
Katou Tatsuya - Keshiki wo Miyou [Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年3月15日 at 23:19:24

Artist: Katou Tatsuya
Title: Keshiki wo Miyou
Source: Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon
Tags: aoi rockmmer wmfchris P-01s
BPM: 160
Filesize: 5593kb
Play Time: 01:37
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.54 stars, 66 notes)
  2. Hard (4.7 stars, 164 notes)
  3. Horizon (5 stars, 376 notes)
  4. rockmmer's Normal (3.87 stars, 115 notes)
  5. Wmf's Taiko (4.94 stars, 675 notes)
Download: Katou Tatsuya - Keshiki wo Miyou
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
境界線上のホライゾン OST
加藤達也 - 景色を見よう
#Normal: rockmmer
#Taiko: wmfchris
>>Last full upload@20130315
Need Mat/Mod

I just want to make it worth.
Topic Starter
Time 4 mod~
Update log
  1. 20120322.1: Pending and change BG(福利番找正常向背景图什么的太艹蛋了)
  2. 20120327.1Full: hit sound update;add some skin elements
  3. 20120327.2Full: 7seven's mod & Artist changed
  4. 20120330.1Full: popner & 249 's mod
  5. 20120330.2: Bobo 's mod
  6. 20120403.1: Normal update
  7. 20120405.1: hillaryzx's mod
  8. 20120406.1: Mystica's mod
  9. 20120406.2: nold_1702's mod
  10. 20120408.1: bossandy's mod
  11. 20120409.1: LKs's mod
  12. 20120410.1Full: add Wmf's taiko
  13. 20120411.1: Daily update
  14. 20120412.1: Daily update
  15. 20120417.1: Nymph & ertyukjh010 's mod
  16. 20120516.1: Remap some parts and revived!
  17. 20120517.1: Daily update
  18. 20120519.1: timing fix
  19. 20120523.1: SHION's mod
  20. 20120526.1Full: Skin change & Leorda's mod
  21. 20120620.1: Shulin's mod
  22. 20130315.1Full: adjust for new rank rule
About 01:37:870 (1) - It's the beginning sound of next part, if I add a circle here will not follow the beat and uncomfortable when playing. So I won't modify it!!
hi timing here

1st timeline:
BPM: 147,000
Offset: 645

2nd timeline
BPM: 147,000
Offset: 86870

3rd timeline
BPM: 147,000
Offset: 136205


  • Settings
  1. normal-sliderslide.wav is only 0 bytes large. Please use the blank.wav which is 44 bytes large. 就是不要用44bytes以下的音效檔啦
  2. soft-sliderslide.wav is only 0 bytes large. Please use the blank.wav which is 44 bytes large. ^


  • Settings
  1. SliderMultiplier:0.600000005960464 -> 0.6
  1. 00:11:640 (1,1) - 對Easy來說節奏太近了~需改
  2. 00:51:390 (2,1,2) - 黏住了看起來蛋疼

[rockmmer's Normal]

  • mapping
  1. 00:11:640 (1,1) - 這個是Normal難度 距離太遠了 (就算是Hard也一樣會太遠吧lol)
這難度排列太緊了些~這不是個好現象 會讓人感覺有點亂的感覺


  • Overlaps
    (Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 00:00:765 (3,3) -
  2. 01:33:390 (1,2) -

  1. 00:52:890 (1,3) - 你可以將這個部份stack..這個看起來有點偏差
  2. 00:57:390 (1,4) - ^
  3. 01:20:452 (2,1) - ^
  4. 01:30:390 (1) - 這個slider蠻不好看的...建議是改掉比較好
  5. 01:30:390 (1,2) - stack? 不過這個可能是有問題的 因為你把reverse遮住了


  • Overlaps
    (Some overlaps of notes/sliders in this diff don't look good. Here is a list of beats that overlap eachothou could space them farther apart.)
  1. 00:41:265 (4,7) -
  2. 01:28:890 (1,2) -
  1. 00:15:390 (1,3) - 偏差stack

紅色是unrankable的 一定要改 藍色的是需要討論的問題 黑色就只是建議
ok~go :arrow:
Hi~ :)
From #modreqest~
However, you can ask them to ignore all beginners so MOD.

remove OSB File.
Artist:Kato Tatsuya
Source:Kyoukaispace ×senjou no Horizon

00:46:890 (1) - Slider at the end add finish
01:36:390 (2) - ^

[rockmmer's Normal]
00:25:890 - add circle
00:43:890 (4) - add NC
01:01:515 (3) - add circle or return slider
01:30:390 (4) - add NC
01:31:890 (1) - add whistle

00:20:077 (4) - add NC
00:27:390 (1) - Mistake when creating a slider...?
00:48:015 (3) - Feel the need to adjust the position
01:09:765 - add circle

00:28:327 (5) - add NC or 00:28:140 - add circle
00:48:765 (5) - add NC?
00:49:140 (9) - ^
01:01:890 - add circle
01:15:952 (8) - add NC
01:21:296 (1) - delete NC and 01:21:952 (3) - add NC
01:24:765 (5) - add NC?
01:25:140 (9) - ^

good luck~
Topic Starter

7seven wrote:

