let me be clear,
i'm a beginner osu!standard mapper
i'm starting to make and mod maps less than a month ago
if you're looking for a mod from a beginner then this is the place
the rules are simple:
post "i want NM" with your map link
make sure your map ready to mod, no wip maps
post "i want M4M" with your map link
map to mod: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/869683/#osu/1817531
things to note, most of my mod will be sugestion, so please make sure to write your feedback
even i'm a beginner, M4M still have higher chance than NM to get the mod
i'll pick some interesting songs to mod until i say "closed" and mostly do the mod on weekend
oh btw, you can also ask me to make a guest diff, my preference is easy, normal, and hard diff
just say if you need one, but it's back to me to accept the request or not
for reference,
you can take a look on my GD on this set: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/829686
modding history: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/12481708/modding
sorry for the broken introduction, let's go!