
Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can [Taiko|Osu|CtB]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on samedi 7 juillet 2012 at 18:04:41

Artist: Ara Potato
Title: Skype x Can Can
Source: Nico Nico Douga
Tags: MoodyRPG Mapper 31 Mapper_31 samiljul Serval Deif CTB Catch the Beat Collab Collaboration Mutsuhiko Izumi Tengoku to Jigoku jubeat [Ryuu]
BPM: 195,14
Filesize: 4531kb
Play Time: 01:42
Difficulties Available:
  1. 31's Taiko (4,83 stars, 613 notes)
  2. CTB Collab (5 stars, 492 notes)
  3. Hard (4,98 stars, 324 notes)
  4. Insane (5 stars, 402 notes)
  5. Moody's Normal (3,07 stars, 129 notes)
  6. Ryuu's Easy (1,51 stars, 97 notes)
Download: Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Taiko BG by _Gezo_
Taiko Difficulty by Mapper 31
Normal Difficulty by MoodyRPG
CTB Collab Difficulty by Serval and Deif
Easy Difficulty by [Ryuu]
Go Go !!
[deleted user]
Topic Starter

Kanna wrote:

Moody's Normal :
  1. 00:10:382 - It awkward not to have a not because of the music (you know, that "drldl drldl drldl drldl" sound, this needs to be mapped otherwise it's like something is missing and that feeling is annoying when you play a map).
  2. 00:23:603 - Add a finish to emphasize the beginning of the new phrase and because you did it previously.
  3. 00:27:908 (1) - Sounds better with a whistle.
  4. 01:36:782 (4) - Even if it breaks the pattern you need to use the appropriate spacing.
  5. 01:39:241 (3) - Add a new combo to emphasize the last pattern !
  6. This difficulty is too hard as the easiest difficulty, Real will need to map an easy.
Hard :
  1. L'HPdrain est le même que dans la normal, tu devrais baisser celui de la normal pour avoir un meilleurs difficulty spread.
  2. 00:17:761 (1,1) - N'utilise pas les new combos juste parce qu'ils font beaux, faut qu'ils aient un sens ce qui apparemment n'est pas la cas là. Et comme tu ne l'as pas fait qu'une fois, fix partout où tu l'as fait.
  3. 00:55:119 (2) - Le reverse est caché pas un hitburst ce qui est interdit (car on peut pas deviner un reverse comme ça hein) donc rend le visible.
  4. 01:04:958 (1) - Seulement 1/2 après un spinner ? Juste non c'est pas cliquable assez facilement, de plus le jaune se font dans le default-spinner-circle ce qui le rend moins visible. Met au moins 1/1 pour que ce soit parfaitement jouable.
  5. 01:38:165 (2) - Ala ~ Ala ~~ Encore un reverse de caché.
Insane :
  1. 00:01:466 (1) - Quand on veut faire un beau slider, on le fait vraiment bien. Là au milieu il est pas bien lisse donc fix ça.
  2. 00:08:230 (3) - Bon il est pas totalement caché, mais le laps de temps que l'on a pour le voir est franchement court donc rend le reverse plus visible.
  3. 00:24:833 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Freestyler ftw.
  4. 00:53:274 (5) - Il y a rien qui justifie cette note dans la musique. J'admets que des fois ça rend mieux d'ajouter des notes pour faire un stream, mais dans ce cas ça sonne assez mal donc...
  5. 00:54:582 (7) - ^
  6. 01:01:730 (1,3) - D'après la musique, les finish devraient commencer sur ces deux notes.
  7. 01:04:958 (1) - Juste 1/2 après le spinner + couleur qui se font dans le spinner circle. change moi ça. Met au moins 1/1 après le spinner et ne place pas cette note au centre de l'écran car elle est caché par le hitburst du spinner et se fond (le cercle et son approach-circle) dans le spinner ce qui est illisible.
  8. 01:23:253 (1,2,3,4) - Au lieux d'un stack je verrais bien des anti-jumps.
Tu as besoin de faire une easy, la normal est beaucoup trop dur je trouve (et ça va pas te tuer hein :<).
Hai thar!

Add to tags: "Serval Deif CTB Catch the Beat Collab Collaboration" \o/

Download: CTB+SB.rar

Les mêmes, en mieux !
Oh gawd.
Hiiiii modded it earlier with Copter, lol


This is a Nico Nico MAD based on Mutsuhiko Izumi's Tengoku to Jigoku which was used in jubeat.
Add Mutsuhiko Izumi Tengoku to Jigoku jubeat to the tags.


CS 4

00:05:770 (3,4) - Make them go up like (1,2)
00:10:075 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Arrange these into a square like in the previous two combos
00:11:920 (1) - Remove that nc
00:12:534 (7) - Same goes for this one
00:14:149 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) -
00:16:224 (1,2) - I dont like these sliders :L
00:21:759 (2) -
00:22:374 (1,2,3,4) - Move so (1)'s start point stacks with previous (1)'s endpoint then reposition (4) so it isnt so cramped against the bottom
00:23:603 (1,2,3,4) - Randomly placed antijumps? ._.
00:35:287 (1) - Add finish and clap to the slider start point
00:38:516 (4) - Move the slider so it doesn't touch the slider next to it
00:38:516 (4) - Try not to cover (7)'s reverse arrow
00:39:899 (1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3, etc) - The clap pattern suddenly changes here. Not sure if you did this on purpose but I suggest you place it normally
00:45:126 (1) - Finish on th startpoint
00:49:739 (7) - Finish
00:50:353 (2,3,4) - Why this direction?
00:50:968 (7,8,9,10,11) - ^
00:54:351 (4,5) - Stack with (1)
00:48:816 (2) - Don't stack this with the slider
00:53:505 (6,7,8,9) - Use the spacing you used in the Knight of Nights part

and yeah that's all we got so far, will mod the rest later :L
We're short of modders, don't kill me /o\

[CTB Collab - Pinky's sections]


00:03:310 (5) - I bet many players expected this note to be at the right side of the screen lol.
00:03:925 (1,2,3,4) - Those Hdashes aren't really justified imo. The song is more intense while 00:05:155 (1,2,3,4) than there, so you may reduce the distance between those notes.
00:07:769 (9,10,11,12,13,14) - I agree, to hit that notes you must dash... but you can try something different. I mean... there are 3 pair of notes placed and Hdashed with the same distance.
00:15:609 (7) - It doesn't really fit with the melody. Why don't you add 2 notes (1/2) instead of that slider you have? You can make a jumpy pattern with those notes and the next one, for example.