Hi~ :)
From #modreqest~
However, you can ask them to ignore all beginners so MOD.

remove OSB File. :arrow: You don't need to mark this issue out with new rank rule :D
Artist:Kato Tatsuya :arrow: fixed
Source:Kyoukaispace ×senjou no Horizon :arrow: fixed

00:46:890 (1) - Slider at the end add finish :arrow: nope.but I add a clap here.
01:36:390 (2) - ^ :arrow: ^

[rockmmer's Normal]
00:25:890 - add circle :arrow: fixed
00:43:890 (4) - add NC :arrow: fixed
01:01:515 (3) - add circle or return slider :arrow: nope.this point is the beginning of next part of music,so I don't think it need a circle or otherwise.Also in other diffs
01:30:390 (4) - add NC :arrow: nope
01:31:890 (1) - add whistle :arrow: use finish instead of whistle

00:20:077 (4) - add NC :arrow: fixed
00:27:390 (1) - Mistake when creating a slider...? :arrow: nope.It's on purpose!
00:48:015 (3) - Feel the need to adjust the position :arrow: Why you think so?
01:09:765 - add circle

AR-1 :arrow: nope
00:28:327 (5) - add NC or 00:28:140 - add circle
00:48:765 (5) - add NC?
00:49:140 (9) - ^
01:01:890 - add circle
01:15:952 (8) - add NC :arrow: NC at 6
01:21:296 (1) - delete NC and 01:21:952 (3) - add NC
01:24:765 (5) - add NC?
01:25:140 (9) - ^
others all no change
good luck~
thx your mod~ & 2KD for new modder 8-)
Oh...I'm sorry. :o

Artist: Katou Tatsuya

Title: Keshiki wo Miyou

For the title does not have confidence · · ·Sorry elses sorry to trouble you.

KDS does not need.
Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:


offset 384感觉应该是电脑卡了
有两个.osb 没用就都删了吧 o.o


00:13:890 (1,2) - Easy里这样是不是不太好?


没什么,01:27:390 (1,2)这样貌似不太好看


00:18:952 (2,3) - nazi - 不平行
00:51:390 (1) - 这样?


01:40:702 (3,4) - 距离有点近

That's all I can find. GL~
Alright let's see what I can find.

Remove "Horizon" on the tags because Horizon is already on the source.
I see 2 osb files. delete the Keshiki o Miyou file and do a full submission.
Why is the lead in set to 2222? it'd look better if the lead in is set to either 2000 or 2500

00:00:390 (1,2,1,2) - I suggest that you space out the sliders to make it easier for beginners. i don't think beginners would expect stacked notes.
00:04:890 (3,4) - ^ and a NC on (3) because the instrumental changes like the 1st few notes.
00:13:890 (1) - yes it's at the middle but the problem is that the hitburst is covering this note which makes it hard for beginners to find. I suggest that you move it somewhere else where it's fully visible for beginners and another problem: beginners won't have enough time to get to the next note because it's so close. try this instead. i think this is easier as beginners will have enough time to get to the next note.
00:43:890 (1,2) - these 2 sliders look completely different. it'd look better if these are the same.
00:46:890 (1) - replace this for 1 full slider because beginners won't know when this slider will end since there's more than 1 repeat on this kick slider, or make this repeat once and add a circle to make it a bit easier.
01:14:265 (1) - same as 00:13:890.
01:15:390 (2,3) - same as 00:00:390
01:24:390 (1,1) - same as 00:13:890
01:26:265 (1,1,2,1,2) - IMO this would be confusing for beginners because the notes are stacked and the hitburst gets in the way as the sliders are covered by the hitbursts. i suggest that you space out these notes and move these sliders around so that it'd be easier for beginners.
01:36:390 (2) - same as 00:46:890

rockmmer's Normal:
00:20:265 (2) - space this out because players might hit this too early as they might think that they're following the instrumental at the red line.
00:21:765 (2) - ^
00:25:890 (2) - maybe add a finish to match the cymbals?
00:42:390 (3) - can you do something easier than this because some players won't know when this slider will end.
00:54:390 (4,5) - i don't think that this is a good idea because players might (5) too early as the notes are close together. either stack it or space it out to make it less confusing.
00:57:765 (5) - hmm extend it till 00:58:515 so that it'd flow nicer to the next note.
01:01:140 (2,3) - maybe replace this for a kick slider to make it a bit easier?
01:16:140 (3) - stack this note like the previous combo. players might expect that this note is stacked as well.
01:18:390 (4,1) - this jump would be okay for hard and insane diffs, but on a normal diff it's not. the jump is way too big and players might not get to this note on time. follow the DS for this 1.
01:22:140 (6) - space this out like the slider on this combo.
01:25:140 (3) - it'd be easier if you can flip this or Ctrl+R.
01:27:390 (1,2) - this looks confusing because of the number of repeats. some players might think that these's 2 repeats on both sliders. I suggest that you do something easier.

