
Jay Chou - Yang Guang Zhai Nan

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sirjuyt wrote:

[D.N.Angel's Hard]
00:14:037 (x) - 加一個Circle? fixed
02:14:485 (1) - 把"人"分出來變成一個Circle? 聽不懂,而且不想改lol

ertyukjh010 wrote:


/me hits ertyukjh010 :3
說到誇張,你看看S i R i R u的MOD才更誇張!= =


00:01:500 (1) - 同Easy 同BARRY
00:18:514 (4,5,1) - 這種情況我以前也遇過,一般在(4)NC會比較適合;因為NC是為了方便讀譜 fixed
00:23:664 (3,4) - 選其中1個:
00:25:455 (2,3,4) - ^ 我滿中意現在這個節奏說...先保留
00:39:783 (2,3) - ^
01:42:694 (3,5) - NC 我不太喜歡太短的NC
02:45:828 (2) -我是覺得還
謝些你們的MOD & ☆ ~ :)

Download: Jay Chou - Yang Guang Zhai Nan (12BARRY21) [D.N.Angel's Hard].osu
Taiko mod as requested

00:12:022 - k
02:02:843 - ^
02:17:619 - I don't prefer breaking the 1/4 stream like this orz consider to accel. at 02:22:992 - instead of here?
02:35:529 - d
02:45:156 - use dddkd in which you used in first kiai, or try some little variation
03:04:634 - small d as you've done before
03:05:305 - D---D may fit the bass in the music better
03:19:186 - I don't think we need a finish there
03:20:082 - ^

sp3調教出來... 好鬼畜><

wmfchris wrote:

sp3調教出來... 好鬼畜><
他還沒學會到的真傳阿 不然就...嘿嘿
S h i o n
不好意思拖了5天左右..... :?
学校实在没心情去mod... orz

00:42:694 (1) - 没什么特别好的理由在这来个转盘,感觉很急、很奇怪(把歌词切断了),而且别的diff都没有。。
01:12:246 (3,4) - 3用70音量的话 和前面的80听起来渐响不明显了。 3用83,4用86 。这样试试?
01:51:201 (4) - 尾巴clap
02:49:858 (1) - whistle好奇怪.. 我的话会去掉,然后尽可能调轻音量= =

01:47:171 (3,4,5) - nazi. 间距
02:01:500 (1,2,3) - ^ 嗯? 这些是故意的么
02:36:873 (2,3) - diff几乎没什么叠的note,而且这个节奏不是那么明显,分开snap?
02:49:858 (1,2) - nazi. 之间的形状不完美

D.N.Angel's Hard
00:30:156 (3) - 不加finish嘛
00:34:634 (6) - NC (一叠一NC
01:05:977 (3) - 怎么看这个直线的slider都有点脱离于整体布局.. 像这样: 不过你肯定能做的更好 ><
02:23:888 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - 感觉类似像这样,跳的更舒服一点
- Nice diff! 我晒

01:09:335 (7,8,1,2,3) - 在01:09:559 NC ?
- 很ok。 抱歉mod水平有限 T.T

Nice mapset~

S h i o n wrote:

D.N.Angel's Hard
00:30:156 (3) - 不加finish嘛 我居然忘記加了...fixed
00:34:634 (6) - NC (一叠一NC 這種的在我第2張圖有被吐槽過,要不然我很想加的...
01:05:977 (3) - 怎么看这个直线的slider都有点脱离于整体布局.. 像这样: 不过你肯定能做的更好 >< fixed,但我覺得你拉的比較好看lol
02:23:888 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - 感觉类似像这样,跳的更舒服一点 調換了位置,但排列沒變
- Nice diff! 我晒 不愧是神觸哥哥!
謝謝MOD ~ :)

Download: Jay Chou - Yang Guang Zhai Nan (12BARRY21) [D.N.Angel's Hard].osu
Topic Starter

S h i o n wrote:

不好意思拖了5天左右..... :?
学校实在没心情去mod... orz

00:42:694 (1) - 没什么特别好的理由在这来个转盘,感觉很急、很奇怪(把歌词切断了),而且别的diff都没有。。
額..這應該還好._. 反正E本來就可以用轉盤來帶過歌詞嘛..
01:12:246 (3,4) - 3用70音量的话 和前面的80听起来渐响不明显了。 3用83,4用86 。这样试试?fixed
01:51:201 (4) - 尾巴clap fixed
02:49:858 (1) - whistle好奇怪.. 我的话会去掉,然后尽可能调轻音量= = 額.. 改了下whistle的位置:3