00:31:598 (6,7) - There's no need to generate such a hard Hdash there. You can try something like THIS, not with the same distance if you don't want.
00:36:517 (5,6) - ^
00:32:828 (3,4) - Here the melody isn't as intense as the previous pattern, so you may put those sliders a bit closer.
00:37:747 (1,2) - ^
00:35:287 (1) - Long sliders doesn't look good if they're fast and pointy. Try something like THIS (it's ugly in Edit Mode, but looks better while gameplay lol).


00:50:507 (2,3) - Those notes feel better 1/4 earlier in Timeline.
00:53:274 (3) - ^ Imo, it should be part of a pattern similar to 00:56:349 (9,10) - > (oo_oo)
00:54:197 (8) - ^
00:56:195 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - Do never change it, it's perfect :3


Nothing to point out, but you use the default spacing horizontally (1,0x) in almost every note. Use Y-axis as well, you can create a huge variety of patterns >_< It can be applied to the rest of the map as well, there's an abuse of horizontal sliders.

/me runs away

Deif wrote:

We're short of modders, don't kill me /o\

[CTB Collab - Pinky's sections]


00:03:310 (5) - I bet many players expected this note to be at the right side of the screen lol.fix'd
00:03:925 (1,2,3,4) - Those Hdashes aren't really justified imo. The song is more intense while 00:05:155 (1,2,3,4) than there, so you may reduce the distance between those notes.I'm keeping them hyperdashed but I've greatly reduced the spacing ~
00:07:769 (9,10,11,12,13,14) - I agree, to hit that notes you must dash... but you can try something different. I mean... there are 3 pair of notes placed and Hdashed with the same distance.Honestly? I have no ideas for a different pattern here. Since it's 6 hyperdash in a row, I think I'll keep it like that to make it easier to read. If you have a suggestion about positions that doesn't make it too hard, tell me !
00:15:609 (7) - It doesn't really fit with the melody. Why don't you add 2 notes (1/2) instead of that slider you have? You can make a jumpy pattern with those notes and the next one, for example.fix'd


00:31:598 (6,7) - There's no need to generate such a hard Hdash there. You can try something like THIS, not with the same distance if you don't want.Not changing this one, it plays really fine. I've reduced the spacing a bit though.
00:36:517 (5,6) - ^ The spacing is pretty close from non hdash here, so I'll keep it.
00:32:828 (3,4) - Here the melody isn't as intense as the previous pattern, so you may put those sliders a bit closerChanging this one. It doesn't play that good.
00:37:747 (1,2) - ^Minimal distance for hdash
00:35:287 (1) - Long sliders doesn't look good if they're fast and pointy. Try something like THIS (it's ugly in Edit Mode, but looks better while gameplay lol).Changing this, but with a higher curve. The curve is too smooth with your slider :P


00:50:507 (2,3) - Those notes feel better 1/4 earlier in Timeline.Moving 00:50:584 (3) - to 00:50:430 (2) -
00:53:274 (3) - ^ Imo, it should be part of a pattern similar to 00:56:349 (9,10) - > (oo_oo)A doublet here sounds really weird o_o Contact me ig, cause I don't really see what you mean for this one
00:54:197 (8) - ^^
00:56:195 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - Do never change it, it's perfect :3 Thanks :3


Nothing to point out, but you use the default spacing horizontally (1,0x) in almost every note. Use Y-axis as well, you can create a huge variety of patterns >_< It can be applied to the rest of the map as well, there's an abuse of horizontal sliders.Yep. But this song plays pretty well with a lot of horizontal stuff on parts I have... I'm trying new stuff on another map, but I guess this one will stay as it is :P

Deif wrote:

/me runs away I don't hate you.
Thanks for the mod.

Here's the new diff Real!

Download: Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can (Real) [CTB Collab].osu
MOD for CTB diff:

first of all, I think the SV here setting too high... some of the spacing of the slider is same as the jumping note... that is not very good, but it is ok if you want to keep it= =

And, please check all the


Pattern like this, I think the spacing between them is too big.

00:05:770 (3,4) - Please make the hyper at 4, not 3.
00:08:230 (12,13) - I think decrease these 2 to normal jump is better, 6 continuous hyper is not good.. 4 is enough.
00:08:537 (14) - Ctrl +R and make it a vertical slider better.
00:14:841 - a little bit blank... is there some reason that you dont want to put a note here?
00:15:917 (9) - this is the end of 1 part of music. putting here a hyper is really a bad idea.
00:18:376 (7,1) - I suggest smaller this jump.
00:25:448 (1) - to 00:27:754 (8) - , app pattern. if you dont want to make this map app, smaller the jump in between the partten, otherwise it is ok

00:30:060 (1) - ok. start from this.

Part by part, your pattern seems good, and jumps at the right time in right way.
But, look at the whole map, it already lose its fun. People can only press and hold the dash button to move and catch the fruit.
And for the most important thing, every pattern you are using in this part looks like the same.
Is that good?

In my opinion, most of the CTB player will hate this kind of pattern, no matter it is playable or not.
I don't really play difficult CTB maps in a long time, so maybe nowadays people can all accept this kind of pattern? I don't really know..
Since CTB map is just rankable in no more than 1 month, I think we need to think twice about it.
I think we 'd better get other player play the map, and listen to their suggestion.