00:34:890 (1) - well this looks boring because of the number of repeats. do something players would enjoy like replace this kick slider for circles, or do a slider-circle pattern, etc...
01:00:390 (1) - maybe add a finish to match the cymbals?
01:40:327 - add a circle here to follow the drums.

00:41:640 (5,6,7) - IMO this part doesn't fit with the song. try this or make a 1/4 repeat slider? i think this fits with the song a lot more then the current one.
01:01:890 - add a circle and a finish to follow the cymbals?

This is the best I can do. GL :D
Topic Starter

popner wrote:

Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:


offset 384感觉 :arrow: 保留意见
有两个.osb 没用就都删了吧 o.o :arrow: fixed


00:13:890 (1,2) - Easy里这样是不是不太好? :arrow: 加了个NC


没什么,01:27:390 (1,2)这样貌似不太好看 :arrow: 于是?


00:18:952 (2,3) - nazi - 不平行 :arrow: 这个没办法的吧,又不明显>.>
00:51:390 (1) - 这样? :arrow: fixed


01:40:702 (3,4) - 距离有点近 :arrow: fixed

That's all I can find. GL~

Byakugan249 wrote:

Alright let's see what I can find.

Remove "Horizon" on the tags because Horizon is already on the source. :arrow: fixed
I see 2 osb files. delete the Keshiki o Miyou file and do a full submission. :arrow: fixed
Why is the lead in set to 2222? it'd look better if the lead in is set to either 2000 or 2500

00:00:390 (1,2,1,2) - I suggest that you space out the sliders to make it easier for beginners. i don't think beginners would expect stacked notes. :arrow: nope.stack is more easier than overlap to beginners.
00:04:890 (3,4) - ^ and a NC on (3) because the instrumental changes like the 1st few notes. :arrow: NC
00:13:890 (1) - yes it's at the middle but the problem is that the hitburst is covering this note which makes it hard for beginners to find. I suggest that you move it somewhere else where it's fully visible for beginners and another problem: beginners won't have enough time to get to the next note because it's so close. try this instead. i think this is easier as beginners will have enough time to get to the next note. :arrow: fixed
00:43:890 (1,2) - these 2 sliders look completely different. it'd look better if these are the same. :arrow: nope
00:46:890 (1) - replace this for 1 full slider because beginners won't know when this slider will end since there's more than 1 repeat on this kick slider, or make this repeat once and add a circle to make it a bit easier. :arrow: nope
01:14:265 (1) - same as 00:13:890. :arrow: fixed
01:15:390 (2,3) - same as 00:00:390 :arrow: nope
01:24:390 (1,1) - same as 00:13:890 :arrow: fixed
01:26:265 (1,1,2,1,2) - IMO this would be confusing for beginners because the notes are stacked and the hitburst gets in the way as the sliders are covered by the hitbursts. i suggest that you space out these notes and move these sliders around so that it'd be easier for beginners. :arrow: nope
01:36:390 (2) - same as 00:46:890 :arrow: nope

rockmmer's Normal:
00:20:265 (2) - space this out because players might hit this too early as they might think that they're following the instrumental at the red line. :arrow: fixed
00:21:765 (2) - ^ :arrow: nope
00:25:890 (2) - maybe add a finish to match the cymbals? :arrow: oh I forgot.fixed
00:42:390 (3) - can you do something easier than this because some players won't know when this slider will end. :arrow: fixed
00:54:390 (4,5) - i don't think that this is a good idea because players might (5) too early as the notes are close together. either stack it or space it out to make it less confusing. :arrow: fixed
00:57:765 (5) - hmm extend it till 00:58:515 so that it'd flow nicer to the next note. :arrow: fixed
01:01:140 (2,3) - maybe replace this for a kick slider to make it a bit easier? :arrow: nope
01:16:140 (3) - stack this note like the previous combo. players might expect that this note is stacked as well.
01:18:390 (4,1) - this jump would be okay for hard and insane diffs, but on a normal diff it's not. the jump is way too big and players might not get to this note on time. follow the DS for this 1. :arrow: I don't know why rocky jump this :(
01:22:140 (6) - space this out like the slider on this combo.
01:25:140 (3) - it'd be easier if you can flip this or Ctrl+R. :arrow: nope
01:27:390 (1,2) - this looks confusing because of the number of repeats. some players might think that these's 2 repeats on both sliders. I suggest that you do something easier. :arrow: depends on mapper.