01:09:335 (7,8,1,2,3) - 在01:09:559 NC ? fixed
- 很ok。 抱歉mod水平有限 T.T 不會啦@o@

Nice mapset~
Thx!!~ :D
As your request ~ >_<

  1. Purple - Unrankable stuff.
  2. Blue - Extremely suggest you to follow this.
  3. Black - Feel free to ignore this.
  1. OFFSET:1518 (+18) 现在的差得有点多,所以改一下吧.但是改之前请先把下面的mod看完>_< (罗嗦一句,不要忘记resnap note和KIAI sections www)
  2. BG不用周董么w (slap) Q版的也可以啊w (PIA) ....现在的BG占用了500多K,会不会有点太大?
  1. 02:34:634 (4) - 尾巴忘记+clap?
  2. 03:04:186 (3) - 脑袋+个whistle?
  1. 00:15:828 (0) - 这里有多余的timing section,砍掉
  2. 00:50:753 (1) - 尾巴+whistle?
  3. 01:24:559 (2) - 折返和尾巴+clap?
  4. 02:50:529 (2) - ^
  5. 02:56:574 (0) - 这里开始有些没用的绿线的都砍掉~
  6. 03:16:723 (1) - 尾巴忘记clap.
[D.N.Angel's Hard]
  1. HD-1 OD-1
  2. 00:01:500 (1) - 不和其他难度一样加个finish么w
  3. 00:44:485 (0) - 这个位置插了2根绿线~删掉不需要的那一根.
  4. 00:45:156 (2) - 尾巴+clap?
  1. 00:48:067 (1,2,3) - 这里3个蓝线的clap听上去有点古怪...
没了~排版音效都很赞w 加油~留个星~

JoJo wrote:

[D.N.Angel's Hard]
  1. HD-1 OD-1
  2. 00:01:500 (1) - 不和其他难度一样加个finish么w
  3. 00:44:485 (0) - 这个位置插了2根绿线~删掉不需要的那一根.
  4. 00:45:156 (2) - 尾巴+clap?
all fixed 3Q捏 ~ :)

Download: Jay Chou - Yang Guang Zhai Nan (12BARRY21) [D.N.Angel's Hard].osu

這個MOD 很二,聽不聽就是你的決定,不要引起戰爭

Black=Just suggestion,you can fix it if you like.You may not fix it or ignore it if you don't agree with me.
Blue =I think it's a important thing(IMO,you have better to fix it.(Still the same,ignore it if you don't agree.)
Red=Unrankable issue.(You should fix it,otherwise you can't get a rank or app.)



00:48:067 (1,2,3) - 我不是說你不可以自創節奏,但音樂有更好的節奏給你跟隨~如在00:48:514 有一個音.00:49:186 又有一個.00:50:305 這裡更是有更明顯的鼓音.我知你不會用,但是,自創節奏時三思,不要offbeat.

01:25:231 (3,4) - 我聽不出這裡要跳,很random.試試這樣:

02:47:619 (5,6) - random jump

02:49:410 (6,7) - random jump

注意,random jump不是不可以完全沒有,但這可能會變成你叫MAT來而他不泡的原因.
舉個例子,gold dust 這麼多fav 卻花了很多時間才可以rank,是因為其random jump 太多,沒MAT敢泡/沒BAT敢rank.

03:19:858 (3,4) - 我聽不出為什麼要跳得這麼大.

[D.N.Angel's Hard]



00:50:753 (5) - NC 00:51:649 (1) - del NC

02:03:291 (1,2) - 他們的x軸不一樣,試試閉上grid再排


nold_1702 wrote:

[D.N.Angel's Hard]

MOD和star 3Q喔 ~ :)
Topic Starter

nold_1702 wrote:


這個MOD 很二,聽不聽就是你的決定,不要引起戰爭

Black=Just suggestion,you can fix it if you like.You may not fix it or ignore it if you don't agree with me.
Blue =I think it's a important thing(IMO,you have better to fix it.(Still the same,ignore it if you don't agree.)
Red=Unrankable issue.(You should fix it,otherwise you can't get a rank or app.)


說實話,一開始一個note接著break很久我認為不是一個好的開端~ 到時候要做SB o.o

00:48:067 (1,2,3) - 我不是說你不可以自創節奏,但音樂有更好的節奏給你跟隨~如在00:48:514 有一個音.00:49:186 又有一個.00:50:305 這裡更是有更明顯的鼓音.我知你不會用,但是,自創節奏時三思,不要offbeat.

