
2018 Top 25 Korean Players! (STD ONLY)

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Vote is now open!

The vote ends on November 30 24:00, UTC+9
(This may change depending on the voting situation!)

Hello, everyone! As the end of year is coming up, vote of top korean players is now open!
Please vote players who have shown appreciable performance in 2018!


투표 기간

  1. 2018년 10월 24일부터 ~ 2018년 11월 30일 23시 59분 59초까지

투표 방식

osu! Standard 모드의 플레이어/기록을 뽑는 투표입니다.
자신이 투표할 플레이어들에 대해 3p~10p(포인트)만큼 배분하여 아래에 제시된 양식대로 점수를 부여해주시면 됩니다.

  1. 10p : 1명
  2. 9p : 1명
  3. 8p : 2명
  4. 7p : 2명
  5. 6p : 2명
  6. 5p : 3명
  7. 4p : 3명
  8. 3p : 4명
각 플레이어가 받은 모든 점수를 합산하여 총점이 높은 순서대로 순위가 결정됩니다.
최대 18명까지 투표가 가능하며, 반드시 18명 전원 투표하실 필요는 없습니다. (단, 각 포인트당 최소 한명씩, 즉 최소 8명은 투표하셔야 합니다. 이 규칙을 지키지 않은 표는 무효처리됩니다.)

투표 예시 :
  1. 10p : peppy
  2. 9p : BanchoBot
  3. 8p : pro1, pro2
  4. 7p : pro3, pro4
  5. 6p : korean1, korean2
  6. 5p : top1, top2, top3
  7. 4p : player1, player2, player3
  8. 3p : player4, player5, player6, player7
본인이 잘한다고 생각하는 순서대로 높은 점수를 주시면 됩니다. 10p의 의미는 10등이 아닌, 10점입니다.

영상은 투표 결과 상위 25명을 대상으로 제작될 예정입니다.

투표 자격

플레이 카운트 5,000 이상, 2018년 5월 이전에 가입하신 분

주의 사항

  1. 이 투표는 2018년을 빛낸 한국인 탑 플레이어 투표입니다. 2018년 한 해 기록된 점수만을 참고하여 투표에 참고해 주시길 부탁드립니다. 영상 또한 2018년 리플레이만을 사용하여 제작될 예정입니다. 올해에는 올해를 빛낸 쟁쟁한 플레이어 여러분들이 많으니 그분들에게 투표해주시길 바랍니다!
  2. 밴된 플레이어를 투표하실 수 없습니다.
  3. 개인적 친분으로 점수를 높게 주는 행위는 삼가주시기 바랍니다. 투표자 여러분의 양심을 믿습니다.




  1. November 30, 24:00 (UTC+9)

How to vote

This vote is for osu! Standard players only.
You can give 3~10 points for players.
Also, there are limits in number of players you can give each points.

  1. 10p : 1 player
  2. 9p : 1 player
  3. 8p : 2 players
  4. 7p : 2 players
  5. 6p : 2 players
  6. 5p : 3 players
  7. 4p : 3 players
  8. 3p : 4 players
The total score for each player is added together to determine the ranking in the order in which the total score is higher.
You can vote up to 18 players. You don't have to fill out all 18 players. BUT, there should be 1 player per each points. This means you should fill out at least 8 players. Otherwise, your vote will be nullified.

Vote example :
  1. 10p : peppy
  2. 9p : BanchoBot
  3. 8p : pro1, pro2
  4. 7p : pro3, pro4
  5. 6p : korean1, korean2
  6. 5p : top1, top2, top3
  7. 4p : player1, player2, player3
  8. 3p : player4, player5, player6, player7

The video will be made with top 25 players based on the result.

Before vote

You must have 5,000 playcounts at least, and joined osu! before May 2018.

  1. This vote is for players who was active in 2018. Please don't vote for players that didn't play much in this year. We hope you will vote for this year's star players!
  2. You can't vote for banned players.
  3. Please refrain from giving points because you are close to them. Let's make objective vote.

Previous videos

osu! 2016 Top25 Korean Players (2016년 오스 한국 탑 플레이어)