00:50:046 (1) - start from here I think you need to rearrange the triples, seems spacing too big..
01:04:805 (1) - same thing as 00:30:060 (1) -
01:26:943 (1) - to 01:28:019 (8) - unexpected jump....maybe you can make some change at 01:25:713 (1,2,3,4) - these 4?
01:31:247 (1) - Decrease the spacing.

Map itself is not bad, but I think you need to seriously consider about what I write in the spoilerbox, although it is just suggestion.

Btw about the title,
I think the background music is "tengoku to jigoku", not "can can"(Really very similar to that jubeat version)
Topic Starter

ZHSteven wrote:

Btw about the title,
I think the background music is "tengoku to jigoku", not "can can"(Really very similar to that jubeat version)
Actually the title is right :/
Moody's irc
22:30 <Mustaash> : i was waiting for you
22:31 <Mustaash> : IRCMod on your Normal?
22:31 *Mustaash is editing (Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can)[]
22:31 <MoodyRPG> : Hi Musty,and sure ^^
22:31 <Mustaash> : ( and Hi moody :
22:31 <Mustaash> : :3*
22:31 <Mustaash> : )
22:31 <Mustaash> : so
22:31 <MoodyRPG> : so yeah ^^
22:31 <Mustaash> : 00:14:994 (3) - why there's a 1/4 ? :<
22:32 <MoodyRPG> : oh i miss that
22:32 <MoodyRPG> : fixed
22:33 <Mustaash> : 00:23:603 (1) - It don't fit the music imo
22:33 <Mustaash> : try something like this?
22:35 <MoodyRPG> : done
22:37 <Mustaash> : 01:38:011 (1,2) - Something like this looks better?
22:38 <MoodyRPG> : mmm i think is fine,is a little hard for being a Normal imo
22:38 <Mustaash> : mmh
22:38 <Mustaash> : okay :3*
22:38 <Mustaash> : that's all
22:38 <Mustaash> : :(
22:38 <Mustaash> : Nice Normal btw
22:38 <MoodyRPG> : oh ok ^^
And Real said to me that he'll post the IRC Savelog of our discussion.

Special Gift >
Topic Starter

Mustaash wrote:

Moody's irc
22:30 <Mustaash> : i was waiting for you
22:31 <Mustaash> : IRCMod on your Normal?
22:31 *Mustaash is editing (Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can)[]
22:31 <MoodyRPG> : Hi Musty,and sure ^^
22:31 <Mustaash> : ( and Hi moody :
22:31 <Mustaash> : :3*
22:31 <Mustaash> : )
22:31 <Mustaash> : so
22:31 <MoodyRPG> : so yeah ^^
22:31 <Mustaash> : 00:14:994 (3) - why there's a 1/4 ? :<
22:32 <MoodyRPG> : oh i miss that
22:32 <MoodyRPG> : fixed
22:33 <Mustaash> : 00:23:603 (1) - It don't fit the music imo
22:33 <Mustaash> : try something like this?
22:35 <MoodyRPG> : done
22:37 <Mustaash> : 01:38:011 (1,2) - Something like this looks better?
22:38 <MoodyRPG> : mmm i think is fine,is a little hard for being a Normal imo
22:38 <Mustaash> : mmh
22:38 <Mustaash> : okay :3*
22:38 <Mustaash> : that's all
22:38 <Mustaash> : :(
22:38 <Mustaash> : Nice Normal btw
22:38 <MoodyRPG> : oh ok ^^
And Real said to me that he'll post the IRC Savelog of our discussion.
By the way.

ZHSteven wrote:

MOD for CTB diff:

first of all, I think the SV here setting too high... some of the spacing of the slider is same as the jumping note... that is not very good, but it is ok if you want to keep it= = I'll check it with Deif. I think the SV is fine, maybe it's the overabuse of horizontal sliders that makes it very impressive, we will see together.

And, please check all the


Pattern like this, I think the spacing between them is too big.Wah? Can you be more specific ? :P cause huh, I guess I see what you're talking about, but more precision on this would be nice

00:05:770 (3,4) - Please make the hyper at 4, not 3.Fix'd
00:08:230 (12,13) - I think decrease these 2 to normal jump is better, 6 continuous hyper is not good.. 4 is enough.Fix'd
00:08:537 (14) - Ctrl +R and make it a vertical slider better. Not completely vertical, but easier to take after all the hyperdashs
00:14:841 - a little bit blank... is there some reason that you dont want to put a note here?woops. Added a note here
00:15:917 (9) - this is the end of 1 part of music. putting here a hyper is really a bad idea.Fix'd
00:18:376 (7,1) - I suggest smaller this jump. Deif's Part
00:25:448 (1) - to 00:27:754 (8) - , app pattern. if you dont want to make this map app, smaller the jump in between the partten, otherwise it is ok Deif's Part

00:30:060 (1) - ok. start from this. Deif's Part

Part by part, your pattern seems good, and jumps at the right time in right way.
But, look at the whole map, it already lose its fun. People can only press and hold the dash button to move and catch the fruit.
And for the most important thing, every pattern you are using in this part looks like the same.
Is that good?

In my opinion, most of the CTB player will hate this kind of pattern, no matter it is playable or not.
I don't really play difficult CTB maps in a long time, so maybe nowadays people can all accept this kind of pattern? I don't really know..
Since CTB map is just rankable in no more than 1 month, I think we need to think twice about it.
I think we 'd better get other player play the map, and listen to their suggestion.

00:50:046 (1) - start from here I think you need to rearrange the triples, seems spacing too big..Rearranged
01:04:805 (1) - same thing as 00:30:060 (1) - Moe Deif's Part
01:26:943 (1) - to 01:28:019 (8) - unexpected jump....maybe you can make some change at 01:25:713 (1,2,3,4) - these 4? Deif's Part. Though, I don't agree, the first jumps fit wells here, but 01:27:558 (5,6,7,8) - are harder to play imo.
01:31:247 (1) - Decrease the spacing. Moe Deif's Part

Map itself is not bad, but I think you need to seriously consider about what I write in the spoilerbox, although it is just suggestion.

