
Dark PHOENiX - Last Remote-Type

Total Posts
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012년 10월 8일 월요일 at 오전 12:05:19

Artist: Dark PHOENiX
Title: Last Remote-Type
Source: Touhou
Tags: koishi komeiji last remote subterranean animism
BPM: 93
Filesize: 5849kb
Play Time: 03:52
Difficulties Available:
  1. Last (4.92 stars, 856 notes)
  2. S.Nagi's Remote Taiko- Type (4.94 stars, 1533 notes)
Download: Dark PHOENiX - Last Remote-Type
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
First approved map

modding plz~
Just Again
Good :D
안녕하세요~ 굉장히 잘만든 비트맵인거 같네요.. 제기준 에서는요
모든건 추천 하는 사항으로써 무시하셔도 좋아요

처음에 bpm을 93으로 하지 마시고 슬라 속도를 반으로 줄인다음에
slider tick rate 를 반으로 줄이는게 어떨까요?

00:44:588 (8) - 디스탠스가 안맞는거 같네요
01:19:265 (6) - 일부러 그러신건지는 모르겠지만 디스텐스 간격이 7번하고 안맞는거 같네요; 이렇게 하심이?
01:23:942 (5) - 이게 좀더 깔끔해 보이지 않을까요?
01:42:168 (5) - ^
01:55:071 (5,6,7,8) - ^
02:05:878 (5) - 뉴콤보
03:29:910 (1) - ^
03:49:588 (1,1,1) - 드레인이 높은편이 아니라 뉴콤보는 삭제해도 되지 않을까요?
03:52:330 (5) - 직선으로 하실 계획 이셧나요? 약간 휜거같은;
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
Thank you modding HelloSCV xD
똥모딩 :(

00:04:758 (1) - 이 슬라이더 00:00:887 (1) - 요거랑 비슷하게 휘게 하는게 좋을거같아여 휘는 슬라이더만 나오다 직선슬라이더 나오니 살짝 어색하네여
00:30:556 (1,~,15) - 큰 문제는없는데 갑자기 옆에서 연타나오니 당황스럽네여 이전에 나오는 5번노트랑 좀 더 거리를 두는것도 괜찮다고 생각해여
00:42:007 - 키아이 00:42:168 에서 끝내세여
01:49:104 - 키아이 01:49:265 에서 끝내세여
01:51:200 (3) - HP드레인바에 조금 닿네여 1,2,3,4 노트를 위치를 전체적으로 내리면 될듯...
02:21:846 (2) - ^
02:30:233 (5,6) - 이거 1/2박으로 두기보단 6번노트 지우고 5번노트를 슬라이더로 바꿔서 1/4박으로 빨간선까지 총 3칸 차지하는게 어떨까여
02:31:039 (3) - 플레이할때 보니까 조금 당황스럽네여 뒤에 4,5,6 노트도 혼란스러워지고... 앞에 2번노트를 지우는것도 괜찮을거 같아여 박자에도 큰 문제 없고...
02:48:620 (1) - 다음 2번노트까지 1/4박으로 꽉 채우는것도 괜찮아보여영
03:47:652 (5,1,2) - 박자가 조금 어색하네여... 배치는 신경쓰지 마시고 박자를 요로콤 바꾼게 더 괜찮은거 같아여.
03:52:169 (1,~,10) - 박자가 조금 어색하네여... 배치는 신경쓰지 마시고 박자를 요로콤 바꾼게 더 괜찮은거 같아여. 스핀도 한칸 앞으로 당겨서 시작하고... 키아이도 저기 9번노트 하얀선에서 끝내세영.
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

00:04:758 (1) - 이 슬라이더 00:00:887 (1) - 요거랑 비슷하게 휘게 하는게 좋을거같아여 휘는 슬라이더만 나오다 직선슬라이더 나오니 살짝 어색하네여 Ok
00:30:556 (1,~,15) - 큰 문제는없는데 갑자기 옆에서 연타나오니 당황스럽네여 이전에 나오는 5번노트랑 좀 더 거리를 두는것도 괜찮다고 생각해여 Ok
00:42:007 - 키아이 00:42:168 에서 끝내세여 Ok
01:49:104 - 키아이 01:49:265 에서 끝내세여 Ok
01:51:200 (3) - HP드레인바에 조금 닿네여 1,2,3,4 노트를 위치를 전체적으로 내리면 될듯... Ok
02:21:846 (2) - ^ Ok
02:30:233 (5,6) - 이거 1/2박으로 두기보단 6번노트 지우고 5번노트를 슬라이더로 바꿔서 1/4박으로 빨간선까지 총 3칸 차지하는게 어떨까여 Ok
02:31:039 (3) - 플레이할때 보니까 조금 당황스럽네여 뒤에 4,5,6 노트도 혼란스러워지고... 앞에 2번노트를 지우는것도 괜찮을거 같아여 박자에도 큰 문제 없고... Ok
02:48:620 (1) - 다음 2번노트까지 1/4박으로 꽉 채우는것도 괜찮아보여영 Ok
03:47:652 (5,1,2) - 박자가 조금 어색하네여... 배치는 신경쓰지 마시고 박자를 요로콤 바꾼게 더 괜찮은거 같아여. Ok

SPOILER (click to toggle)

03:52:169 (1,~,10) - 박자가 조금 어색하네여... 배치는 신경쓰지 마시고 박자를 요로콤 바꾼게 더 괜찮은거 같아여. 스핀도 한칸 앞으로 당겨서 시작하고... 키아이도 저기 9번노트 하얀선에서 끝내세영 Ok

Frobe, Thank you modding ^^
01:37:974 (4) - NC?

01:38:298 (7) - NC?

01:57:491 (6) - NC?
01:57:652 (7) - NC?

01:58:298 (1) - NC?
01:58:619 (4) - NC?
01:58:942 (7) - NC?

03:50:878 (2) - NC?
03:51:200 (3) - NC?
03:51:523 (4) - NC?
:D 저게더 나은듯 XD
랄까 심심해서 한번해봤긔 ㅋㅋ 맵잘만듬 형
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
Thank you [Ryu] 2개정도 고쳤다
히히 별머겅!

=3 =
딱히 형한테 고마워서 주는게 아니라구!
Tick Rate : 3
동방지령전 엑스트라 스테이지의 중간보스는 사나에지만, 곡의 분위기, 멜로디, 느낌은 코이시를 가리키고 있습니다. 따라서 BG는 코메이지 코이시로.
추천 BG :

