So, 5 months ago, i started feeling this burning pain in my hand and it was very painful around my wrist. then after a month about that, i destroyed my laptop's hdd by slamming my hand in my laptop, so that gave me around 3 months of rest from osu and computer in general. But then in July, had my laptop fixed again, but this time i made a promise to myself to not play osu for too long like i used to do, and still it's still in effect, i'm not playing osu for too long like i used to and i take breaks whenever i play for about 10 minutes and i also take it easy playing it. And now, my hand still feels odd than my left hand ( the only hand affected by this "RSI" was only my right hand only) and whenever i make a fist while giving it a bit of strength, i can feel that my hand cracks whenever i do that, same with whenever i make a fist with strength and twist it around, i could hear an audible crack in my wrist. But unlike what people say about RSI, you lose your strength and your hand feels weak, Mine doesn't feel weak, it feels odd and quite cold than my left hand where it feels normal and doesn't feel like my hand is cold. So a question from me to people that had experience RSI or still experience RSI, how did you deal with it and how does it feel after months? Do you share the same experience as i do currently?