00:34:890 (1) - well this looks boring because of the number of repeats. do something players would enjoy like replace this kick slider for circles, or do a slider-circle pattern, etc... :arrow: I see...fixed
01:00:390 (1) - maybe add a finish to match the cymbals? :arrow: um...I don't like this
01:40:327 - add a circle here to follow the drums. :arrow: fixed

00:41:640 (5,6,7) - IMO this part doesn't fit with the song. try this or make a 1/4 repeat slider? i think this fits with the song a lot more then the current one. :arrow: I think now is fine.
01:01:890 - add a circle and a finish to follow the cymbals? :arrow: nope.I need a clear end of this part

This is the best I can do. GL :D
thx for popner & 249 's mod~
M4M :3


00:14:452 (2,3,4) - Hm, 1/4 snapping, this spacing is misleading.
00:15:952 (3,4,5) - ^
00:41:640 (5,6,7) - Move so the slider isn't touching (4)
00:50:452 (4,5,6) - 1/4 snapping makes the spacing hard to read
00:51:952 (4,5,6) - ^
00:56:452 (2) - Move so it doesn't touch (1)
01:15:015 (5,1,2) - The 1/4 snapping whhyyyyy :(
01:21:015 (3,1,2) - ^ WHYYY


00:27:390 (1) - Delete NC
00:34:890 (1) - Move the slider one grid down, move the endpoint one grid left.
00:37:890 (1) - 3 grids right.
00:39:952 (2) - 2 grids left, 1 up


00:10:140 (2) - 1 grid up and left
00:15:390 (1,2,3,4) - Patterns like these are hard for players of such level to coordinate their fingers.
00:19:890 (1,2) - People would get tricked by this :L
00:24:390 (1) - Normal players would let go after the first repeat
00:47:640 (2) - Delete 2 repeats.
00:48:390 - Add a note
00:54:952 (5) - Move back to the red tick.
01:22:140 (6) - Move it somewhere to the right.
01:25:140 (3) - Delete 2 repeats.
01:27:390 (1,2) - Delete 1 repeat from each
01:30:765 (5) - Delete (6) add slider repeat


Looks fine.
Topic Starter

Bobo wrote:

M4M :3


00:14:452 (2,3,4) - Hm, 1/4 snapping, this spacing is misleading.
00:15:952 (3,4,5) - ^
00:41:640 (5,6,7) - Move so the slider isn't touching (4)
00:50:452 (4,5,6) - 1/4 snapping makes the spacing hard to read
00:51:952 (4,5,6) - ^
00:56:452 (2) - Move so it doesn't touch (1)
01:15:015 (5,1,2) - The 1/4 snapping whhyyyyy :(
01:21:015 (3,1,2) - ^ WHYYY


00:27:390 (1) - Delete NC
00:34:890 (1) - Move the slider one grid down, move the endpoint one grid left.
00:37:890 (1) - 3 grids right.
00:39:952 (2) - 2 grids left, 1 up


Looks fine.
fix some,and about normal will depends on mapper.Anyway, thx your mod~
Sun Rainbow
Hi there, modding time~


Nothing to me...


maybe AR -1, too fast for beginner(suggestion)

00:46:890(1) - the placing for clap sound just like this :

put clap here

remove clap and do the same thing on 3rd and 4th part of the slider...

01:00:390(1) - add finish to the spinner
01:15:015(1) - add clap at the slider's tail..
01:15:765(2) - remove clap at the slider's head..
01:26:640(1) - remove clap at the slider's head..

rockmmer's Normal

01:01:890 - why don't add a note here + finish here?

Hard and Horizon I will cover up when have free time later....
I will mod it ASAP...
Ok, here is the second part of my mod~


00:05:452 - add a timing section here, and put soft sound... see below for more understanding:

00:50:827(4) - change it into 1/2 slider just like the slider (3) before it
01:40:515(1) - add finish to the slider's tail


The best diff in the maspet (for me) \:D/

well, it looks like short, but the map looks good...
anyway, I'll take my leave...
random star
来一发 嘿!
Here comes my mod

00:03:390 (1) - 这段开始1,2略坑
00:21:390 (1) - clap
00:21:952 (5) - ^
00:22:890 (1,2,4) - clap
00:23:265 (3) - cancel
00:39:202 (6,7,1) - clap
00:40:327 (4,5,6) - ^
00:41:077 (2,4) - ^
00:42:202 (8) - ^
00:46:608 (4,6) - clap
01:38:639 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 可以考虑逐渐加大snap
我手贱了刚才修改完应该有一个simple忘记存了 有需要PM我(一部分音效建议,现在的略单调可以做一些变换)

[rockmmer's Normal]
00:10:890 (3) - place a beauty place
00:37:890 (1,2,3) - it's better not to hide the end of slider
00:54:390 (4,5,6) - hard to read for a noob

other seems fine.Star for it.
Topic Starter

Mystica wrote:

Here comes my mod

00:03:390 (1) - 这段开始1,2略坑 :arrow: 咦 有被坑麽...我一直觉得前面那段更坑啊
00:21:390 (1) - clap
00:21:952 (5) - ^
00:22:890 (1,2,4) - clap
00:23:265 (3) - cancel
00:39:202 (6,7,1) - clap
00:40:327 (4,5,6) - ^
00:41:077 (2,4) - ^
00:42:202 (8) - ^
00:46:608 (4,6) - clap :arrow: clap的问题。。。因为是固定节奏所以完全不想改
01:38:639 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 可以考虑逐渐加大snap :arrow: 看半天看懂了。。。
我手贱了刚才修改完应该有一个simple忘记存了 有需要PM我(一部分音效建议,现在的略单调可以做一些变换) :arrow: 如果能帮忙改一下我会十分感谢的,因为光是这样讲是意义不明的啊