00:03:307 (2) - 휘슬 제거?
00:05:887 (2) - ^
00:11:048 (2) - ^
00:12:500 (1,3) - ^
00:14:113 (2,5) - ^
00:16:532 (2,4) - ^
00:17:500 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:13:952 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 처럼 곡선미를 주는건 어떨까요? 그리고, 도입부 느낌을 끊는다는 느낌으로 끝에 1노트 추가?
00:17:984 (2,4,6,8) - 휘슬 제거?
00:21:201 (1) - 피니쉬?
00:21:523 (1) - 휘슬?
00:21:846 (3) - 클랩?
00:22:168 (1) - 휘슬?
00:22:491 (2) - 클랩?
00:22:813 (1) - ^
00:23:136 (2) - 휘슬?
00:23:459 (1) - 클랩?
00:23:781 (3) - 휘슬?
00:24:426 (2) - 클랩?
00:25:071 (2) - 휘슬?
00:25:717 (2) - 클랩?
00:26:039 (1,2) - 휘슬?
00:26:523 (4) - 클랩?
00:26:684 (1) - ^
00:27:652 (3) - ^
00:28:297 (2) - 휘슬?
00:28:620 (1,2,4) - 클랩?
00:29:426 (2) - ^
00:30:233 (5) - 휘슬?
00:30:636 (2,8,12) - 클랩?
00:30:797 (4,6,14) - 휘슬?
00:31:846 (1) - ^
00:32:491 (2) - ^
00:33:136 (1,5) - 클랩?
00:33:459 (3,7) - 휘슬?
00:34:749 (3,6,7) - 클랩?
00:36:200 (10) - 휘슬?
00:36:362 (1) - 클랩?
00:36:523 (2,4) - 휘슬?
00:37:007 (1,3,5) - 클랩?
00:38:297 (1) - ^
00:38:620 (3) - 휘슬?
00:38:942 (1) - 클랩?
00:39:265 (3) - 휘슬?
00:39:910 (3) - 클랩?
00:40:555 (5) - 휘슬?
00:40:717 (6) - 클랩?
00:40:959 (2,6,7,9,10,12) - ^
00:41:200 (5,8) - 휘슬?
00:42:168 (1,3,4) - 클랩?
00:43:459 (1,4,5,8) - ^
00:44:749 (1,3,4) - ^
00:46:039 (1,2,4,5,6,8) - ^
00:47:330 (1,3,4) - ^
00:48:620 (1,3) - ^
00:49:909 (1,4,5,7) - ^
00:51:200 (1,3,6) - ^
00:52:491 (1,2,4,6) - ^
00:53:136 (1,2) - ^
00:54:104 (5,6,8,10) - 클랩 추가, 5는 피니쉬 제거?
00:55:071 (1,2,4) - 클랩?
00:55:555 (1,2) - ^
00:56:039 (4) - 피니쉬?
00:56:362 (5,7,10) - 클랩?
00:57:652 (1,3) - ^
00:58:942 (1,3) - ^
01:00:233 (1,2,4,5,8) - ^
01:01:523 (1,4,5,7,9,10) - ^
01:07:330 (1,5) - ^
01:07:491 (3,7) - 휘슬?
01:07:975 (1) - 클랩?
01:08:620 (3) - 휘슬?
01:09:265 (1) - ^
01:09:910 (3) - 클랩?
01:10:555 (1,4,6,7) - ^
01:12:007 (3,4,6,7,9,11) - ^
01:12:975 (1,3,5) - ^
01:14:426 (1) - 휘슬?
01:14:749 (2,4,5,7) - 클랩?
01:16:039 (2,4,6) - ^
01:17:007 (1,2,3,4,6) - ^
01:18:136 (1) - 피니쉬?
01:18:297 (2) - 휘슬?
01:18:942 (4,7) - 클랩?
01:20:071 (2,3,6) - ^
01:22:168 (1,3,4,6) - ^
01:22:813 (7) - 휘슬?
01:23:055 (10) - 클랩?
01:23:297 (1,2) - 휘슬?
01:23:620 (3,5) - 클랩?
01:24:104 (6) - 피니쉬?
01:24:588 (1,2,6) - 휘슬?
01:25:394 (4) - 클랩?
01:26:039 (1) - ^
01:27:329 (1,2,8,11) - ^
01:27:571 (4,6,10,12) - 휘슬?
01:28:620 (1,3) - 클랩?
01:30:233 (2,4) - ^
01:31:523 (3,5,7,8) - ^
01:32:491 (1,4,6) - ^
01:33:781 (1,4) - ^
01:34:104 (2) - 피니쉬?
01:35:071 (1,4) - 클랩?
01:35:717 (3) - 피니쉬?
01:36:684 (2,5) - 클랩?
01:36:846 (3,6) - 피니쉬?
01:37:652 (1,3,6,7,9,12) - 클랩?
01:38:620 (11) - 피니쉬?
01:38:942 (1,4) - 클랩?
01:39:588 (3) - 피니쉬?
01:40:233 (1) - ^
01:40:555 (2,3) - 클랩?
01:41:846 (3,4,6) - ^
01:42:813 (1,4,5,6) - 클랩?
01:44:104 (1,4,6) - ^
01:44:749 (5) - 피니쉬?
01:45:555 (2,4,5) - 클랩?
01:46:362 (7) - 피니쉬?
01:47:007 (3,5,7,8) - 클랩?
01:48:055 (2,4,6,8,9,11) - ^
01:48:781 (10) - 피니쉬?
01:49:265 (1,3) - 클랩?
01:50:878 (2,4) - ^
01:51:846 (1,4,6,8) - ^
01:53:136 (1,4) - ^
01:53:781 (3) - ^
01:54:426 (1,4,7,8) - ^
01:55:717 (1,2,5,8) - ^
01:57:007 (1,3,5,6,8,9,11,12) - ^
01:58:298 (1,3,5,8,11) - ^
01:59:426 (1,3,5) - ^
01:59:588 (2,4,6) - 피니쉬?
02:01:362 (1,3,5) - 클랩?
02:02:168 (1,4,6,7) - ^
02:03:459 (1,2,4,6) - ^
02:04:104 (5) - 휘슬?
02:04:749 (1,4) - ^
02:05:233 (3) - 클랩?
02:05:878 (1,3) - 휘슬?
02:07:007 (4) - 클랩?
02:07:330 (1,2,5,6,9,10,13,14) - ^
02:07:491 (3,7,11,15) - 휘슬?
02:08:620 (1,4) - ^
02:08:942 (2,3) - 클랩?
02:09:910 (5) - 브레이크 타임 진입을 강조하기 위해 중앙을 향하는 수평 슬라이더로 대체?, 피니쉬?
02:20:233 (1,3) - 클랩?
02:21:200 (4) - 피니쉬?
02:21:523 (1,3) - 클랩?
02:22:491 (4) - 피니쉬?
02:22:813 (1) - 클랩?
02:23:459 (1) - ^
02:24:104 (1) - ^
02:24:749 (1) - ^
02:25:394 (1,3,6,7,9) - ^
02:25:878 (5) - 피니쉬?
02:26:684 (1,4) - 클랩?
02:27:330 (3) - 피니쉬?
02:27:975 (1,4) - 클랩?
02:28:781 (6) - 피니쉬?
02:28:942 (1,3) - 클랩?
02:30:233 (5) - 휘슬?
02:30:555 (1) - 피니쉬?
02:31:039 (2,3) - 휘슬?
02:31:523 (3) - 클랩?
02:32:168 (1) - 피니쉬?
02:32:652 (2) - 클랩?
02:33:136 (1) - 휘슬?
02:33:620 (2) - 클랩?
02:34:104 (3) - 휘슬?
02:34:426 (5) - 클랩?
02:34:749 (6) - 휘슬?
02:35:233 (7) - 클랩?
02:35:717 (1,5) - 휘슬?
02:36:200 (2,3) - 클랩?
02:37:007 (4) - 피니쉬?
02:38:297 (1) - ^
02:38:781 (2,4,6) - 휘슬?
02:40:555 (9) - 클랩?
02:40:717 (10) - 피니쉬?
02:40:878 (1) - 휘슬?
02:41:200 (3,5,8) - 피니쉬?
02:41:523 (4,6,7) - 휘슬?
02:42:813 (1) - 피니쉬?
02:43:136 (3) - 휘슬?
02:43:459 (1,3) - 클랩?
02:43:781 (2,4,5) - 휘슬?
02:44:749 (1,5) - 클랩?
02:45:071 (3,6) - 휘슬?
02:46:039 (1,5) - 클랩?
02:46:362 (3,6) - 휘슬?
02:46:684 (5) - 피니쉬?
02:47:330 (1,4) - 클랩?
02:47:652 (3,6,7) - 피니쉬 제거후 휘슬?
02:48:620 (1) - 클랩?
02:50:071 (1) - 피니쉬?
02:51:846 (2) - ^
02:52:491 (1,3) - 휘슬?
02:53:781 (1,2) - ^
02:54:104 (3) - 클랩?
02:54:426 (5,6) - 휘슬?
02:54:749 (7) - 클랩?
02:55:071 (1,3) - 휘슬?
02:56:523 (1,3,5) - ^
02:57:007 (2,4) - 클랩?
02:57:330 (6) - 피니쉬?
02:57:975 (2,4,6) - 클랩?
02:58:136 (1,3,5,7,8,9) - 휘슬?
02:59:910 (10) - 클랩?
03:00:071 (11) - 휘슬?
03:01:523 (1,6) - 클랩?
03:01:684 (3,4,7,8,9,10,13) - 휘슬?
03:02:168 (7,12) - 클랩?
03:04:104 (1,2,4,5,6,8,9) - 휘슬?
03:04:426 (3,7) - 클랩?
03:05:394 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:05:878 (2,4) - 클랩?
03:06:684 (1,2,4,5,6,8) - 휘슬?
03:07:007 (3,7) - 클랩?
03:07:975 (1) - 피니쉬?
03:08:459 (2) - 휘슬?
03:09:265 (4,6) - 클랩?
03:10:233 (9) - 휘슬?
03:10:555 (1) - 피니쉬?
03:13:136 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:13:620 (2,4) - 클랩?
03:14:426 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:14:749 (2,4) - 클랩?
03:15:717 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:16:200 (2,4) - 클랩?
03:17:007 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:17:330 (2,4) - 클랩?
03:18:297 (1,3,4) - 클랩?
03:18:781 (2) - 휘슬?
03:19:588 (1,6) - 클랩?
03:19:749 (3,4) - 휘슬?
03:20:233 (7,9) - 클랩?
03:20:394 (8,10) - 휘슬?
03:20:878 (1) - 피니쉬?
03:22:813 (3,7) - 클랩?
03:22:974 (5,9) - 휘슬?
03:23:459 (1,3) - ^
03:23:942 (2,4) - 클랩?
03:24:749 (5,7) - 휘슬?
03:25:071 (6,8) - 클랩?
03:26:039 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:27:330 (5,7) - ^
03:27:652 (6,8) - 클랩?
03:28:620 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:29:910 (4,5,7) - 클랩?
03:30:071 (6,8) - 휘슬?
03:30:555 (1,6) - 클랩?
03:30:717 (3,4) - 휘슬?
03:31:200 (1) - 피니쉬?
03:32:491 (1,5) - 클랩?
03:32:652 (3,7) - 휘슬?
03:33:378 (9) - 1개로 묶기보다는 2개로 나누시고 둘다 휘슬?
03:33:781 (1,2,5) - 휘슬?
03:33:942 (3) - 클랩?
03:34:426 (1,2,5) - 휘슬?
03:35:071 (1,5,9,13) - 클랩?
03:35:233 (3,7,11) - 휘슬?
03:45:394 (1,2,4,5) - ^
03:45:717 (3,6) - 클랩?
03:46:684 (1,4,5) - ^
03:47:813 (1,2,4,5) - 휘슬?
03:48:297 (3,6,7) - 클랩?
03:49:265 (1,4,9) - ^
03:49:426 (3,6,7,10,12) - 휘슬?
03:50:555 (1,2,3,4) - 곡이 끝나는걸 강조하기 위해 피니쉬 추가?
03:51:845 (1,3,7,9) - 휘슬?
03:52:168 (4,8) - 피니쉬?
03:52:330 (5) - 클랩?
03:52:894 (1) - ^

