
State of osu!Taiko Loved Section

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What SHOULD osu!Taiko Loved section represent?

High Favorite Maps
Hidden Gems/High Quality Maps
Breaking Ranking Criteria (katacheh, Aspire, etc)
Historically Significant Maps (Tournaments, Old Style, etc)
Difficult Maps (8*+)
Other (Discuss in Thread)
Total votes: 675
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Hello, it has come to the attention to the Loved Staff that there are some concerns, questions, and overall a sense of "What's the direction?" for osu!Taiko's Loved Section. We would like to poll what people think the section currently represents for osu!Taiko, and we would like to extend the question, what SHOULDN'T it represent, as well?

We want to hear all the feedback we can from you, so it would be very nice if you can leave some comments, vote on the poll, and also check out this additional form we have made: Loved Feedback Form

If you would like to communicate with the osu! Loved Captains directly, there is the official osu!dev discord #osu-loved Channel:

And a discord specifically for the osu!Taiko Loved Community, where we can discuss anything from simple picks to broader topics like the direction and future of the project:
Mappacks ?
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Savoiyare wrote:

Mappacks ?
Ah, I forgot about this. I think Map-Packs have a place in Loved, for sure! They have a nice variety and are something that can't necessarily be ranked. I guess this would be considered "Breaking Rank Criteria" stuff? I'd like to hear more of what other people think, why they would be a good choice/not a good choice. And any general feedback is appreciated!

Hard maps belong to the ranked section. c:
I personally voted everything except difficult maps because there's no particular reason a map should be relegated to Loved just because of its difficulty / star rating.

And, honestly, I just feel like the Hidden Gems / High Quality Maps option is so popular because it's the most blanket statement out of all the alternatives. "Good maps should go to Loved if they weren't/won't be Ranked" is a pretty solid reasoning regardless of map style, respect for Ranked Criteria, popularity before Loved, etc.
I'd be up for maps which break the rules, since it's pretty interesting to see that in Taiko, but the thing is that it would make the Aspire thing less relevant in Taiko than it used to be already :(
Hidden Gems/High Quality Maps < everyone would agree
High Favorite Maps im not into it really, you ask people after all
Historically Significant Maps (Tournaments, Old Style, etc)< yes. if im remember correctly most of twc in high quality in pattern and spirit (like we love lama, penguin, elder dragon) and people want tasted how twc maps too.
Breaking Ranking Criteria (katacheh, Aspire, etc) < i would okay if those of them not really make my low spec pc bluescreen. mostly im avoid of them but im agree they are fun.
Difficult Maps (8*+) < not really. whats the point of this. only ET can play it.
Other (Discuss in Thread) < I would recommend something that mostly people know, like maps in multiplayer regularly. Friendly maps that everyone can played, not some devilish et stuff
I picked "High Favorite Maps" because if it has high favorites, it's probably loved...

and I picked "Hidden Gem/High Quality" because good maps are often loved... more than bad maps anyway.

High Favorite Maps would probably be my third vote (if that existed) but I also see the issue behind putting maps for that category purely because many people favorized it, not talking about how this can be abused easily.

Hidden Gems/High Quality Maps looks weird to me because Loved seems like an excuse for these maps so the mappers don't have to deal with the rank system/RC. Obviously this doesn't apply to all cases but it feels off to me. Also, who are the people that determines if the map is really high quality? Probably too biased for this discussion.

Breaking Ranking Criteria and Historically Significant Maps are imo the most ideal choices since first gives these gimmicks maps that goes in the direction of Aspire a chance to have leaderboards and work with untraditional techniques, such as Storyboard involved into gameplay. Second is probably too biased from my side but because of these compilations to TWC which are technically not rankable in the usual case I'd put them at least in the Loved category (if the quality is ensured)

Difficult Maps (8*+) have no valid reason to be put in the Loved section per say. If they include gimmicks, etc. then I may see a reason in adding them but then again they wouldn't count in this category but the 'Breaking Ranking Criteria' option. If they are not good enough for Rank, then they very likely aren't for Loved either.
I would like to ask for a clarification, as by High Quality Maps I think maps from the past by mappers that aren't between us anymore for whatever reason or things along those lines.
Not that this is gonna become a "for rank graveyard", so that loved is the second chance for a leaderboard on those maps whose mappers were stubborn and didnt want to add 3/2 breaks on their muzus lul
something something something relating to something
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Thanks for the feedback, we're closing the google form now but feel free to keep using the survey.
I am all for more difficult maps as long as they are good quality (like most difficult loved maps in my opinion).
There are many talented mappers who make very good high star maps but choose to not push it for rank. Reasoning could be it's too much of a hastle, they don't want to change things, or they don't want to make an entire mapset for the song.
Sadly this leaves many difficult gems unplayed by the average player. The Loved section has helped me discover new maps/mappers I enjoy playing so I do hope to see more.
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