Btw about the title,
I think the background music is "tengoku to jigoku", not "can can"(Really very similar to that jubeat version)
Sorry for the time it took to reply and apply the mod... I don't log that much in osu! recently.

Here's the new diff so Deif can work on his parts with my parts already modded and applied!

Download: Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can (Real) [CTB Collab].osu

ZHSteven wrote:

00:18:376 (7,1) - I suggest smaller this jump. (Done)
00:25:448 (1) - to 00:27:754 (8) - , app pattern. if you dont want to make this map app, smaller the jump in between the partten, otherwise it is ok (Done)

00:30:060 (1) - ok. start from this. (This slider is the beginning of Serval's part)

Part by part, your pattern seems good, and jumps at the right time in right way.
But, look at the whole map, it already lose its fun. People can only press and hold the dash button to move and catch the fruit.
And for the most important thing, every pattern you are using in this part looks like the same.
Is that good?

In my opinion, most of the CTB player will hate this kind of pattern, no matter it is playable or not.
I don't really play difficult CTB maps in a long time, so maybe nowadays people can all accept this kind of pattern? I don't really know..
Since CTB map is just rankable in no more than 1 month, I think we need to think twice about it.
I think we 'd better get other player play the map, and listen to their suggestion.

01:04:805 (1) - same thing as 00:30:060 (1) - (We're still short of modders/testers, I'll ask more players anyway)
01:26:943 (1) - to 01:28:019 (8) - unexpected jump....maybe you can make some change at 01:25:713 (1,2,3,4) - these 4? (Only changed (5,6,7,8) to a non-jumpy pattern)
01:31:247 (1) - Decrease the spacing. (Done)
Difficulty has to be decreased, don't worry.

Download: Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can (Real) [CTB Collab].osu
CTB Modding


00:03:925 (1,2,3,4) : whistle ?
00:06:385 (1) : finish ?
00:07:615 (8) : ^
00:35:595: finish
00:39:899: move more to the corner
00:40:514 (2) : this spacing ?
00:45:434 (2): ^ but acorrding with (1)
00:54:197 (8,9,10,11): sound strange, add more notes and create a stream (finish that in 00:54:658)
01:09:417 (7,8): create a jump with this notes (look at this
01:14:182 (1,4) : why not more long this jump ?

ctb catch the beat collab collaboration <--- are those tags really necessary?...

Kurosanyan wrote:

ctb catch the beat <--- are those tags really necessary?...
Yes. It has been discussed in the CTB thread already and it should stay as it is.

Kurosanyan wrote:

collab collaboration <--- are those tags really necessary?...
Idk. Tags are for internet search, not for searching a map ig. A lot of maps have collab in their tags for this reason I think. Real should ask a MAT/BAT for this one.
nyan ~
if u do not like it, then don't worry.

Download: Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can (Real) [Ryuu's Easy].osu
Topic Starter
spasibo \:D/

Pending o/
you forgot to add me in tags
Topic Starter
I should totally map an Extra for this.
Quick modding and orz almost nothing. Some mods had been made through IRC (Savelog will be posted later)

Nothing seems wrong !

[31's Taiko]
01:38:011 (222,223,224,225,226,227,228,229,230) - I suggest adding a note on the red tick as there are 3 noises per beat.

[Ryuu's Easy]
01:28:172 (1) - That slider, although it's well-made (I know the effort it needs to make one), doesn't seem to fit really good. Try to conserve the shape to extend by 2 beats - or scale by 1,15x (Selection Centre) - , then delete 01:33:092 (1) - to leave 1 single note at 01:33:707.

Tick rate 2 doesn't feel good in that one, but only in Easy.

[IRC Mod Log]