별다른 문제점은 없어보입니다. 그런데 중간에 피곤해서 몇부분 어긋났을듯..
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
B-1B hit sound modding Thank you and.. all fix.

이미지는 코이시로 바꿧으나 공홈에선 바뀌지 않았습니다.
Fear In Cube
modding irc
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
Thank you Fear ~! modding
Hello. I saw your map in #modreqs.
So. I can give you right timing. (How I think it's really better.)

1. 93 BPM - 887 offset
2. 186 BPM - 21523 offset

Also BG in-game and on website different. (Maybe I have lag. Idk.)
And you can add a Preview Point.

Good luck with map!
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Kotek- wrote:

Hello. I saw your map in #modreqs.
So. I can give you right timing. (How I think it's really better.)

1. 93 BPM - 887 offset
2. 186 BPM - 21523 offset

Also BG in-game and on website different. (Maybe I have lag. Idk.)
And you can add a Preview Point.

Good luck with map!
kotek !

Thank you modding ^^
-s u i r e n-
yo Gloria Guard :D mod request thx

00:42:006(14)-Add NC?
01:02:490~ kore doudesuka?

Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

suirenn05 wrote:

yo Gloria Guard :D mod request thx

00:42:006(14)-Add NC? ok!
01:02:490~ kore doudesuka? ok!


mod ありがとう~! suirenn >w<

Approved 화이팅!

B-1B wrote:

Tick Rate : 3
동방지령전 엑스트라 스테이지의 중간보스는 사나에지만, 곡의 분위기, 멜로디, 느낌은 코이시를 가리키고 있습니다. 따라서 BG는 코메이지 코이시로.
추천 BG :
00:03:307 (2) - 휘슬 제거?
00:05:887 (2) - ^
00:11:048 (2) - ^
00:12:500 (1,3) - ^
00:14:113 (2,5) - ^
00:16:532 (2,4) - ^
00:17:500 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:13:952 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 처럼 곡선미를 주는건 어떨까요? 그리고, 도입부 느낌을 끊는다는 느낌으로 끝에 1노트 추가?
00:17:984 (2,4,6,8) - 휘슬 제거?
00:21:201 (1) - 피니쉬?
00:21:523 (1) - 휘슬?
00:21:846 (3) - 클랩?
00:22:168 (1) - 휘슬?
00:22:491 (2) - 클랩?
00:22:813 (1) - ^
00:23:136 (2) - 휘슬?
00:23:459 (1) - 클랩?
00:23:781 (3) - 휘슬?
00:24:426 (2) - 클랩?
00:25:071 (2) - 휘슬?
00:25:717 (2) - 클랩?
00:26:039 (1,2) - 휘슬?
00:26:523 (4) - 클랩?
00:26:684 (1) - ^
00:27:652 (3) - ^
00:28:297 (2) - 휘슬?
00:28:620 (1,2,4) - 클랩?
00:29:426 (2) - ^
00:30:233 (5) - 휘슬?
00:30:636 (2,8,12) - 클랩?
00:30:797 (4,6,14) - 휘슬?
00:31:846 (1) - ^
00:32:491 (2) - ^
00:33:136 (1,5) - 클랩?
00:33:459 (3,7) - 휘슬?
00:34:749 (3,6,7) - 클랩?
00:36:200 (10) - 휘슬?
00:36:362 (1) - 클랩?
00:36:523 (2,4) - 휘슬?
00:37:007 (1,3,5) - 클랩?
00:38:297 (1) - ^
00:38:620 (3) - 휘슬?
00:38:942 (1) - 클랩?
00:39:265 (3) - 휘슬?
00:39:910 (3) - 클랩?
00:40:555 (5) - 휘슬?
00:40:717 (6) - 클랩?
00:40:959 (2,6,7,9,10,12) - ^
00:41:200 (5,8) - 휘슬?
00:42:168 (1,3,4) - 클랩?
00:43:459 (1,4,5,8) - ^
00:44:749 (1,3,4) - ^
00:46:039 (1,2,4,5,6,8) - ^
00:47:330 (1,3,4) - ^
00:48:620 (1,3) - ^
00:49:909 (1,4,5,7) - ^
00:51:200 (1,3,6) - ^
00:52:491 (1,2,4,6) - ^
00:53:136 (1,2) - ^
00:54:104 (5,6,8,10) - 클랩 추가, 5는 피니쉬 제거?
00:55:071 (1,2,4) - 클랩?
00:55:555 (1,2) - ^
00:56:039 (4) - 피니쉬?
00:56:362 (5,7,10) - 클랩?
00:57:652 (1,3) - ^
00:58:942 (1,3) - ^
01:00:233 (1,2,4,5,8) - ^
01:01:523 (1,4,5,7,9,10) - ^
01:07:330 (1,5) - ^
01:07:491 (3,7) - 휘슬?
01:07:975 (1) - 클랩?
01:08:620 (3) - 휘슬?
01:09:265 (1) - ^
01:09:910 (3) - 클랩?
01:10:555 (1,4,6,7) - ^
01:12:007 (3,4,6,7,9,11) - ^
01:12:975 (1,3,5) - ^
01:14:426 (1) - 휘슬?
01:14:749 (2,4,5,7) - 클랩?
01:16:039 (2,4,6) - ^
01:17:007 (1,2,3,4,6) - ^
01:18:136 (1) - 피니쉬?
01:18:297 (2) - 휘슬?
01:18:942 (4,7) - 클랩?
01:20:071 (2,3,6) - ^
01:22:168 (1,3,4,6) - ^
01:22:813 (7) - 휘슬?
01:23:055 (10) - 클랩?
01:23:297 (1,2) - 휘슬?
01:23:620 (3,5) - 클랩?
01:24:104 (6) - 피니쉬?
01:24:588 (1,2,6) - 휘슬?
01:25:394 (4) - 클랩?
01:26:039 (1) - ^
01:27:329 (1,2,8,11) - ^
01:27:571 (4,6,10,12) - 휘슬?
01:28:620 (1,3) - 클랩?
01:30:233 (2,4) - ^
01:31:523 (3,5,7,8) - ^
01:32:491 (1,4,6) - ^
01:33:781 (1,4) - ^
01:34:104 (2) - 피니쉬?
01:35:071 (1,4) - 클랩?
01:35:717 (3) - 피니쉬?
01:36:684 (2,5) - 클랩?
01:36:846 (3,6) - 피니쉬?
01:37:652 (1,3,6,7,9,12) - 클랩?
01:38:620 (11) - 피니쉬?
01:38:942 (1,4) - 클랩?
01:39:588 (3) - 피니쉬?
01:40:233 (1) - ^
01:40:555 (2,3) - 클랩?
01:41:846 (3,4,6) - ^
01:42:813 (1,4,5,6) - 클랩?
01:44:104 (1,4,6) - ^
01:44:749 (5) - 피니쉬?
01:45:555 (2,4,5) - 클랩?
01:46:362 (7) - 피니쉬?
01:47:007 (3,5,7,8) - 클랩?
01:48:055 (2,4,6,8,9,11) - ^
01:48:781 (10) - 피니쉬?
01:49:265 (1,3) - 클랩?
01:50:878 (2,4) - ^
01:51:846 (1,4,6,8) - ^
01:53:136 (1,4) - ^
01:53:781 (3) - ^
01:54:426 (1,4,7,8) - ^
01:55:717 (1,2,5,8) - ^
01:57:007 (1,3,5,6,8,9,11,12) - ^
01:58:298 (1,3,5,8,11) - ^
01:59:426 (1,3,5) - ^
01:59:588 (2,4,6) - 피니쉬?
02:01:362 (1,3,5) - 클랩?
02:02:168 (1,4,6,7) - ^
02:03:459 (1,2,4,6) - ^
02:04:104 (5) - 휘슬?
02:04:749 (1,4) - ^
02:05:233 (3) - 클랩?
02:05:878 (1,3) - 휘슬?
02:07:007 (4) - 클랩?
02:07:330 (1,2,5,6,9,10,13,14) - ^
02:07:491 (3,7,11,15) - 휘슬?
02:08:620 (1,4) - ^
02:08:942 (2,3) - 클랩?
02:09:910 (5) - 브레이크 타임 진입을 강조하기 위해 중앙을 향하는 수평 슬라이더로 대체?, 피니쉬?
02:20:233 (1,3) - 클랩?
02:21:200 (4) - 피니쉬?
02:21:523 (1,3) - 클랩?
02:22:491 (4) - 피니쉬?
02:22:813 (1) - 클랩?
02:23:459 (1) - ^
02:24:104 (1) - ^
02:24:749 (1) - ^
02:25:394 (1,3,6,7,9) - ^
02:25:878 (5) - 피니쉬?
02:26:684 (1,4) - 클랩?
02:27:330 (3) - 피니쉬?
02:27:975 (1,4) - 클랩?
02:28:781 (6) - 피니쉬?
02:28:942 (1,3) - 클랩?
02:30:233 (5) - 휘슬?
02:30:555 (1) - 피니쉬?
02:31:039 (2,3) - 휘슬?
02:31:523 (3) - 클랩?
02:32:168 (1) - 피니쉬?
02:32:652 (2) - 클랩?
02:33:136 (1) - 휘슬?
02:33:620 (2) - 클랩?
02:34:104 (3) - 휘슬?
02:34:426 (5) - 클랩?
02:34:749 (6) - 휘슬?
02:35:233 (7) - 클랩?
02:35:717 (1,5) - 휘슬?
02:36:200 (2,3) - 클랩?
02:37:007 (4) - 피니쉬?
02:38:297 (1) - ^
02:38:781 (2,4,6) - 휘슬?
02:40:555 (9) - 클랩?
02:40:717 (10) - 피니쉬?
02:40:878 (1) - 휘슬?
02:41:200 (3,5,8) - 피니쉬?
02:41:523 (4,6,7) - 휘슬?
02:42:813 (1) - 피니쉬?
02:43:136 (3) - 휘슬?
02:43:459 (1,3) - 클랩?
02:43:781 (2,4,5) - 휘슬?
02:44:749 (1,5) - 클랩?
02:45:071 (3,6) - 휘슬?
02:46:039 (1,5) - 클랩?
02:46:362 (3,6) - 휘슬?
02:46:684 (5) - 피니쉬?
02:47:330 (1,4) - 클랩?
02:47:652 (3,6,7) - 피니쉬 제거후 휘슬?
02:48:620 (1) - 클랩?
02:50:071 (1) - 피니쉬?
02:51:846 (2) - ^
02:52:491 (1,3) - 휘슬?
02:53:781 (1,2) - ^
02:54:104 (3) - 클랩?
02:54:426 (5,6) - 휘슬?
02:54:749 (7) - 클랩?
02:55:071 (1,3) - 휘슬?
02:56:523 (1,3,5) - ^
02:57:007 (2,4) - 클랩?
02:57:330 (6) - 피니쉬?
02:57:975 (2,4,6) - 클랩?
02:58:136 (1,3,5,7,8,9) - 휘슬?
02:59:910 (10) - 클랩?
03:00:071 (11) - 휘슬?
03:01:523 (1,6) - 클랩?
03:01:684 (3,4,7,8,9,10,13) - 휘슬?
03:02:168 (7,12) - 클랩?
03:04:104 (1,2,4,5,6,8,9) - 휘슬?
03:04:426 (3,7) - 클랩?
03:05:394 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:05:878 (2,4) - 클랩?
03:06:684 (1,2,4,5,6,8) - 휘슬?
03:07:007 (3,7) - 클랩?
03:07:975 (1) - 피니쉬?
03:08:459 (2) - 휘슬?
03:09:265 (4,6) - 클랩?
03:10:233 (9) - 휘슬?
03:10:555 (1) - 피니쉬?
03:13:136 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:13:620 (2,4) - 클랩?
03:14:426 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:14:749 (2,4) - 클랩?
03:15:717 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:16:200 (2,4) - 클랩?
03:17:007 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:17:330 (2,4) - 클랩?
03:18:297 (1,3,4) - 클랩?
03:18:781 (2) - 휘슬?
03:19:588 (1,6) - 클랩?
03:19:749 (3,4) - 휘슬?
03:20:233 (7,9) - 클랩?
03:20:394 (8,10) - 휘슬?
03:20:878 (1) - 피니쉬?
03:22:813 (3,7) - 클랩?
03:22:974 (5,9) - 휘슬?
03:23:459 (1,3) - ^
03:23:942 (2,4) - 클랩?
03:24:749 (5,7) - 휘슬?
03:25:071 (6,8) - 클랩?
03:26:039 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:27:330 (5,7) - ^
03:27:652 (6,8) - 클랩?
03:28:620 (1,3) - 휘슬?
03:29:910 (4,5,7) - 클랩?
03:30:071 (6,8) - 휘슬?
03:30:555 (1,6) - 클랩?
03:30:717 (3,4) - 휘슬?
03:31:200 (1) - 피니쉬?
03:32:491 (1,5) - 클랩?
03:32:652 (3,7) - 휘슬?
03:33:378 (9) - 1개로 묶기보다는 2개로 나누시고 둘다 휘슬?
03:33:781 (1,2,5) - 휘슬?
03:33:942 (3) - 클랩?
03:34:426 (1,2,5) - 휘슬?
03:35:071 (1,5,9,13) - 클랩?
03:35:233 (3,7,11) - 휘슬?
03:45:394 (1,2,4,5) - ^
03:45:717 (3,6) - 클랩?
03:46:684 (1,4,5) - ^
03:47:813 (1,2,4,5) - 휘슬?
03:48:297 (3,6,7) - 클랩?
03:49:265 (1,4,9) - ^
03:49:426 (3,6,7,10,12) - 휘슬?
03:50:555 (1,2,3,4) - 곡이 끝나는걸 강조하기 위해 피니쉬 추가?
03:51:845 (1,3,7,9) - 휘슬?
03:52:168 (4,8) - 피니쉬?
03:52:330 (5) - 클랩?
03:52:894 (1) - ^

