When I look for beatmaps, I want to know what I'm going to listen to and how the map is generally arranged. I think that putting a preview video in the scores and details section would help show if I want the map or not.
That's what I just said.Kurokami wrote:
the video if the internet connection is slow will be laggy.
The whole thing is depends on the internet connection. So with a fast internet, it will not cause problem, but...Koro McAlpine wrote:
That's what I just said.Kurokami wrote:
the video if the internet connection is slow will be laggy.
So you agree with this, but don't want to add "Unranked mod" for ctb and taiko too? Damn. Well, this idea is sound good, but I don't know why must be completed. I always download the map, no matter what is it and play on it, well, sometimes i never finish it because its not my taste. I mean even if this will be added as option, I will never use it and I think most of the ppls will do this too. Well, this is just my opinion.peppy wrote:
What is with all this negativity? I completely agree with a preview of the map, and have actually already done this in osu!stream. With osu!, it is a bit harder due to storyboarding etc., and would be a lot harder to implement, but everything in this thread gives incorrect reasoning and generally comes off as shooting down an idea for no apparent reason, which isn't cool.
With this, I support this idea.Koro McAlpine wrote:
just turn of the background video on the options and the preview won't show.
Sakura Hana wrote:
So wait, this is for creator's words? or for in-game.
Then just remove it? When you go to your folders, you'll see that in the start of every folder, there's something in front of it like a "17670" in front, so it's not in alphabetical order, and in the sea of songs that I have, it's unlikely that I'd find it quickly.ampzz wrote:
It's stupid and pointless.
Why you ask?
That's the wonder of this game; you download a beatmap if you generally like the song, if the map is, in your opinion, bad then just remove it and try another one.
The part of it being your own opinion is the most deciding factor in this.
All else fails just learn how to map and make your own.
x_x OMG for me it's amazing!peppy wrote:
You can see an example of the video preview on this map: http://osu.ppy.sh/s/40821
Keep in mind that not every map will have this, as it is currently a manual process run by a few dedicated guys.