[rockmmer's Normal]
00:10:890 (3) - place a beauty place
00:37:890 (1,2,3) - it's better not to hide the end of slider
00:54:390 (4,5,6) - hard to read for a noob
:arrow: 大致的改了一下。。。
other seems fine.Star for it.
thx mod & star

Black=Just suggestion,you can fix it if you like.You may not fix it or ignore it if you don't agree with me.
Blue =I think it's a important thing(IMO,you have better to fix it.(Still the same,ignore it if you don't agree.)
Red=Unrankable issue.(You should fix it,otherwise you can't get a rank or app.)

Test Play:

Sun Rainbow wrote:

:arrow: 這是神馬理論來的?
我的ranked半星難度有2.0x 間距又不見得會unrank?


Sounds off, offset-20 (370),don't forget to resnap all timing sections,objects.

00:06:745 (3,4) - These hidden notes make players confuse,even though it's an Insane,you have better to move these notes like that:

00:09:370 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Good idea :D

00:17:432 (8,9) - It's spacing seems a bit confuse,Reason:
1.You use this spacing as 1/4 in 00:14:432 (2,3,4) and 00:15:932 (3,4,5)
But suddenly use this spacing in 1/2.

00:46:307 (3) - A super small nazi,stack it better at the end of 00:45:370 (1) with grid off and distance 0.0 x .
The new coordinate is x182,y72

01:10:870 (1,2,3,4,5) - Sounds noisy,but the rhythm isn't wrong,I think del 01:11:057 (3) makes the rhythm better.

01:21:932 (3,4) - Greater spacing.




00:49:890 (1) - Move it far from 00:48:390 (1) ,I read it as 1/4 with 00:48:390 (1)

01:10:140 (1,2) - I suggest not to use anti-jump since I can't feel it.Also,add a note at 01:10:327

01:38:640 (1) - del it,it isn't either rhythm or sound in this song.Also add a note at 01:39:390 with NC after deleting the repeat slider.


[rockmmer's Normal]

00:10:890 (3) - It doesn't seem beautiful,change it like this lol?:

00:47:640 (2) - Reduce one repeat,add a note at 00:48:390,3 short repeats make newbie feel confuse.

01:25:140 (3) - ^

The rest seems fine for me.



01:00:390 (1) - Use some pattern by sliders and note instead it,this spinner is too short for newbie.

01:12:390 (1) - Too short Starts from 01:10:890 end at 01:13:890

01:14:640 (1) - Rhythm off: Starts from 01:14:452 and end at 01:15:015

01:24:390 (1) - Use some pattern by sliders and note instead it,this spinner is too short for newbie.

01:26:452 (1) - Rhythm off:Starts from 01:26:452 end at 01:27:015

Too many off rhythms 5.5/10
要太鼓不 ._.
  • Hi hi~ request from my queue~
  1. : 是我覺得一並要改的
  2. : 建議 但個人認為要改的
  3. : 就單純建議
    [ General ]
  4. Nothing~
    [ Easy ]
  5. 不錯
    [ Normal ]
  6. 00:21:745 (2) - You miss a clap start
  7. 01:01:870 - Why don't you add a note with finish?
  8. 01:37:870 (1) - finish
    [ Hard ]
  9. 找不到lol~
    [ Insane ]
  10. 00:56:432 (2) - 被前面的slider擋住了 不好看 nazi >_<
  11. 01:01:870 - 跟Normal一樣
最近鬼畜mapper越來越多了... 好圖 :D 要不要個Taiko diff?
Good Luck :3
[ Normal ]
[*]00:21:745 (2) - You miss a clap start already fixed
[*]01:01:870 - Why don't you add a note with finish? This part I want to make it finished more clearly so I don't want to make any change (。・ω・)
[*]01:37:870 (1) - finishfixed~
Topic Starter

bossandy wrote:

  • Hi hi~ request from my queue~
  1. : 是我覺得一並要改的
  2. : 建議 但個人認為要改的
  3. : 就單純建議

    [ Insane ]
  4. 00:56:432 (2) - 被前面的slider擋住了 不好看 nazi >_< :arrow: 改掉了,虽然感觉变得更难看了。。。
  5. 01:01:870 - 跟Normal一樣 :arrow: 恩 继续重申不会改的
最近鬼畜mapper越來越多了... 好圖 :D 要不要個Taiko diff?
:arrow: 貌似wmf要做的样子,不想加太多太鼓。。。还有我这分明是善良的真·送分图啊!
thx your mod & star~帅比bossandy
From 【All requests posted here will be modded】 queue


01:00:370 (1) - 这部分后我就想到了 Another 00:52:898 (1) -


  1. spinner-background.jpg 这要不要换成png的

00:24:370 (2) - 结尾不要clap
00:42:370 (3,1,2,1) - 感觉这么来回集中在中间不够舒畅
00:46:870 (1) - 最后两个发生点都放clap不好 去掉一个
00:48:370 (2) -

[rockmmer's Normal]

这种短slider连接和轻音效下法没什么不对 可用在这首歌上气势和氛围表现略差


00:48:370 (1) - 这么长的slider不在音效上做做文章就亏了
一样 加点重打击音效效果好


00:11:620 (1) - 不用spinner用有点难度的note组合更好 这部分音效的建议 1/2连续的clap对气氛营造有辅助作用

From .:Let those mod those maps:.