별다른 문제점은 없어보입니다. 그런데 중간에 피곤해서 몇부분 어긋났을듯..

한땀 한땀 장인 정신이 깃든 모딩이닷

EDIT: ;;..여기다가 쿠도스를 주시면 ..;
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
B2IN modding thank you~
개인적으로 맘에드는곡이라 Star!
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
Thanks~! Arithemetic Underflow!
Hi there

* Tags : koishi komeiji last remote subterranean animism (put these word into tags)
* Seems the BG is strecthed, find another one?

* This diff hasn't set the preview time

00:18:790 (7,8) - I have no idea why this pattern is a jump pattern after small spacing.....
03:11:845 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - These round pattern makes me lost because they overlap each other on (11,12,13,14,15). Maybe try to spread them?
03:23:458 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - These pattern can be boring for advanced player while gameplay. Consider to make another pattern?
03:44:103 (1) - The sliderbody is overlapped by

Good luck~
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
Leorda thank you modding! >w<

all fixed!
스택리니언시 5 추천합니다.

00:21:209 (1) - 피니시 대신 클랩
00:21:523 (1) - 시작에 피니시 추가
00:31:845 (1) - ^
00:33:297 (2) - 한 칸 밑으로
00:36:684 (3,4) - 위치를 서로 바꾸는게 흐름면에서 좀 더 낫습니다
00:46:684 (1) - 앞 노트[00:44:103 (5)]와 일관성을 유지하도록 뉴콤보 제거
01:02:813 (1) - 쓸데없이 긴 느낌이 없지않네요. 01:05:393 이 부분에서 끝내는게 더 괜찮게 들립니다. 그리고 피니시 추가
01:07:974 (1) - 피니시 추가
01:17:974 (5,6) - 여기 역시 위치를 서로 바꿔보세요
01:28:619 (1) - 피니시 추가
01:33:781 (7) - 뉴콤보
01:38:942 (1) - 피니시 추가
01:49:264 (1) - 시작에 피니시 추가
01:59:587 (1) - ^
02:03:458 (9) - 뉴콤보
02:38:297 (7) - ^
02:52:490 (1) - 시작에 피니시 추가
03:02:813 (1) - ^
03:13:135 (1) - ^
03:15:716 (1) - 그리드 레벨4를 쓰면 끝을 완벽하게 겹칠 수 있어요.
03:23:458 (1) - 시작에 피니시 추가
03:40:232 (6) - 뉴콤보
03:40:877 (9) - ^
03:46:684 (8) - ^

다크 피닉스 음악이 전반적으로 괜찮더군요.
파이팅~ :D
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
좋은 모딩 감사합니다 캐럿님!

Good modding!

All fixed!
maybe AR +1? maybe~
02:08:619 - 02:09:506 - do somethin with dat streams, it looks not good orz
03:26:684 - circle
03:26:926 - ^
03:27:168 - ^
03:27:329 - ^
03:27:652 - 03:28:297 - slider 3 repeat

Good luck !! >w</

Topic Starter
Gloria Guard
Thank you Ryu~~~~! XD

Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Ryu wrote:

maybe AR +1? maybe~ no change
02:08:619 - 02:09:506 - do somethin with dat streams, it looks not good orz ok
03:26:684 - circle no change
03:26:926 - ^ no change
03:27:168 - ^ no change
03:27:329 - ^ no change
03:27:652 - 03:28:297 - slider 3 repeat no change

Good luck !! >w</

Thank you modding Ryu >w</~!!!


- Set Audio Lead-In to 1000 ms in .osu file manually. (open .osu in notepad)

- 00:26:684 (1) - Add Finish on Sliderstart, remove Whistle.
- 00:37:006 (1) - Add Finish on Sliderstart, remove Whistle.
- 00:51:200 (1,2,3,4,5) - Add Finish on (1,3,5), remove other Hitsounds like usual.