01:25:231 (3,4) - 我聽不出這裡要跳,很random.試試這樣: 這是故意的啦>w< 你看後面2次就知道了=3=

02:47:619 (5,6) - random jump

02:49:410 (6,7) - random jump

注意,random jump不是不可以完全沒有,但這可能會變成你叫MAT來而他不泡的原因.
舉個例子,gold dust 這麼多fav 卻花了很多時間才可以rank,是因為其random jump 太多,沒MAT敢泡/沒BAT敢rank.

03:19:858 (3,4) - 我聽不出為什麼要跳得這麼大.

謝謝mod & star :>

6th lrc SB.
Signature updated.
Topic Starter

sherrie__fay wrote:

6th lrc SB.
Signature updated.
sorry for this delay

  1. Audio Lead-in is necessary only in taiko, in other diffs set 500ms or 0ms, because long break after 1 note and 3,5 secs before note... not cool.
  2. Leterboxes looks ugly with SB. turn off them?
  3. another one kiai section in taiko, but it's fine, imho.
  4. idk why, but spinner approach looks as usual approach (no custom in folder) (bug or what?)
  5. Tsk tsk tsk, so massive skin, but you forgot to add line about sliderborder!
    default white:
    SliderBorder : 255,255,255
03:08:664 - here should be something, but 03:08:552 (3) - slider. sounds wrong. remade this place please.

SB looks very distacting in Taiko, imo. Also, fix your bg, it works wrong because of massive SB

02:56:574 - don't forget to remove unused sections like this
thiese nc 02:57:022 (1) - looks good for players, who wants to fc it with flashlight, let's do a small challenge for them, don't change them :P
03:19:186 (2) - add whistle to the end

that's all
Topic Starter

Aleks719 wrote:

sorry for this delay

  1. Audio Lead-in is necessary only in taiko, in other diffs set 500ms or 0ms, because long break after 1 note and 3,5 secs before note... not cool. All change to 1000ms>.< I think it's fine now :>
  2. Leterboxes looks ugly with SB. turn off them? fixed
  3. another one kiai section in taiko, but it's fine, imho. ok~
  4. idk why, but spinner approach looks as usual approach (no custom in folder) (bug or what?) Hmm.. not bug :3
    I don't want to make the spinner approach.....

  5. Tsk tsk tsk, so massive skin, but you forgot to add line about sliderborder! fixed
    default white:
    SliderBorder : 255,255,255
03:08:664 - here should be something, but 03:08:552 (3) - slider. sounds wrong. remade this place please.
Hmm... I think the ryhthm is good and it same as 03:10:007 (2,3,4). So I think it's okay~~

SB looks very distacting in Taiko, imo. Also, fix your bg, it works wrong because of massive SB fixed

02:56:574 - don't forget to remove unused sections like this
thiese nc 02:57:022 (1) - looks good for players, who wants to fc it with flashlight, let's do a small challenge for them, don't change them :P
03:19:186 (2) - add whistle to the end

that's all
Thanks mod~~
only 2 things.
  1. Offset is 1496 (-4 from yours). orz i lot of work, yes. don't forget to resnap SB too.
  2. AR is too slow in Normal, imo... I'd make AR+1, but it's only suggestion. feel free to ignore
sunny bubble~
Topic Starter

Aleks719 wrote:

only 2 things.
  1. Offset is 1496 (-4 from yours). orz i lot of work, yes. don't forget to resnap SB too.
  2. AR is too slow in Normal, imo... I'd make AR+1, but it's only suggestion. feel free to ignore
sunny bubble~
Thanks~~ >w<
Hi! Old bubble!


- Difficulties Names: In your Guest Difficulties, you have the Guest mapper name on each difficulty except in Normal (Reading the Creator's Word was made by hoLysoup). For consistency between difficulties you should add his/her name on the Normal and would be hoLysoup's Normal (checking other Guest difficulties by the mapper)


00:33:734 (1): This Slider in 1/2 is not consistent comparing the places of the song where you added another 1/2 Sliders, the Vocal does not need a note or something else in 1/2 here. This Slider should be in 1/1 (it should finish in 00:34:630 with the Reverse Arrow) and then add a Note in 00:35:078, with Clap if you want. A little suggestion to don't have any kind of Spacing Problem, put this note in x:160 y:300.
00:40:898 (1): I think that make a good sense and follow the instrumental on a good way if you add a Finish in this note
00:55:227 (Spin): For consistency with the other difficulties, this Spinner should have a Clap instead of a Finish
01:15:376 (3): In this position, the Vocal sounds higher than the Instrumental, for this reason I think that you should follow the Vocal here. To do it properly, this Slider have to finish 1/2 back (Red Tick, 01:16:048)
01:59:704 (1): Something like 00:33:734, this Slider in 1/2 doesn't follow anything properly in the song. So, make this Slider in 1/1 (this Slider finish in 02:00:600 with the repetition) and then add a Note with clap if you want in 02:01:048


- First of all, Read the General.