11:14 <_Gezo_> : dafuq
11:14 <_Gezo_> : tick rate 2
11:14 <_Gezo_> : 195 BPM
11:14 <Real> : exactly
11:14 <Real> : tick rate 2 <3
11:14 <_Gezo_> : sur la easy c'est moche
11:15 <Real> : non
11:15 <_Gezo_> : si
11:17 *Real is watching (Galdeira - Almagest)[] [Makar's Easy] |Autoplay|
11:17 <Real> : redis voir que les hautes tick rate à haut bpm c'est moche
11:18 *_Gezo_ is playing (Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can)[] [Insane]
11:18 <_Gezo_> : CS S ou quoi
11:18 <Real> : cs5 oui
11:23 <_Gezo_> : ...
11:23 <_Gezo_> : dégage le deuxième timing de 195,14
11:23 <_Gezo_> : à l'origine ça devait être un HS très bas
11:24 <_Gezo_> : enfin 63575,2460.024600246,4,2,0,100,1,0 quoi
11:24 <_Gezo_> : y'as plus ça dans ton osu
11:24 <_Gezo_> : (j'avais mis 24,39 BPM)
11:25 <Real> : oui je sais
11:25 <_Gezo_> : Y U NO DELETE THEN
11:27 <_Gezo_> : oh et je te conseille de mettre des couleurs en rapport avec skype
11:27 <Real> : bleu/blanc errywhere?
11:27 <_Gezo_> : euh
11:28 <_Gezo_> : bleu/blanc/jaune orangé/rouge/vert
11:29 <_Gezo_> : dans ce style
11:30 <_Gezo_> : 00:45:126 (1) - ce slider est bizarre je trouve (insane)
11:30 <Real> :
11:31 <_Gezo_> : gogo
11:31 <Real> : J'aime bien ce slider :V
11:32 <_Gezo_> : 00:51:430 (1,2,3,4,5) - (insane) t'as planté ton coup pour l'équidistance
11:32 <_Gezo_> : sinon pour le slider
11:32 <_Gezo_> : j'ai l'impression que c'est un poil violent
11:32 <Real> : si si, c'est équidistant
11:33 <_Gezo_> : nope /sort
11:33 <Real> : j'ai mis une note sur l'axe is un peu en hauteur j'ai copy paste 5 fois et j'ai rotate de 72 à chaque note
11:33 <_Gezo_> : copieur
11:35 <_Gezo_> : et t'oublies pas pour le second timing de 195.14 hein
11:36 <Real> : oui et bah
11:36 <Real> : je l'ai inherited
11:37 <_Gezo_> : also gogo CS4 sur la insane
11:37 <_Gezo_> : CS5 sur ça ça fait qu'augmenter la difficulté
11:37 <_Gezo_> : dafuq
11:37 <_Gezo_> : CS4 => 4,89 stars
11:38 <_Gezo_> : on dira que c'est 5,1 :D/
11:40 <_Gezo_> : >CTB in the tags
11:40 <_Gezo_> : uuuh
11:40 <Real> : Ouais
11:40 <Real> : Deif me l'a dit
11:40 <_Gezo_> : Ctb et collab c'est PAS super utile
11:40 <Real> : faut ajouter ctb et catch the beat si t'as une ctb
11:40 <_Gezo_> : vu qu'il y a les deux mots---
11:41 <_Gezo_> : ôô
11:41 <Real> : tu peux pas chercher par nom de diff sur le site
11:41 <_Gezo_> : oh
11:41 <Real> : donc tu peux pas savoir si y'a une collab
11:41 <Real> : et si c'est du ctb
11:41 <_Gezo_> : Mets CatchTheBeat aussi then ? :D
11:44 <_Gezo_> : faut que je vérifie ton MP3 aussi
11:44 <_Gezo_> : sauf si tu l'as fait
11:44 <_Gezo_> : oh god 136
11:44 <Real> : flemme de convertir en 192
11:45 <Real> : surtout que c'est dans les règles
11:45 <_Gezo_> : nan mais ça passe je pense
11:45 <_Gezo_> : mais je m'attendais à un bitrate normal
11:45 <_Gezo_> : tant que c'est 128-192 ça passe
11:46 <_Gezo_> : Tu sais comment t'aurais dû appeler le MP3 ?
11:46 <Real> : vas-y
11:46 <_Gezo_> : :D/
11:46 <Real> : j'vais le faire
11:47 <_Gezo_> : WTF
11:47 <_Gezo_> : 01:28:172 (1) en easy
11:47 <_Gezo_> : c'est weird
11:48 <_Gezo_> : seems correct
11:48 <Real> : wait
11:48 <_Gezo_> : mais le nombre de beats utilisé
11:48 <_Gezo_> : 7 de chaque
11:49 <Real> : c'est pas à moi la easy
11:49 <_Gezo_> : ikr
11:49 <Real> : bon
11:49 <Real> : rien sur la Hard?
11:50 <Real> : comme ça je peux full submit :D/
11:50 <_Gezo_> : rien :D/
11:50 <_Gezo_> : mais
11:50 <_Gezo_> : y'aura du mod quand même
11:50 <Real> : oui mes hitsounds sucent
11:50 <_Gezo_> : La easy et la 31
11:50 <_Gezo_> : je peux pas mod la CTB :/
11:50 <_Gezo_> : je fais confiance aux pros CTB
11:50 <Real> : okay
11:50 <Real> : La normal rien?
11:50 <_Gezo_> : parce que jnul au ctb
11:50 <_Gezo_> : rien
11:51 <Real> : okay
11:51 <Real> : fullsubmitting
11:51 <Real> : poste le log et ton mod sur la easy/31

[Other stuff I might have missed]
Nothing, I guess. :D
Noob Man
Some little things in Hard diff
14:02 <Noob_Man> : 00:03:925 (1) - Celui-ci est pas trop près du précédent ?
14:03 <Real> : Bah 0,9x spacing entre eux
14:03 <Noob_Man> : Oh t'as un spacing variable x_x
14:03 <Real> : Ah oui c'est 1x en fait
14:03 <Real> : fixed
14:04 <Noob_Man> : 00:13:764 (1) - Lui aussi, mais c'est nazi
14:05 <Noob_Man> : 00:21:144 (1) - ^
14:06 <Noob_Man> : 00:23:603 (1) - Ce slider le point de fin est pas symétrique par rapport à celui de début mais je saurais pas
14:06 <Noob_Man> : arranger ça haha
14:06 <Real> : Fu, j'dois aller manger
14:06 <Noob_Man> : Bon app' :)
14:06 <Real> : Ty
14:18 <Noob_Man> : 00:23:603 (1) -
14:25 <Real> : Re
14:25 <Noob_Man> : re~
14:26 <Real> : J'ai tout fix o/
14:27 <Noob_Man> : 00:36:056 (2) - J'ai l'impression qu'il est un poil trop loin du slider mais c'est hypra-nazi là
14:27 <Real> : C'est correct imo, je change pas
14:28 <Noob_Man> : Alors ma grande question quand j'ai joué la map c'était
14:28 <Noob_Man> : Pourquoi faire deux trucs différents 00:50:968 (2) - et 00:51:583 (2) -
14:28 <Noob_Man> : Pour le même fond musical ? x)
14:30 <Real> : Je pourrais pas faire le même pattern deux fois
14:30 <Noob_Man> : :hm
14:30 <Noob_Man> : imho le deuxième est plus instinctif à jouer
14:30 <Real> : Dans le premier y'a deux notes avant les 5 1/4
14:30 <Real> : Dans le deuxième y'a qu'une note
14:30 <Real> : Et si je copypaste le deuxième ça fait des overlaps pourris ou ça fait moche :v
14:30 <Noob_Man> : Ouais j'imagine x_x
14:31 <Noob_Man> : Mais je sais pas, le premier est surprenant quand je le joue
14:31 <Real> :
14:31 <Real> : ?
14:32 <Noob_Man> : Ouais ce sera jouable je pense :o
14:32 <Noob_Man> : Atta je try
14:33 <Noob_Man> : Perfetto (y)
14:33 <Noob_Man> : (sorry, timeout)
14:33 <Real> : Okay
14:35 <Noob_Man> : Alors après y a les sliders comme lui 00:53:121 (3) - que j'aime pas mais ça suit la musique donc t'en fais
14:35 <Noob_Man> : pas
14:35 <Noob_Man> : Mais les notes après ces sliders devraient être un peu plus éloignées que ce qu'elles sont d'après mon
14:35 <Noob_Man> : éditeur :hm
14:37 <Noob_Man> : 01:00:500 (1) - Spacing ?
14:37 <Real> : Toutafé
14:37 <Real> : Les sliders c'est parce que je voulais pas de notes 1/4
14:38 <Noob_Man> : Ouais je vois bien, et ça suit la musique donc laisse-les, c'est une remarque perso x)
14:39 <Noob_Man> : Vala, c'est une zolie map :3
14:39 <Real> : Sankyu :3