Delete .osb file and full submit if you aren't using storyboard.


[rockmmer's Normal]
00:43:870 (1) - Increasing spacing to 1.50x
00:49:870 (1) - Try x:208 y:120, then flip horizontal for (2).
01:07:870 - consider starting here again, or at least where Easy starts.

00:05:432 (6) - HP Bar problems.

00:03:370 (1,2) - Spacing here is strange, plays like a double but isn't.
00:04:120 (3,4) - ^
00:04:870 (5,6) - ^
Diff well done.

Good luck :3
CSY the corrupt

01:12:370 (1,1) - spinner跟后面的note的距离不够长是不是会被吐槽
01:24:370 (1,1) - ^


00:38:245 (3) - remove clap
00:39:370 (1) - remove clap on 00:39:745
00:39:370 (1) - remove clap on 00:39:745
00:43:870 (5) - remove clap on 00:44:245
00:45:745 (2) - remove clap
00:46:870 (1) - remove clap on 00:47:245
01:14:995 (5,1,2,3) - 2和3用不用再分开一点
01:31:870 (1,2,3,4) - 跟上面一样,3和4

都是纯建议.渣mod, nice map.
Hi Nymph here and request from my queue.

lead in是不是改成2000比较好 现在是2222(好2)

Hard和Horizon之间的难度差距太大了 有个普通的Insane会更好

Beatmap design/suggestion
01:22:870 (1,2) - 不是什么大问题不过这种不是在一条直线上更好看么

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:04:870 (5) - 这种我倒是更建议直接无视spacing 把3复制跟X轴做个对称
00:54:370 (1,2,3) - 这么摆的话 绝对不是normal难度应该用的梗 会坑死一片人



您好 :)


00:46:870 (1) - 換成長Slider就像00:45:370 (2)
00:50:245 (1) - 不要重疊;不同顏色會讓新手不懂判斷

[rockmmer's Normal]

00:54:370 (1,2,3) - 變距不是個好主意對於Normal
00:56:995 (3) - 保持1.5x距離
01:27:370 (1,2) - 這段有大量這種密密麻麻的1/2,我自己認識太難對於新人來說


OD+2 HP+2


00:38:620 (1,2) - 重疊開始比較好讀譜0.0

就這樣吧,GoodLuck :)
Beatmap design/suggestion
00:04:870 (5) - 这种我倒是更建议直接无视spacing 把3复制跟X轴做个对称 Fixed
00:54:370 (1,2,3) - 这么摆的话 绝对不是normal难度应该用的梗 会坑死一片人 Fixed 已经改了梗
Hello, taiko mod request from my queue~

Some suggestions:

00:17:526 (22) - delete and add note at 00:17:901
00:19:026 (33) - delete and add note at 00:19:401 , if you follow this maybe you can use ddddkdd
00:27:557 (92,93) - change them to dd, it doesn't sound as loud as 00:27:370 (91)
00:27:932 (94) - k?
00:34:495 (141) - ^
01:21:557 (466) - d
01:21:745 (468) - k
01:28:963 (516) - pattern sounds kinda weird, suggest to delete this
01:30:745 (532) - d

Good, IMO it's hard to mod this ;) that's all~

shikyu wrote:

Hello, taiko mod request from my queue~

Some suggestions:

00:17:526 (22) - delete and add note at 00:17:901 k
00:19:026 (33) - delete and add note at 00:19:401 , if you follow this maybe you can use ddddkdd I'm trying to stream through the X x x X x x pattern
00:27:557 (92,93) - change them to dd, it doesn't sound as loud as 00:27:370 (91) It refers to the pitch, changed to k k d k k
00:27:932 (94) - k? k
00:34:495 (141) - ^ k
01:21:557 (466) - d k
01:21:745 (468) - k ddd sounds better
01:28:963 (516) - pattern sounds kinda weird, suggest to delete this there're some sort of similar sound in the music
01:30:745 (532) - d

Good, IMO it's hard to mod this ;) that's all~
thx :3

Download: Katou Tatsuya - Keshiki wo Miyou (AoiX) [Wmf's Taiko].osu
you remember that you posted on my queue? xD


  1. 00:00:370 (1,2,1,2,1) - no stack for begginers? you know D;
  2. 00:25:870 - maybe 50~70% volume, sounds more tragic O.o
  3. 00:50:245 (1) - previous hit object is 1.26x :o I think newbies dont know about symmetry, but looks nice D; maybe just maybe change it, also no whistle on start of slider, double whistle is not repeated on incoming combos
  4. 01:01:870 - moar volume moar epicness
  5. 01:14:620 (1) - leorda says something like covered by spinner hitburst bla bla bla; please use the same x1.0 common distance, dont worry to overlap the next slider a bit
  6. 01:26:620 (1) - clap on start of slider dont fit to incoming patterns, just use clap on end of slider please
  7. 01:30:370 (1) - why no use clap on start, repeat and end?