From here on starts a rather more complicated Finish Pattern, I hope I didn't forget one but you will notice it by yourself:

New Hitsound Finish Pattern
- 00:52:652 (3) - Add Finish on Sliderend, remove Clap.
- 00:53:458 (6) - Add Finish, remove Clap.
- 00:54:103 (2) - Add Finish, remove Clap.
- 00:54:426 (3) - Add Finish on Sliderend.
- 00:55:232 (3) - Add Finish on Sliderend, remove Clap.
- 00:56:039 (6) - Add Finish, remove Clap.
- 00:56:684 (2) - Add Finish on Sliderstart, remove Clap.
- 00:57:006 (3) - Add Finish on Sliderend.
- 00:57:813 (3) - Add Finish on Sliderend.
- 00:58:619 (6) - Add Finish on Sliderstart, remove Clap.
- 00:59:264 (3) - Add Finish, remove Clap.
- 00:59:748 (6,7) - Add Finish on both.
- 01:00:393 (3) - Add Finish on Sliderend.
- 01:01:200 (6) - Add Finish on Sliderstart, remove Clap.
- 01:01:845 (3) - Add Finish, remove Clap.
- 01:02:328 (3,4) - Add Finish on both.

- 01:13:135 (2) - Add Finsih.
- 01:18:297 (1) - Add Finish, remove Whistle.
- 01:23:458 (3) - Add Finish, remove Whistle.
- 01:33:781 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.
- 01:38:942 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.
- 01:44:103 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.
- 01:49:264 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.
- 01:54:426 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.
- 02:04:748 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Clap.
- 02:08:619 (1) - Add Finish.
- 02:09:910 (11) - Add Finish

- 02:20:232 - 02:30:555 - I won't list up every Hitsound again, its basically the same as mentioned in the box.

- 02:30:555 - 02:39:587 - Basically every note should have a Finish Hitsound here <-<

- 02:40:877 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Clap.
- 02:43:458 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Clap.
- 02:46:039 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Add Finish on every second Sound, remove Claps~
- 02:49:910 (1) - Add Note + Finish here, move the slider a few ticks to the right.
- 02:51:845 (2) - Add Finish on Sliderend.
- 02:57:652 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.
- 03:07:974 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.
- 03:11:845 (1) - Add Finish.
- 03:18:297 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.
- 03:23:458 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.
- 03:28:619 (1) - Add Finish, remove Whistle.
- 03:33:781 (1) - Add Finish.
- 03:38:941 (1) - Add Finish, remove Whistle.
- 03:44:103 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.
- 03:49:264 - 03:51:845 - Please add Finishs on every white Tick.
- 03:52:813 (9,10) - Add Finish on both notes.

- 01:47:974 - Try to make a better Spiral shape or use this Code:
Code: Don't forget to fix spacing afterwards

Okay that was all.
Please adjust these Hitsound Suggestions, you're really missing good Opportunitys to use some Finish Hitsounds.
And try to make streams like the one mentioned above a bit prettier :D
Everything else was good I believe, good luck~
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

DarkDunskin wrote:



- Set Audio Lead-In to 1000 ms in .osu file manually. (open .osu in notepad) ok

- 00:26:684 (1) - Add Finish on Sliderstart, remove Whistle. ok
- 00:37:006 (1) - Add Finish on Sliderstart, remove Whistle. ok
- 00:51:200 (1,2,3,4,5) - Add Finish on (1,3,5), remove other Hitsounds like usual. ok

From here on starts a rather more complicated Finish Pattern, I hope I didn't forget one but you will notice it by yourself:ok

New Hitsound Finish Pattern
- 00:52:652 (3) - Add Finish on Sliderend, remove Clap.ok
- 00:53:458 (6) - Add Finish, remove Clap. ok
- 00:54:103 (2) - Add Finish, remove Clap. ok
- 00:54:426 (3) - Add Finish on Sliderend.ok
- 00:55:232 (3) - Add Finish on Sliderend, remove Clap.ok
- 00:56:039 (6) - Add Finish, remove Clap. ok
- 00:56:684 (2) - Add Finish on Sliderstart, remove Clap.ok
- 00:57:006 (3) - Add Finish on Sliderend.ok
- 00:57:813 (3) - Add Finish on Sliderend.ok
- 00:58:619 (6) - Add Finish on Sliderstart, remove Clap.ok
- 00:59:264 (3) - Add Finish, remove Clap. ok
- 00:59:748 (6,7) - Add Finish on both.ok
- 01:00:393 (3) - Add Finish on Sliderend.ok
- 01:01:200 (6) - Add Finish on Sliderstart, remove Clap.ok
- 01:01:845 (3) - Add Finish, remove Clap.ok
- 01:02:328 (3,4) - Add Finish on both.

- 01:13:135 (2) - Add Finsih.ok
- 01:18:297 (1) - Add Finish, remove Whistle.ok
- 01:23:458 (3) - Add Finish, remove Whistle.ok
- 01:33:781 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.ok
- 01:38:942 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.ok
- 01:44:103 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.ok
- 01:49:264 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.ok
- 01:54:426 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.ok
- 02:04:748 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Clap.
- 02:08:619 (1) - Add Finish.ok
- 02:09:910 (11) - Add Finish ok

- 02:20:232 - 02:30:555 - I won't list up every Hitsound again, its basically the same as mentioned in the box.ok

- 02:30:555 - 02:39:587 - Basically every note should have a Finish Hitsound here <-< ok

- 02:40:877 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Clap.ok
- 02:43:458 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Clap.ok
- 02:46:039 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Add Finish on every second Sound, remove Claps~ok
- 02:49:910 (1) - Add Note + Finish here, move the slider a few ticks to the right.ok
- 02:51:845 (2) - Add Finish on Sliderend.ok
- 02:57:652 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.ok
- 03:07:974 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.ok
- 03:11:845 (1) - Add Finish.ok
- 03:18:297 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.ok
- 03:23:458 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.ok
- 03:28:619 (1) - Add Finish, remove Whistle.ok
- 03:33:781 (1) - Add Finish.ok
- 03:38:941 (1) - Add Finish, remove Whistle.ok
- 03:44:103 (1) - Add Finish at Sliderstart, remove Whistle.ok
- 03:49:264 - 03:51:845 - Please add Finishs on every white Tick.ok
- 03:52:813 (9,10) - Add Finish on both notes.ok

- 01:47:974 - Try to make a better Spiral shape or use this Code:
Code: Don't forget to fix spacing afterwards

Okay that was all.
Please adjust these Hitsound Suggestions, you're really missing good Opportunitys to use some Finish Hitsounds.
And try to make streams like the one mentioned above a bit prettier :D
Everything else was good I believe, good luck~

Thanks modding~ all fixed!
Get a little lazy..Just look through the some suggestions.

1.some patterns get a little stack..Really It not very well for look.
2.some nazi could make it better to pay more attention on that.leave a space make it feel weill.

Good map yeh.Star.
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Mystica wrote:

Get a little lazy..Just look through the some suggestions.

1.some patterns get a little stack..Really It not very well for look.
2.some nazi could make it better to pay more attention on that.leave a space make it feel weill.

Good map yeh.Star.

Thanks modding

this is map not jump 'w'
not nazi distance

Star thx~
Hi ~ Mod from Challenge Queue (round #1 started).

Delete .osb file in song folder if not using it
PreviewTime should not be set to a point which is near the end of the song.

the music is not soft, so i think u should increase the volume by at least 10%
00:31:281 (6) - use two green lines here like this:
00:37:652 (3) - ctrl+r? Also do same thing to 00:37:974 (4)
00:40:878 (1,2) - use green line like 00:31:281 (6)
00:42:249 (2) - detete this? the triple sounds weird
00:44:426 (6,3) - make a symmetry?
00:44:829 (2) - same as 00:42:249 (2)
00:49:990 (2) - ^
01:07:329 (2,3) - same as 00:31:281 (6) make all stream like this
01:32:490 (1,2) - move them like this so they are not overlap
01:35:393 (2) - move it like this?
01:38:297 (7,8,9,10,11) - put them in consistent spacing
01:48:377 (6,7,8,9,10) - ^
02:48:619 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - ^ also put them in a line
03:39:587 (1,2,3) - hidden under hit300 so they are hard to read

That's all I can find. GL~
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

popner wrote:

Hi ~ Mod from Challenge Queue (round #1 started).