Awesome map~
Topic Starter
I decided to add "first impression" in my mods

timing seems to be weird. in late part of the map i feel that the notes appear considerably earlier than the music.

<Ryuu's Easy>
First impression: good
Add some more whistles during kiai times?
01:30:632 - add finish

<Moody's Normal>
First impression: good
00:55:580 (1) - this slider's rhythm sounds pretty strange
01:29:402 (2) - consider making this straight?
01:35:552 (3) - new combo

First impression: good
the use of custom hitsound in the fist kiai time is inconsistent, it's like oxoxoxox and then changes to xoxoxoxo for no reason... (dunno if you could understand :) )
the use of finish in the second kiai time is inconsistent too
00:18:684 (1,2) - move the ending of the sliders to make them on horizontal lines with the beginning
00:23:603 (1) - ^
01:33:092 (1,2,3,4) - i don't see why there's a decrease in the volume?

First impression: good
has similar problem in hitsound usage as Hard
01:27:557 (5) - why leave a blank after this slider ._.?

Total impression: Nice, clean and fun mapset.
Rating: A-
Topic Starter

ignorethis wrote:

First impression: good
the use of custom hitsound in the fist kiai time is inconsistent, it's like oxoxoxox and then changes to xoxoxoxo for no reason... (dunno if you could understand :) ) Made on purpose.
the use of finish in the second kiai time is inconsistent too It isn't...?
00:18:684 (1,2) - move the ending of the sliders to make them on horizontal lines with the beginning Fixed.
00:23:603 (1) - ^ ^
01:33:092 (1,2,3,4) - i don't see why there's a decrease in the volume? The song's volume decreases between each 1/1.

First impression: good
has similar problem in hitsound usage as Hard
01:27:557 (5) - why leave a blank after this slider ._.? Fixed.

Total impression: Nice, clean and fun mapset.
Rating: A- o3o
*Aww, your timing. It gets early at the end. Just let me find my notebook and I'll try to fix this issue.


01:06:034 (1) - Please add a nice new combo here
00:48:201 (4) - What if you add a sweet finish here (at the end)?


00:40:822 (1,2,3) - it seems you missed the whistle pattern here (my suggestion is to add some whistles on those sliders' repeats)
01:28:172 (1,2,3) - I don't know if you used this rhythm aiming to make the map easier or something else; by the way I'd still suggest you to map those empty white ticks


Very good, I enjoyed it!


Your map is cool, I tested it with some people. Overall: it's quite good, but please consider to reduce your jumps. Just a small example: jumps like these 01:30:632 (1) - are just insane, since in a stream you are supposed to control your bar very carefully


01:05:266 (1) - I don't agree with this hitobject. I'd start to map 01:05:420 here. Same suggestion on your Insane.


00:28:113 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - You know, their end is not snapped. Snap them on the white tick, please!
00:45:126 (1) - Whoops, little issue. Make it 1/4 longer!

Good map!
Topic Starter
Fixed everything o3o
(You may want to fix your thread title ---> [taiko|osu|ctb]

Tag - 00:50:046 - this is flowering night! >w<

Shown by AI mod:
00:28:113 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).
00:28:421 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end).
00:28:728 (4) - Unsnapped slider (end).
00:29:036 (5) - Unsnapped slider (end).
00:29:343 (6) - Unsnapped slider (end).
00:29:651 (7) - Unsnapped slider (end).
00:15:609 (3) - You can place this at (344,424) so that it curves around (1)~
00:19:914 (1,3) - stack these notes properly
00:23:296 (4) - remove whistle because this sentence is similar to the 00:18:376 - ones
00:24:833 - even at AR9 I'm not sure whether they come out after the last one disappear...
00:29:753 - just a little suggestion - you can add more ticks until (8)
00:47:586 (5) - use some whistle like 00:42:667 (1) - do
01:03:114 (2,4) - make a further progression: finish on all 4 notes~

00:30:060 (8) - removing the whistle gives a larger contrast?
00:46:356 (1) - I'll suggest you to reverse the slider to avoid overlapping notes on the ending of another slider... If you want a symmetrical figures you can reverse (3) too.
01:02:960 (1,2) - finish at all four ticks as explained in [insane]
01:33:092 (1,2,3,4) - stack their ending properly

00:10:382 (2,3,4) - stacking (4) is a bit odd because there's no signs of stacking in previous notes... try ?
01:41:701 - This spinner would be too short for nomal.

00:27:908 (5) - New combo here? In previous notes you NC every bar, and this one sounds like a new sentence.
01:02:037 - This spinner is too short... start it here
01:35:552 (1) - finish can be considered at the beginning of slider
01:38:011 (1) - ^
and the ending spinner is too short.
This diff may need a bit more hitsound, both whistles and finish to follow the pace of the music.

