
Establish Background Appreciation Team

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With many recent incidents of background related disqualifications (and drama) the idea of forming a group dedicated to formulate and regulate the proper use of Backgrounds for the ranked section should be considered.

Akin to the community members dedicated to provide help in figuring out metadata we should establish a group dedicated to solve background related problems.
Backgrounds are an integral part to the appeal of a map ranked and unranked. The right background can change one's perception of a map when going through the ranked catalogue deciding which map to play next while also allowing the mapper to express themselves in a more abstract way through a clever choice or creation of a background.

As an early draft the members should decide on which criteria are relevant for the choice of a background while also raise and uphold standards of what an acceptable BG.
They should also help assure the optimal quality of the backgrounds making the game more appealing to look at while also help provide sources to the artist who drew the background.

It's a very simple concept really and as someone who takes backgrounds seriously i am willing to invest my time into turning this into reality

note: open to other naming suggestions as BAT has already been taken in the past and can lead to obvious confusion.
I've always wanted to be a BAT!
I’m for it!
No team required, just help push stuff related to new criteria regarding bgs like Ephemeral’s original proposal on github ( or draft something up for approval yourself.

Background related stuff is usually handled by the GMT/QAT so there’s no need to reappropriate this responsibility, just the creation of some clear boundaries would be fine enough.
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Ascendance wrote:

No team required, just help push stuff related to new criteria regarding bgs like Ephemeral’s original proposal on github ( or draft something up for approval yourself.

Background related stuff is usually handled by the GMT/QAT so there’s no need to reappropriate this responsibility, just the creation of some clear boundaries would be fine enough.

One can see a considerable portion of the community not being in favour of those criteria especially when they are so losely and inconsistently applied.

The idea of a team/group for this should be obvious. If you have dedicated people for this purpose you can work on the open problems more efficiently as backgrounds affect every mapper.

Both enforcement and standardization are currently lacking and there is no reason to belive such will change in the future unless you have dedicated individuals on the case. The idea would also be to avoid background relate problems before qualification just like when you ask for meta data checks.
Lots of community members were unhappy with the QAT/GMT’s most recent desicion regarding backgrounds. Having a team for this will make a much stronger connection with the community and which backgrounds are being used.
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I hope i didnt make the impressions that it should only consist of people in the complement to the GMT/QAT.
Existing GMT and QAT members cannot do this job but a new group of various users should do that?


Stefan wrote:

Existing GMT and QAT members cannot do this job but a new group of various users should do that?


It’s been proven that the community is unhappy with the GMT/QAT’s decisions so yes.
And because the community is 'unhappy' creating a new group - led by who? - should be brought into life?

It can still be considered that the existing groups that already works together find a compromise and work out changes to the current situation.

I'm still unsure if that proposal is meant to be serious. I mean the idea to improve the moderation regarding backgrounds in beatmaps is fine but the way this proposal wants to execute that is more than questionable.
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i proposed the idea, it's up to the people "running" the community to decide how they would like to handle it:

If i wanted i could "unofficially" run such a group but we should work together rather than against each other.
The analogy to the metadata people was carefully selected to hint as to how this was meant to be perceived.
That group of people is more so than others dedicated to that aspect of the ranking criteria whereas right now the background issue is being tackled by just everyone?
To unify competent peoples under a banner can just as the meta data group ripen the fruits to a more comprehensive understanding of what should and shouldn't be done concerning backgrounds
The meta data group isn't really led by anyone either but rather has member who have contributed exceptionally to the cause compared to the average community member, so i don't quite get that question of "led by who".

So yes, this is serious, i don't think i gave off an unserious tone so far... I can provide more detail to this idea but first i wanted to spark interest.
Serizawa Haruki
I'd just like to add that the metadata helpers were disbanded and also the branches in the QAT were removed afaik so technically there is no dedicated team for it. However, there are people who take care of it.
Regarding backgrounds, I don't think an entire new team needs to be established as it just makes things more complicated. I think a better solution would be to clarify what kind of backgrounds are acceptable or not (possibly with input from the whole community or at least more than just a few GMT/QAT) and GMTs should ideally check bubbled/qualified maps for inappropriate backgrounds/videos or other content. It's also important that the vast majority of people in this team have more or less the same opinion regarding what's acceptable and what isn't because currently you get completely different answers depending on who you ask which is very problematic as you can't ask the entire team. Another issue that needs to be addressed is the transparency, people often talk about internal discussion happening, but none of that is visible to anyone else so there's no proof of it actually happening and what the results of said discussion look like
the pending BN rework will give the appropriate permissions for any collection of BNs to form "vigilante" groups in this manner without needing an official team to do it

have fun with that
Serizawa Haruki

Ephemeral wrote:

the pending BN rework will give the appropriate permissions for any collection of BNs to form "vigilante" groups in this manner without needing an official team to do it

have fun with that

now this is epic
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This is mega pog

This might be exactly what this needs
grab your pitchforks and apply for BN today /o/ the world is ours boys
A new team for backgrounds only is totally unnecesary in my opinion.
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