01:19:182 (2): The Finish at the beginning sound loud, for this reason is not the best option to add here. I saw your next patterns, where you did a similar thing and you have a Whistle instead of a Finish. So, in this case is better to keep consistency if you replace this Finish to a Whistle at the beginning.
01:24:555 (2): Makes a good effect with the Vocal if you add a Whistle in the Reverse Arrow of this Slider
02:50:525 (2): (^)
03:00:600 (1): In my opinion, the sounds here is higher than a Whistle. You should emphatisize that with a Finish instead of a Whistle

[D.N.Angel's Hard:]

00:56:906 (x): Add a Note here to remark the Drums
01:44:033 (7,8): This pattern would have a better flow if you exchange the position of these notes, to explain me better, you have to put (7) where is (8) and (8) where is (7) xD.
01:45:152 (3,4): I think the same as above in this case too. Exchange the position of these notes for a better flow please.
01:56:010 (x): Add a Note here to remark the drums too.
02:08:884 (2): If you want to follow the drums properly, this note should have a Clap like (3). Because the sound here is the same as you can listen in the place where it is (3)
02:22:316 (1,2,3,4): Why all this notes are Stacked? This make a lost of flow and more, looking that after that appear a little break, would be better if you unstack these note to provided a bit more of flow in this section.
02:22:876 (x): And a Note here works fine again


--> I think that HP Drain Rate 8 is a bit high, I know that it's an Insane but to be Sincere 7 works better in my Opinion (HP-1)

02:05:078 (4): Works better and also it's more consistent with the other difficulties if you Replace the Whistle to a Finish at the beginning of this Slider
02:51:421 (4): This note doesn't sound very fine in my opinion, sounds more than enough here and I think that it's occupying place of the next Spinner following the vocal especially. This pattern would have a better flow if you remove this note and move the next Spinner to here, then the Spinner have to finish in 02:52:988
03:20:078 (4): In this case I think the same as above, adding to the previous explanation, I also think that the Spinner starts later than expectated. Remove this note, move the Spinner to here, and the Spinner finish in 03:21:645

[AIR's Taiko:]

Mod Info:
d= don (Normal Hitsound)
k= kat/katsu (Clap/Whistle Hitsound)
D= Big Don (Finish Hitsound)
K= Big Kat/Katsu (Clap/Whistle + Finish Hitsound)

00:02:391 (7): This note would be a kat, to make a better variety in the sound. There are a lot of don in this pattern and it's a bit boring at the hour to play the map, and listening the music here is the best place to add a kat.
00:04:182 (5): And for the same reason as above, this note would be a don
02:17:615 (T): Plays better if you move this Inherited Timing Point to the beginning of this 5-plet, It's kinda bad to play when you make 4 notes and the last note appear with the Slow-Up. Try to do that please
02:49:854 (2,1,1,2): To be consistent with the first kiai Time, this 2-plet would dd each one
02:50:525 (2,1,1,2): (^)
02:53:436 (T): Please, don't use flash Kiai in Taiko difficulties like in Standard difficulties, doesn't work fine here
03:00:600 (T): (^)
03:05:973 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1): This pattern sounds montone in general, and this make a bit borin the gameplay. Here I think that you can variate a bit more the rhythm, and the music can be used better here. I thought something like ddddkkkkddkkddkk, try to listen better the music and you can listen something like that.

And, That's All.
Nice map in General. Since I didn't find any unrankable stuff, you can fix that after to see a BAT mod, I only want to improve a bit more my modding Skills modding an old bubble :).
I hope the best of Lucks on the rank!! and contact me in-game or send me a PM if you want my star ;)
Topic Starter

Okay >~< Thanks xD
Increase the priority of the map or it can't be ranked/popped.
o.o 不科学 里面显示是+12, 外面是+9
Now you should check Mancuso's mod I suppose :3

EDIT: Popped until you won't fix that, you can call me back for check this once you're done.

