~


Xierra wrote:

For M4M, I'll do a mod of this. Note that I can't play insane.

Amazing! But, I guess I found some tiny problems that you can't easily notice.

02:37:132 (1) - I guess you forgot finish here :D :arrow: fixed~
02:47:132 (3) - Add clap on slider end. :arrow: fixed~
03:12:900 (5) - Add clap on slider start. :arrow: fixed~

There. Good luck and hope it gets ranked soon!
thank you for your modding ~
Topic Starter

bossandy wrote:

Hmm.... 這就是所謂的Random mod?
[ General]
  1. Setting :
    1. Tags裡面忘了打上popner跟deepsea了喔 :arrow: fixed~~
    2. 01:41:362 ~ 01:41:747 - 把這裡的delay break都用出來吧 現在只有Hard跟Lunatic有 :arrow: fixed~
  2. Storyboard :
    1. 01:14:055 - 這個地方如果沒有spinner的話 02.jpg圖片出現的太突兀了 用design介面可以很清楚的看出我要說的
    2. 01:41:747 - break.png 我篤定這個SB是多餘的
    3. 03:17:900 - 關於這02.jpg呢 我有個建議 因為是結尾了嘛 所以我覺得不應該像開頭一樣慢慢顯現再慢慢消失 而是原本就顯現再慢慢消失 所以你可以試試這code ( 我就給F那串吧 阿 對了 要把這移到09.jpg的上面喔 ~ )
      :arrow: SB因为歌词和新加效果的缘故所以还在施工状态……T.T这几个地方我都会弄上的~
[ deepEasy]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 02:52:516 (5) - 這個circle仔細聽音樂的話不再這時間點結束 而是在02:52:420 - 結束這段音樂 但是由於這是Easy 所以我建議你刪除這個circle 然後extend the slider 02:51:747 (4) - to 02:52:420 - to make them easier!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:30:593 - 既然前面的part都有這個Timing上的音 那不如加個note在這吧
    2. 01:38:670 (3) - 加個New Combo讓下的地方一樣吧 像01:26:362 (1) -
    3. 02:01:747 (1,2,1) - 這間距不知為何很覺得很容易看出不一樣 但沒差 >~<
    4. 02:07:901 (3) - 有點Overlap到 不好看 但不改也是沒差 哈哈
    5. 02:10:978 (3,4,5) - 這段對Easy來說頗坑 強烈建議改簡單一點
    6. 02:35:401 (4,5) - 往右邊2grids讓她跟下面的circle成一直線 ?
    7. 02:38:670 (4,5,6,7,8) - 猛一看還以為全部都是circles 這真的不行了 對Easy來說...>_<
    8. 02:41:747 (4,5,6,7,8) - 同上
    9. 做的很好呢 不愧是迪西西 就是覺得最後一段kiai time好像做的太難了 真心這麼覺得 :)
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:37:131 (1) - 加個finish然後用小聲點
    2. 02:24:824 (1) - 開頭少了重要的finish
    3. 02:37:132 (1) - 不加finish嘛?
    4. 02:43:285 (1) - Important finish
    5. 02:47:901 (4) - 這Finish是多餘的喔~
    6. 02:59:438 (1) - Finish is needed Imo~ 但是需要條小聲一點才行
    7. 03:11:746 (1) - 同上 也是需要調小聲一點
:arrow: fixed all~~~