Solo diff, in overall, has some good ideas on hitsounds to deal with the song. The point I noticed is that in both kiai (esp. the first one) the music goes streadily with 1/2 beats, but you used several 1 beat sliders -- the slidertick is not enough to do the beat and you may want some alternative pattern or slidertick sound.

00:30:367 (159) - stream it up to the beginning of kiai? kkddddd from 00:29:907 -
01:38:012 - I think the music sounds like triplets, but the current one is fine.
Good in your own style as usual.

Not going to mod as indicated in my queue. Checked autoplay once and I agree with Armin that the jumping logic needs to be unique throughout the song, hyperjumps appearing at position like 00:34:980 (5) - don't make sense for me.
Topic Starter
Everything fixed, except the tag suggestion; it's only 3 seconds long, I don't think it's needed to have Flowering Night in tags.
As per your request from my modding queue.


  1. 00:25:448 - You need too add an uninherited timing section here due to a metronome reset (same BPM, though). That's why the kiai time doesn't start on the downbeat. When you do this, you also don't need the timing section at 01:04:805. You're so silly, Real.
  2. I'm pretty sure that the last BPM or offest is off. You should get someone to check that out.

Ryuu's Easy

  1. +1 AR due to the high BPM would be nice.
  2. 00:05:155 (2) - Remove the slider whistle from the body of the slider. I always thought that they sounded odd.
  3. 00:48:201 (4) - I don't think that a finish belongs on the end of this slider due to the fact that you've been putting them on the downbeat before.
  4. 00:56:810 (2) - Put this note in the same spot as 00:54:351 (4). It looks neater.
Moody's Normal

  1. Oh man, +1 AR pleaaaase. High BPM and high SV.
  2. 00:15:917 (4) - Add a whistle to keep constant with your pattern.
  3. 00:19:299 (2) - Flip this vertically as so. It looks so much better.
  4. 00:24:218 (2) - Move this down one or two grids to be perfectly aligned with (1).
  5. 00:27:908 (1) - It makes sense to put a finish on this slider.
  6. 01:35:575 (1,2) - Make this pattern like the one before but horizontally flipped.
31's Taiko

  1. You need to resnap all notes. There's a lot of them.
  2. 01:42:919 (1) - The timing section here is unsnapped and comes AFTER this note. You need to resnap it if you want the 1.50x slider velocity to be in effect.
CTB Collab

  1. 01:41:689 (1) - I'd suggest adding a finish at this slider to emphasize that that is the final object in the difficulty. It like, relieves the tension. (lol)

  1. Your sliders make me uguu.
  2. 00:05:155 (3) - Touching HP bar.
  3. 00:22:681 (2,3) - Ugly overlap ):<<
  4. 00:34:057 (5) - Put this one grid up as it should be according to distance snap. Also, move up the slider after it for a better blanket.
  5. 00:36:210 (3) - Odd overlap between this note and 00:36:517 (1).
  6. 00:36:825 (2) - ^ Same thing with this slider and 00:37:440 (3). uglllyyy
  7. 00:40:207 (1,2) - This is sexy.
  8. 00:42:667 (1,5) - This overlap is not.
  9. 00:46:203 (4,1) - I usually hate it when mappers do this, but it was easy to see due to different combo colors.
  10. 00:52:352 (2,1) - Spacing is off here.
  11. 00:58:040 (2) - ermgd itz tuching HP bar!!!!!11one (seriously, fix it)

  1. You and your CS5.
  2. 00:17:454 (1) - Wait, why not just stack this where 00:16:839 (2) started? It looks so much better.
  3. 00:24:833 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) -
  4. 00:52:506 (1,3,4) - Overlap overlap overlap
  5. The deathstream at the end will aggravate so many players. you evil genius
Have fun reading and applying this super long mod~
Topic Starter

Jacob wrote:

As per your request from my modding queue.


  1. 00:25:448 - You need too add an uninherited timing section here due to a metronome reset (same BPM, though). That's why the kiai time doesn't start on the downbeat. When you do this, you also don't need the timing section at 01:04:805. You're so silly, Real.
  2. I'm pretty sure that the last BPM or offest is off. You should get someone to check that out.

Ryuu's Easy

  1. +1 AR due to the high BPM would be nice.
  2. 00:05:155 (2) - Remove the slider whistle from the body of the slider. I always thought that they sounded odd.
  3. 00:48:201 (4) - I don't think that a finish belongs on the end of this slider due to the fact that you've been putting them on the downbeat before.
  4. 00:56:810 (2) - Put this note in the same spot as 00:54:351 (4). It looks neater.
Moody's Normal

  1. Oh man, +1 AR pleaaaase. High BPM and high SV.
  2. 00:15:917 (4) - Add a whistle to keep constant with your pattern.
  3. 00:19:299 (2) - Flip this vertically as so. It looks so much better.
  4. 00:24:218 (2) - Move this down one or two grids to be perfectly aligned with (1).
  5. 00:27:908 (1) - It makes sense to put a finish on this slider.
  6. 01:35:575 (1,2) - Make this pattern like the one before but horizontally flipped.
31's Taiko

  1. You need to resnap all notes. There's a lot of them.
  2. 01:42:919 (1) - The timing section here is unsnapped and comes AFTER this note. You need to resnap it if you want the 1.50x slider velocity to be in effect.
CTB Collab

  1. 01:41:689 (1) - I'd suggest adding a finish at this slider to emphasize that that is the final object in the difficulty. It like, relieves the tension. (lol)