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

[D.N.Angel's Hard:]

00:56:906 (x): Add a Note here to remark the Drums //after considering,I want to keep my part because it is enough for me.(I don't like a "triplet-End" >.<)
01:44:033 (7,8): This pattern would have a better flow if you exchange the position of these notes, to explain me better, you have to put (7) where is (8) and (8) where is (7) xD. //I know this,but I have made many of this pattern in my own map,so I wanted to make different pattern like I current did. xD
01:45:152 (3,4): I think the same as above in this case too. Exchange the position of these notes for a better flow please. //same as above
01:56:010 (x): Add a Note here to remark the drums too. //two triplet are not that good to play imo :O
02:08:884 (2): If you want to follow the drums properly, this note should have a Clap like (3). Because the sound here is the same as you can listen in the place where it is (3) //hmm...airight
02:22:316 (1,2,3,4): Why all this notes are Stacked? This make a lost of flow and more, looking that after that appear a little break, would be better if you unstack these note to provided a bit more of flow in this section. //changed this part
02:22:876 (x): And a Note here works fine again //same as 00:56:906
Thank for modding ~ :)


哇~ 終於要rank了嗎? :>

Topic Starter
Busy now.. :<
Will fix it later x3
Topic Starter

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Hi! Old bubble!


- Difficulties Names: In your Guest Difficulties, you have the Guest mapper name on each difficulty except in Normal (Reading the Creator's Word was made by hoLysoup). For consistency between difficulties you should add his/her name on the Normal and would be hoLysoup's Normal (checking other Guest difficulties by the mapper) It is depends on him >"<.. He don't want add his name.. so... :>


00:33:734 (1): This Slider in 1/2 is not consistent comparing the places of the song where you added another 1/2 Sliders, the Vocal does not need a note or something else in 1/2 here. This Slider should be in 1/1 (it should finish in 00:34:630 with the Reverse Arrow) and then add a Note in 00:35:078, with Clap if you want. A little suggestion to don't have any kind of Spacing Problem, put this note in x:160 y:300. I think it's fine >"<
00:40:898 (1): I think that make a good sense and follow the instrumental on a good way if you add a Finish in this note Sorry no~
00:55:227 (Spin): For consistency with the other difficulties, this Spinner should have a Clap instead of a Finish fixed
01:15:376 (3): In this position, the Vocal sounds higher than the Instrumental, for this reason I think that you should follow the Vocal here. To do it properly, this Slider have to finish 1/2 back (Red Tick, 01:16:048) Hmm.. no :<
01:59:704 (1): Something like 00:33:734, this Slider in 1/2 doesn't follow anything properly in the song. So, make this Slider in 1/1 (this Slider finish in 02:00:600 with the repetition) and then add a Note with clap if you want in 02:01:048 But I think the beat is fine.. Sorry ><


--> I think that HP Drain Rate 8 is a bit high, I know that it's an Insane but to be Sincere 7 works better in my Opinion (HP-1) Hmm... But I think it's okay >~<

02:05:078 (4): Works better and also it's more consistent with the other difficulties if you Replace the Whistle to a Finish at the beginning of this Slider fixed!
02:51:421 (4): This note doesn't sound very fine in my opinion, sounds more than enough here and I think that it's occupying place of the next Spinner following the vocal especially. This pattern would have a better flow if you remove this note and move the next Spinner to here, then the Spinner have to finish in 02:52:988 Sorry but I think it's fine!
03:20:078 (4): In this case I think the same as above, adding to the previous explanation, I also think that the Spinner starts later than expectated. Remove this note, move the Spinner to here, and the Spinner finish in 03:21:645 No~

And, That's All.
Nice map in General. Since I didn't find any unrankable stuff, you can fix that after to see a BAT mod, I only want to improve a bit more my modding Skills modding an old bubble :).
I hope the best of Lucks on the rank!! and contact me in-game or send me a PM if you want my star ;)
Thanks mod~

我覺得HP8真的還好阿... 玩的時候也不會扣很快阿.. :<
Some IRC Mod.

- Removed unused Taiko BG from the folder.
- Added custom sliderborder that was missing on Insane difficulty.
- Made kiai time consistent on all the difficulties.
- Fixed a slider too soon after spinner on Easy difficulty.
Looks good now!

Topic Starter
Thanks Andrea!!~~ x33
除了神mapper我還能說什麼呢 xD

Barry :DDDD
wow, grats BARRY~ :3
S h i o n
瞎了 周杰倫
恭喜barry醬 ~ :)
What's happend with the Taiko map? :(
Anyways Congratz! :3
Grats ~ :33
great map man :P
才注意到~~congrats for rank~~nice map =v=
Topic Starter
Thanks everyone!!~~~ =D
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