[rockmmer's Normal]

pretty basic huh
well, there is a special reason for change the spacing rate? a [Normal] diff is supposed to have the same spacing
  1. 00:19:870 (1,2) - this 1/1 change is hmm just annoying, look you are using a lot 1/2 sliders back and then this, just so weird, apply for next combo, sory
  2. 00:57:745 (5) - this should start at 00:57:932, I think you are following that critical sound
  3. 01:16:120 (3) - stack on previous (1,2)? as the previous combo, you know
  4. 01:22:120 (6) - now unstack as previous


  1. 00:05:432 (6) - a bit moar down? cuz that hp bar guideline
  2. 00:43:495 (3) - remove the clap of the reverse, dont fit to double claping
  3. 00:48:370 (1) - finish on 12th repeat and end of slider?

[Wmf's Taiko]

oh god x_x Ill delete the bg
  1. 00:07:682 (46) - I think this should be a don, since previous patterns mark it very clearly d K K


hmm I dont like a lot the usage of your manual stack leniency, I mean this 00:00:370 (1,2) - is 1/2 stacked with osu default leniency and 00:00:745 (3,4) - is 1/4 with manual stack leniency, that you are also using on 00:03:370 (1,2) - that is actually 1/2, is just an unconcistant on your manual leniency usage
oh yeah and ar 9 is just annoying at this bpm, just my opinion
  1. 00:16:401 (4,5) - 1,78x 1/4 jump >: unreadable for me x_x
and many unconcistance on compresion of streams and 1/2 stacked objects, again is my opinion, if you dont like it dont considerate it, just a remember, you posted on my queue for my opinion and here it is

that is all, thanks for requesting and sorry for late >_<
@ikari_kyon: congrats with 300th kudosu ;D

音效方面 建议用战鼓音效 显得更有气势一点
DT看了 下比较顺畅 排版读图都没什么问题 基本定型了

所以 希望在音效上出点力
老实说 现在这音效 也说得过去

star~ 不说GL这种客套话了 233
Topic Starter

DarkRingSystem wrote:

-10~12ms :arrow: -10,改了以后舒服多了

音效方面 建议用战鼓音效 显得更有气势一点 :arrow: 战鼓感觉只能finish音连用啊,我试试
DT看了 下比较顺畅 排版读图都没什么问题 基本定型了

所以 希望在音效上出点力
老实说 现在这音效 也说得过去
要是有追求的话试着努力一把~ :arrow: 我现在超有追求,所以超懒惰状态等澄空的GD 液~

star~ 不说GL这种客套话了 233 :arrow: thx~
S h i o n
00:49:110 (3) - finish用意何在?

rockmmer's Normal
00:58:860 (1,2) - 这里节奏好随意,试试这个?

01:10:110 (1,2) - anti-jump略丑 要么摆得再近点 要么按spacing放

Perfect !
Hi there

01:22:485 (3) - Almost touch the HP Bar

[rockmmer's Normal]
00:48:360 (3) - Stack under slider makes confusing for beginners of which the object should be clicked first
01:07:860 (1) - Too much repeating slider can makes confusing for beginners
01:10:860 (1) - ^
01:31:485 (6) - Same issue as 00:48:360 (3)

00:14:422 (2) - Overlapped by spinner-osu, and it makes hidden for players for some cases
00:48:360 (1) - Too much repeating slider can makes boring for advanced players. Split them into two slider

00:27:547 (2,3,4) - Overlapped by spinner-osu and/or hitbursts, and it makes hidden for players for some cases
01:13:860 (1) - ^

Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Hi there

01:22:485 (3) - Almost touch the HP Bar :arrow: but no affect to play

00:14:422 (2) - Overlapped by spinner-osu, and it makes hidden for players for some cases :arrow: I'm think about to change the skin~
00:48:360 (1) - Too much repeating slider can makes boring for advanced players. Split them into two slider :arrow: fine.fix

[Horizon] :arrow: same with Hard
00:27:547 (2,3,4) - Overlapped by spinner-osu and/or hitbursts, and it makes hidden for players for some cases
01:13:860 (1) - ^

thx mod
Hello, from my queue. I have some suggestions for you ~


  1. The spacing is so small, and the slider velocity is so slow. I think you could probably make a more interesting Easy to be honest.
00:51:360 (2,1,2) - The overlapping is kind of ugly and potentially confusing for a new player.
00:58:860 (1) - Flip is vertically? It looks neater.
01:14:610 (1,2) - Why the spacing change? It's too far apart compared to the rest of the map.
01:23:985 (2) - Spacing feels too close.