Delete .osb file in song folder if not using it
PreviewTime should not be set to a point which is near the end of the song.

the music is not soft, so i think u should increase the volume by at least 10%
00:31:281 (6) - use two green lines here like this:
00:37:652 (3) - ctrl+r? Also do same thing to 00:37:974 (4)
00:40:878 (1,2) - use green line like 00:31:281 (6)
00:42:249 (2) - detete this? the triple sounds weird
00:44:426 (6,3) - make a symmetry?
00:44:829 (2) - same as 00:42:249 (2)
00:49:990 (2) - ^
01:07:329 (2,3) - same as 00:31:281 (6) make all stream like this
01:32:490 (1,2) - move them like this so they are not overlap
01:35:393 (2) - move it like this?
01:38:297 (7,8,9,10,11) - put them in consistent spacing
01:48:377 (6,7,8,9,10) - ^
02:48:619 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) - ^ also put them in a line
03:39:587 (1,2,3) - hidden under hit300 so they are hard to read

That's all I can find. GL~

ok all fixed Thank you~
Hi hi~
  1. Red : I think you must to fix.
  2. Blue : Need to discuss.
  3. Black : Just suggest or nazi.
[ General]
  1. I think title is wrong , The correct title is : Dark PHOENiX - Last Remote - Type γ
    Here is the thread which can teach you how to change the title and artist

  2. Add Remix , Sound-0 Phase-11 to tags
[ Last]
  1. AR-1? I think AR 9 is for the map which the BPM is <200 , AR 9 isn't a good idea on this song
  2. 00:13:467 (3) - Delete this sounds better , because there is no piano sound here , And if you delete it , change 00:13:306 (2) and 00:13:628 (3) to a slider to make player read it easily
  3. 00:29:587 (2) - Make it stack with 00:29:748 (3) to have a better flow
  4. 00:55:555 (4) - Remove whistle here , and add whistle 00:55:716 (5) 's start , like other whistle to put on 1st and 3rd white tick
  5. 01:12:733 (10,11) - Move up 1 gird , In order to solve the Tiny Spacing issue
  6. 01:42:974 (2) - Move left i grid , make it symmetry with 01:42:813 (1) -
  7. 01:43:781 (7) - Same as above
  8. 02:02:490 (3) - Move right 1 grid
  9. 02:09:426 (1) - Add a NC because of spacing change?
  10. 02:27:329 (3) - Add finish end like 02:22:168 (3) ?
  11. 03:25:877 (12) - Move 9 grids up , to make the same parttern 03:24:748 (5,6,7,8) and 03:25:393 (9,10,11,12)
  12. 03:32:490 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I think it isn't follow music correctly , try this rhythm ,May follow the music more xDD
  13. 03:52:410 (6) - Add a circle here , and delete 03:52:571 (7) - to follow the music correctly
QAQ I can't mod the map which is for App
Sorry for my very poor mod ~ ( and thanks for your mod )
This map looks good , I hope this map can get rank soon xDD
Good Luck! :3
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

bossandy wrote:

Hi hi~
  1. Red : I think you must to fix.
  2. Blue : Need to discuss.
  3. Black : Just suggest or nazi.
[ General]
  1. I think title is wrong , The correct title is : Dark PHOENiX - Last Remote - Type γ
    Here is the thread which can teach you how to change the title and artist

  2. Add Remix , Sound-0 Phase-11 to tags
[ Last]
  1. AR-1? I think AR 9 is for the map which the BPM is <200 , AR 9 isn't a good idea on this song
  2. 00:13:467 (3) - Delete this sounds better , because there is no piano sound here , And if you delete it , change 00:13:306 (2) and 00:13:628 (3) to a slider to make player read it easily
  3. 00:29:587 (2) - Make it stack with 00:29:748 (3) to have a better flow
  4. 00:55:555 (4) - Remove whistle here , and add whistle 00:55:716 (5) 's start , like other whistle to put on 1st and 3rd white tick
  5. 01:12:733 (10,11) - Move up 1 gird , In order to solve the Tiny Spacing issue
  6. 01:42:974 (2) - Move left i grid , make it symmetry with 01:42:813 (1) -
  7. 01:43:781 (7) - Same as above
  8. 02:02:490 (3) - Move right 1 grid
  9. 02:09:426 (1) - Add a NC because of spacing change?
  10. 02:27:329 (3) - Add finish end like 02:22:168 (3) ?
  11. 03:25:877 (12) - Move 9 grids up , to make the same parttern 03:24:748 (5,6,7,8) and 03:25:393 (9,10,11,12)
  12. 03:32:490 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I think it isn't follow music correctly , try this rhythm ,May follow the music more xDD
  13. 03:52:410 (6) - Add a circle here , and delete 03:52:571 (7) - to follow the music correctly
QAQ I can't mod the map which is for App
Sorry for my very poor mod ~ ( and thanks for your mod )
This map looks good , I hope this map can get rank soon xDD
Good Luck! :3

ok Thank you modding ^^
Raging Bull
Hi, taken from #modreqs.

All these are suggestions, if you disagree, please explain why instead of just no.

The one diff:
00:48:619 (1) - Maybe space this farther? I think it plays better if you space it with 1.8x to 2x since it won't be like "jump jump jump normal spacing jump jump jump"
01:33:781 (1,2) - I think if you remove the repeats and continue with 1/2 slider pattern it might flow better. It seems weird that after moving a lot it comes to a sudden stop in flow since you have repeats which make your mouse stay there longer. :S
01:47:974 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - Nothing wrong with this, but maybe make a curvy stream instead of a square one? I think it would look a lot better.
02:39:264 (3,4) - Space this one correctly? I pressed too early since it kinda tricked me thinking I have to click earlier.
03:22:813 (1) - Remove the NC? I don't think it's needed here since nothing significant changed. (Like music or pattern)
03:29:264 (1) - ^?
03:30:555 (1) - ^?
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Raging Bull wrote:

Hi, taken from #modreqs.

All these are suggestions, if you disagree, please explain why instead of just no.

The one diff:
00:48:619 (1) - Maybe space this farther? I think it plays better if you space it with 1.8x to 2x since it won't be like "jump jump jump normal spacing jump jump jump"
01:33:781 (1,2) - I think if you remove the repeats and continue with 1/2 slider pattern it might flow better. It seems weird that after moving a lot it comes to a sudden stop in flow since you have repeats which make your mouse stay there longer. :S
01:47:974 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - Nothing wrong with this, but maybe make a curvy stream instead of a square one? I think it would look a lot better.
02:39:264 (3,4) - Space this one correctly? I pressed too early since it kinda tricked me thinking I have to click earlier.
03:22:813 (1) - Remove the NC? I don't think it's needed here since nothing significant changed. (Like music or pattern)
03:29:264 (1) - ^?
03:30:555 (1) - ^?
ok all fixed Thank you modding ^^
00:12:499 (1,2) - 1과 2사이에 콤보 넣었으면 좋겠습니다. =

그냥 조언입니다 그냥 무시해주세용..