[ popNormal]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:03:285 (4) - 怎麼辦 我覺得不好看...
    2. 01:21:555 (2) - Ctrl+G? 我覺得這樣的flow比較好
    3. 不愧是popner 神mapper
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 01:14:055 (1) - 這spinner的結尾用soft-hitnormal顯的太沒感覺了 改成normal-hitnormal吧
    2. 01:40:208 (3,4,5,6) - 來點聲音的漸層效果感覺非常好
    3. 03:16:361 (3,4) - 同上摟~
[ Hard]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 02:51:074 (1) - 靜音?!?! 音樂的最後一聲還蠻明顯的呢... 改成Normal hitsounds 聲音大約30%~40%
      :arrow: 抱歉这里我的静音是专门做的,虽然Normal30%-40%确实音量上比较合适,但是这里的重音其实是个钢琴音而normal的打击音效过很违和,会干扰到钢琴音收尾的回音效果,所以做了这样的选择。
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggetion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:57:901 (3,4) - 聽著音樂彷彿是有點overmap了 跟著音樂下吧
    2. 01:00:978 (3) - 這個也沒跟到音樂 用1/2 slider代替吧 更合音樂 :D :arrow: 这两个地方是为了在相对单调的节奏上做出一点变化,反正也不难,放过啦>.<
    3. 01:06:266 - 恩對 加個note吧 像01:03:189 (5) - :arrow: 加上了~
    4. 01:20:208 (4) - 少了個New Combo? 直覺上 :arrow: fixed~
    5. 01:23:093 (5) - 我的話我會選擇刪除這個circle 但是這會破壞這華麗的5邊形 所以就當做聽聽吧 :arrow: 我认为这里是个这样那样皆可的选择,所以保留自己之前的做法:>
    6. 01:28:670 (4) - Rotate this slider by -16? 看起來比current的好多 :arrow: nice~
    7. 01:47:901 (1) - 還在讀取中(祈禱中)怎麼會有circle?! :arrow: 不要吐槽Q_Q
    8. 02:30:208 (3,4) - Same as 00:57:901 (3,4) - :arrow: Same <_<
    9. 02:37:901 (3) - 那尾巴上的紅點去掉會更好看一些的我覺得 :arrow: 尾巴上的红点是因为这里vocal有个向上挑的小高音,既然能听到那么稍微利用下:>
    10. 02:46:266 (8) - 這5連擊有點奇怪 不妨試試把這circle刪除吧 :3 :arrow: 这个note删掉就变成了白线三连,而我觉得这个地方旋律很顺滑所以改成了红线三连并且做了个略微有点坑的跳www
    11. 03:16:169 (6,7) - 這flow不是很好 (對我來說 :arrow: 抱歉没有动,这个反向跳是专门设计来跟vocal的~
    12. 哈哈 好棒的Hard ~ :3
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 01:14:055 (1,1) - 兩個slider的第一個音都改成normal hitsound試試看 感覺不錯 (要調小聲 :arrow: 这里和Lunatic一样改成了渐变音量
    2. 02:10:593 (7) - 少了clap? Lunatic也有的說 :arrow: fixed~
    3. 02:49:439 (1,2) - Same as 01:14:055 (1,1) - ( 話說New Combo的下法統一一下吧 :arrow: fixed~
    4. 03:12:900 (5) - 開頭clap少了 :arrow: fixed~
    5. 03:17:131 (1) - 結尾應該把finish去掉然後改小聲點 :arrow: 我觉得还好所以暂时保留~
[ Lunatic]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:47:901 (1) - 同Hard O_o?!
    2. 01:59:247 (4) - 擺在這各位置總覺得怪怪的呢 你不覺得嘛 :O? :arrow: 跟着前面的1.0x的排列啦其实就这么简单:> 后面的跳是下一组了~
    3. 02:12:132 (1) - 我的話這個New Combo會去掉 :arrow: 这里用三个独立combo来做一个三角跳~视觉效果~
    4. 02:26:362 (6) - 恩 加個New Combo吧 跟02:29:439 (1) - 一樣 :arrow: fixed~
    5. 03:05:304 (1,1,1) - 這些New Combos沒什麼用處... :arrow: 同样是为了视觉效果专门做的~~
    6. 連打都擺的好漂亮 而且好好玩!! 也好坑
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 02:00:208 (1) - 結尾少了clap
    2. 02:46:362 (1) - 開頭clap去掉 :arrow: 这两个都fixed了~
    3. 03:17:131 (1) - Same as Hard :arrow: 这里暂时没动也同hard...
神SB跪了...好歌好圖 射星射星~ :D
Good Luck :3


  1. Please reply my mod and tell me which you fix which you don't fix , thanks !
    Do not just "quote" my mod and say "Thanks for mod" or something else like this kind of sentence
    If I see you don't do the thing as above , I will add you in my blacklist for 1 month!!
    It means you can't get my mod for 1 month
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