Looking for some feedback on my newest map, so starting an m4m queue.
~~~ My Map ~~~
From DDR: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/832239#osu/1743605
I'll most likely only mod 1 difficulty per map, so let me know which one you want a mod for if you have multiple.
No guidelines, I'll mod any genre/diff/whatever. Let's go ahead and open this up for the first 5 submissions. Excited to see what you all have!
~~~ My Map ~~~
From DDR: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/832239#osu/1743605
I'll most likely only mod 1 difficulty per map, so let me know which one you want a mod for if you have multiple.
No guidelines, I'll mod any genre/diff/whatever. Let's go ahead and open this up for the first 5 submissions. Excited to see what you all have!