  1. Your sliders make me uguu. :3
  2. 00:05:155 (3) - Touching HP bar.
  3. 00:22:681 (2,3) - Ugly overlap ):<<
  4. 00:34:057 (5) - Put this one grid up as it should be according to distance snap. Also, move up the slider after it for a better blanket.
  5. 00:36:210 (3) - Odd overlap between this note and 00:36:517 (1).
  6. 00:36:825 (2) - ^ Same thing with this slider and 00:37:440 (3). uglllyyy
  7. 00:40:207 (1,2) - This is sexy.
  8. 00:42:667 (1,5) - This overlap is not.
  9. 00:46:203 (4,1) - I usually hate it when mappers do this, but it was easy to see due to different combo colors.
  10. 00:52:352 (2,1) - Spacing is off here.
  11. 00:58:040 (2) - ermgd itz tuching HP bar!!!!!11one (seriously, fix it)

  1. You and your CS5. :3 :3
  2. 00:17:454 (1) - Wait, why not just stack this where 00:16:839 (2) started? It looks so much better.
  3. 00:24:833 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Well, it's manually stacked so it should be okay
  4. 00:52:506 (1,3,4) - Overlap overlap overlap
  5. The deathstream at the end will aggravate so many players. you evil genius
:3 :3 :3

Have fun reading and applying this super long mod~
Fixed everything k

  1. [Insane] is missing a red line : 01:28:196, BPM of 195.140 and [Hard] is missing a red line : 01:38:027, BPM of 195.140

  1. There are some unsnap notes checked out by AIBat
    1. 01:38:000 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    2. 01:38:000 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    3. 01:39:229 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    4. 01:39:844 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    5. 01:40:459 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    6. 01:41:074 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    7. 01:41:689 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
    8. 01:41:689 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
[Moody's Normal]

  1. 00:59:884 (1) - How about add a finish sound here?
  2. 01:01:114 (3) - ^
  3. 01:02:344 (4) - ^

  1. Unsnap notes
    1. 01:38:027 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    2. 01:38:180 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    3. 01:38:180 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    4. 01:38:488 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    5. 01:38:488 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    6. 01:38:795 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    7. 01:38:795 (4) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    8. 01:39:103 (5) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    9. 01:39:103 (5) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    10. 01:39:871 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    11. 01:40:486 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    12. 01:41:101 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    13. 01:41:716 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
    14. 01:41:716 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end)
  2. 00:11:305 (1) - Add finish?
  3. 00:35:287 (1) - ^
  4. 01:38:035 (T) - I think you should back to 80% sound volume here

  1. Unsnap notes:
    1. 01:28:196 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    2. 01:28:272 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    3. 01:28:349 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    4. 01:28:426 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    5. 01:28:503 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    6. 01:28:580 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    7. 01:28:657 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    8. 01:28:810 (9) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    9. 01:28:810 (9) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    10. 01:29:118 (10) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    11. 01:29:425 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    12. 01:29:502 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    13. 01:29:579 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    14. 01:29:656 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    15. 01:29:733 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    16. 01:29:810 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    17. 01:29:887 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    18. 01:29:963 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    19. 01:30:040 (9) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    20. 01:30:040 (9) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    21. 01:30:348 (10) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    22. 01:30:655 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    23. 01:30:732 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    24. 01:30:809 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    25. 01:30:886 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    26. 01:30:963 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    27. 01:31:116 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    28. 01:31:193 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    29. 01:31:270 (9) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    30. 01:31:270 (9) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    31. 01:31:578 (10) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    32. 01:31:885 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    33. 01:31:962 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
    34. 01:32:039 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
    35. 01:32:116 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
    36. 01:32:193 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    37. 01:32:269 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
    38. 01:32:346 (7) - Unsnapped circle.
    39. 01:32:423 (8) - Unsnapped circle.
    40. 01:32:500 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
    41. 01:32:577 (10) - Unsnapped circle.
    42. 01:32:654 (11) - Unsnapped circle.
    43. 01:32:731 (12) - Unsnapped circle.
    44. 01:32:808 (13) - Unsnapped circle.
    45. 01:32:884 (14) - Unsnapped circle.
    46. 01:32:961 (15) - Unsnapped circle.
    47. 01:33:038 (16) - Unsnapped circle.
    48. 01:33:115 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    49. 01:33:115 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    50. 01:33:730 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    51. 01:33:730 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    52. 01:34:345 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    53. 01:34:345 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    54. 01:34:960 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    55. 01:34:960 (4) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    56. 01:35:575 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    57. 01:35:575 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    58. 01:36:190 (2) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    59. 01:36:190 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    60. 01:36:805 (3) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    61. 01:36:805 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    62. 01:37:420 (4) - Unsnapped slider (start).
    63. 01:37:420 (4) - Unsnapped slider (end).
  2. 00:11:305 (1) - Add finish here?
Hi, sry for long wait

Ryuu's Easy :3
00:08:845 (1) - вистл
00:13:764 - ^
00:16:224 (1) - на конец каждого слайдера такого вистл
00:49:430 - здесь убрать финишь и поставить его на след. слайдер
00:50:660 - вистл
00:56:810 (2) - ^
01:02:037 (1) - финиш же
01:24:482 - вистл
01:41:689 (1) - не ровно на тиках стоит :o

Moody's Normal
00:27:907 (1) - finish
01:21:407 (2) - 3 grids left and 1 down (but spacing there)
01:22:637 (3) - whistle

00:19:606 - whistle
00:42:051 (3) - ^
00:50:814 (2) - remove it and add circle with this 00:50:353 (3) - slider
01:01:268 - whistle
01:01:883 (2) - ^
01:03:574 (1) - finish
01:09:723 - ^
01:33:576 - this green sections for what? i think no need to use them, or add section there 01:38:035 - with 60% volume

00:20:221 (1) - remove nc
01:01:729 (1) - remove finish
01:02:037 (3) - and there
01:03:574 (1) - finish
01:09:723 (5) - ^

Good luck
thanks, breeze ~
и спасибо за мод, василиса-нян :3

Download: Ara Potato - Skype x Can Can (Real) [Ryuu's Easy].osu
ctb fun
Rank pls.
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