[rockmmer's Normal]

  1. Wow again the slider velocity is really low; I'd recommend increasing it because sliders like 00:00:360 (1) - look bad and don't play great.
00:06:547 (2) - Remove finish, I think it sounds out of place.
00:08:047 (4) - ^
00:42:360 (3,1,2) - Lots of returns... maybe think of something more interesting?
01:01:860 - Add note, it finishes this section off nicely.
01:27:360 (1,2) - Number of returns is kinda confusing.
01:31:860 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^

Hmm... there's so many returning sliders in this difficulty, I feel that this would be more interesting if you cut them down and came up with some other patterns.


00:05:610 (7) - Move this left with distance snap to reduce overlap with 00:05:422 (6) -
00:13:860 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Maybe move these further apart so no overlap? It'll look better.
00:18:360 (1,2,3) - ^
00:35:985 (4) - Align with 00:35:422 (3) -
01:38:610 (1) - I think the volume should be louder here, maybe 25%?

This difficulty is good, but I think you could reduce some of the overlapping to make it look neater.

[Wmf's Taiko]

  1. Looks fine, but I don't understand why there are 1/8 drum rolls when there's no 1/8 in the song.

00:04:860 (1) - Align with 00:04:485 (2) -
00:05:235 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - I think it would look neater if the spacing was bigger between these notes.
00:46:297 (3,4,5,6,1) - This sounds odd... maybe keep the rhythm 1/2?
01:01:860 - Note? It'd finish off this section nicely.
01:10:860 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I think you should keep the volume at 40% here.
01:21:360 (1,2) - Sounds odd since it doesn't follow the song. It might be better to keep it 1/2 here.
01:22:860 (1,2) - ^
01:37:860 - Note?
01:38:610 (1,2,3,4) - Raise volume to 25%?

Overall, I like the way you used custom hitsounds and the song is really cool but I think the easier difficulties could be made more interesting.
Topic Starter

Shulin wrote:

Hello, from my queue. I have some suggestions for you ~


  1. The spacing is so small, and the slider velocity is so slow. I think you could probably make a more interesting Easy to be honest.
:arrow: I think it's fine as a Easy diff.

00:51:360 (2,1,2) - The overlapping is kind of ugly and potentially confusing for a new player. :arrow: fixed
00:58:860 (1) - Flip is vertically? It looks neater. :arrow: fixed
01:14:610 (1,2) - Why the spacing change? It's too far apart compared to the rest of the map. :arrow: fixed
01:23:985 (2) - Spacing feels too close. :arrow: fixed

[rockmmer's Normal]

  1. Wow again the slider velocity is really low; I'd recommend increasing it because sliders like 00:00:360 (1) - look bad and don't play great.
00:06:547 (2) - Remove finish, I think it sounds out of place.
00:08:047 (4) - ^
00:42:360 (3,1,2) - Lots of returns... maybe think of something more interesting?
01:01:860 - Add note, it finishes this section off nicely.
01:27:360 (1,2) - Number of returns is kinda confusing.
01:31:860 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ^

Hmm... there's so many returning sliders in this difficulty, I feel that this would be more interesting if you cut them down and came up with some other patterns.


00:05:610 (7) - Move this left with distance snap to reduce overlap with 00:05:422 (6) - :arrow: fixed
00:13:860 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Maybe move these further apart so no overlap? It'll look better. :arrow: fixed
00:18:360 (1,2,3) - ^ :arrow: fixed*2
00:35:985 (4) - Align with 00:35:422 (3) - :arrow: no,it will overlap with (1)
01:38:610 (1) - I think the volume should be louder here, maybe 25%? :arrow: I think now is still too loud...

This difficulty is good, but I think you could reduce some of the overlapping to make it look neater.

[Wmf's Taiko]

  1. Looks fine, but I don't understand why there are 1/8 drum rolls when there's no 1/8 in the song.

00:04:860 (1) - Align with 00:04:485 (2) - :arrow: I think it's fine so I don't know what's your mean...
00:05:235 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - I think it would look neater if the spacing was bigger between these notes. :arrow: fixed
00:46:297 (3,4,5,6,1) - This sounds odd... maybe keep the rhythm 1/2? :arrow: I'll keep my mind
01:01:860 - Note? It'd finish off this section nicely. :arrow: nope.I keep blank here because of the rhythm
01:10:860 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I think you should keep the volume at 40% here. :arrow: will be noisy with hitsound and what I want is keep the original sound.
01:21:360 (1,2) - Sounds odd since it doesn't follow the song. It might be better to keep it 1/2 here. :arrow: fixed
01:22:860 (1,2) - ^ :arrow: ^
01:37:860 - Note? :arrow: No
01:38:610 (1,2,3,4) - Raise volume to 25%? :arrow: fixed

Overall, I like the way you used custom hitsounds and the song is really cool but I think the easier difficulties could be made more interesting. :arrow: my pleasure thx~
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