osu! 2017 Top Korean Players (2017 오스 한국 탑 플레이어)
10p. Cookiezi
9p. firebat92
8p. Yaong, FlyingTuna
7p. jot_bab, Aristia
6p. 4RTRAID, ReaL motion
5p. Rhythm blue, Anze , Zeisen-
4p. Pray, Zestiny, Neta
3p. Karuna, DDM, 404 AimNotFound, AvA Pacifica
[ Mallang ]
10p : cookiezi
9p : firebat92
8p : FlyingTuna / AvA Pacifica
7p : Real Motion / Zeisen-
6p : Neta / ffury
5p : MINEMINE / Stereo
4p : [Hyung] / Bangom
3p : [KOR]Rem / C R E A M / 404 ANF
10p FlyingTuna
9p firebat92
8p Yaong / Gomo Pslvarh
7p 404 AimNotFound / [C u r i]
6p 1E308 / Cookiezi
5p AvA Pacifica / [KOR]Rem
4p ReaL motion
3p MINEMINE / Civil Oath
10p : FlyingTuna
9p : firebat92
8p : [C u r i], MINEMINE
7p : Karuna, ReaL motion
6p : Rhythm blue, 1E308
5p : Yaong, Stereo, AvA Pacifica
4p : ffury, DDM, 404aimnotfound
3p : Cellina, gpdl
10p : Cookiezi
9p : firebat92
8p : Zestiny, Yaong
7p : 1E308, FlyingTuna
6p : Furry, jot_bab
5p : Neta, Zeisen-, Real Motion
4p : Cellina, Karuna, DDM
3p : 404 AimNotFound
10p : Zestiny
9p : Cookiezi
8p : FlyingTuna, Yaong
7p : Neta, DDM
6p : Aristia, Pray
5p : jot_bab, firebat92, 404 AimNotFound
4p : La Valse, Gomo Pslvarh, Lolisim
3p : sayonara-bye, Cinia Pacifica, Reimu-Desu, 1E308
10p : Cookiezi
9p : Yaong
8p : Aristia, jot_bab
7p : firebat92, FlyingTuna
6p : La Valse, Neta
5p : sayonara-bye, My Aim Trash, Gomo Pslvarh
4p : Resia, Pray, ffury
3p : Cheese Kai, Enon, [C u r i], Dungeon
10p : Flyingtuna
9p : Zeisen-
8p : karuna . Real motion
7p : civil oath . 1E308
6p : cookiezi . 404 aim not found
5p : ffury . bangom
4p : AvA Pacifica . yaong
3p : Cellina . Neta . Firebat92
10p : FlyingTuna

9p : Firebat92

8p : MINEMINE, Karuna

7p : Zestiny, DDM

6p : Yaong, jot_bab

5p : ReaL motion , Cookiezi, FreeDom

4p : Aristia, Stereo, [C u r i]

3p : 1E308 , Zeisen- , Ava Pacifica,Penoreri-
10p Cookiezi
9p firebat92
8p FlyingTuna, Yaong
7p 1E308
6p DDM, Zestiny
5p Karuna, [C u r i], AvA Pacifica
4p 404 AimNotFound, Penoreri-, Stereo
3p Cellina
10p : Zestiny
9p : 404 AimNotFound
8p : Yaong, 1E308
7p : Skidayo, Civil oath
5p : Cookiezi, firebat92, FlyingTuna
4p : Stereo, Cellina, jot_bab
3p : Neta, Gomo Pslvarh, ReaL motion
10p : Cookiezi
9p : Firebat92
8p : Yaong, jot_bab
7p : FlyingTuna, Aristia
6p : 404AimNotFound, Gomo Pslvarh
5p : La Valse, Zestiny, Pray
4p : Resia, Qu1z, Enon
3p : Neta, Happy New Year, Leaf, Sayonara-bye
10p : Cookiezi
9p : firebat92
8p : Yaong, Flyingtuna
7p : ffury, jot_bab
6p : 1E308, Aristia
5p : DDM, Zestiny, MINEMINE
4p : 404 AimNotFound, 4RTRAID, Zeisen-
3p : penoreri-, Ansol, Neta, Real Motion

edit) 올린지 5초 뒤에 5p 4p 3p가 3 3 4명인거 알고 고쳤습니다
10p : Cookiezi
9p : Firebat92
8p : FlyingTuna , Yaong
7p : ffury , jot_bab
6p : DDM , 4RTRAID
5p : Karuna , Aristia , 1E308
4p : ftg , Pray , 404Aimnotfound
3p : article , anze , ansol
Topic Starter
Also you can edit your vote until it ends
10p : Cookiezi
9p : firebat92
8p : FlyingTuna
7p : Yaong
6p : jot_bab
5p : DDM
4p : 404 AimNotFound
3p : ffury
10p : Flyingtuna
9p : Yaong
8p : firebat92, Zestiny
7p : Cookiezi, La Valse
6p : Zeisen-, 404 AimNotFound
5p : Neta, ffury, Ansol
4p : MINEMINE, Karuna, Cellina
3p : Gomo Pslvarh, Pray, Aristia, AvA Pacifica
Topic Starter
REMINDER : This vote is for players who was active in 2018. Please don't vote for players that didn't play much in this year.
2018년 한해 활동했었던 플레이어들을 위주로 투표해주세요!!
10p : Zestiny
9p : Resia
8p : Yaong, 1E308
7p : FlyingTuna, jot_bab
6p : Aristia, Karuna
5p : Anze, 404 AimNotFound, ftg
4p : DDM, ffury, Pray
3p : Freedom, Bangom, Article, Cellina
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