GOOD Luck Maps!! :D :D

빨리 랭크되시길바래용^^
Hello !
very nice map here :3
what is following is only what I think, I might be totally wrong e_e


There might be some lack of consistency in the managing of combo colours acording to some poeple... ( I'm often told about this in my maps ) But I don't think it's that important since it looks ok :3
Also,you shouldn't use grid snap for streams in your map: like here for example 01:47:974 (1) - or here 02:48:619 (1) -
smth round looks better :3


00:59:426 (4,5) - is much shorter than 00:59:587 (5,6) - You could try to change the pattern's shape or swapping 00:59:587 (5) - and 00:59:748 (6) -
care about the spacing with the pattern whhich follows :3
same here; 01:01:684 (2,3) - is much shorter than 01:01:522 (1,2) - and 01:01:845 (3,4) - although they are in the same pattern
similar issue here: 01:07:974 (1) -
^ 01:16:361 (4,5,6,7) -
^ 01:17:652 (3,4,5,6) -
^ 01:40:232 (1,2,3,4) -
^ 01:42:168 (3,4,5,6) -
^ 03:14:426 (5,6,7,8) -
^ 03:16:845 (4,5,6,7,8,9) -
^ 03:27:329 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -

Maybe you should try to space 01:47:329 (5,6) - the same way as 01:46:684 (1,2) - it looks strange to me :S

01:54:426 (1,2,3,4) - this pattern looks strange next to 01:55:071 (5,6,7,8) -
try to put more consistency between those too battern the difference is too big between thos two, or add a new combo at 01:55:071 (5) - at least

02:02:168 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - you should put the hardest jumps on the 5,6,7,8 and not on 1,2,3,4 since the melody is going up here. you can also add a combo on 5,

02:04:748 (1,2,3,4) - is longer than 02:06:361 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - although it's the same thing in the music, space them the same at least

from 02:30:555 (1) - to 02:40:877 (1) - I feel like this passage should be harder with more circles and jumps following the drum. It's a unique passage in the song I think it would be too bad not to stress it. You don't have to follow this, it's completely up to you.

why is 03:29:264 (1,2,3,4) - shorter than 03:28:619 (1,2,3,4) - ?

I think that stream should stop here 03:43:781 (13) -

I enjoyed playing your map very well anyway and once again, you don't have to follow all this, it's only suggestion as a pair :3 I didn't say anything about some jumpy patterns because I think they're ok acording to the song.
Good luck 8-)
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

Maya-sama wrote:

Hello !
very nice map here :3
what is following is only what I think, I might be totally wrong e_e


There might be some lack of consistency in the managing of combo colours acording to some poeple... ( I'm often told about this in my maps ) But I don't think it's that important since it looks ok :3
Also,you shouldn't use grid snap for streams in your map: like here for example 01:47:974 (1) - or here 02:48:619 (1) -
smth round looks better :3


00:59:426 (4,5) - is much shorter than 00:59:587 (5,6) - You could try to change the pattern's shape or swapping 00:59:587 (5) - and 00:59:748 (6) -
care about the spacing with the pattern whhich follows :3
same here; 01:01:684 (2,3) - is much shorter than 01:01:522 (1,2) - and 01:01:845 (3,4) - although they are in the same pattern
similar issue here: 01:07:974 (1) -
^ 01:16:361 (4,5,6,7) -
^ 01:17:652 (3,4,5,6) -
^ 01:40:232 (1,2,3,4) -
^ 01:42:168 (3,4,5,6) -
^ 03:14:426 (5,6,7,8) -
^ 03:16:845 (4,5,6,7,8,9) -
^ 03:27:329 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) -

Maybe you should try to space 01:47:329 (5,6) - the same way as 01:46:684 (1,2) - it looks strange to me :S

01:54:426 (1,2,3,4) - this pattern looks strange next to 01:55:071 (5,6,7,8) -
try to put more consistency between those too battern the difference is too big between thos two, or add a new combo at 01:55:071 (5) - at least

02:02:168 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - you should put the hardest jumps on the 5,6,7,8 and not on 1,2,3,4 since the melody is going up here. you can also add a combo on 5,

02:04:748 (1,2,3,4) - is longer than 02:06:361 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - although it's the same thing in the music, space them the same at least

from 02:30:555 (1) - to 02:40:877 (1) - I feel like this passage should be harder with more circles and jumps following the drum. It's a unique passage in the song I think it would be too bad not to stress it. You don't have to follow this, it's completely up to you.

why is 03:29:264 (1,2,3,4) - shorter than 03:28:619 (1,2,3,4) - ?

I think that stream should stop here 03:43:781 (13) -

I enjoyed playing your map very well anyway and once again, you don't have to follow all this, it's only suggestion as a pair :3 I didn't say anything about some jumpy patterns because I think they're ok acording to the song.
Good luck 8-)

ok fix and i'm style = your style
i'm not no change pattun :D Thank you modding ~
[Nazi mods]

00:31:197(t) 이 타임라인 존재하는 이유가 있나요? 없다면 삭제해주셔야해요
00:42:165(t) ^
01:13:778 (9) - 두 슬라이더 (이전의 7)과 띄어져있다는걸 확실히 알수 있는 정도의 간격을 둬주세요. 지금은 슬라이더 보더라인을 조금 감싸는 느낌...
01:18:939 (3) - ^와 마찬가지.
03:46:036 (7) - 이거 Ctrl+H해서 저쪽으로 보내는게 더 재밌지 않을까요? 물론 뒤 배치들도 바꾸어줘야곘지만.. 걍 통째로 찝어서 ctrlH돌려도 될지도

긴 슬라이더 모양중에서 약~간 흠이 보이는것들이 있는 느낌이긴 하지만잘 모르겠어서 눈에 띄는것만..
좋은 맵이네요 화이팅~
Topic Starter
Gloria Guard

haha5957 wrote:

[Nazi mods]

00:31:197(t) 이 타임라인 존재하는 이유가 있나요? 없다면 삭제해주셔야해요
00:42:165(t) ^
01:13:778 (9) - 두 슬라이더 (이전의 7)과 띄어져있다는걸 확실히 알수 있는 정도의 간격을 둬주세요. 지금은 슬라이더 보더라인을 조금 감싸는 느낌...
01:18:939 (3) - ^와 마찬가지.
03:46:036 (7) - 이거 Ctrl+H해서 저쪽으로 보내는게 더 재밌지 않을까요? 물론 뒤 배치들도 바꾸어줘야곘지만.. 걍 통째로 찝어서 ctrlH돌려도 될지도

긴 슬라이더 모양중에서 약~간 흠이 보이는것들이 있는 느낌이긴 하지만잘 모르겠어서 눈에 띄는것만..
좋은 맵이네요 화이팅~

나지 모딩해주신거 다 고쳤습니다 의외로 문제있던게있었네요~
좋은 모딩감사해요~ Thank you~ haha5957~!
Sanjenin Nagi
적어도 다음주까진 다만듬 요번주가 개학인지라; 내일이라도 버닝해야지뭐
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Gloria Guard

Sanjenin Nagi wrote:

적어도 다음주까진 다만듬 요번주가 개학인지라; 내일이라도 버닝해야지뭐

나기 미안해.
태고는 만들지 않아도돼 번거롭게해서 미안.

난 이만 여기서 그만하려고.
Sanjenin Nagi
putting my name on the wall :3

good luck!
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